LaTeX \newcommand default argument: is empty? - latex

I'm trying to write a simple example command that prints nothing without an argument, but with an argument it surrounds it with something.
I've read that the default value should be \#empty and the simple \ifx\#empty#1 condition should do the job:
\ifx\#empty#1 {} \else {(((#1)))} \fi
\optarg % (((empty)))
\optarg{} % (((empty)))
\optarg{test} % (((empty))) test
The latter three commands all print the empty word for some reason, and I want the first two to print nothing and the last to print (((test))).
I'm using TeXLive/Ubuntu. An ideas?

Try the following test:
\usepackage{xifthen}% provides \isempty test
{}% if #1 is empty
{(((#1)))}% if #1 is not empty
Testing \verb|\optarg|: \optarg% prints nothing
Testing \verb|\optarg[]|: \optarg[]% prints nothing
Testing \verb|\optarg[test]|: \optarg[test]% prints (((test)))
The xifthen package provides the \ifthenelse construct and the \isempty test.
Another option is to use the ifmtarg package (see the ifmtarg.sty file for the documentation).

Using the LaTeX3 xparse package:

In the underlying TeX engine with which LaTeX is written, the number of arguments a command can take is fixed. What you've done with the default [\#empty] is ask LaTeX to examine the next token to see if it is an open square bracket [. If so, LaTeX takes the contents of square brackets as the argument, if not, the next token is put back into the input stream and the default \#empty argument is used instead. So to get your idea to work, you have to use square brackets to delimit the optional argument when present:
You should have better luck with this notation.
It's annoying that you can't use the same brackets for an optional argument as you use for a required argument, but that's the way it is.

\usepackage{ifthen} % provides \ifthenelse test
\usepackage{xifthen} % provides \isempty test
{#2} % if no title option given
{~\emph{#1} #2} % if title given
simple note
\inlinenote[the title]{
simple note with title


How do I use \renewcommand to get BACK my greek letters?

I'm a LaTeX newbie, but I've been doing my homework, and now I have a question that I can't seem to find the answer to.
I create the definition of an equation, let's just say it's this one:
The potential is characterized by a length $\sigma$ and an energy $\epsilon$.
In reality, this equation is more complex, which is why I wanted to try a shortcut. If my equation were this simplistic, I wouldn't try my substitution technique.
I use the \renewcommand to save me some time:
And this works fabulously and will replace all instances of sigma with 1. Unfortunately though, since \sigma has a global scope, I need to reset it.
I tried a couple different ways:
Attempt 1: -deadlock due to circular reference?
The potential is characterized by a length $\sigma$ and an energy $\epsilon$.
I would think to reset the command, it should look something like this:
but that obviously hasn't worked out for me.
Any idea about how the greek letters are originally defined in the language?
I have to admit that I don't understand why you want to do what you're asking, but this should work:
Before redefinition, \verb|\sigma| looks like $\sigma$.
% Copy the current definition of \sigma to \oldsigma
% Redefine \sigma to be '1'
After redefinition, \verb|\sigma| looks like $\sigma$.
You can still use \verb|\oldsigma| if you want to use the original definition $\oldsigma$.
% Restore the original definition of \sigma
Now \verb|\sigma| is back to its normal appearance $\sigma$.
To find out how \sigma or any other command is originally defined, you can use \show\sigma. (The answer is that \sigma is defined as \mathchar"11B.) You can type this either in your document itself — compilation will pause and you can type Enter after reading the reply — or you can type this in TeX/LaTeX's interactive mode.
Example with a document:
What is $\sigma$? % Prints "What is σ" in the DVI/PS/PDF.
\show\sigma % Prints "> \sigma=\mathchar"11B." in the compilation.
Now that we know, let us redefine it.
Now it is: $\sigma$. % Prints "Now it is: 1." in the DVI/PS/PDF.
OK, let's go back.
We again have: $\sigma$. %Prints "We again have: σ." in the DVI/PS/PDF.
Or else at the command prompt, type latex, then type \relax, then type \show\sigma, read what it says, then type x to exit.

