How to define in Grails an uploadForm and 2 different actions? - grails

I have a gsp view, with an , and 2 input text.
I have a button to save and submit.
Now I would like to add another button with a new action, in my case a button to schedule save.
Note : in my controller I have define : def save (corresponding to button action save) and def schedule (corresponding to button action schedule).
What is the best way to add Schedule in this gsp view :
<g:uploadForm action="save" method="post" >
<div class="dialog">
<tr class="prop">
<td valign="top" class="name">
<label for="payload">File:</label>
<td valign="top">
<input type="file" id="payload" name="payload"/>
<td valign="top">
<input type="file" id="payload2" name="payload2"/>
<tr class="prop">
<td valign="top" class="name">
<label for="lvalue">Lvalue:</label>
<td valign="top" class="value ${hasErrors(bean:rmmInstance,field:'lvalue','errors')}">
<input type="text" id="lvalue" name="lvalue" value="${fieldValue(bean:rmmInstance,field:'lvalue')}" />
<tr class="prop">
<td valign="top" class="name">
<label for="wvalue">Wvalue:</label>
<td valign="top" class="value ${hasErrors(bean:rmmInstance,field:'wvalue','errors')}">
<input type="text" id="wvalue" name="wvalue" value="${fieldValue(bean:rmmInstance,field:'wvalue')}" />
<div class="buttons">
<span class="button"><input class="save" type="submit" value="Run Now" /></span>
I have just one form, but 2 different actions.
Thanks !

With an actionSubmit:
Creates a submit button that maps to a
specific action, which allows you to
have multiple submit buttons in a
single form. Javascript event handlers
can be added using the same parameter
names as in HTML.
From the Grails reference docs.


Get Checkbox value from the database into a table row (MVC)

This may be a simple question but I am new to MVC. So please bear with me.
I want to get the checkbox value into the table row. Here is my code for the table.
#foreach (var itms in Model.takeoverdlist)
<tr id="#itms.TAKEOVER_D_id">
<td class="text-left">
<input type="hidden" name="tasklist[]" id="task_id" value="#(itms.TAKEOVER_D_id)" />
<td class="text-left">
<input type="text" id="task#(itms.TAKEOVER_D_id)" name="task#(itms.TAKEOVER_D_id)" value="#(itms.TAKEOVER_D_task)" style="width:100%" />
<td class="text-left">
<input type="text" id="amnt#(itms.TAKEOVER_D_id)" name="amnt#(itms.TAKEOVER_D_id)" value="#(itms.TAKEOVER_D_amount)" style="width:100%" />
<td class="text-left">
<input type="checkbox" id="donebit#(itms.TAKEOVER_D_id)" name="donebit#(itms.TAKEOVER_D_id)" value="#(itms.TAKEOVER_D_done)" style="width:100%" />
I get other values just fine, but the checkbox is unchecked. It should be checked.
When I inspect the table the value for the checkbox is "value".

SET ASP.NET MVC4 button value

I'm a newbie.
My problem is that i have a button and i want to set the value by a ASP.NET variable.
<input type="button" id="mybt" value="<%=Student.Name %>" />
This code is not working.
The code:
<%var Products = (IEnumerable<Demo.Models.Product>)ViewBag.Products;%></div>
<table border="1">
<%foreach(var product in Products)
{ %>
<td style="width:68px;height:20px">
<%=product.Id %>
<td style="width:120px">
<td style="width:120px">
<%=product.Price %>
<td style="width:120px">
<input type="button" value='<%=product.Id%>' />
<%} %>
Instead of <%=Student.Name %> use this: #Student.Name
Provided that "Student" is the model name and "Name" is the property you want.
The reason for this is because <%= %> works for aspx but not the razor view engine which is probably what you have chosen for your MVC solution.

