Speed of running a test suite in Rails - ruby-on-rails

I have 357 tests (534 assertions) for my app (using Shoulda). The whole test suite runs in around 80 seconds. Is this time OK? I'm just curious, since this is one of my first apps where I write tests extensively. No fancy stuff in my app.
Btw.: I tried to use in memory sqlite3 database, but the results were surprisingly worse (around 83 seconds). Any clues here?
I'm using Macbook with 2GB of RAM and 2GHz Intel Core Duo processor as my development machine.

I don't feel this question is rails specific, so I'll chime in.
The main thing about testing is that it should be fast enough for you to run them a lot (as in, all the time). Also, you may wish to split your tests into a few different sets, specifically things like 'long running tests' and 'unit tests'.
One last option to consider, if your database setup is time consuming, would be to create your domain by restoring from a backup, rather than doing a whole bunch of inserts.
Good luck!

You should try this method https://github.com/dchelimsky/rspec/wiki/spork---autospec-==-pure-bdd-joy- using spork to spin up a couple of processes that stay running and batch out your tests. I found it to be pretty quick.

It really depends on what your tests are doing. Test code can be written efficiently or not in exactly the same way as any other code can.
One obvious optimisation in many cases is to write your test code in such a way that everything (or as much as possible) is done in memory, as opposed to many read/writes to the database. However, you may have to change your application code to have the right interfaces to achieve this.

Large test suites can take some time to run.
I generally use "autospec -f" when developing, this only runs the specs that have changed since the last run - makes it much more efficient to keep your tests running.
Of course, if you are really serious, you will run a Continuous Integration setup like Cruise Control - this will automate your build process and run in the background, checking out your latest building and running the suite.

If you're looking to speed up the runtime of your test suite, then I'd use a test server such as this one from Roman Le NĂ©grate.

You can experiment with preloading fixtures, but it will be harder to maintain, and, IMHO, not worth it's speed improvements (20% maximum I think, but it depends)
It's known that SQLite is slower than mysql/pgsql, excepting very small, tiny DBs.
As someone already said, you can put mysql (or other DB) datafiles on some kind of RAMDisk (I use tmpfs on linux).
PS: we have 1319 Rspec examples now, and it runs for 230 seconds on C2D-3Ghz-4GRam, and I think it's fine. So, yours is fine too.

As opposite to in-memory SQLite, you can put a MySQL database on RAMDISK (on Windows) or on tmpfs on Linux.
MySQL has a very efficient buffering, so putting database in memory does not help a lot until you update a lot of data really often.
More significant is the way of test isolation and data preparation for each test.
You can use transactional fixtures. That means that each test will be wrapped into transaction and thus next test will start at the initial point.
This is faster than cleaning up the database before each test.
There are situations when you want to use both transactions and explicit data erasing, here is a good article about it: http://www.3hv.co.uk/blog/2009/05/08/switching-off-transactions-for-a-single-spec-when-using-rspec/


Browse a Rails App with the DB in Sandbox Mode?

I'm writing a lot of request specs right now, and I'm spending a lot of time building up factories. It's pretty cumbersome to make a change to a factory, run the specs, and see if I forgot about any major dependencies in my data. Over and over and over...
It makes me want to set up some sort of sandboxed environment, where I could browse the site and refresh the database from my factories at will. Has anyone ever done this?
I'm running spork and rspec-guard to make this easier, but I still lose a lot of time.
A large part of that time is spent waiting for Capybara/FireFox to spin up. These are request specs, and quite often there are some JavaScript components that need to be exercised as well.
You might look at a couple of solutions first:
You can run specific test files rather than the whole suite with something like rspec spec/request/foo_spec.rb. You can run a specific test with the -e option, or by appending :lineno to the filename, where lineno is the line number the test starts on.
You can use something like guard-rspec, watchr, or autotest to automatically run tests when their associated files change.
Tools like spork and zeus can be used to preload the app environment so that test suite runs take less time to run. However, I don't think this will reload factories so they may not apply here.
See this answer for ways that you can improve Rails' boot time. This makes running the suite substantially less painful.

