rails override default getter for a relationship (belongs_to) - ruby-on-rails

So I know how to override the default getters for attributes of an ActiveRecord object using
def custom_getter
return self[:custom_getter] || some_default_value
I'm trying to achieve the same thing however for a belongs to association. For instance.
class Foo < AR
belongs_to :bar
def bar
return self[:bar] || Bar.last
class Bar < AR
has_one :foo
When I say:
f = Foo.last
I'd like to have the method f.bar return the last Bar, rather than nil if that association doesn't exist yet.
This doesn't work however. The reason is that self[:bar] is always undefined. It's actually self[:bar_id].
I can do something naive like:
def bar
if self[:bar_id]
return Bar.find(self[:bar_id])
return Bar.last
However this will always make a db call, even if Bar has already been fetched, which is certainly not ideal.
Does anyone have an insight as to how I might have a relationship such that the belongs_to attribute is only loaded once and has a default value if not set.

alias_method is your friend here.
alias_method :original_bar, :bar
def bar
self.original_bar || Bar.last
The way this works is that you alias the default "bar" method as "original bar" and then implement your own version of "bar". If the call to original_bar returns nil then you return the last Bar instance instead.

i found that using "super" is the best way
def bar
super || Bar.last
I hope this helps you :D

Randy's answer is spot on, but there's an easier way to write it, using alias_method_chain:
def bar_with_default_find
self.bar_without_default_find || Bar.last
alias_method_chain :bar, :default_find
That creates two methods - bar_with_default_find and bar_without_default_find and aliases bar to the with method. That way you can explicitly call one or the other, or just leave the defaults as is.

Building upon other answers here, you may also want to handle assignment operations as well.
Alias method:
alias_method :original_bar, :bar
alias_method :original_bar=, :bar=
def bar
self.original_bar ||= Bar.last
Super method:
def bar
super || bar = Bar.last
Where this was useful for me was when using Bar.find_or_initialize_by which meant the record wasn't always persisted, and also any non-persisted changes would reflect on the parent record as well.


How to read attribute only if it is present?

I am trying to display a model attribute only if it is present. If it is not, then a placeholder should be displayed. This is what I've got:
class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
def name
if self.name.blank?
"[You have no name yet]"
However, I am getting a stack level too deep error.
How can this be done?
Thanks for any help.
I agree with Ishank but you can call super to use Rails' getter and then use ActiveSupport's presence method which will return the value if it is present? or otherwise return nil (which will trigger the statement after the ||).
def name
super.presence || "[You have no name yet]"
To be clear, stack level too deep is happening because you are checking self.name.blank? - when you use self.name here, that is calling the name method on self (which is the method you are currently in) - so that results in an infinite loop.
This should not be a part of Model. You should write this method in your views.
You can have something like #person.name || "You have no name yet"
You are getting exception stack level too deep because read_attribute[:name] again calls the name method.
Also a thing to keep in mind for using self. According to Ruby style guide:
Avoid self where not required. (It is only required when calling a
self write accessor.)
# bad
def ready?
if self.last_reviewed_at > self.last_updated_at
self.worker.update(self.content, self.options)
self.status = :in_progress
self.status == :verified
# good
def ready?
if last_reviewed_at > last_updated_at
worker.update(content, options)
self.status = :in_progress
status == :verified
Can you try this for stack too deep?
def name
if self.first.name.blank?
"[You have no name yet]"
Personally, i always do something like this, using self[:name] as a way of accessing the database rather than the .name method:
def name
if self[:name].blank?
"[You have no name yet]"
I am still using rails 2.2, so this may function differently for you.
Having said that, a cleaner and more transparent way to do it is to set "[You have no name yet]" as the default value for the name column in the database. Then you don't need to override the accessor method, which always feels a bit dirty to me.
It is not a good practise to include presentation logic in data models.
You should instead use decorators, view objects, or similar, or just do it in the view, but not in the model.
Examples using the Draper gem:
class PersonDecorator < Draper::Decorator
def name
object.name.presence || I18n.t('warnings.no_name_yet')
In the view:
<%= #person.name.presence || I18n.t('warnings.no_name_yet') %>
See the "Introduce View Objects" section in http://blog.codeclimate.com/blog/2012/10/17/7-ways-to-decompose-fat-activerecord-models/.

