Retrieve TProc from Generic Container - delphi

Just discovered something rather funny:
Queue : TQueue <TProc>;
MyProc : TProc;
MyProc := Queue.Dequeue;
I think you see what is intendend here. However, the compiler thinks I want to store the Queue.Dequeue method (type "procedure of object") in MyProc and reports an error
E2010 Incompatible Types: 'TProc' und 'Procedure of object'
The workaround I came up with goes like this
MyProc := TProc (Pointer (Queue.Dequeue));
Is there a more elegant solution?

There's a bit of syntactical ambiguity there about whether the name "Dequeue" refers to the function itself, or the function's return value. And since you're dealing with an anonymous method pointer which you can assign a normal function to, it's trying to interpret that as a function assignment, not a function result assignment. Casting it to a pointer is the wrong solution, as that would force the function assignment to go through, which would then cause all sorts of fun errors when you attempt to invoke MyProc.
The correct way to fix it is by removing the syntactical ambiguity. Put an empty parenthesis after Dequeue, so that the compiler is sure that you're calling the function and not simply referencing it by name, and then it'll work.
MyProc := Queue.Dequeue();

As Mason said, there's an ambiguity in the Delphi syntax. Where TFoo.Bar is a method, it's not clear that FooValue.Bar means to refer to the result of calling TFoo.Bar, or a method pointer (or reference) TFoo.Bar itself (with implied Self argument of FooValue).
In the comments of Mason's answer, Rob Kennedy seems to suggest that the compiler simply figure this out based on the types of everything involved. This isn't simple; the compiler already does a lot of work to figure out whether you mean to refer to a method pointer value or a method call. It actually parses expressions in a different way when the expected receiver is a method pointer (or reference, or function pointer) type. The effort is especially involved when overloads are brought into the picture: the compiler scans through every overload candidate and checks for method pointer types in every parameter position, and then parses arguments differently depending on whether or not that parameter position contains a function pointer in one of the overloads. Then, if an overload that expects a function pointer isn't matched, the compiler changes the parse tree from function pointer to method call. The overloading mechanism itself needs to figure out which to use when its doing value to parameter comparisons. It's pretty messy, and it would be great if we didn't make it messier.
A prefix-style operator like # or Addr() isn't much help in resolving this ambiguity, not least because functions may return function pointers, and so on; how many # do you need to inhibit implicit (no () necessary) calling to grab the right value out? So when anonymous methods were introduced, a change in the expression parsing was made: I introduced the possibility of using () to force an invocation.
You can read more about it here:
and here:


A common ancestor for of object delegates in Delphi

Is there some common ancestor for Delphi delegates which are declared with of object clause?
I need to find a common ancestor for TNotifyEvent and my custom delegate:
TMyEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; msg: stringh); of object;
to make an universal method for firing these events.
Should I use Pointer? or TObject?
You need to get down and dirty with the implementation details for method pointers. These are stored as a so-called double pointer value. One pointer for the subject of the method call (the instance) and one pointer for the method itself (the code).
You can use the type TMethod from the System unit to represent method pointers. Its declaration looks like so (with the comparison operators removed for simplicity):
TMethod = record
Code, Data: Pointer;
You need to use a typecast to make assignments between these types:
Event: TNotifyEvent;
Method: TMethod;
Method := TMethod(Event);
TMethod(Event) := Method;
Obviously none of this is type-safe so you need to ensure correctness. The compiler cannot help you. There is nothing like the checked type conversion operator, as, to work with method pointers. That is, it is up to you that when you cast from TMethod to a specific method pointer type, you have to make sure that the TMethod instance really is an instance of the method pointer type to which you cast. Think of this whole process as being analogous to casting from a typed pointer to an untyped pointer, and then back again.
Now, if you are going to store arbitrary method pointers into TMethod instances, that's fine. But what happens when you subsequently need to fire these methods. You need to know which type of method pointer is really behind each TMethod instance. So that you know how to cast it, what arguments it needs, and so how to call it. That's going to mean you have to store extra information about the true type of the method, alongside the raw method itself.
So, I think that I have perhaps answered the question that you asked, but I'm not sure it's going to be of much use to you. To understand that I think we'd really need to know more about what you are trying to achieve, and what information you have, when.
For instance, if you know the arguments that are to be passed to the method at the time you need to store it away, you could use variable capture and wrap it in an anonymous method. That would allow you to retain type-safety and avoid any of the rather dubious casts that I demonstrate above. Perhaps you need partial application, as a means of adapting your non-homogeneous method pointers to have the same interface. In which case again anonymous methods can help.