LaTeX: Use some characters in a string

I need a macro that extracts pairs of number from a string that looks like this:
n1-m1,n2-m2,n3-m3,n4-m4 (it could be longer)
where n1,m1,n2,m2,... are numbers from 0 - 15. How can I go about getting the pairs (n1,m1), and (n2,m2), (n3,m3), etc inside my macro? I will need to use each pair once, after which I can, if needed, disregard the pair.
Assuming each digit is a 2-digit number (not an elegant thing to do), and butchering a code I found by Debilski in this forum, I managed to get the first pair doing the following:
\def\macroGetPairs #1{\getPairs#1.\wholeString}
\def\getPairs#1#2-#3#4,#5\wholeString {
% Test if pair was successfully extracted
Got pair (#1#2,#3#4). Still left: #5\\
% Begin recursion
{\fi \getPairs#1\wholeString}
However, I am not sure how to get the recursion working for me to get the rest of the pairs. I thought that simply uncommenting the line
should do it, but it does not work. Note that the macro's test call is:
Any suggestions? Thank you very much,
This seems to get your test to work:
\def\getPairs#1#2-#3#4,#5\wholeString {%
Got pair (#1#2,#3#4).\\
Your code was basically working, but there was no way for \getPairs to match its input on the final expansion (\getPairs 83-97). Your end-of-recursion test (\if#1.) was also testing #1 rather than #5, which is what I've done here. Maybe if there was some different way of formatting the argument to \getPairs that would have worked.

\newcommand / \newenvironment - optional parameters

I'm experimenting with my own commands and environments and now I'm facing those problems:
How to create command \foo{parameter}[optional] or environment called \begin{bar}{parameter}[optional]?
How to create command \foo[optional_1]...[optional_n]{parameter}
I've tried
\newcommand{\foo}[3][][]{#1#2#3} - failed
\newcommand{\foo}[3][2][][]{#1#2#3} - failed
Does anyone know some hint? Thanks a lot.
You can't create a \foo{parameter}[optional] command simply; you can, however, create a \foo[optional]{parameter} command with
\newcommand{\foo}[2][default]{Mandatory: #2; optional: #1}
If you call it as \foo{given}, it will produce Mandatory: given, optional: default; if you call it as \foo[bonus]{given}, it will produce Mandatory: given, optional: bonus. This is probably how you should do it—that will look better with the rest of your LaTeX code. Creating a new environment with optional parameters is done similarly with
where #1 is again the optional argument; this is again written as \begin{env}[opt]{req}...\end{env}. If you really want a command in the other form, see the end of my answer.
The TeX FAQ has an answer about writing commands with more than one optional argument. There are two options to how to do it. The underlying idea is to define a command which takes an optional argument, and then runs another command which itself takes an optional argument, etc.; the twoopt package encapsulates this.
If you really want a command like \reversed{mandatory}[optional], you can do it like so. First, you define a command which takes a required argument, stores it in a macro, and then forward it onto another command. This second command takes an optional argument, and uses the defined command and the optional argument. Putting this all together, we get
\newcommand{\reversed#opt}[1][def]{Required: \reversed#required; optional: #1}
You can then use \reversed{mandatory}[optional] or just \reversed{mandatory}, and everything should work.
Using the xparse package (part of the LaTeX3 development efforts):
% Code with optional #1 and #2 with empty defaults
% Code with optional #2 with empty default
% Start code with optional #1
% End code with optional #1
Optional arguments are a bit different in xparse to with \newcommand. You can detect whether one is given or not:
{Code without #2}
{Code with #2}%
You'll see that this works by using a lower case 'o', whereas the upper case 'O' then requires a default value (which I've made empty by including an empty group).
Consider also the xargs package. The following is an example from its documentation.
Set it up in the usual way,
and then if you define
\newcommandx*\coord[3][1=1, 3=n]{(#2_{#1},\ldots,#2_{#3})}
(which means to use "1" for the first argument, if it is not specified, and to use "n" for the third). Then
yields (sans subscripts)
(x1, . . . , xn)
yields (again, sans subscripts, and y replaces the mandatory parameter)
(y0, ..., yn)
I know there are already comprehensive answers, but is some cases, I want to give different definitions for different situations. There is a still very basic yet simple solution for this. I write it down in case any other need it.
% ----------------------------------
%! TEX program = XeLaTeX
% !TeX encoding = UTF-8
% Author: Troy_Daniel
% Email:
% ----------------------------------
\textcolor[rgb]{0.36, 0.72, 0.80}{\Large #1}
\ifx\tmp\empty % the third parameter is not provieded
\textcolor[rgb]{0.96, 0.66, 0.35}{\small#2}
\else % non-empty third parameter
\textcolor[rgb]{0.96, 0.66, 0.35}{\small[#3]#2}
And the result is shown below, different definitions for optional parameter(s):