Implementing simpler find_by_[attribute] code in Rails

I have a table of statuses, each of which have a name attribute. Currently I can do:
And that's fine. But I'm wondering if I could do:
So I have this approach:
class FooStatus < ActiveRecord::Base
def self.method_missing(meth, *args, &block)
if self.allowed_statuses.include?(meth.to_s.titleize)
self.where("name = ?", meth.to_s.titleize).first
super(meth, *args, &block)
def self.allowed_statuses
The above code works, but it leads to the following weird behavior:
FooStatus.respond_to?(:bar) => false
FooStatus.bar => #<FooStatus name: 'bar'>
That's not great, but if I try to implement respond_to?, I get a recursion problem
class FooStatus < ActiveRecord::Base
def self.method_missing(meth, *args, &block)
if self.allowed_statuses.include?(meth.to_s.titleize)
self.where("name = ?", meth.to_s.titleize).first
super(meth, *args, &block)
def self.allowed_statuses
def self.respond_to?(meth, include_private = false)
if self.allowed_statuses.include?(meth.to_s.titleize)
And that gets me:
FooStatus.bar => ThreadError: deadlock; recursive locking
Any ideas on getting method_missing and respond_to to work together?
I agree with Philip Hallstrom's suggestion. If you know allowed_statuses when the class is built, then just loop through the list and define the methods explicitly:
%w(foo bar baz).each do |status|
define_singleton_method(status) do
where("name = ?", status.titleize).first
…or if you need that list of statuses elsewhere in the code:
ALLOWED_STATUSES = %w(foo bar baz).freeze
ALLOWED_STATUSES.each do |status|
define_singleton_method(status) do
where("name = ?", status.titleize).first
Clearer, shorter, and far less prone to future breakage and weird rabbit hole conflicts with ActiveRecord like the one you're in.
You can do really cool things with method_missing and friends, but it's not the first approach to go to when doing metaprogramming. Explicit is usually better when possible.
I also agree with Philip's concernt about creating conflicts with built-in methods. Having a hard-coded list of statuses prevents that from going too far, but you might consider a convention like FooStatus.named_bar instead of FooStatus.bar if that list is likely to grow or change.
I don't know if I'd recommend your approach... seems too magical to me and I worry about what happens when you have a status with a name of 'destroy' or some other method you might legitimately want to call (or that Rails' calls internally that you aren't aware of).
But... instead of mucking with method missing, I think you'd be better off extending the class and automatically defining the methods by looping through allowed_statuses and creating them. This will make respond_to? work. And you could also check to make sure it's not already defined somewhere else...
Use a scope.
class FooStatus < ActiveRecord::Base
scope :bar, where(:name => "bar")
# etc
Now, you can do FooStatus.bar which will return an ActiveRelation object. If you expect this to return a single instance, you could do FooStatus.bar.first or if many FooStatus.bar.all, or you could put the .first or .all on the end of the scope in which case it'll return the same thing as the finder.
You can also define a scope with a lambda if the input isn't constant (not always "bar"). Section 13.1 of this guide has an example

