HTML Submit button vs AJAX based Post (ASP.NET MVC) -

I'm after some design advice.
I'm working on an application with a fellow developer. I'm from the Webforms world and he's done a lot with jQuery and AJAX stuff. We're collaborating on a new ASP.MVC 1.0 app.
He's done some pretty amazing stuff that I'm just getting my head around, and used some 3rd party tools etc. for datagrids etc.
He rarely uses Submit buttons whereas I use them most of the time. He uses a button but then attaches Javascript to it that calls an MVC action which returns a JSON object. He then parses the object to update the datagrid. I'm not sure how he deals with server-side validation - I think he adds a message property to the JSON object. A sample scenario would be to "Save" a new record that then gets added to the gridview.
The user doesn't see a postback as such, so he uses jQuery to disable the UI whilst the controller action is running.
TBH, it looks pretty cool.
However, the way I'd do it would be to use a Submit button to postback, let the ModelBinder populate a typed model class, parse that in my controller Action method, update the model (and apply any validation against the model), update it with the new record, then send it back to be rendered by the View. Unlike him, I don't return a JSON object, I let the View (and datagrid) bind to the new model data.
Both solutions "work" but we're obviously taking the application down different paths so one of us has to re-work our code... and we don't mind whose has to be done.
What I'd prefer though is that we adopt the "industry-standard" way of doing this. I'm unsure as to whether my WebForms background is influencing the fact that his way just "doesn't feel right", in that a "submit" is meant to submit data to the server.
Any advice at all please - many thanks.

The thing you need to take into consideration is how the application will work if javascript is not available. You should strive to ensure that the basic functionality works without it. This is called progressive enhancement or unobtrusive javascript and is considered a best practice.
The way you should do it is to use a form with a real submit button and then hijack that form to use ajax if the User Agent supports it. This is usually pretty trivial to do using the jquery forms plugin. In your action method, you can check to see if the incoming request is an ajax request by checking the Request.IsAjaxRequest property. This is set by MVC automatically on requests that have the X-Requested-With header set to XMLHttpRequest. Then you would return a full view or just some json based on that.
Here's a short screencast demonstrating this:

Both solutions are viable, though using submit buttons will make your application more accessible (i.e. JavaScript will not be required in order to use it).
You could also do the both - start with a page that has all the necessary logic using postbacks, and "upgrade" it with nice AJAX-y requests and animations. This way, users with JavaScript will get the eye candy, and the page will gracefully degrade when when a user without JavaScript visits the page, falling back to the postback mechanism.


a good substitute for viewstate in MVC?

I have an edit form in MVC. It contains different fields and 3 different partial views which is used like usercontrols. The scenario in these partial view: they contain a list with edit and delete plus an add button that when these buttons click a dialog box pop ups which contains a few related fields.
My main question is that what is the best solution to temporary save the changes of the lists(like viewstates)?
I'm asking because the main edit page contains more fields and I want in the case that the save button in the form is pressed, the whole data can be saved in database!(the tables in partial views has foreign key of the table of the main page).
Thank you in advance!
The web is stateless in its nature. Instead of looking for a workaround on the whole ViewState thing, it's better to try and embrace the medium you're using.
If you have many controls rendered on the same page you can either:
Use HTML5 Local Storage and persist on the client before submitting the whole form. There are many frameworks that will help you persist a form on the client side like Sysyphus.js
Make use of asynchronous ajax calls if you need to persist data on user input before submitting the whole form. Client-side calls can be managed using jQuery's ajax() function with ease and you can make use of the ASP.NET Web API to build the end-point on the server.

Do a full non-ajax post from a partial view in mvc

This more of an out of interest question than an urgently need an answer one, but I have been trying to find a good example of how to deal with a full postback from a partial view in MVC. The obvious example is the case where you have a small login form on every page. You can easily accomplish this through an asynchronous post back using jquery, but I am wondering if there is a way to do it without the use of javascript. I know it may be pedantic, but I don't like the idea of assuming the client has javascript enabled, particularly in this day and age where responsive design/ progressive enhacements are the big buzzwords around, so having you log in tied to javascript means that anyone on a simple mobile device won't be able to use it since their device probably won't support it.
Anyone have any ideas / examples of how to accomplish this? It's such a simple thing to implement in web forms I can't believe it's as tricky as I've heard it made out to be in MVC.
You just need a form within the view, that's all. The form will POST to its controller action method and generate a full page refresh (if that's what you mean by a full postback - I guess it is) irrespective of whether its a partial or not.
You can have multiple forms on a MVC view, and each one of them will give you a full page refresh, whereas with WebForms the pattern was one main form per page.

What is the 'page lifecycle' of an ASP.NET MVC page, compared to ASP.NET WebForms?

