How do you work with IList<> in F#? - f#

I have a list of type IList<Effort>. The model Effort contains a float called Amount. I would like to return the sum of Amount for the whole list, in F#. How would this be achieved?

efforts |> Seq.sumBy (fun e -> e.Amount)

Upvoted the answers of Seq.fold, pipelined Seq.fold, and pipelined Seq.sumBy (I like the third one best).
That said, no one has mentioned that seq<'T> is F#'s name for IEnumerable<T>, and so the Seq module functions work on any IEnumerable, including ILists.

Seq.fold (fun acc (effort: Effort) -> acc + effort.Amount) 0.0 efforts

One detail that may be interesting is that you can also avoid using type annotations. In the code by sepp2k, you need to specify that the effort value has a type Effort, because the compiler is processing code from the left to the right (and it would fail on the call effort.Amount if it didn't know the type). You can write this using pipelining operator:
efforts |> Seq.fold (fun acc effort -> acc + effort.Amount) 0.0
Now, the compiler knows the type of effort because it knows that it is processing a collection efforts of type IList<Effort>. It's a minor improvement, but I think it's quite nice.


F# Sequences, Lists and Arrays

Suppose I have a list of elements of type 'a, i.e.;
let mylist: 'a list = ...
and a function f of type 'a -> 'b;
let f: 'a -> 'b = ...
Now I want to use f transform mylist into a 'b array.
Is the following:
mylist |> f |> Array.ofList
improved upon performance-wise and memory-wise by the following:
mylist |> List.toSeq |> f |> Array.ofSeq
The answer depends on your use-case, ìe how big is myList? However, in general Seq in F# is slow and wasteful with memory. Luckily, for the most time that doesn't matter as we usually only have to avoid "truly awful performance" while "mediocre performance" is usually good enough.
I haven't measured it (shame) but from my experience in most cases this would perform the better than the examples by OP
mylist |> Array.ofList |> f
Convert from list to Array ASAP and then map the Array (Arrays are for sequential access one of the more efficient structures in .NET).
In some rare scenarios where storing an intermediate array value would cause memory to be swapped to disk I suppose using Seq could help, however in those scenarios why would we be using List<_> as that is wasteful with memory compared to Array<_> (unless we can make use of tail reuse)?
There are libraries in .NET that has Seq like properties but still provides decent performance like:
Church-encoded lists or transducers are also quite performant while avoiding intermediate array values.

Any way to "open Seq" or similar effect?

|> fixLine
|> splitCells
|> getName
|>Seq.where(fun a->not<|Seq.isEmpty a)
|> fixName
Always find it annoying while keep lots of Seq. in lines. Suggest a good way to omit them...
For example, use for lists, use just map for seq, or split them into different modules when I'm using seq and lists.
|>map fixLine
|>map splitCells
|>map getName
|>where(fun a->not<|isEmpty a)
|>map fixName
Looks really better.
You could also just define aliases for the functions you want:
let map =
let where = Seq.filter
Or you could make it even more terse by defining your own operators:
let (|!>) s f = f s
let (|*>) s f = Seq.filter f s
|!> fixLine
|!> splitCells
|!> getName
|*> (fun a->not<|isEmpty a)
|!> fixName
But at this point, your code becomes way too cryptic - i.e. someone looking at the code will have a hard time understanding what's going on.
And finally, you could make the original code look a bit better by noticing that a composition of maps is a map of composition:
|> (fixLine >> splitCells >> getName)
|> Seq.filter (not << isEmpty)
|> fixName
This is the solution that I personally would prefer.
In general, my personal experience shows that, despite the first impulse to "fix" the repetitiveness by making the repetitive parts themselves smaller, there is usually a better solution that would make your code not only look better, but better factored as well.
I don't think there is an easy way to avoid repeating the Seq - this is just one place where F# makes things a bit more explicit (so that you know what's going on).
But you can use the F# Core Fluent library which gives you a more C#-like syntax with .: >> not).map(fixName)

Optionally taking the first item in a sequence

I need a function like Seq.head, but returning None instead of throwing an exception when the sequence is empty, i.e., seq<'T> -> 'T option.
There are a jillion ways to do this. Here are several:
let items = Seq.init 10 id
let a = Seq.tryFind (fun _ -> true) items
let b = Seq.tryPick Some items
let c = if Seq.isEmpty items then None else Some (Seq.head items)
let d =
use e = items.GetEnumerator()
if e.MoveNext() then Some e.Current
else None
b is the one I use. Two questions:
Is there a particularly idiomatic way to do this?
Since there's no built-in Seq.tryHead function, does that indicate this shouldn't be necessary, is uncommon, or is better implemented without a function?
tryHead has been added to the standard library in F# 4.0.
I think (b) is probably the most idiomatic, for the same reason #Ramon gave.
I think the lack of Seq.tryHead just means that it is not super common.
I'm not sure, but my guess is that functional languages with Hindley-Milner type inference in general are sparse about implementing such specific functions on collection types because overloading isn't available and composing higher-order functions can be done tersely.
For example, C# Linq extensions are much more exhaustive than functions in F#'s Seq module (which itself is more exhaustive than functions on concrete collection types), and even has IEnumerable.FirstOrDefault. Practically every overload has a variation which performs a map.
I think emphasis on pattern matching and concrete types like list is also a reason.
Now, most of the above is speculation, but I think I may have a notion closer to being objective. I think a lot of the time tryPick and tryFind can be used in the first place instead of filter |> tryHead. For example, I find myself writing code like the following fairly frequently:
open System.Reflection
let ty = typeof<System.String> //suppose this type is actually unknown at compile time
seq {
for name in ["a";"b";"c"] do
yield ty.GetMethod(name)
} |> Seq.tryFind((<>)null)
instead of like
seq {
for name in ["a";"b";"c"] do
match ty.GetMethod(name) with
| null -> ()
| mi -> yield mi
} |> tryHead
You could define:
let seqTryHead s = Seq.tryPick Some s
It is of type seq<'a> -> 'a option. Note that I don't beta-reduce because of the generic value limitation.

