JQGrid and .NET MVC - Load Search Results - asp.net-mvc

Ok, I am new at jQuery, but the JQGrid has peaked my interest. While implementing the grid, I have come across two problems that I am not sure how to solve. Both involve loading the grid with results.
How do you load the grid when you have parameters in your route. For instance, http://domain.com/search/results/2010/KY...I am wanting all results matching 2010 in Kentucky. In the javascript section of the grid initialization, I need to supply a URL (such as /search/gridResults/). How does one pass the other route values or at least use them to load the grid.
Same question, but more along the lines of when the page is loaded with posted form values from a search form.
Perhaps the URL is mostly to do with AJAX-y functions. It would be nice to sort and page with AJAX but to load the grid with AJAX is not neccessary.
Sorry for the long post, but I am sure others have faced this problem even though Google tells me otherwise :) PS - I have looked at Phil Haacks (sp?) and Craig something's blogs about using JQGrid, but neither touch upon loading pre-determined search results.

You can specify that directly with the 'url' key. e.g.: /search/gridResults/2010/KY
I actually use a custom javascript method in the postData jqgrid key for this (which you could use to solve your question 1 depending on the situation). This seemed kind of lame to me that I had to write this method, but I found something on the internet and had to keep hacking on it to make it flexible enough for my uses.
Code for custom method below. It reads params from the url directly. For POST params, you would need to do something else obviously, but to get them to jqgrid, it's the same idea:
// Read a page's GET URL variables and return them as an associative array.
function getUrlVars() {
var vars = [], hash;
var hashes = window.location.href.slice(
window.location.href.indexOf('?') + 1
for(var i = 0; i < hashes.length; i++) {
hash = hashes[i].split('=');
if (hash.length == 2) {
vars[hash[0]] = decodeURIComponent(hash[1].replace("+", "%20"));
return vars;
Hopefully that helps... If you come up with something better, I'd love to hear it. :)