Rollback informix database

I have some code that uses an Informix 11.5 database that I want to run some tests against.
If the tests fail they will often leave the database in an inconsistent state that needs to be manually resolved before the tests can be run again.
I would like to automate this so that the tests do not require manual intervention before running the tests again.
My current solution is to write some code that does the cleanup, but this means the code must be maintained whenever potential new inconsistent states can occur in new features.
The code runs a lot of stored procedures, which themselves often use transactions. As Informix does not support nested transactions I can't just wrap up all the work in one big transaction.
Is there another way to create a checkpoint which I can restore the database back to?
You could create a virtual machine with an undo disk and after you run the test you can close the virtual machine without saving the changes. It's equivalent to like you never ran the tests!
If this is a development only server, how about taking a Level 0 ontape system archive before the test? I think this can be done via the sysadmin functions too (not sure though), so it can be automated. After the tests you just restore the archive.
Changing database state - and resetting it back to a known state - is one of the reasons that the Unit Test community spends time and effort avoiding testing against databases. It is a tough problem.
Informix 11.50 does support savepoints; however, it does not support one BEGIN WORK after another without an intervening COMMIT or ROLLBACK.
To the extent possible, have the tests create and load a set of tables with the known data. One way of achieving that is to create a whole new database for the test. However, this is only borderline feasible if you need to test with high volumes of data.
I don't think this issue is in any way unique to Informix - it is a general problem with testing DBMS operations.

JRuby-friendly method for parallel-testing Rails app

I am looking for a system to parallelise a large suite of tests in a Ruby on Rails app (using rspec, cucumber) that works using JRuby. Cucumber is actually not too bad, but the full rSpec suite currently takes nearly 20 minutes to run.
The systems I can find (hydra, parallel-test) look like they use forking, which isn't the ideal solution for the JRuby environment.
We don't have a good answer for this kind of application right now. Just recently I worked on a fork of spork that allows you to keep a process running and re-run specs or features in it, provided you're using an app framework that supports code reloading (like Rails). Take a look at the jrubyhub application for an example of how I use Spork.
You might be able to spawn a spork instance for your application and then send multiple, threaded requests to it to run different specs. But then you're relying on RSpec internals to be thread-safe, and unfortunately I'm pretty sure they're not.
Maybe you could take my code as a starting point and build a cluster of spork instances, and then have a client that can distribute your test suite across them. It's not going to save memory and will still take a long time to start up, but if you start them all once and just re-use them for repeated runs, you might make some gains in efficiency.
Feel free to stop by user#jruby.codehaus.org or #jruby on freenode for more ideas.

Fixtures and Selenium and Rails (oh my?)