Seq.iter vs for - what difference?

I can do
for event in linq.Deltas do
or I can do
linq.Deltas |> Seq.iter(fun event ->
So I'm not sure if that is the same. If that is not the same I want to know the difference. I don't know what to use: iter or for.
added - so if that is the matter of choice I prefer to use iter on a top level and for is for closures
added some later - looking like iter is map + ignore - it's the way to run from using imperative ignore word. So it's looking like functional way ...
As others mentioned, there are some differences (iter supports non-generic IEnumerator and you can mutate mutable values in for). These are sometimes important differences, but most of the times you can freely choose which one to use.
I generally prefer for (if there is a language construct, why not use it?). The cases where iter looks nicer are when you have a function that you need to call (e.g. using partial application):
// I would write this:
strings |> Seq.iter (printfn "%c")
// instead of:
for s in strings do printfn "%c" s
Similarly, using iter is nicer if you use it at the end of some processing pipeline:
// I would write this:
inputs |> Seq.filter (fun x -> x > 0)
|> Seq.iter (fun x -> foo x)
// instead of:
let filtered = inputs |> Seq.filter (fun x -> x > 0)
for x in filtered do foo x
You can modify mutable variables from the body of a for loop. You can't do that from a closure, which implies you can't do that using iter. (Note: I'm talking about mutable variables declared outside of the for / iter. Local mutable variables are accessible.)
Considering that the point of iter is to perform some side effect, the difference can be important.
I personally seldom use iter, as I find for to be clearer.
For most of the situations, they are the same. I would prefer the first use. It looks clear to me.
The difference is that for in loop support IEnumerable objects, while Seq.iter requires that your collection (linq.deltas) is IEnumerable<T>.
E.g. MatchCollection class in .net regular expression inherits IEnumerable not IEnumerable<T>, you cannot use or Seq.iter directly on it. But you can use for in loop.
It is the style of programming. Imperative vs using functional programming. Keep in mind that F# is not a pure functional programming language.
Generally, use Seq.Iter if it is a part of some large pipeline processing, as that makes it much more clearer, but for ordinary case I think the imperative way is clearer. Sometime it is a personal preference, sometimes it is other issues like performance.
for in F# is a form of list comprehension - bread and butter of functional programming while Seq.iter is a 'for side-effects only' imperative construct - not a sign of a functional code. Here what you can do with for:
let pairsTo n = seq {
for i in [1..n] do
for j in [i..n] do
if j%i <> 0 then yield (i,j) }
printf "%A" (pairsTo 10 |> Seq.toList)

What is the name of |> in F# and what does it do?

A real F# noob question, but what is |> called and what does it do?
It's called the forward pipe operator. It pipes the result of one function to another.
The Forward pipe operator is simply defined as:
let (|>) x f = f x
And has a type signature:
'a -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'b
Which resolves to: given a generic type 'a, and a function which takes an 'a and returns a 'b, then return the application of the function on the input.
You can read more detail about how it works in an article here.
I usually refer to |> as the pipelining operator, but I'm not sure whether the official name is pipe operator or pipelining operator (though it probably doesn't really matter as the names are similar enough to avoid confusion :-)).
#LBushkin already gave a great answer, so I'll just add a couple of observations that may be also interesting. Obviously, the pipelining operator got it's name because it can be used for creating a pipeline that processes some data in several steps. The typical use is when working with lists:
[0 .. 10]
|> List.filter (fun n -> n % 3 = 0) // Get numbers divisible by three
|> (fun n -> n * n) // Calculate squared of such numbers
This gives the result [0; 9; 36; 81]. Also, the operator is left-associative which means that the expression input |> f |> g is interpreted as (input |> f) |> g, which makes it possible to sequence multiple operations using |>.
Finally, I find it quite interesting that pipelining operaor in many cases corresponds to method chaining from object-oriented langauges. For example, the previous list processing example would look like this in C#:
Enumerable.Range(0, 10)
.Where(n => n % 3 == 0) // Get numbers divisible by three
.Select(n => n * n) // Calculate squared of such numbers
This may give you some idea about when the operator can be used if you're comming fromt the object-oriented background (although it is used in many other situations in F#).
As far as F# itself is concerned, the name is op_PipeRight (although no human would call it that). I pronounce it "pipe", like the unix shell pipe.
The spec is useful for figuring out these kinds of things. Section 4.1 has the operator names.
Don't forget to check out the library reference docs:
which list the operators.
