Need help parsing file/writing script - parsing

Hey all, I have been doing nothing but web development over the last few years and haven't written any Java or C++ in what feels like forever. I don't necessarily need to use these languages, so I'm entirely open to suggestion. I was given an email list by a client to import into their mailchimp account yesterday and unfortunately, Mailchimp couldn't read the file. It's a text file, but I don't believe it's tab delimited (which would make this much, much easier for me).
A small portion of the file (I've changed last names and email addresses) can be viewed here:
If anyone has suggestions on how I can get this into a Mailchimp readable format (csv, tab delimited txt, excel) please let me know. I feel like 3 years ago I would've been able to do this in a matter of minutes, but given that I haven't touched anything other than RoR, PHP, and jQuery for the last few years, I don't know where to start.

if you are on *nix, you can use tools like awk
awk -F"|" 'NR>2{$1=$1}1' OFS="," file > newfile.xls
however, you stated that you know PHP, so why not stick to something you know. you can use fgetcsv()/fputcsv() function
$handle = fopen("file", "r");
if ($handle ) {
$line=fgetcsv($handle, 2048, "|");
$line=fgetcsv($handle, 2048, "|");
while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 2048, "|")) !== FALSE) {
$num = count($data);

In bash, outputs TAB delimited file:
cat patients.txt | tr -d [[:blank:]] | tr "|" "\t" > output.txt
If you prefer csv, just change the last "\t" to ",":
cat patients.txt | tr -d [[:blank:]] | tr "|" "\t" > output.txt
It messes up the header though. If you need to preserve header, first couple of lines need to be skipped:
head -n2 > output.txt
tail -n+3 | tr -d [[:blank:]] | tr "|" "\t" >> output.txt


How to grep multiple lines using a .txt vocab, matching only first word as variable?

I'm trying to reduce a .sm file1 - around 10 GB by filtering it using a fair long set of words (around 180.108 items) listed in a text file file2.
File1 is structured as follows:
word <> 1
i.e. one word followed by a blank space, an internet address, and a number.
File2 is a simple .txt file, a list of words, one on each line.
My aim is to create a third file File3 containing only those lines in file1 whose first word matches with the word-list of file2, and disregard the rest.
My attempt is the following:
grep -w -F -f file2.txt >
I've also attempted something along this line:
gawk 'FNR==NR {a[$1]; next } !($2 in a)' file2.txt >
but with no success. I understand /^ and \b might play a part here, but I don't know how to fit them in the syntax. I've looked around extensively but no solution seems to fit.
My problem is that here grep reads the entire file1's line, and it can happen that the matching word lies in the webpage address, which I'm not interested in finding out.
sed 's/^/^/' file2.txt | grep -f -
join is the best tool for this, not grep/awk:
join -t' ' <(sort <(sort file2.txt) >

Grep words with exact two vowels

I have the following issue, I need to retrieve all words that contains exactly 2 vowels (in any order) from a file. The file only contains one word per line.
My current workaround is:
Grep1: Retrieve words such as earth, over, under, one...
grep -i "^[aeiou][^aeiou]*[aeiou][^aeiou]*$" genesis.words > A.txt
Grep2: Retrieve words such as formless, deep, said...
grep -i "^[^aeiou][^aeiou]*[aeiou][^aeiou]*[aeiou][^aeiou]*$" genesis.words > B.txt
the above solution works but when I concatenate both regexs into a single regex then return nothing!
Mother of Grep1 & Grep2: should retrieve everything!
grep -i "^[aeiou][^aeiou]*[aeiou][^aeiou]*$|^[^aeiou][^aeiou]*[aeiou][^aeiou]*[aeiou][^aeiou]*$" genesis.words
I think issue is around my implementation of ^$ in expression but have tried diff versions with no sucess!
Any help will be highly appreciated!
OS is AIX 6100-09-04-1441
You were close. This should work:
grep -i "^[^aeiou]*[aeiou][^aeiou]*[aeiou][^aeiou]*$" genesis.words > A.txt
So it should find all eight possibilities (two vowels identify three nonvowel sequence, each possibly empty; 2^3 is 8):
[ ]I[ ]o[ ]
[ ]e[ ]a[r]
[ ]e[r]a[ ]
[ ]e[l]a[n]
[T]e[ ]a[ ]
[D]e[ ]a[r]
[D]a[w]a[ ]
As for concatenation, | needs escaping. You can use a single anchoring:
Since the * can match 0 times or more you should be able to start the string with [^aeiou]*: try
As for fixing your regex, I think you need to escape the bar as \|, so
grep -i "^[aeiou][^aeiou]*[aeiou][^aeiou]*$\|^[^aeiou][^aeiou]*[aeiou][^aeiou]*[aeiou][^aeiou]*$" genesis.words
If you don't mind Perl, you could use this:
perl -lne '$m=$_; tr/[aeiou]//cd; print $m if length()==2;' /usr/share/dict/words
That says... "save the current line (word) in $m. Delete everything that is not a vowel. Print the original word if there are two things (i.e vowels) left."
Note that I am using the system dictionary as input for my tests.
You could do pretty much the same thing in awk.
If you're able to use an alternative to grep tr with wc works well:
while read -e word ; do
v=$(echo $word | tr -cd 'aeiou' | wc -c)
[[ ! $v -eq "2" ]] || echo $word >> output.txt
done < $words
This reads the original file line by line, counts the vowels & returns results with only 2 to output.txt.