URL found in auth.gsp - beginner

I need to know the following. I copied the following code from auth.gsp. I need to know what:
1.) I need to know what '${postUrl}' means?
2.) I did copy this code and paste it in another GSP called index.gsp, but the page didn't login successfully.
<form action='${postUrl}' method='POST' id="loginForm" name="loginForm" autocomplete='off'>
<div class="sign-in">
<h1><g:message code=''/></h1>
<td><label for="username"><g:message code=''/></label></td>
<td><input name="j_username" id="username" size="20" /></td>
<td><label for="password"><g:message code=''/></label></td>
<td><input type="password" name="j_password" id="password" size="20" /></td>
<td colspan='2'>
<input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" name="${rememberMeParameter}" id="remember_me" checked="checked" />
<label for='remember_me'><g:message code=''/></label> |
<span class="forgot-link">
<g:link controller='register' action='forgotPassword'><g:message code=''/></g:link>
<td colspan='2'>
<s2ui:linkButton elementId='register' controller='register' messageCode=''/>
<s2ui:submitButton elementId='loginButton' form='loginForm' messageCode=''/>
Spring security work on filters. If you print postUrl in your gsp file then it looks like /myApp/j_spring_security_check, only /j_spring_security_check URL is processed by Spring Security filter.
If you past and not sending this url then cannot login. Change your gsp slightly to make this run, replace ${postUrl} with ${createLink(uri: '/j_spring_security_check')}.

Is there a way for me to strip away div classes and other CSS stuff when generating grails views?

Well, there goes my question. I really don't like the UI, and if there was a way to auto generate only the essential things like the fields but no divs and classes. I know about removing the css, but I really just want the raw html like what rails gives me. Anybody know how?
For example, grails generate-views myStuff generates code that looks like this:
<tr class="prop">
<td valign="top" class="name">
<label for="name">Name:</label>
<td valign="top" class="value ${hasErrors(bean:feedback,field:'name','errors')}">
<input type="text" id="name" name="name" value="${fieldValue(bean:feedback,field:'name')}"/>
<tr class="prop">
<td valign="top" class="name">
<label for="feedback">Feedback:</label>
<td valign="top" class="value ${hasErrors(bean:feedback,field:'feedback','errors')}">
<input type="text" id="feedback" name="feedback" value="${fieldValue(bean:feedback,field:'feedback')}"/>
When I'm only interested in getting this:
<input type="text" id="name" name="name" value="${fieldValue(bean:feedback,field:'name')}"/>
<input type="text" id="feedback" name="feedback" value="${fieldValue(bean:feedback,field:'feedback')}"/>
Well, I could always do stuff manually and not auto-generate, but, no it's not practical when the fields are too many. :(
Use the install-templates command to install the templates. Then you can edit/modify the templates to meet your needs.

Nested Form Model in Rails not saving items added with jQuery

I'm following Ryan Bate's RailsCast (#197) for Nested Model Forms.
If I submit a form that has 3 fields added in the controller:
3.times { }
...they save properly. If the field, however, is added via jQuery, it isn't saved.
Has anyone else had experience with this sort of problem before?
EDIT: HTML Generated without jQuery:
<div class="fields">
<td>Position Title:</td>
<td><input id="applicant_profile_experiences_attributes_0_title" name="applicant_profile[experiences_attributes][0][title]" size="30" type="text"></td>
<td><input id="applicant_profile_experiences_attributes_0_employer" name="applicant_profile[experiences_attributes][0][employer]" size="30" type="text"></td>
<td><textarea cols="40" id="applicant_profile_experiences_attributes_0_description" name="applicant_profile[experiences_attributes][0][description]" rows="4"></textarea></td>
<td>Start Date:</td>
<td><select id="experience_from_date_1i" name="experience[from_date(1i)]">
<option value="1970">1970</option>
<option value="1971">1971</option>
<p><input id="applicant_profile_experiences_attributes_0__destroy" name="applicant_profile[experiences_attributes][0][_destroy]" type="hidden" value="false">Remove</p>
Code added with jQuery:
<div class="fields">
<td>Position Title:</td>
<td><input id="applicant_profile_experiences_attributes_1366407307283_title" name="applicant_profile[experiences_attributes][1366407307283][title]" size="30" type="text"></td>
<td><input id="applicant_profile_experiences_attributes_1366407307283_employer" name="applicant_profile[experiences_attributes][1366407307283][employer]" size="30" type="text"></td>
<td><textarea cols="40" id="applicant_profile_experiences_attributes_1366407307283_description" name="applicant_profile[experiences_attributes][1366407307283][description]" rows="4"></textarea></td>
<td>Start Date:</td>
<td><select id="experience_from_date_1i" name="experience[from_date(1i)]">
<option value="1970">1970</option>
<option value="1971">1971</option>
<!-- removed big date list -->
<p><input id="applicant_profile_experiences_attributes_1366407307283__destroy" name="applicant_profile[experiences_attributes][1366407307283][_destroy]" type="hidden" value="false">Remove</p>
