I have a custom ActiveX control that I would like to Call from SAP.
In this case I cannot use PI, what other options do I have?
See program SAPRDEMO_ACTIVEX_INTEGRATION as an example.
DATA: control TYPE REF TO i_oi_container_control,
ocx_document TYPE REF TO i_oi_document_proxy,
has_activex TYPE flag,
retcode TYPE soi_ret_string,
doc_handle TYPE cntl_handle,
document_type TYPE soi_document_type VALUE 'SAPActiveXDoc.Example1'.
"Test whether activeX is supported"
IMPORTING return = has_activex.
CALL METHOD control->init_control
EXPORTING r3_application_name = 'R/3 Basis'
inplace_enabled = 'X'
register_on_close_event = 'X'
register_on_custom_event = 'X'
parent = cl_gui_container=>default_screen
IMPORTING retcode = retcode.
CALL METHOD control->get_document_proxy
EXPORTING document_type = document_type
IMPORTING document_proxy = oxc_document
retcode = retcode.
CALL METHOD oxc_document->open_activex_document
IMPORTING retcode = retcode.
CALL METHOD ocx_document->get_document_handle
IMPORTING handle = doc_handle
retcode = retcode.
EXPORTING h_control = doc_handle
method = 'MyMethod'
p_count = 0.
CALL METHOD ocx_document->clsoe_activex_document
IMPORTING retcode = retcode.
I've stripped out the screen processing & error handling of the example program in order to give an overview of main calls that are needed.
def get_nlg(graph_query):
driver = Graph("neo4j://localhost:7687", auth=("neo4j","password"))
graph_response = graph.evaluate(graph_query)
For the above code, I replaced with the driver code as below, but its not working, what is the function in neo4j driver equivalent to evaluate() function in py2neo?
def get_nlg(graph_query):
driver = GraphDatabase.driver("neo4j://localhost:7687", auth=("neo4j","password"))
with driver.session() as session:
graph_response = session.run(graph_query)
return graph_response
When the result from graph_response of 2nd code is passed to the below code, I am getting an error
TypeError: <neo4j.work.result.Result object at 0x7f94cf7f31d0> is not JSON serializable
class GetBiggestComponent(Action):
def name(self):
return "action_get_biggest_component"
def run(self, dispatcher, tracker, domain):
query = None
intent = tracker.latest_message['intent']
child_comp = tracker.get_slot('component_type_child')
parent_comp = tracker.get_slot('component_type_parent')
error = None
graph_response = GenerateQuery.get_biggest_component(child_comp, parent_comp)
graph_response['intent_name'] = intent['name']
return []
the error is coming when it is passed in the line
The output of session.run is an object that lets you navigate the result, not the result itself. I strongly recommend reading the manual and API docs for the driver, as this is all described in there.
As per my answer to your other question, to simulate evaluate, you will simply need to navigate to the first record of the result and then return the first value of that record.
I try to call a GET_EXPANDED_ENTITYSET method of SRA020_PO_TRACKING Project, po tracking project. The following is the method:
METHOD /iwbep/if_mgw_appl_srv_runtime~get_expanded_entityset.
DATA: lv_ponumber TYPE bapiekko-po_number,
lv_leading_msg TYPE boolean.
DATA: lo_api TYPE REF TO cl_sra020_po_tracking_api.
DATA: ls_po_details TYPE cl_sra020_po_tracking_api=>ts_podetails,
lt_return TYPE bapirettab,
lo_msgcontainer TYPE REF TO /iwbep/if_message_container.
DATA: lt_poitem_details TYPE cl_sra020_po_tracking_api=>tt_poitemdetail.
FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs_return> TYPE bapiret2,
<fs_key_tab> TYPE /iwbep/s_mgw_name_value_pair.
lo_api = cl_sra020_po_tracking_api=>get_instance( ).
* Read Entities key values within oData service URL
IF it_key_tab IS NOT INITIAL.
LOOP AT it_key_tab ASSIGNING <fs_key_tab>.
CASE <fs_key_tab>-name.
WHEN if_sra020_po_tracking_constant=>cc_po_number.
lv_ponumber = <fs_key_tab>-value.
CASE iv_entity_set_name.
WHEN if_sra020_po_tracking_constant=>cc_podetaileddatas.
CALL METHOD lo_api->get_po_details
iv_item_additional_data = 'X' "#EC NOTEXT
iv_po_number = lv_ponumber
es_po_details = ls_po_details
et_return = lt_return.
IF NOT lt_return IS INITIAL.
RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE /iwbep/cx_mgw_busi_exception.
lt_poitem_details = ls_po_details-poitemdetaildatas.
no_cache( ).
* Return the expanded clauses
APPEND cl_sra020_po_tracking_mpc=>gc_poitemdocflow TO et_expanded_tech_clauses.
APPEND cl_sra020_po_tracking_mpc=>gc_accounting TO et_expanded_tech_clauses.
APPEND cl_sra020_po_tracking_mpc=>gc_pricingconditions TO et_expanded_tech_clauses.
APPEND cl_sra020_po_tracking_mpc=>gc_confirmation TO et_expanded_tech_clauses.
CALL METHOD copy_data_to_ref
is_data = lt_poitem_details
cr_data = er_entityset.
CATCH /iwbep/cx_mgw_busi_exception.
lo_msgcontainer = me->mo_context->get_message_container( ).
LOOP AT lt_return ASSIGNING <fs_return> WHERE type EQ 'E' OR type EQ 'A'. "#EC NOTEXT
IF <fs_return>-id EQ 'SRA020'.
lv_leading_msg = abap_true.
lv_leading_msg = abap_false.
iv_msg_type = <fs_return>-type
iv_msg_id = <fs_return>-id
iv_msg_number = <fs_return>-number
iv_msg_text = <fs_return>-message
iv_msg_v1 = <fs_return>-message_v1
iv_msg_v2 = <fs_return>-message_v2
iv_msg_v3 = <fs_return>-message_v3
iv_msg_v4 = <fs_return>-message_v4
iv_is_leading_message = lv_leading_msg
RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE /iwbep/cx_mgw_busi_exception
textid = /iwbep/cx_mgw_busi_exception=>business_error
message_container = lo_msgcontainer.
if_sra020_po_tracking_constant=>cc_po_number = PONumber
if_sra020_po_tracking_constant=>cc_podetaileddatas = PODetailedDatas
and PODetailedData entity has navigation properties of POItemDetailDatas,POItems,and POList
I try to call the method from Gateway Service Client by executing
However I got status code 400 Bad Request instead. What did I miss?
The message in the Bad Request says: Error while reading Purchase Order
edit 2:
association screen shot:
navigation screen shot:
Turns out I have to provide PONumber, so that:
works fine
open System
open Mono.Cecil
open Mono.Cecil.Cil
let myHelloWorldApp =
new AssemblyNameDefinition("HelloWorld", new Version(1, 0, 0, 0)), "HelloWorld", ModuleKind.Console)
let module_ = myHelloWorldApp.MainModule
// create the program type and add it to the module
let programType =
new TypeDefinition("HelloWorld", "Program",
Mono.Cecil.TypeAttributes.Class ||| Mono.Cecil.TypeAttributes.Public, module_.TypeSystem.Object)
// add an empty constructor
let ctor =
new MethodDefinition(".ctor", Mono.Cecil.MethodAttributes.Public ||| Mono.Cecil.MethodAttributes.HideBySig
||| Mono.Cecil.MethodAttributes.SpecialName ||| Mono.Cecil.MethodAttributes.RTSpecialName, module_.TypeSystem.Void)
// create the constructor's method body
let il = ctor.Body.GetILProcessor()
// call the base constructor
il.Append(il.Create(OpCodes.Call, module_.ImportReference(typeof<obj>.GetConstructor([||]))))
// define the 'Main' method and add it to 'Program'
let mainMethod =
new MethodDefinition("Main",
Mono.Cecil.MethodAttributes.Public ||| Mono.Cecil.MethodAttributes.Static, module_.TypeSystem.Void)
// add the 'args' parameter
let argsParameter =
new ParameterDefinition("args",
Mono.Cecil.ParameterAttributes.None, module_.ImportReference(typeof<string[]>))
// create the method body
il = mainMethod.Body.GetILProcessor()
il.Append(il.Create(OpCodes.Ldstr, "Hello World"))
let writeLineMethod =
module_.ImportReference(typeof<Console>.GetMethod("WriteLine", [|typeof<string>|])))
// call the method
// set the entry point and save the module
myHelloWorldApp.EntryPoint <- mainMethod
I've borrowed the example from the answer to that question and rewritten it in F#. When I try to run it, I get the following error:
Unhandled Exception: System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'HelloWorld.Program' from assembly 'Hello
on=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' because the method 'Main' has no implementation (no RVA).
What is wrong here?