Object does not get loaded

This is the weirdest thing ever happened to me with ruby/rails.
I have a model, Store, which has_many Balances. And I have a method that gives me the default balance based on the store's currency.
Store model.
class Store < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :balances, as: :balanceable, dependent: :destroy
def default_balance
#puts self.inspect <- weird part.
balances.where(currency: self.currency)[0]
Balance model.
class Balance < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :balanceable, :polymorphic => true
Ok, so then in the Balance controller I have the show action, that will give me a specific balance or the default one.
Balance controller.
class Api::Stores::BalancesController < Api::Stores::BaseController
before_filter :load_store
# Returns a specific alert
# +URL+:: GET /api/stores/:store_id/balances/:id
def show
#puts #store.inspect <- weird part.
#balance = (params[:id] == "default") ? #store.default_balance : Balance.find(params[:id])
respond_with #balance, :api_template => :default
# Provides a shortcut to access the current store
def load_store
#store = Store.find(params[:store_id])
authorize! :manage, #store
Now here is where the weird part comes...
If I make a call to the show action; for example:
GET /api/stores/148/balances/default
It returns null (because the currency was set as null, and there is no Balance with null currency), and the SQL query generated is:
SELECT `balances`.* FROM `balances` WHERE `balances`.`balanceable_id` = 148 AND `balances`.`balanceable_type` = 'Store' AND `balances`.`currency` IS NULL
So I DON'T know why... it is setting the currency as NULL. BUT if in any where in that process I put
puts #store.inspect
or inside the default_balance method:
puts self.inspect
it magically works!!!.
So I don't know why is that happening?... It seems like the store object is not getting loaded until I "inspect" it or something like that.
Sam and Adrien are on the right path.
ActiveRecord overrides method_missing to add a whole bunch of dynamic methods including the accessors for the column-backed attributes like Store#currency. While I'm glossing over a lot, suffice it to say that when the logic is invoked then the dynamic class/instance methods are added to the Store class/instances so that subsequent calls no longer require the method_missing hook.
When YOU overrode method_missing without calling super, you effectively disabled this functionality. Fortunately, this functionality can be invoked by other means, one of which you tripped upon when you called store#inspect.
By adding the call to super, you simply assured that ActiveRecord's dynamic methods are always added to the class when they're needed.
OK finally after a lot of debugging, I found the reason...
In the Store model I have a method_missing method and I had it like this:
def method_missing method_name, *args
if method_name =~ /^(\w+)_togo$/
send($1, *args).where(togo: true)
elsif method_name =~ /^(\w+)_tostay$/
send($1, *args).where(tostay: true)
So when I was calling self.currency it went first to the method_missing and then returned null. What I was missing here was the super call.
def method_missing method_name, *args
if method_name =~ /^(\w+)_togo$/
send($1, *args).where(togo: true)
elsif method_name =~ /^(\w+)_tostay$/
send($1, *args).where(tostay: true)
But I continue wondering why after I had called puts #store.inspect or puts self.inspect it worked well?. I mean, why in that case that super call wasn't needed?

Can you override an aliased method in Ruby?

In Ruby, when a method is aliased, the alias points to the body of the original method. So even if you redefine the original method, the alias will continue to use the original definition.
class Foo
def bar
alias :saloon :bar
class Foo
def bar
puts Foo.new.saloon
will return 'bar' and not 'BAR'. Is there any way to get saloon to use the new definition of bar?
EDIT: I should have been more clear. The example was just an illustration of the issue - it's not the actual problem I need to solve. The issue is more complex when you have chained aliases, for example, in rails' core. E.g. perform_action is aliased by benchmarking module, and then also by flash module. So now a call to perform_action is actually calling perform_action_with_flash which does it's thing, then effectively calls perform_action_with_benchmarking which then calls the original perform_action. If I want to override perform_action_with_benchmarking (even though I agree it's a bad idea - please let's not get into a discussion of that as it's besides the point), I can't because it has been aliased, and as far as I can tell the alias is pointing to what is essentially a copy of the original perform_action_with_benchmarking, so even if I redefine it, there's no effect.
Just re-establish the alias:
class Foo
def bar
alias :saloon :bar
class Foo
def bar
alias :saloon :bar
puts Foo.new.saloon # => "BAR"
class Foo
def bar
def saloon
This is not an alias at all, but it works as you want.
Yes and no. Either coreyward or Sony Santos's solutions work fine. What you need to know is why your coded didn't work the way you though.
alias makes a new name for the function as is appears when the method is invoked. This is not a pointer, but a new way of referring to something. It allows us to do something like this:
class Foo
def bar
alias :speakeasy :bar
class Foo
def bar(secret_code = false)
return speakeasy if secret_code == "A friend of Al"
"Closed because of prohibition!"
puts Foo.new.bar #=> "Closed because of prohibition!"
puts Foo.new.bar "A friend of Al" #=> "bar"
The old bar still exists, it just a little harder to access now.
Here is another answer, but you have to do some additional steps: collect the aliases before overriding, and realias after:
class Class
def get_aliases method_name
original_proc = instance_method method_name
aliases = []
instance_methods.each do |meth|
# if the methods have different names but they're the same, they're aliased
if meth != method_name.to_s && original_proc == instance_method(meth)
aliases << meth
class Foo
def bar
alias :saloon :bar
class Foo
aliases = get_aliases :bar
def bar
aliases.each { |a| alias_method a, :bar }
puts Foo.new.saloon #=> BAR
BTW, if anyone can strip off one of that steps, may I know it! :)