How to Let Chrome History Ignore Part of URL

As my work involves viewing many items from a website, I need to know which items have been visited and which not, so as to avoid repeated viewing.
The problem is that the URL of these items include some garbage parameters that are dynamically changing. This means the browser's history record is almost useless in identifying which items have already been viewed.
This is an example of the URL:
Only the "item_id=e6de72e" part is useful in identifying each item. The other parameters are dynamic garbage.
My question is: how to let Chrome mark only the "example.com/showitemdetail/?item_id=e6de72e" part as visited, and ignore the rest parameters?
Please note that I do NOT want to modify the URLs, because that might alarm the website server to suspect that I am abusing their database. I want the garbage parameters to be still there, but the browser history mechanism to ignore them.
I know this is not easy. I am proposing a possible solution, but do not know whether it can be implemented. It's like this:
Step: 1) An extension background script to extract the item_id from each page I open, and then store it in a collection of strings. This collection of strings should be saved in a file somewhere.
Step: 2) Each time I open a webpage with a list of various items, the background script verifies whether each URL contains a string which matches any one in the above collection. If so, that URL would be automatically added to history. Then that item will naturally be shown as visited.
Does the logic sound OK? And if so how to implementable it by making a simple extension?
Of course, if you have other more neat solutions, I'd be very interested to learn.
Assuming that the link to the items always have the item_id, that would work, yes.
You would need the following steps:
Recording an element
content_script that adds a code to the product pages and tracks it.
On accessing the product page:
i. You can extract the current product id by checking the URL parameters (see one of these codes).
ii. You use storage api to retrieve a certain stored variable, say: visited_products. This variable you need to implement it as a Set since it's the best data type to handle unique elements.
iii. You check whether the current element is on the list with .has(). If yes, then you skip it. If all is good, it should always be new, but no harm in checking. If not, then you use add() to add the new product id (although Set will not allow you to add a repeated items, so you can skip the check and just save add it directly). Make sure you store it to Chrome.
Now you have registered a visit to a product.
Checking visited elements
You use a content_script again to be inserted on product pages or all pages if desired.
You get all the links of the page with document.querySelectorAll(). You could apply a CSS selector like: a[href*="example.com/showitemdetail/?item_id="] which would select all the links whose href contains that URL portion.
Then, you iterate the links with a for loop. On each iteration, you extract the item_id. Probably, the easiest way is: /(?:item_id=)(.*?)(?:&|$)/. This matches all characters preceded by item_id= (not captured) until it finds an & or end of the string (whichever happens first, and not captured).
With the id captured, you can check the Set of the first part with .has() to see whether it's on the list.
Now, about how to handle whether it's on the list, depends on you. You could hide visited elements. Or apply different CSS classes or style to them so you differentiate them easily.
I hope this gives you a head start. Maybe you can give it a try and, if you cannot make it work, you can open a new question with where you got stuck.
Thanks a lot, fvbuendia. After some trial and error elbow grease, I made it.
I will not post all the codes here, but will give several tips for other users' reference:
1) To get the URL of newly opened webpage and extract the IDs, use chrome.tabs.onUpdated.addListener and extractedItemId = tab.url.replace(/..../, ....);
2) Then save the IDs to storage.local, using chrome.storage.local.set and chrome.storage.local.get. The IDs should be saved to an object array.
1) and 2) should be written in the background script.
3) Each time the item list page is opened, the background calls a function in the content script, asking for all the URLs in the page. Like this:
chrome.tabs.onUpdated.addListener(function(tabId, changeInfo, tab) {
if(changeInfo.status == "complete") {
if(tab.url.indexOf("some string typical of the item list page URL") > -1) {
chrome.tabs.executeScript(null, { code: 'getalltheurls();' });
} }
4) The function to be executed in content script:
function getalltheurls() {
var urls = [];
var links = document.links;
for (var i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {
if(links[i].href.indexOf("some string typical of the item list URLs") > -1) { urls.push(links[i].href);}
chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ urls: urls });
5) Background receives the URLs, then converts them to an array of IDs, using
idinlist = urls[i].replace(........)
6) Then background gets local storage, using chrome.storage.local.get, and checks if these IDs are in the stored array. If so, add the URL to history.
for (var i = 0; i < urls.length; i++) {
if (storedIDs.indexOf(idinlist) > -1 ) { chrome.history.addUrl({ url: urls[i] }); }

Big Commerce Custom Fields

I'm planning on allowing a client to provide a couple codes for each product that I'll need to reference with Javascript on the product pages.
Basically my plan was to use the Big Commerce's 'custom fields' to do so, but I'm having trouble spitting out the custom fields onto the product pages. I've been looking all over for some type of GLOBAL variable that allows me to reference custom fields, but I'm coming up dry. I would think there would be some type of GLOBAL array with all the custom fields in it, or a way to reference them by name directly.
Am I blind, or is there just no way to do this directly in the BC template file?
In Bigcommerce the custom fields can generally be found within the ProductOtherDetails.html Panel which contains a Snippet named ProductCustomFieldItem.html. This snippet has the markup for each custom field that the system outputs.
Inside of the ProductCustomFieldItem.html Snippet are the two codes you are looking for: %%GLOBAL_CustomFieldName%% and %%GLOBAL_CustomFieldValue%%.
I ran into this as well - given that it's quite a long time later, I'm supposing there's no better answer - a decent amount of searching turned up nothing useful as it seems all you can do is output the full set of custom fields as a set of divs.
So, I output them into a div which was hidden:
<div id="fpd-custom-fields" style="display:none;">
and then set up a javascript function to get the value based on the name:
function getCustomFieldValue(label)
var value = '';
$('#fpd-custom-fields div.Label').each(function()
if($(this).text().toLowerCase() == (label.toLowerCase() + ':'))
value = $('div.Value', $(this).parent()).text().trim();
return value;
Doesn't feel quite right as it's not a very clean solution, but was the best I could come up with unfortunately!