What data do you use with Selenium tests on Rails apps? Do you load from fixtures? Use an existing dev db? Use a separate (non-fixture) db?
I'm considering my options here. I have a Rails app with a large Selenium test suite that runs on a modified version of Selenium Grid. Part of the process, right now, is loading a large set of fixtures, once, before the test suite runs. It's a LOT of data. Most of it is reporting info exported from our production db. When I set it up originally, I exported the data to yaml from Oracle.
Now there's been a schema change in some of the reporting tables, so of course I have to regenerate the fixture data. There is so much of it that it's not worthwhile to edit the files by hand. But it seems inefficient to have to regenerate for every little schema change - not to mention that it's yet another step to remember to do. Is there a better way?
EDIT: I originally intended to load the fixtures before each test and unload them after each test, like regular Rails tests. But it takes about 15 minutes to load the fixtures due to this reporting data. There are 200+ tests, and the suite runs every 12 hours. I cannae bend spacetime captain!
EDIT 2: I also agree that having this big set of fixtures is a bad smell. I'm not sure how to pare it down, though, because the reports aggregate a lot of data and much of the value of the selenium tests is that they test the reports.
Even if it's a small set of data, though...it's still another set to keep co-ordinated with schema changes. (We have a separate, smaller set for unit, functional, and [Rails] integration tests.)
Which brings me back to my original question - are there other options besides doing it by hand, or remembering to regenerate them each time?
If you can, the best possible thing to do is have a system in which each Selenium test gets it's own data state (ie: DB tables dropped and recreated, bootstrap data re-inserted, and caches cleared). This is easier said than done and usually is only possible if the project planned for it from the start.
The next best thing is to have a consistent DB state for each test suite/run. This is not as nice since there is now a strong chance that some tests will depend on the success of previously run tests, making it more difficult identify true failures vs. false negatives.
The worst case, IMO, is to use a static DB in which each test run mutates the date. This almost always leads to problems and is usually a "project smell". The key to doing it the "right way" (again, IMO) is to be vigilant about any state/schema change and capture it as part of the automated test/build process.
Rails does a good job with this already with Migrations, so take advantage of them! Without knowing your situation, I'd generally question the need to run Selenium tests against a snap of the full DB. Most DBs can (or should) be distilled down to less than 1MB for automated testing, making automated schema migrations and data reset much more efficient.
The only time I've seen a "valid" reason for massive DBs for Selenium tests is when the DB itself contains large chunks of "logic data" in which the data affects the application flow (think: data-driven UI).
I think you're asking two questions here that are intertwined so if I'm to break it down:
You want to get test data into and out of your DB quickly and fixtures aren't doing it for you.
You've been burnt by a schema change and you want to make sure that whatever you do doesn't require eight iterations themed "fiddling with the test data...still" :)
You've got a couple of alternatives here which I've hashed out below. Because you've mentioned Oracle I'm using Oracle technologies here but the same thing is true for other DB platforms (e.g. Postgresql):
Rake tesks that call PL/SQL scripts to generate the data, nasty horrible evil idea, don't do it unless there's no other option. I did it on one project that needed to load in billions of rows for some infrastructure architecture tests. I still sulk about it.
Get your DB into a dump format. For speedy binary dumps check out the exp/imp and data pump utilities. This will allow you quick setup and teardown of your DB. Certainly on a rails project I worked on we used rake tasks to exp/imp a database which had around 300k records in under a minute. Also check SQLLoader which is the logical dump utility, as its logical its slower and requires you to have control scripts to help SQLLoader understand the dumps. However, the benefit of the logical dump is that you can run transformation scripts over them to massage the data into the latest format. Sadly though just like fixtures all these tools are pretty sensitive to change in the schema.
Use a plugin such as Machinist or Factory Girl to make the generation of the data nicer. You still incur the penalty of using ActiveRecord to setup the DB but these fake object generators will help you stay close to you migrations and are a lot less hassle to maintain than fixtures.
Combine approaches 2 and 3. What happens here is that you make some test data with say Machinst. You export that test data to a dump and then reload the dump during each test run. When the schema changes update the Machinist config and re-export.
Hope that helps.
I'm currently on a project with an enormous Selenium test suite--actually, the one Selenium Grid was written for--and our tests use a small amount of reference data (though we don't use Rails YAML fixtures) and object factories for one-off data needed for particular tests.
Alternatively, on many of the ThoughtWorks Rails projects I've been on we've written checkin scripts that incorporate a number of pre-commit hooks--for example, running the tests before allowing a commit. One thing you might consider trying is writing (or customizing) a similar checkin script that will check for schema changes and reload the reference data as needed.
See e.g. Paul Gross's rake commit tasks on Github.

Crippling Test Environments

We have a web application that is sufficiently complicated that it's hard to accurately simulate production load.
One of our coping mechanisms has been to make sure that the hardware in the test environment is always slower that our production hardware, so load and performance problems will be more pronounced.
Are other folks out there doing this, what other strategies are you using?
I have a 7-year-old 600mHz Celeron laptop with 256MB RAM that I keep around for performance profiling. For testing network latency, you could get a delay proxy (or write one trivially); it gets a packet, waits X milliseconds, then passes it on.
Fiddler can help you test low-bandwidth -- can simulate latency of slower networks.
Hook up testmaker. Do some manual tests and let their proxy write the test script by recording what you did manually. Automate using the script(s).
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