ambiguous overloaded call to 'sign' Delphi

I am trying to use the function Sign() with a DOUBLE variable, but it keeps
giving me the erro message "ambiguous overloaded call to 'sign'".
This also happens when trying to use an INTEGER variable, or any variable for that matter.
Why is this happening, and how can this be fixed?
The code I am using is the following:
CB : double;
SignCB : TValueSign;
CB := Random(1000)-500;
SignCB := Sign(CB);
The Sign function that you are trying to call is Math.Sign. There are in fact multiple overloaded versions of that function, for the commonly used numeric types.
If the only Sign that is visible to your code are the overloads in the Math unit then you will not encounter that error. The only plausible conclusion is that you have defined another function named Sign that clashes.
One solution is to fully qualify the function call. Call Math.Sign() instead of Sign().
Perhaps a better solution would be to change the name of your Sign function. By using the same name as a primitive RTL function you are asking for future confusion. I would suggest that you take this latter course of action.

Is it safe to pass a pointer to a method as a member of a record?

I want to implement a function in a dll that accepts a record as a parameter and this record as a few fields that hold pointers to callback routines. Would this be safe?
Yes, it's perfectly safe to have a pointer to a record that holds other pointers.
Your title mentions methods, though. DLLs rarely request method pointers because method pointers only exist in Delphi and C++ Builder. DLLs written expecting other tools to be able to use them will request ordinary function pointers, so please beware that method pointers are not compatible with pointers to standalone subroutines. The compiler will usually balk if you try to mix them, but type-casting can quell that error message. As a rule of thumb, if you're type-casting a function pointer or method pointer, you're doing something wrong. If your type declarations and your function declarations are correct, you won't need to type-cast.
Likewise, if you're using the # operator to create a function pointer or method pointer, you're probably doing it wrong. In most cases, the compiler can detect and assign compatible code pointers automatically, without you telling it that there's a pointer. Using # may suppress some of Delphi's type checking.
I don't see why not. I think all the usual issues with procedure/method pointers apply, so the object needs to exist if it's a method pointer.
It is safe but there are two issues that you should be aware about :
Records that declared as local variables are stored in the stack and they go away when the function returns. You should consider to allocate/dispose them on the heap with new/dispose functions.
If the DLL will be used by a program developed in other than delphi (or maybe even different versions of delpi), you have to use packed records.

how to safely bypass Delphi Error: "types of formal and actual parameters must be identical"