Is there a way to validate a specific attribute on an ActiveRecord without instantiating an object first?

For example, if I have a user model and I need to validate login only (which can happen when validating a form via ajax), it would be great if I use the same model validations defined in the User model without actually instantiating a User instance.
So in the controller I'd be able to write code like
User.valid_attribute?(:login, "login value")
Is there anyway I can do this?
Since validations operate on instances (and they use the errors attribute of an instance as a container for error messages), you can't use them without having the object instantiated. Having said that, you can hide this needed behaviour into a class method:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
def self.valid_attribute?(attr, value)
mock = self.new(attr => value)
unless mock.valid?
return mock.errors.has_key?(attr)
Now, you can call
User.valid_attribute?(:login, "login value")
just as you intended.
(Ideally, you'd include that class method directly into the ActiveRecord::Base so it would be available to every model.)
Thank you Milan for your suggestion. Inspired by it I created a simple module one can use to add this functionality to any class. Note that the original Milans suggestion has a logic error as line:
return mock.errors.has_key?(attr)
should clearly be:
return (not mock.errors.has_key?(attr))
I've tested my solution and it should work, but ofc I give no guarantees. And here's my glorious solution. Basically a 2-liner if you take away the module stuff.. It accepts method names as stings or symbols.
module SingleAttributeValidation
def self.included(klass)
module ClassMethods
def valid_attribute?(attr, value)
mock = self.new(attr => value)
(not mock.valid?) && (not mock.errors.has_key?(attr.class == Symbol ? attr : attr.to_sym))
To use your standard validation routines:
User.new(:login => 'login_value').valid?
If that does not work for you, build a custom class method for this:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
validate do |user|
user.errors.add('existing') unless User.valid_login?(user.login)
def self.valid_login?(login)
# your validation here
!User.exist?(:login=> login)
I had a hell of a time getting this to work in Rails 3.1. This finally worked. (Not sure if it's the best way to do it, I'm kind of a newb.). The problem I was having was that value was being set to type ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer, and was failing validation.
def self.valid_attribute?(attr, value)
mock = User.new(attr => "#{value}") # Rails3 SafeBuffer messes up validation
unless mock.valid?
return (not mock.errors.messages.has_key?(attr))
return true
I have gone with the custom class solution but I just wanted to make sure there was no better way
class ModelValidator
def self.validate_atrribute(klass, attribute, value)
obj = Klass.new
obj.send("#{attribute}=", value)
errors = obj.errors.on(attribute).to_a
return (errors.length > 0), errors
and I can use it like
valid, errors = ModelValidator.validate_attribute(User, "login", "humanzz")
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
validates_each :login do |record, attr, value|
record.errors.add attr, 'error message here' unless User.valid_login?(value)
def self.valid_login?(login)
# do validation
Just call User.valid_login?(login) to see if login itself is valid
An implementation of the 'valid_attribute' method you are suggesting:
class ActiveRecord:Base
def self.valid_attribute?(attribute, value)
instance = new
instance[attribute] = value
list_of_errors = instance.errors.instance_variable_get('#errors')[attribute]
list_of_errors && list_of_errors.size == 0
How about:
