Jruby rspec to be run parallely - ruby-on-rails

Is there something like Spork for Jruby too? We want to parallelize our specs to run faster and pre-load the classes while running the rake task; however we have not been able to do so.
Since our project is considerable in size, specs take about 15 minutes to complete and this poses a serious challenge to quick turnaround.
Any ideas are more than welcome.

Maybe you can try specjour, a system to distribute your test on several server.


Browse a Rails App with the DB in Sandbox Mode?

I'm writing a lot of request specs right now, and I'm spending a lot of time building up factories. It's pretty cumbersome to make a change to a factory, run the specs, and see if I forgot about any major dependencies in my data. Over and over and over...
It makes me want to set up some sort of sandboxed environment, where I could browse the site and refresh the database from my factories at will. Has anyone ever done this?
I'm running spork and rspec-guard to make this easier, but I still lose a lot of time.
A large part of that time is spent waiting for Capybara/FireFox to spin up. These are request specs, and quite often there are some JavaScript components that need to be exercised as well.
You might look at a couple of solutions first:
You can run specific test files rather than the whole suite with something like rspec spec/request/foo_spec.rb. You can run a specific test with the -e option, or by appending :lineno to the filename, where lineno is the line number the test starts on.
You can use something like guard-rspec, watchr, or autotest to automatically run tests when their associated files change.
Tools like spork and zeus can be used to preload the app environment so that test suite runs take less time to run. However, I don't think this will reload factories so they may not apply here.
See this answer for ways that you can improve Rails' boot time. This makes running the suite substantially less painful.

Improve slow Rails startup time (rails console, rails server)

I work with several Rails apps, some on Rails 3.2/Ruby 2.0, and some one Rails 2.3/Ruby 1.8.7.
What they have in common is that, as they've grown and added more dependencies/gems, they take longer and longer to start. Development, Test, Production, console, it doesn't matter; some take 60+ seconds.
What is the preferred way to first, profile for what is causing load times to be so slow, and two, improve the load times?
There are a few things that can cause this.
Too many GC passes and general VM shortcomings - See this answer for a comprehensive explanation. Ruby <2.0 has some really slow bits that can dramatically increase load speeds; compiling Ruby with the Falcon or railsexpress patches can massively help that. All versions of MRI Ruby use GC settings by default that are inappropriate for Rails apps.
Many legacy gems that have to be iterated over in order to load files. If you're using bundler, try bundle clean. If you're using RVM, you could try creating a fresh gemset.
As far as profiling goes, you can use ruby-prof to profile what happens when you boot your app. You can wrap config/environment.rb in a ruby-prof block, then use that to generate profile reports of a boot cycle with something like rails r ''. This can help you track down where you're spending the bulk of your time in boot. You can profile individual sections, too, like the bundler setup in boot.rb, or the #initialize! call in environment.rb.
Something you might not be considering is DNS timeouts. If your app is performing DNS lookups on boot, which it is unable to resolve, these can block the process for $timeout seconds (which might be as high as 30 in some cases!). You might audit the app for those, as well.
Ryan has a good tutorial about speeding up tests, console, rake tasks: http://railscasts.com/episodes/412-fast-rails-commands?view=asciicast
I have checked every methods there and found "spring" the best. Just run the tasks like:
$ spring rspec
The time for your first run of spring will be same as before, but the second and later will be much faster.
Also, from my experience, there will be time you need to stop spring server and restart when there is weird error, but the chance is rare.
For ruby 2 apps, try zeus - https://github.com/burke/zeus
1.8 apps seem to boot much faster than 1.9, spork might help? http://railscasts.com/episodes/285-spork

Is spork worth the hassle?

I have spent hours and hours trying to configure spork so that it works for RSpec, works for Cucumber, reloads models so that it doesn't have to be restarted all the time and doesn't throw errors.
I've spent so much time researching solutions to its quirks that I might as well just have waited for the regular tests to load. Added to all of that it has the annoying characteristic that when I'm debugging I type commands into the terminal window I called Rspec from but the output gets displayed in the terminal window Spork is running in. Eesh.
I'm hugely appreciative of any piece of software that is produced for the help of others and of the spork project but just can't figure out whether it's worth labouring through further.
YES - SPORK IS DEFINITELY WORTH THE EFFORT. After 4 days of setup I finally managed to sort out all of the issues and it's speeded up my testing incredibly. I really thoroughly recommend it.
I found out that Spork seems to work mostly OK if you follow the TDD/BDD pattern - that is, you write your test first, let it fail, and only then write the code. However, I don't always work this way - there are many situations where I need to write the code before writing the tests.
Fortunately, I found a nearly ideal solution to my testing needs - the Spin gem. It doesn't force you into into any workflow, and just works.
Give my CoreApp ago - it's a complete config of RSpec/Spork/Guard/Cucumber.
I find it's worthwhile considering it speeds up mosts test but the disadvantage then is my tests aren't engineered to be 'efficient' themselves. Some believe it's better to wait for the environment to load each time, but on my MBP it takes over 10-15 secs for the env to reload.

JRuby-friendly method for parallel-testing Rails app

I am looking for a system to parallelise a large suite of tests in a Ruby on Rails app (using rspec, cucumber) that works using JRuby. Cucumber is actually not too bad, but the full rSpec suite currently takes nearly 20 minutes to run.
The systems I can find (hydra, parallel-test) look like they use forking, which isn't the ideal solution for the JRuby environment.
We don't have a good answer for this kind of application right now. Just recently I worked on a fork of spork that allows you to keep a process running and re-run specs or features in it, provided you're using an app framework that supports code reloading (like Rails). Take a look at the jrubyhub application for an example of how I use Spork.
You might be able to spawn a spork instance for your application and then send multiple, threaded requests to it to run different specs. But then you're relying on RSpec internals to be thread-safe, and unfortunately I'm pretty sure they're not.
Maybe you could take my code as a starting point and build a cluster of spork instances, and then have a client that can distribute your test suite across them. It's not going to save memory and will still take a long time to start up, but if you start them all once and just re-use them for repeated runs, you might make some gains in efficiency.
Feel free to stop by user#jruby.codehaus.org or #jruby on freenode for more ideas.

Speed of running a test suite in Rails

I have 357 tests (534 assertions) for my app (using Shoulda). The whole test suite runs in around 80 seconds. Is this time OK? I'm just curious, since this is one of my first apps where I write tests extensively. No fancy stuff in my app.
Btw.: I tried to use in memory sqlite3 database, but the results were surprisingly worse (around 83 seconds). Any clues here?
I'm using Macbook with 2GB of RAM and 2GHz Intel Core Duo processor as my development machine.
I don't feel this question is rails specific, so I'll chime in.
The main thing about testing is that it should be fast enough for you to run them a lot (as in, all the time). Also, you may wish to split your tests into a few different sets, specifically things like 'long running tests' and 'unit tests'.
One last option to consider, if your database setup is time consuming, would be to create your domain by restoring from a backup, rather than doing a whole bunch of inserts.
Good luck!
You should try this method https://github.com/dchelimsky/rspec/wiki/spork---autospec-==-pure-bdd-joy- using spork to spin up a couple of processes that stay running and batch out your tests. I found it to be pretty quick.
It really depends on what your tests are doing. Test code can be written efficiently or not in exactly the same way as any other code can.
One obvious optimisation in many cases is to write your test code in such a way that everything (or as much as possible) is done in memory, as opposed to many read/writes to the database. However, you may have to change your application code to have the right interfaces to achieve this.
Large test suites can take some time to run.
I generally use "autospec -f" when developing, this only runs the specs that have changed since the last run - makes it much more efficient to keep your tests running.
Of course, if you are really serious, you will run a Continuous Integration setup like Cruise Control - this will automate your build process and run in the background, checking out your latest building and running the suite.
If you're looking to speed up the runtime of your test suite, then I'd use a test server such as this one from Roman Le NĂ©grate.
You can experiment with preloading fixtures, but it will be harder to maintain, and, IMHO, not worth it's speed improvements (20% maximum I think, but it depends)
It's known that SQLite is slower than mysql/pgsql, excepting very small, tiny DBs.
As someone already said, you can put mysql (or other DB) datafiles on some kind of RAMDisk (I use tmpfs on linux).
PS: we have 1319 Rspec examples now, and it runs for 230 seconds on C2D-3Ghz-4GRam, and I think it's fine. So, yours is fine too.
As opposite to in-memory SQLite, you can put a MySQL database on RAMDISK (on Windows) or on tmpfs on Linux.
MySQL has a very efficient buffering, so putting database in memory does not help a lot until you update a lot of data really often.
More significant is the way of test isolation and data preparation for each test.
You can use transactional fixtures. That means that each test will be wrapped into transaction and thus next test will start at the initial point.
This is faster than cleaning up the database before each test.
There are situations when you want to use both transactions and explicit data erasing, here is a good article about it: http://www.3hv.co.uk/blog/2009/05/08/switching-off-transactions-for-a-single-spec-when-using-rspec/
