Grails common exception handling in grails 1.1 - grails

Some one please tell me how to handle RunTimeExceptions in grails version1.1 .I have followed the following tutorial.I could not get it working.
I have MyException which extends RunTimeException .If this particular exception comes I want show different error page.Is it possible to achieve in grails 1.1 version?

Can you provide some sample code, where some RuntimeException is thrown?
It is difficult to answer your question properly, if you don't tell what your exact problem is.
As far as I could tell your from this point, your BootStrap.groovy should look something like this:
class BootStrap {
def exceptionHandler
def init = { servletContext ->
exceptionHandler.exceptionMappings =
[ 'NoSuchFlowExecutionException' :'/my/doIt',
'java.lang.Exception' : '/error',
'' : '/yourErrorController/yourErrorAction' ]
def destroy = { }
On the other side, in your code, you have to catch occuring RuntimeExceptions and transate them into your custom exception.
And here we are at the interesting point: Why do you want to do this?
Wouldn't it be much more comfortable to redirect when RuntimeExceptions are thrown?


catch any error in angular dart (like angular's ErrorHandler)

I need to catch any front end (angulardart) error and send it back to the server.
I saw there is something like his in regular Angular ErrorHandler, but I can't find any equivalent in angular dart (or dart it self).
Maybe I should hack the Exception object's constructor, but I don't find it a good approach (assuming it's possible)
any hints please?
In Dart it's quite similar:
class ErrorHandler implements ExceptionHandler {
ApplicationRef _appRef;
ErrorHandler(Injector injector) {
// prevent DI circular dependency
new Future<Null>.delayed(Duration.ZERO, () {
_appRef = injector.get(ApplicationRef) as ApplicationRef;
void call(dynamic exception, [dynamic stackTrace, String reason]) {
final stackTraceParam = stackTrace is StackTrace
? stackTrace
: (stackTrace is String
? new StackTrace.fromString(stackTrace)
: (stackTrace is List
? new StackTrace.fromString(stackTrace.join('\n'))
: null));
_log.shout(reason ?? exception, exception, stackTraceParam);
// We can try to get an error shown, but don't assume the app is
// in a healthy state after this error handler was reached.
// You can for example still instruct the user to reload the
// page with danger to cause hare because of inconsistent
// application state..
// To get changes shown, we need to explicitly invoke change detection.
Provide the error handler
return bootstrap(AppComponent, [const Provide(ExceptionHandler, useClass: ErrorHandler)]);
For errors that might be caused outside Angular, see also How to catch all uncaught errors in a dart polymer app?

Using Groovy Library in Grails and getting 'No suitable ClassLoader found for grab'

I'm playing around with Grails/Groovy and have some straight Groovy code working that utilizes groovy-wslite. That code starts as such
#Grab(group='com.github.groovy-wslite', module='groovy-wslite', version='1.1.0')
import wslite.soap.*
When I implement that into my Grails code and view the controller/action I get this
Error 500: Internal Server Error
URI: /FormProj/hello/trigger
Class: java.lang.RuntimeException
Message: No suitable ClassLoader found for grab
And here's the code in it's current state (I've tried a LOT of different things)
package com.demo
import groovy.grape.Grape
class HelloController {
def index() { }
def sayHi() {
return [
greeting : "Hi there, ${ }"
def trigger() {
Grape.grab(group:'com.github.groovy-wslite', module:'groovy-wslite', version:'1.1.0')
As I'm sure you notice I'm very green with Grails/Groovy and really all things Java. I do know there is a wslite plugin for Grails, but surely this can work too right?
Grails: 2.3.8
Groovy: 2.2.2
Based on Ian Robert's advice I have updated my BuildConfig file by adding this line to the dependencies block
compile 'com.github.groovy-wslite:groovy-wslite:1.1.0'
And updated my controller to look like this
package ws.thejspot
import wslite.soap.*
class HelloController {
def index() { }
def sayHi() {
return [
greeting : "Hi there, ${ }"
def trigger() {
def client = new SOAPClient('URL')
Unfortunately now the IDE, GGTS, shows an error in the controller 'unable to resolve class SOAPClient'
Rather than trying to download the dependencies with #Grab, you should use the standard Grails dependency mechanism - edit grails-app/conf/BuildConfig.groovy and look for the grails.project.dependency.resolution closure. Inside that, in the dependencies block you should add
compile 'com.github.groovy-wslite:groovy-wslite:1.1.0'
and remove anything Grape-related from the controller, leaving just the import wslite.soap.*
You will probably need to run
grails compile --refresh-dependencies
at least once to ensure that Grails picks up your change to BuildConfig - it deliberately doesn't do a full dependency resolve every time you compile, so as not to slow down the build too much, so you need to tell it to refresh when you know it needs to.