I need a way to write a generic procedure to act upon an object type or any of its descendants.
My first attempt was to declare
procedure TotalDestroy(var obj:TMyObject);
but when using it with a descendant object
type TMyNewerObject = class(TMyObject);
var someNewerObject: TMyNewerObject;
I get the infamous error "types of formal and actual parameters must be identical"
So, while strugling to find a solution, I looked at the source code of Delphi system FreeAndNil procedure. And I found this awesome declaration, along with this astonishing comment
{ FreeAndNil frees the given TObject instance and
sets the variable reference to nil.
Be careful to only pass TObjects to this routine. }
procedure FreeAndNil(var Obj);
It avoids the type checking error, but it uses no safety net.
My question is ... is there any safe way to check the type of an untyped var parameter?
or in other words, can you improve this Delphi source code so that the warning would not be needed?
procedure FreeAndNil(var Obj);
Temp: TObject;
Temp := TObject(Obj);
Pointer(Obj) := nil;
Let's examine what you want to do.
You want to call a method that takes X, passing in an object of type Y, where Y is a descendant of X. The snag, the parameter is a "var" parameter.
Let's analyze what you could do if that was possible.
TBase = class
TDescendant = class(TBase)
procedure Fiddle(var x: TBase);
x := TDescendant.Create;
TOtherDescendant = class(TBase)
var a: TOtherDescendant;
a := TOtherDescendant.Create;
Uh-oh, now a no longer contains an instance of TOtherDescendant, it contains an instance of TDescendant. That probably comes as a surprise to the code that follows the call.
You must not only consider what you intend to do with the syntax you propose, but effectively what you could do with the syntax.
You should read Eric Lipperts excellent blog post about similar issues in .NET, found here: Why do ref and out parameters not allow type variation?.
I've written about this before, using an example very similar to Lasse's:
Delphi Q&A: Why must the types of actual and formal var parameters be identical?
Unless you're writing an assignment statement to change the value of the input parameter itself, and not just one of its properties, you shouldn't pass a parameter by reference in the first place.
If you are writing an assignment statement to change the parameter's value, then the compiler message really is true, and you should heed it.
One reason for needing to by-pass the error is when you're writing a function like TApplication.CreateForm. Its job is to change the input parameter's value, and the type of the new value varies and cannot be determined at compile time. If you're writing such a function, then your only option with Delphi is to use an untyped var parameter, and then there is extra burden on both the caller and the receiver to make sure everything goes right. The caller needs to make sure it passes a variable that is capable of holding values of whatever type the function will put in it, and the function needs to make sure it stores a value of a type compatible with what the caller requested.
In the case of CreateForm, the caller passes in a class-reference literal and a variable of that class type. The function instantiates the class and stores the reference in the variable.
I don't think very highly of either CreateForm or FreeAndNil, largely because of the way their untyped parameters sacrifice type safety in return for comparatively little extra convenience. You haven't shown the implementation of your TotalDestroy function, but I suspect its var parameter will ultimately provide the same low utility as in those other two functions. See my articles on both:
When should I use FreeAndNil?
Why shouldn't I call Application.CreateForm?
In addition to what Lasse wrote, which is quite correct, most of the time you don't want to pass an object to a var parameter anyway.
An object is a reference type. What you see as the object is actually a reference to it. You would only want to pass an object reference to a var parameter if you wanted to change your object out for a new object. If you just want to be able to modify the members of the object, then you can do that by simply passing it to a normal parameter. Make method call take a TMyObject parameter instead of a var TMyObject parameter and it should work.
Of course, if you really are replacing the object, then feel free to disregard all this, and see Lasse's answer.
can you improve this Delphi source code so that the warning would not be needed?
Yes, you can get a type safe way to avoid the compiler error.
In the newest Delphi 10.4 Sidney, the FreeAndNil procedure has been changed into this:
procedure FreeAndNil(const [ref] Obj: TObject);
Temp: TObject;
Temp := Obj;
TObject(Pointer(#Obj)^) := nil;
It is type safe for objects and will catch errors when passing an interface reference for example.
The way to pass a parameter by const [ref] means that the parameter is passed by reference. Without the [ref] attribute, parameters with size equal and smaller than a pointer would otherwise be passed by value.
Here, even though the object is passed as a constant, the reference will be modified.
In that sense, it is not a perfect declaration, but will do its job better than the former implementation.
From New features in Delphi 10.4:
This means that incorrect usage of FreeAndNil will now cause a compiler error. In the past, incorrect usage would not be caught, leading to difficult bugs. Note that although the parameter is declared as const, the by-reference variable is indeed modified.
A new, but ‘not as bad’, class of incorrect calling is possible with this declaration of FreeAndNil: the method can be called passing in properties or a method result, as well as cast expressions, a type’s implicit conversion to TObject, etc. The nil-ed value will then be the temporary variable in the expression.

