mgtwitterengine and oauth 401 error: Boggled - oauth

OK... so here is my code:
twitterEngine = [[MGTwitterEngine alloc] initWithDelegate:self];
[twitterEngine setConsumerKey:CONSUMER_KEY secret:CONSUMER_SECRET];
accessToken = [twitterEngine getXAuthAccessTokenForUsername:profile.twitterUserId password:profile.twitterPassword];
NSLog(#"Access token: %#", accessToken);
the console shows the access token returned just fine (so it seems to work)
eg. Access token: C8A24515-0F11-4B5A-8813-XXXXXXXXXXXXXX
but instead of accessTokenReceived method being called next on my delegate, it calls requestFailed with a 401. How can I be getting a 401 unauthorized and getting an access token back from the method call?????

xAuth, the process for exchanging a login and password for an access token, is a privilege for applications that verifiably meet Twitter's criteria: desktop or mobile applications that are otherwise unable to provide the entire three-legged OAuth flow. Out-of-band OAuth and custom URI schemes are still preferred over xAuth.
If you've exhausted other OAuth implementations and want to use xAuth, you can contact Twitter through from an email address directly associated with the account owning the application. Include full details about your application, its user base, links to screenshots of it in action, and a detailed description on why this form of authorization is appropriate for your application. Inquires for xAuth are considered on a case-by-case basis and will not be granted to all applicants.
Implementors of xAuth must not store logins and passwords within their applications -- this is not a drop-in replacement for basic auth or a way to avoid implementing OAuth authentication.

Found the issue... for anyone else that has this problem... Getting your app approved for OAuth is only part of the process. Although it looks like you are done and the twitter page gives you your key and secret... there is one not-quite-so-easy-to-find next step. You must send an email to and ask them to actually enable it.
That was fun figuring out. :)


How to request access token from OAuth with authorization code?

I have a hobby project in mind to use login. I'm wondering how I can obtain the access token from the API after receiving the authorization code.
This is Oauth flow question rather than a question.
Currently I can successfully authorize the user for my app which is registered in and then I try to use the authorization code returned from the login to obtain the access token by sending a request to https://<region>
However I keep receiving this error:
"error": "unauthorized",
"error_description": "An Authentication object was not found in the SecurityContext"
I use postman extension to send post requests to that uri. I authenticate my request with my client id and secret. I pass redirect_uri (https://localhost), granty_type (authorization_code), code(the code returned from the previous authorization step). However I keep getting the error above.
I couldn't find much about online. There are other oauth related help articles but couldn't really find my way.
Wondering if you can help me with this easy stuff. I'm just wondering what I'm skipping here.
Here is the documentation:
https://localhost is added in my mashery dev account's app settings.
Me again, I resolved this problem after trying almost every combination in the universe:)
Steps to apply:
Don't use the same authorization token for different access token trials, they are not valid
Always use https on every domain you test including localhost, you
redirect_uri must be https as well.
You must use the "basic authentication" in the header of your POST request while requesting the token from the authorization code you obtained from the previous step.
This is one of the most important ones: For requesting token, Pass redirect_uri, client key and secret as POST form parameters to the authenticated request. This is interesting because it's already an authenticated request; why would i need to pass my secret again? Anyways, that's how it works.
Here are the full text:
This is working prototype:

Using immediate=true in Salesforce OAuth flow

Previously asked this question in the Salesforce StackExchange which they considered off-topic so asking here to see if I can get an answer.
I am attempting to use the immediate parameter to check if a Salesforce user has already approved access when going through the Web Server OAuth Flow as documented on OAuth 2.0 Web Server Authentication Flow. My reasoning for this is that I do not want the login or consent prompts to appear so I can reject access if they have not already approved.
Once the callback page is hit, I am always receiving the parameter error=immediate_unsuccessful even if the user has approved the application before and is logged in.
I have attempted to check this via a customised Google OAuth 2 Playground and setting immediate=true or immediate=false to the end of the authorize endpoint. On =false, the consent prompt shows and then you can grant access. On =true, this returns the same error as listed previously.
The Connected App that has been set up has api and refresh_token as the available scopes, users are able to authorize themselves and there are no ip restrictions set. The client id and secret from this app is then passed into the OAuth 2 Playground.
Below is a brief example on how my proper application redirects to the auth url using Java and the Google OAuth client library. We initially authorize the client without the immediate and then later on call the same code with immediate=true (shown in example)
AuthorizationCodeFlow authorizationCodeFlow = new AuthorizationCodeFlow.Builder(BearerToken.authorizationHeaderAccessMethod(),
new GenericUrl(""),
new ClientParametersAuthentication(CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET),
AuthorizationCodeRequestUrl authUrl = authorizationCodeFlow.newAuthorizationUrl()
.setScopes(ImmutableSet.<String> of("api", "refresh_token"))
.set("prompt", "consent")
.set("immediate", "true");
Are there any settings that I may have missed in Salesforce that would alleviate the error?
Is there any other option in the OAuth 2 spec that has to be set for the immediate option to work?
Does the immediate setting work?
I managed to solve this issue in the end. To allow the immediate=true option to work, the scopes have to be removed from the request. In the example provided you would amend the authUrl to the following:
AuthorizationCodeRequestUrl authUrl = authorizationCodeFlow.newAuthorizationUrl()
.set("prompt", "consent")
.set("immediate", "true");
I believe the theory is that defining a scope means you are asking for permissions to use those scope and therefore requires approval for those permissions. This clashes with the immediate option which states that the user must be logged in and the client id already been approved for it to succeed.