duplicate grep output when comparing two files

I have literally been at this for 5 hours, I have busybox on my device, and I unfortunately do not have -X in grep to make my life easier.
I have two list both of them have mac addresses, essentially I am just wanting to achieve offline mac address lookup so I don't have to keep looking it up online
list.txt has vendor mac prefix of course this isn't the complete list but just for an example
scan will have list of different mac addresses unknown to which vendor they go to. Which will be full length mac addresses. when ever there is a match I want the line in scan to be output.
Pretty much it does that, but it outputs everything from the scan file, and then it will output matching one at the end, and causing duplicate. I tried sort -u, but it has no effect its as if there is two different output from two different methods, the reason why I say that is because it will instantly output scan file that has everything in it, and couple seconds later it will output the matching one.
From searching I came across this
while read line; do
grep -F 'list' 'scan'
done < list.txt
which displays the duplicate result when/if found, the output is pretty much echoing my scan file then displaying the matched pattern, this creating duplicate
This is frustrating me that I have not found a solution after click on all the links in google up to page 9.
Please someone help me.
I don't know if the Busybox sed supports this out of the box, but it should be easy to do in Awk or Perl instead then.
Create a sed script to print lines from file2 which are covered by a prefix in file1 by transforming each line in file1 into a sed command to print a match for that regular expression:
sed 's%.*%/&/p%' file1 | sed -n -f - file2
The same in Awk:
awk 'NR==FNR { a[++i]="^" $0; next }
{ for (j=1; j<=i; ++j) if ($0 ~ a[j]) print }' file1 file2
Ok guys I did a nested for loop (probably very in efficient) but I got it working printing the matching mac addresses using this
for scanlist in `cat scan | cut -d: -f1,2,3`
for listt in `cat list`
if [[ $scanlist == $listt ]]; then
grep $scanlist scan
if anyone can make this more elegant but it works for me for now. I think the problem I had was one list contained just 00:11:22 while my other list contained 00:11:22:33:44:55 that is why I cut it on my scanlist to make same length as my other list. So this only output the matches instead of doing duplicate output.

Recursively grep results and pipe back

I need to find some matching conditions from a file and recursively find the next conditions in previously matched files , i have something like this
The files where you need to find above terms in following files, the challenge is if 123 is found in say 10 files , the 22 should be searched in these 10 files only and so on...
Example of files are like f1,f2,f3,f4.....f1200
so it is like i need to grep -w "123" f* | grep -w "123" | .....
its not possible to list them manually so any easier way?
You can solve this using awk script, i ve encountered a similar problem and this will work fine
awk '{ if(!NR){printf("grep -w %d f*|",$1)} else {printf("grep -w %d f*",$1)} }' input.txt | sh
What it Does?
it reads input.txt line by line
until it is at last record , it prints grep -w %d | (note there is a
pipe here)
which is then sent to shell for execution and results are piped back
to back
and when you reach the end the pipe is avoided
Perhaps taking a meta-programming viewpoint would help. Have grep output a series of grep commands. Or write a little PERL program. Maybe Ruby, if the mood suits.
You can use grep -lw to write the list of file names that matched (note that it will stop after finding the first match).
You capture the list of file names and use that for the next iteration in a loop.