Triple-wrapping of \colorbox → \NewEnviron → \newenvironment fails

I am trying to wrap an environment created with \NewEnviron (package 'environ') into an old good \newenvironment:
debug me
However, this gives me a strange error:
LaTeX Error: \begin{test} on input line 15 ended by \end{wrapper}.
LaTeX Error: \begin{wrapper} on input line 15 ended by \end{document}.
If I replace \NewEnviron{test}{aaa(\BODY)bbb} with \newenvironment{test}{aaa(}{)bbb} — everything works as expected! It seems like \NewEnviron fails to find its end for some reason.
I'm trying to do some magic with 'floatfig' wrapped into a \colorbox so I need a way to convert \colorbox to an environment and wrap it into another one. I can define a new command but it's not a very good idea.
The thing is that \NewEviron and \newenvironment works in different ways.
1) \newenvironment{test}{aaa(}{)bbb} defines two commands: \test is aaa( and \endtest is )bbb.
\begin{test} is expanded to \test.
\end{test} is expanded to \endtest and checks that your scope begins with begin{test} rather \begin{something else}, for example \begin{wrapper}.
2) \NewEviron{test}{aaa(\BODY)bbb} defines \test in different way. First of all \test catches the \BODY using the following trick
(name \testcontinue may be different) and inserts aaa(\BODY)bbb. Then \testcontinue checks that \end on some input line ended by \end{test} rather than \end{something else}. Macro \endtest
is not needed because it is never executed.
Look on your code:
debug me
\begin{wrapper} is expanded to \begin{test}. Then
\begin{test} is expanded to \test. \test catch \BODY.
Attention! \BODY is equal to debug me. And now \testcontionue checks
that \end after \BODY ended by \end{test}. It is not true. \end{test} is absent.
There is \end{wrapper}.
You want to say that \end{wrapper} must be expanded to \end{test}. But \end before wrapper was eaten by
macro \test: #1\end{\def\BODY{#1}aaa(\BODY)bbb\testcontinue}
and can not be executed.
I hope I success to explain.
I've found a hacky trick to create an environment that can be wrapped in another one. One should use saveBoxes like this:
\newsavebox{\exampleStore} % Box storage
\begin{lrbox}{\exampleStore} % Start capturing the input
\end{lrbox} % Stop capturing the input
\usebox{\NBstorage} % Load the box's contents

Latex listings-package format option for uppercase keywords

I use the listings package to insert source code. I would like to print all keywords uppercase in the output, regardless of the case in the input.
The manual states that
produces just what I want. However the following (almost) minimal example does not work.
if I set keywordstyle to "[1][]{\bfseries}" I end up with "[]" in front of every keyword
and "[*]{\bfseries}" gives me an asterisk in the start of the document.
I also tried "\MakeUppercase" and "{\MakeUppercase}" for keywordstyle which resulted in several errors, the first being:
! Incomplete \iffalse; all text was ignored after line 11
Minimal example:
and %r1, %r2
xor %r2, %r3
and %r4, %r5
I use Miktex for compilation of the tex files. So how do I force uppercase for Keywords?
In the manual, the brackets around the * look a bit different then the brackets around number. The reason is that the brackets around * are not meant to be used in the latex code, they just indicate that the presence of the * is optional. So try
- it worked for me.