My guess is that the problem is caused by the following line:
// create the method body
il = mainMethod.Body.GetILProcessor()
In C#, this would assign the IL processor for the Main method to the il variable, but in F#, this is just an equality test which results in false - and so the IL code that you wanted to generate for the Main method is added to the previous il processor for the constructor.
You should be able to fix this using variable shadowing:
// create the method body
let il = mainMethod.Body.GetILProcessor()
I wrote simple class to compress data. Here it is:
LZWCompressor = {}
function LZWCompressor.new()
local self = {}
self.mDictionary = {}
self.mDictionaryLen = 0
-- ...
self.Encode = function(sInput)
local s = ""
local ch = ""
local len = string.len(sInput)
local result = {}
local dic = self.mDictionary
local temp = 0
for i = 1, len do
ch = string.sub(sInput, i, i)
temp = s..ch
if dic[temp] then
s = temp
result[#result + 1] = dic[s]
self.mDictionaryLen = self.mDictionaryLen + 1
dic[temp] = self.mDictionaryLen
s = ch
result[#result + 1] = dic[s]
return result
-- ...
return self
And i run it by:
local compressor = LZWCompression.new()
local encodedData = compressor:Encode("I like LZW, but it doesnt want to compress this text.")
print("Input length:",string.len(originalString))
print("Output length:",#encodedData)
local decodedString = compressor:Decode(encodedData)
print(originalString == decodedString)
But when i finally run it by lua, it shows that interpreter expected string, not Table. That was strange thing, because I pass argument of type string. To test Lua's logs, i wrote at beggining of function:
I got output "Table" and lua's error. So how to fix it? Why lua displays that string (That i have passed) is a table? I use Lua 5.3.
Issue is in definition of method Encode(), and most likely Decode() has same problem.
You create Encode() method using dot syntax: self.Encode = function(sInput),
but then you're calling it with colon syntax: compressor:Encode(data)
When you call Encode() with colon syntax, its first implicit argument will be compressor itself (table from your error), not the data.
To fix it, declare Encode() method with colon syntax: function self:Encode(sInput), or add 'self' as first argument explicitly self.Encode = function(self, sInput)
The code you provided should not run at all.
You define function LZWCompressor.new() but call CLZWCompression.new()
Inside Encode you call self:InitDictionary(true) which has not been defined.
Maybe you did not paste all relevant code here.
The reason for the error you get though is that you call compressor:Encode(sInput) which is equivalent to compressor.Encode(self, sInput). (syntactic sugar) As function parameters are not passed by name but by their position sInput inside Encode is now compressor, not your string.
Your first argument (which happens to be self, a table) is then passed to string.len which expects a string.
So you acutally call string.len(compressor) which of course results in an error.
Please make sure you know how to call and define functions and how to use self properly!
In lua, is there any way to read an interface file to extract name/methods/args?
I have an .idl file like this:
name = myInterface,
methods = {
testing = {
resulttype = "double",
args = {{direction = "in",
type = "double"},
This is equal to the code bellow (easier to read):
interface myInterface {
double testing (in double a);
I can read file, load as string and parse with gmatch for example to extract information, but is there any easy mode to parse this info?
At the end i want something (a table for example) with the interface name, their methods, result types and args. Just to know the interface that i`m working.
Lua has several facilities to interpret chunks of code. Namely, dofile, loadfile and loadstring. Luckily, your input file is almost valid Lua code (assuming those braces were matched). The only thing that is problematic is interface {.
All of the above functions effectively create a function object with a file's or a string's contents as their code. dofile immediately executes that function, while the others return a function, which you can invoke whenever you like. Therefore, if you're free to change the files, replace interface in the first line with return. Then you can do:
local interface = dofile("input.idl")
And interface will be a nice table, just as you have specified it in the file. If you cannot change those files to your liking, you will have to load the file into the string, perform some string manipulation (specifically, replace the first interface with return) and then use loadstring instead:
local input = io.read("*all")
input = string.gsub(input, "^interface", "return") -- ^ marks beginning of string
local f = loadstring(input)
local interface = f()
In both cases this is what you will get:
> require"pl.pretty".dump(interface)
name = "myInterface",
methods = {
testing = {
args = {
type = "double",
direction = "in"
resulttype = "double"
> print(interface.methods.testing.args[1].type)
I just realised, in your example input myInterface is not enclosed in " and therefore not a proper string. Is that also a mistake in your input file or is that what your files actually look like? In the latter case, you would need to change that as well. Lua is not going to complain if it's a name it doesn't know, but you also won't get the field in that case.