Matching pattern across multiple files: perl or grep?

I have a pattern.txt file which looks like this:
2gqt+FAD+A+601 2i0z+FAD+A+501
1n1e+NDE+A+400 2qzl+IXS+A+449
1llf+F23+A+800 1y0g+8PP+A+320
1ewf+PC1+A+577 2a94+AP0+A+336
2ydx+TXP+E+1339 3g8i+RO7+A+1
1gvh+HEM+A+1398 1v9y+HEM+A+1140
2i0z+FAD+A+501 3m2r+F43+A+1
1h6d+NDP+A+500 3rt4+LP5+C+501
1w07+FAD+A+1660 2pgn+FAD+A+612
2qd1+PP9+A+701 3gsi+FAD+A+902
There is another file called data (approx 8gb in size) which has lines like this.
2gqt+FAD+A+601 2i0z+FAD+A+501 0.874585 0.785412
1n1e+NDE+A+400 2qzl+IXS+A+449 0.145278 0.589452
1llf+F23+A+800 1y0g+8PP+A+320 0.784512 0.341786
1ewf+PC1+A+577 2a94+AP0+A+336 0.362542 0.784785
2ydx+TXP+E+1339 3g8i+RO7+A+1 0.251452 0.365298
1gvh+HEM+A+1398 1v9y+HEM+A+1140 0.784521 0.625893
2i0z+FAD+A+501 3m2r+F43+A+1 0.369856 0.354842
1h6d+NDP+A+500 3rt4+LP5+C+501 0.925478 0.365895
1w07+FAD+A+1660 2pgn+FAD+A+612 0.584785 0.325863
2qd1+PP9+A+701 3gsi+FAD+A+902 0.874526 0.125453
However the data file is not as simple as it looks like given above. The large size of the file is due to the fact that there are approx 18000 lines in it which begin the string in the first column of every line. i.e. 18000 lines beginning with 2gqt+FAD+A+601, followed by 18000 lines beginning with 1n1e+NDE+A+400. But there will be only one such line which matches the given pattern as in pattern.txt
I am trying to match the lines in pattern.txt with data and want to print out:
2gqt+FAD+A+601 2i0z+FAD+A+501 0.785412
1n1e+NDE+A+400 2qzl+IXS+A+449 0.589452
1llf+F23+A+800 1y0g+8PP+A+320 0.341786
1ewf+PC1+A+577 2a94+AP0+A+336 0.784785
2ydx+TXP+E+1339 3g8i+RO7+A+1 0.365298
1gvh+HEM+A+1398 1v9y+HEM+A+114 0 0.625893
2i0z+FAD+A+501 3m2r+F43+A+1 0.354842
1h6d+NDP+A+500 3rt4+LP5+C+501 0.365895
1w07+FAD+A+1660 2pgn+FAD+A+612 0.325863
2qd1+PP9+A+701 3gsi+FAD+A+902 0.125453
As of now I am using something in perl, like this:
use warnings;
open AS, "combi_output_2_fixed.txt";
open AQ, "NAMES.txt";
foreach $line(#arr)
#split=split(' ',$line);
foreach $line1(#arr1)
#split1=split(' ',$line1);
if($split[0] eq $split1[0] && $split[1] eq $split1[1])
{ print $split1[0],"\t",$split1[1],"\t",$split1[3],"\n";}
close AQ;
close AS;
Doing this uses up the entire memory: and shows Out of memory error message..
I am aware that this can be done using grep. but do not know hw to do it.
Can anyone please let me know how I can do this using grep -F AND WITHOUT USING UP THE ENTIRE MEMORY?
Does pattern.txt fit in memory?
If it does, you could use a command like grep -F -f pattern.txt data.txt to match lines in data.txt against the patterns. You would get the full line though, and extra processing would be required to get only the second column of numbers.
Or you could fix the Perl script. The reason you run out of memory is because you read the 8gb file entirely to memory, when you could be processing it line-by-line like grep. For the 8GB file you should use code like this:
open FH, "<", "data.txt";
while ($line = <FH>) {
# check $line against list of patterns ...
Try This
grep "`more pattern.txt`" data.txt | awk -F' ' '{ print $1 " " $2 " " $4}'