NullPointerException for Service-in-Service Injection during test-app

Recently came across with a weird scenario, that dependency injection for a service within a service, threw NPE while running test-app
Reason for service-in-service injection is to make the GORM/criteriaBuilder as DRY as possible. So following are my two services.
Following class SearchService1.groovy is implemented to provide search capability.
class SearchService1{
def search = { ...//Calls to local closures to build a dynamic criteria }
Class SearchService2.groovy uses the search closure of SearchService1 class
class SearchService2{
def searchService1
def searchEntity(){
Now, the above stated code works pretty well in run-app mode.
But for Integration test written for SearchService2 throws NPE as follows :
Cannot invoke method searchEntity() on null object
java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke method search() on null object
at com.myapp.service.SearchService2.searchEntity(SearchService2.groovy:326)
at com.myapp.service.SearchService2$searchEntity$0.callCurrent(Unknown Source)
at com.myapp.service.SearchService2.searchEntity(SearchService2.groovy:295)
at com.myapp.service.SearchService2$ Source)
at com.myapp.integration.SearchService2Tests.testWhenSearch(SearchService2Tests.groovy:125)
Am I missing something very basic here ? Any thoughts are greatly appreciated. Many Thnx :)
Snippet from TestClass :
class SearchService2Tests extends GroovyTestCase{
def searchService2
void testWhenSearch(){
def resultSet = searchService2.searchEntity() //This is the line throwing NPE
Woah ! Got rid of this stupid error by this workaround.
To TestClass, inject the searchService1 to searchService2 object like this :
def searchService2
def searchService2.searchService1 = new SearchService1()
But come on ! Is this the right way to do it ? Can anyone explain the above error by the way, that why a Service-in-Service is not instantiated while running test-app.
try this:
class SearchService2Tests extends GroovyTestCase {
def searchService1
def searchService2
void testWhenSearch(){
def resultSet = searchService2.searchEntity()
but use standard Grails service naming convention and placement

Async-feature in grails 2.0.0.M1

i am trying out the async-feature in grails. According to it is now possible to use the servlet 3.0 async-feature in grails. So i tried the following code (copied from the doc):
def index() {
def ctx = startAsync()
ctx.start {
render "hello"
just to see if it works, sadly it does not work :/.
A groovy.lang.MissingMethodException is thrown. Message: No signature of method: grailsasync.ProductController.startAsync() is applicable for argument types: () values: []. While compiling i get no errors, only while executing.
So i ask myself what did i do wrong? Maybe someone has tried out the new Milestone of grails and can help me with that.
gz Aleks
Your code looks fine. Assuming you've already confirmed that you're running this on a container that supports v 3.0 of the Servlet specification, I'd create an issue about this in the Grails JIRA

Grails Services / Transactions / RuntimeException / Testing

I'm testing come code in a service with transactional set to true , which talks
to a customer supplied web service the main part of which looks like
class BarcodeService {
/// some stuff ...
cancelBarCodeResponse = cancelBarCode(cancelBarcodeRequest)
} catch(myCommsException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e)
where myCommsException extends Exception ..
I have a test which looks like
// As no connection from my machine, it should fail ..
The test fails cause it's catching a myCommsException rather than the
RuntimeException i thought i'd converted it to .. Anyone care to point out what
i'm doing wrong ? Also will the fact that it's not a RuntimeException mean any
transaction related info done before my try/catch actually be written out rather
than thrown away ??
From what I see, it looks ok. The problem might be in the ///some stuff and the ... parts of the code. Use a debugger to find out exactly where the exception is being thrown.