What is available for limiting the use of extend when using Breezejs, such users cant get access to sensitive data

Basically this comes up as one of the related posts:
Isn't it dangerous to have query information in javascript using breezejs?
It was someone what my first question was about, but accepting the asnwers there, i really would appreciate if someone had examples or tutorials on how to limit the scope of whats visible to the client.
I started out with the Knockout/Breeze template and changed it for what i am doing. Sitting with a almost finished project with one concern. Security.
I have authentication fixed and is working on authorization and trying to figure out how make sure people cant get something that was not intended for them to see.
I got the first layer fixed on the root model that a member can only see stuff he created or that is public. But a user may hax together a query using extend to fetch Object.Member.Identities. Meaning he get all the identities for public objects.
Are there any tutorials out there that could help me out limiting what the user may query.?
Should i wrap the returned objects with a ObjectDto and when creating that i can verify that it do not include sensitive information?
Its nice that its up to me how i do it, but some tutorials would be nice with some pointers.
public IQueryable<Project> Projects()
//var q = Request.GetQueryNameValuePairs().FirstOrDefault(k=>k.Key.ToLower()=="$expand").Value;
// if (!ClaimsAuthorization.CheckAccess("Projects", q))
// throw new WebException("HET");// UnauthorizedAccessException("You requested something you do not have permission too");// HttpResponseException(HttpStatusCode.MethodNotAllowed);
return _repository.Projects;
public DbQuery<Project> Projects
var memberid = User.FindFirst("MemberId");
if (memberid == null)
return (DbQuery<Project>)(Context.Projects.Where(p=>p.IsPublic));
var id = int.Parse(memberid.Value);
return ((DbQuery<Project>)Context.Projects.Where(p => p.CreatedByMemberId == id || p.IsPublic));
Look at applying the Web API's [Queryable(AllowedQueryOptions=...)] attribute to the method or doing some equivalent restrictive operation. If you do this a lot, you can subclass QueryableAttribute to suit your needs. See the Web API documentation covering these scenarios.
It's pretty easy to close down the options available on one or all of your controller's query methods.
Remember also that you have access to the request query string from inside your action method. You can check quickly for "$expand" and "$select" and throw your own exception. It's not that much more difficult to block an expand for known navigation paths (you can create white and black lists). Finally, as a last line of defense, you can filter for types, properties, and values with a Web API action filter or by customizing the JSON formatter.
The larger question of using authorization in data hiding/filtering is something we'll be talking about soon. The short of it is: "Where you're really worried, use DTOs".