Recommendation stack for Restful + Spring Security + Mobile App

I'm creating a mobile app and I would like to provide to the users the option to sign up/in using an email or via their facebook accounts.
I have read so many things in the last two days, but I still don't understand how to do it.
I have seen the example the following link, but it's a little bit confusing for me, and I would like to use Spring (boot) stack, with Java Annotation Configuration.
The best example I found for rest authentication is this, but it is form based, which does not work for a mobile application.
The flow of the application in my head is:
Users try to access the app via Facebook (using mobile SDK);
Facebook returns a token, which is sent to my backend server;
Spring security checks if the token is valid. If it is valid, get the user's details (email, for example).
3.1. If that email is present in my database, logs the user in. Otherwise, create a new user.
The steps after that are a little bit obscure for me as well. After these checks, what should I return to the client? How do I validate its token for the following requests?
I've read a lot, but still cannot connect the dots. Any help will be really appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
Firstly when you are sending facebook-auth token to backend,it will checked by facebook library like spring-social,not by spring security. So just i am giving you a example of spring-social.
Facebook facebook = new FacebookTemplate(fbtoken, yourappname); facebookUser = facebook.userOperations().getUserProfile(); // throw exception if token is not authenticated
if(facebookUser.getId() != null){
return true;
throw new AuthenticationException(configProp.getProperty("invalid token"), HttpStatus.FORBIDDEN, HttpStatus.FORBIDDEN.value());
After verifying facebook auth token,you have to create a unique token for your app,you can create it by
String token = UUID.randomUUID().toString()
then this token you will save in database and return to client end. Further requests from client,you have send this token from client,and now this token it will be checked by spring security.
//access your app
return "unauthorized user"
On logout you will delete it from database as well as from client side

Revoking OAuth Access Token Results in 404 Not Found

I'm working on an application that integrates with GitHub and am having issues "logging out" a user that was previously authenticated. When I attempt to revoke the authorization token for the user, I get a 404 Not Found response from the API.
According to the documentation, it looks like I should just be able to make a DELETE request to[authTokenId]. I have tried a couple of different things including:
Ensuring the Authorization header is set with the current auth token
Ensuring the UserAgent header is set with what I use for the rest of the API calls
Nothing seems to result in anything but a 404 though. I have validated that the token is valid and has that the Id matches with what is expected (id property from the authorization response and from the "check an authorization" response as well). Anyone have another thought on something I could be missing?
Looks like currently you need to include a basic authentication header (including a base64 encoded string of your username/password).
Not ideal for my purposes since I want to revoke the token when a user "logs out" of my application and I don't want to store their username/password. I've sent GitHub support an email about it to see if they have any other ideas.
Update 6/12/2013
GitHub support has stated that the above is expected at this juncture, but they are considering updating to allow revoking an authorization using the authorization as the means of authentication.
For now I'm going to require the user to enter their username/password a second time to revoke the authorization.

What is OOB in OAuth?

I'm only starting to explore what OAuth and I have barely any clue of the related terms.
In a PHP code snippet, I saw :
// Callback can either be 'oob' or a url
I'd like to know what oob is?
oob usually stands for "out of band". I would assume that this is to support OAuth responses that come through an unspecified method.
OOB ("out of band") is an alternative to the traditional 3-step process of an OAuth flow (known as 3-Legged-OAuth). The user is not redirected after granting access to a consumer, instead, a code is shown to the user which he needs to manually input in the Consumer App. The difference is outlined in the step 2b below.
An OAuth1a flow:
Step 1: Get a short lived request_token which can be used to access the User Authorization URL.
Step 2: Use the request_token to access and show the User Authorization URL to the user. The user will see a screen where he can accept or decline access; the tipical "Do you want to give App ABC access on your behalf?".
Step 2a (callback url): If a callback_url has been provided, the user will be redirected to that callback URL. The URL will include the parameter oauth_verifier which contains a code, needed for step 3.
Step 2b (callback is oob): If the callback_url is set to oob, the user will not be redirected. Instead, the oauth_verifier code is shown to the user. This must be implemented by the Provider. The user can use this code in the Consumer App, usually a mobile app or any other non-browser based App, to continue to step 3.
Step 3: The oauth_verifier code (and Request Token) is used to get a long-lived access_token. The Consumer can now make calls to the (REST)-API of the Provider using this token in his OAuth calls (the request still needs other OAuth parameters and needs to be signed etc.).
Further info:
Pin based authorization with Twitter API
OAuth1a core specification - Request URLs