Scope of anonymous methods

One nice thing about anonymous methods is that I can use variables that are local in the calling context. Is there any reason why this does not work for out-parameters and function results?
function ReturnTwoStrings (out Str1 : String) : String;
ExecuteProcedure (procedure
Str1 := 'First String';
Result := 'Second String';
Very artificial example of course, but I ran into some situations where this would have been useful.
When I try to compile this, the compiler complains that he "cannot capture symbols". Also, I got an internal error once when I tried to do this.
EDIT I just realized that it works for normal parameters like
... (List : TList)
Isn't that as problematic as the other cases? Who guarantees that the reference is still pointing to an alive object whenever the anonymous method is executed?
Var and out parameters and the Result variable cannot be captured because the safety of this operation cannot be statically verified. When the Result variable is of a managed type, such as a string or an interface, the storage is actually allocated by the caller and a reference to this storage is passed as an implicit parameter; in other words, the Result variable, depending on its type, is just like an out parameter.
The safety cannot be verified for the reason Jon mentioned. The closure created by an anonymous method can outlive the method activation where it was created, and can similarly outlive the activation of the method that called the method where it was created. Thus, any var or out parameters or Result variables captured could end up orphaned, and any writes to them from inside the closure in the future would corrupt the stack.
Of course, Delphi does not run in a managed environment, and it doesn't have the same safety restrictions as e.g. C#. The language could let you do what you want. However, it would result in hard to diagnose bugs in situations where it went wrong. The bad behaviour would manifest itself as local variables in a routine changing value with no visible proximate cause; it would be even worse if the method reference were called from another thread.
This would be fairly hard to debug. Even hardware memory breakpoints would be a relatively poor tool, as the stack is modified frequently. One would need to turn on the hardware memory breakpoints conditionally upon hitting another breakpoint (e.g. upon method entry). The Delphi debugger can do this, but I would hazard a guess that most people don't know about the technique.
Update: With respect to the additions to your question, the semantics of passing instance references by value is little different between methods that contain a closure (and capture the paramete0 and methods that don't contain a closure. Either method may retain a reference to the argument passed by value; methods not capturing the parameter may simply add the reference to a list, or store it in a private field.
The situation is different with parameters passed by reference because the expectations of the caller are different. A programmer doing this:
procedure GetSomeString(out s: string);
// ...
would be extremely surprised if GetSomeString were to keep a reference to the s variable passed in. On the other hand:
procedure AddObject(obj: TObject);
// ...
It is not surprising that AddObject keeps a reference, since the very name implies that it's adding the parameter to some stateful store. Whether that stateful store is in the form of a closure or not is an implementation detail of the AddObject method.
The problem is that your Str1 variable is not "owned" by ReturnTwoStrings, so that your anonymous method cannot capture it.
The reason it cannot capture it, is that the compiler does not know the ultimate owner (somewhere in the call stack towards calling ReturnTwoStrings) so it cannot determine where to capture it from.
Edit: (Added after a comment of Smasher)
The core of anonymous methods is that they capture the variables (not their values).
Allen Bauer (CodeGear) explains a bit more about variable capturing in his blog.
There is a C# question about circumventing your problem as well.
The out parameter and return value are irrelevant after the function returns - how would you expect the anonymous method to behave if you captured it and executed it later? (In particular, if you use the anonymous method to create a delegate but never execute it, the out parameter and return value wouldn't be set by the time the function returned.)
Out parameters are particularly difficult - the variable that the out parameter aliases may not even exist by the time you later call the delegate. For example, suppose you were able to capture the out parameter and return the anonymous method, but the out parameter is a local variable in the calling function, and it's on the stack. If the calling method then returned after storing the delegate somewhere (or returning it) what would happen when the delegate was finally called? Where would it write to when the out parameter's value was set?
I'm putting this in a separate answer because your EDIT makes your question really different.
I'll probably extend this answer later as I'm in a bit of a hurry to get to a client.
Your edit indicates you need to rethink about value types, reference types and the effect of var, out, const and no parameter marking at all.
Let's do the value types thing first.
The values of value types live on the stack and have a copy-on-assignment behaviour.
(I'll try to include an example on that later).
When you have no parameter marking, the actual value passed to a method (procedure or function) will be copied to the local value of that parameter inside the method. So the method does not operate on the value passed to it, but on a copy.
When you have out, var or const, then no copy takes place: the method will refer to the actual value passed. For var, it will allow to to change that actual value, for const it will not allow that. For out, you won't be able to read the actual value, but still be able to write the actual value.
Values of reference types live on the heap, so for them it hardly matters if you have out, var, const or no parameter marking: when you change something, you change the value on the heap.
For reference types, you still get a copy when you have no parameter marking, but that is a copy of a reference that still points to the value on the heap.
This is where anonymous methods get complicated: they do a variable capture.
(Barry can probably explain this even better, but I'll give it a try)
In your edited case, the anonymous method will capture the local copy of the List. The anonymous method will work on that local copy, and from a compiler perspective everything is dandy.
However, the crux of your edit is the combination of 'it works for normal parameters' and 'who guarantees that the reference is still pointing to an alive object whenever the anonymous method is executed'.
That is always a problem with reference parameters, no matter if you use anonymous methods or not.
For instance this:
procedure TMyClass.AddObject(Value: TObject);
FValue := Value;
procedure TMyClass.DoSomething();
Who guarantees that when someone calls DoSomething, that the instance where FValue points to still exists?
The answer is that you must guarantee this yourself by not calling DoSomething when the instance to FValue has died.
The same holds for your edit: you should not call the anonymous method when the underlying instance has died.
This is one of the areas where reference counted or garbage collected solutions make life easier: there the instance will be kept alive until the last reference to it has gone away (which might cause instance to live longer than you originally anticipated!).
So, with your edit, your question actually changes from anonymous methods to the implications of using reference typed parameters and lifetime management in general.
Hopefully my answer helps you going in that area.