Code re-use with Linq-to-Sql - Creating 'generic' look-up tables

I'm working on an application at the moment in ASP.NET MVC which has a number of look-up tables, all of the form
LookUp {
As you can see, this just maps the Id to a textual value. These are used for things such as Colours. I now have a number of these, currently 6 and probably soon to be more.
I'm trying to put together an API that can be used via AJAX to allow the user to add/list/remove values from these lookup tables, so for example I could have something like:
My current problem is that clearly, regardless of which lookup table I'm using, everything else happens exactly the same. So really there should be no repetition of code whatsoever.
I currently have a custom route which points to an 'AttributeController', which figures out the attribute/look-up table in question based upon the URL (ie http://example.com/Attributes/Colours/List would want the 'Colours' table). I pass the attribute (Colours - a string) and the operation (List/Add/Delete), as well as any other parameters required (say "Red" if I want to add red to the list) back to my repository where the actual work is performed.
Things start getting messy here, as at the moment I've resorted to doing a switch/case on the attribute string, which can then grab the Linq-to-Sql entity corresponding to the particular lookup table. I find this pretty dirty though as I find myself having to write the same operations on each of the look-up entities, ugh!
What I'd really like to do is have some sort of mapping, which I could simply pass in the attribute name and get out some form of generic lookup object, which I could perform the desired operations on without having to care about type.
Is there some way to do this to my Linq-To-Sql entities? I've tried making them implement a basic interface (IAttribute), which simply specifies the Id/Text properties, however doing things like this fails:
System.Data.Linq.Table<IAttribute> table = GetAttribute("Colours");
As I cannot convert System.Data.Linq.Table<Colour> to System.Data.Linq.Table<IAttribute>.
Is there a way to make these look-up tables 'generic'?
Apologies that this is a bit of a brain-dump. There's surely imformation missing here, so just let me know if you'd like any further details. Cheers!
You have 2 options.
Use Expression Trees to dynamically create your lambda expression
Use Dynamic LINQ as detailed on Scott Gu's blog
I've looked at both options and have successfully implemented Expression Trees as my preferred approach.
Here's an example function that i created: (NOT TESTED)
private static bool ValueExists<T>(String Value) where T : class
ParameterExpression pe = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T), "p");
Expression value = Expression.Equal(Expression.Property(pe, "ColumnName"), Expression.Constant(Value));
Expression<Func<T, bool>> predicate = Expression.Lambda<Func<T, bool>>(value, pe);
return MyDataContext.GetTable<T>().Where(predicate).Count() > 0;
Instead of using a switch statement, you can use a lookup dictionary. This is psuedocode-ish, but this is one way to get your table in question. You'll have to manually maintain the dictionary, but it should be much easier than a switch.
It looks like the DataContext.GetTable() method could be the answer to your problem. You can get a table if you know the type of the linq entity that you want to operate upon.
Dictionary<string, Type> lookupDict = new Dictionary<string, Type>
"Colour", typeof(MatchingLinqEntity)
Type entityType = lookupDict[AttributeFromRouteValue];
YourDataContext db = new YourDataContext();
var entityTable = db.GetTable(entityType);
var entity = entityTable.Single(x => x.Id == IdFromRouteValue);
// or whatever operations you need
The Suteki Shop project has some very slick work in it. You could look into their implementation of IRepository<T> and IRepositoryResolver for a generic repository pattern. This really works well with an IoC container, but you could create them manually with reflection if the performance is acceptable. I'd use this route if you have or can add an IoC container to the project. You need to make sure your IoC container supports open generics if you go this route, but I'm pretty sure all the major players do.

AJAX pattern in Rails for submitting small chunks of data

I have a web page with lots of small images on it. In a typical scenario user clicks on image and expects it to change with a new image.
When user clicks on image, it should be immediately known to a controller in an Ajax way.
Some strings should be passed to a controller when user clicks on image.
Controller does its job and returns another image (which replaces old one).
Along with image controller returns a couple of extra strings (such as completion status).
Web page updates old image with new one and also updates other parts with these new strings.
Number of images on a page varies but potentially it can be a couple of dozens.
Question: What Ajax technique should be used here? I'm quite new to Ajax and don't feel solid with patterns. Should it be Json or something else?
Any code example would be very very welcome and helpful.
Thank you.
Well it sounds like you need a Event observer on the image object. On that image object, you could have various custom attributes, such as imageid="2", etc. With the element being observed onclick, you'd read the attributes of the elements and pass them on to an AJAX call. I'm not sure if the image is known by the database or would it be available on the page itself. Maybe a back/previous button? In either case, the AJAX call could either return JavaScript directly which then gets parsed to update the DOM and replaces the image with the new image source, or it could return a JSON response which then needs to get read and parsed by the AJAX callback and then updates the DOM. Easiest being to return JS code which gets parsed, but I prefer to have all my JavaScript in one file and not have it all over the place mixed with server side code.
It really depends on what AJAX library you are using.
With jQuery, you might do something like this.
$("#buttonImage").click(function () {
var imageid = $(this).attr('imageid');
$.getJSON("/controller/get_image/" + imageid,
$("#buttonImage").attr("src", data.imagesrc);
And your /controller/get_image/123 would return a JSON response like...
{ 'imagesrc' : '/my/image.jpg' }
As far as I known, the only browser-safe way to change an image is by assigning a new URL to it's src attribute. If you return an image to a request that pass some parameters, it might prevent client-side cashing of the images. For these reasons, I would treat separately the transfer of textual data and images.
The completion status can always be return as the HTTP status text but if more information is needed from the server, you can always return it in JSON or XML, the simplest being JSON.
The responsiveness could be improved by preloading images on the mouseover event.