What is the 'page lifecycle' of an ASP.NET MVC page, compared to ASP.NET WebForms?
I'm tryin to better understand this 'simple' question in order to determine whether or not existing pages I have in a (very) simple site can be easily converted from ASP.NET WebForms.
Either a 'conversion' of the process below, or an alternative lifecycle would be what I'm looking for.
What I'm currently doing:
(yes i know that anyone capable of answering my question already knows all this -- i'm just tryin to get a comparison of the 'lifecycle' so i thought i'd start by filling in what we already all know)
Rendering the page:
I have a master page which contains my basic template
I have content pages that give me named regions from the master page into which I put content.
In an event handler for each content page I load data from the database (mostly read-only).
I bind this data to ASP.NET controls representing grids, dropdowns or repeaters. This data all 'lives' inside the HTML generated. Some of it gets into ViewState (but I wont go into that too much!)
I set properties or bind data to certain items like Image or TextBox controls on the page.
The page gets sent to the client rendered as non-reusable HTML.
I try to avoid using ViewState other than what the page needs as a minimum.
Client side (not using ASP.NET AJAX):
I may use JQuery and some nasty tricks to find controls on the page and perform operations on them.
If the user selects from a dropdown -- a postback is generated which triggers a C# event in my codebehind. This event may go to the database, but whatever it does a completely newly generated HTML page ends up getting sent back to the client.
I may use Page.Session to store key value pairs I need to reuse later
So with MVC how does this 'lifecycle' change?
I'll attempt to comment on each of the bullet points you mentioned:
Your master pages still exist in MVC and are used to provide a consistent layout to the site. not much new there.
Your content pages will become views in the MVC world. They still provide the same content areas to your master pages.
The eventhandling of webforms should not be used in MVC, instead your Controller classes and their action methods will handle loading your data into a "model" that gets passed to the view.
Although webform style databinding is possible in MVC, I find that it is not the optimal solution. Better to place your data in a model class and strongly type your view so that you have direct access to that model. Then its simply a matter of using the <%= ViewData.Model.SomeProperty %> syntax to access your data and display it in the desired locations. As for viewstate, my recommendation is to forget that it even exists.
Remember that one of the advantages of using MVC is that you have control over the HTML you send to the client. Embrace that power and try to find solutions that allow you to maintain that control. Webform controls attempt to hide the the html from you and as such make it more difficult to customize the html when you need to.
I would highly recommend JQuery or one of the other similarly powerful javascript libraries. But learn to use them to access the HTML DOM directly and avoid the id mangling issues of webform controls.
You can use jquery to hook into the dropdown selection on the client side and submit standard or ajax style requests. Those request can return new pages, redirects, html fragments or even JSON data that can be used to update the existing page.
The Session can be used as needed.

Create web application with ajax from the beginning or add ajax later?

I'm working on my first Ruby on Rails aplication and it's quite big (at least for me ;) - database has about 25 tables). I'm still learning Ruby and Rails and I never wrote anything in Javascript nor Ajax.
Should I add Ajax to my application from the beginning? Or maybe it will be better to add it latter?
Or in the other words: is it (relatively) easy to add ajax to existing web application?
Jeremy Keith has written a great article on this topic, which he refers to as Hijax
In short:
Plan for Ajax from the start.
Implement Ajax at the end.
Depends on how important Ajax is for the application. Since you are probably going to use Ajax for progressive usability enhancements only, I would say it is best to start with a traditional non-Ajax software, and add Ajax features only when you have the first features working. You can do this feature by feature, or write the whole software first, and then start ajaxing it.
Adding Ajax may be easier if you familiarize yourself with unobtrusive JavaScript techniques. Use jQuery instead of Prototype.js, or LowPro in addition to Prototype.js. For the latter, see e.g. Jarkko Laine's PDF book Unobtrusive Prototype.js.
If you are planning to do AJAX, I would do it from the beginning. It will help you structure your controller actions and views, especially with respect to generating some data in partial views, correctly from the very beginning. Knowing that some actions need to be able to render just parts of the page will change your design. This isn't to say that you can't go back and retrofit the design, but I think it's easier to get the design right if you design with this in mind up-front. You should also consider how to make it work without AJAX (or javascript at all), too so that your design is as fail-safe as possible. That doesn't mean that all functionality has to be available, but that important functionality works in the absence of javascript. For example, action links that use AJAX should have a default url that will invoke the correct action via a GET request if the javascript isn't enabled. Forms that post via AJAX should also work if posted normally. Dynamic behavior (like an image gallery) should have a usable, alternative view that works, etc.

Rails web application control panel with ajax tabs and validation

I'm looking to build a rails web app with an admin control panel. I'd like the control panel to use a tabbed interface for controlling users, projects, tasks etc, and I'd like to switch between tabs using jquery tab UI controls with ajax. Also using restful authentication for users and my own code for projects, tasks etc.
Here's what I can't wrap my head around. Normally, I'd have a controller for each tab, so validation is simple, if there's an error (say in the user) i just render the proper action with the object and it's errors and we're set. However, if I'm not refreshing (to different controllers between tabs) how does this work? Do I need to have one massive controller with all the user, project, task validation and controls (ie. crud operations)? Seems like not the greatest design.
Or is there some way I can use an 'admin' controller that encompasses separate controllers for proper crud/error checking etc.
Hope this makes sense?
I would make the contents of each tab be called in by a separate ajax request. This would give you the following benefits
Now each tab can easily be a different view/controller
You only need to load the contents for a tab when it is used; you won't be processing code/downloading html for tabs that the user doesn't use.
If you don't want to use this route, (i.e. you feel you need to load all the contents of the tabs on page download in a single request) then you could separate out the code using helper methods and partials. See my answer here: Rails Sub-controllers?
I would personally use inline validation in the forms. Jquery does that pretty well , but there are a lot of library that can help you with that.
I guess it's not exactly what you were looking for, but it would make your job easier. Of course still keep validation in the models so that no one can bypass the validation (using firebug or something like this)
