nested attributes overwrite related model - ruby-on-rails

I have a new action in my controller that I'm passing parameters into so the form for my new object will be filled out with the values from the record the user is duplicating, specifcally this gives the user the opportunity to 'edit' the new content before submitting it.
like this:
def new
#parent = Recipe.find(params[:parent_id])
#recipe =
:name =>,
:description => #parent.description,
:ingredients => #parent.ingredients,
:steps => #parent.steps
But the problem is that both my ingredients and steps have nested attributes, each with an id of the original. The problem is that because rails is not giving my nested attributes a new id it doesn’t create those records, in fact i think it may try to save over the other ones.
What can I do here? is there a way to pass the #parent.ingredients object to my :ingredients parameter and give it a new id?
Like I know the issue might be the first line in the action
#parent = Recipe.find(params[:parent_id])
Because it's a find it's going to bring the parameters with it, but is there away to find that object, and create new id's for all the objects nested attributes?

#recipe = =>, :description => #parent.description)
#parent.ingredients.each { |i| => i.incredient_name, :description => i.ingredient_description) }
Make sense?

Wow! my jaw was just on the floor.
#recipe = #parent.dup


ActiveAdmin passing variable in controller

I have a permit and vehicle model. I am trying to update the AA create controller to work how I have it in my rails app. That is taking the vehicle license_number entered and inputting it into the permit table, then also taking the inputted permit_id and inputting it into the permits attribute of the vehicle it is related to in the vehicle table.
permit_params :permit_id, :vehicle, :date_issued, :issued_by, :date_entered, :entered_by
form do |f|
f.inputs do
f.input :permit_id
f.input :vehicle, :collection =>{ |vehicle| [vehicle.license_number]}
f.input :date_issued, as: :date_picker
f.input :issued_by
controller do
def new
#permit =
#vehicle = #permit.build_vehicle
#vehicle = Vehicle.all
def create
vehicle = Vehicle.find_by(license_number: permit_params[:vehicle_attributes][:license_number])
#permit =,
My errors that I am getting, is that it is inputting the license_number in for the permit_id and then it is also saying the permit_params is not a defined variable. Any help would be great, thanks!
You have an interesting case here: it is confusing because you have a model called Permit, and usually in Rails you name the params method something like permit_params. Turns out, permit_params is the general method signature for ActiveRecord to implement strong params:
With that, instead of calling permit_params in your create action, you need to call permitted_params[:vehicle_attributes][:license_number]. That’s why it’s considering permit_params as an undefined variable. Again, those two method signatures will be the same for all your ActiveAdmin forms.
Additionally, I’m not sure if this is a typo but you define #vehicle twice in your new method. I’m not sure you need to build a vehicle for the permit form unless you’re doing nested forms. Either way, I think the last line should read #vehicles = Vehicle.all Then you can use that in your form, which also could use an update in the collection part of your form field:
form do |f|
f.inputs do
f.input :permit_id
f.input :vehicle, collection: { |vehicle| [vehicle.license_number,] }
f.input :date_issued, as: :date_picker
f.input :issued_by
The collection_select form tag will take the first item in the array as the value that appears in the form, and the second value will be the value passed through in the params (
Then in your create action, you can find the Vehicle with the id:
I would avoid Permit as a model name, try using VehiclePermit.

has_one relationship without nested_form

I'm trying to implement a has_one relationship through a basic form and am getting completely stuck.
I seem to have tried huge numbers of combinations of things in controllers and forms but don't seem to be getting anywhere.
I have a phone number for which I use an external service populated by an api.
Eventually I would like to have all the phone numbers of this type set up for this, but right now I'd be happy with getting just one working.
has_one :clever_phone
And a phone model
attr_accessible :number, :parent_id, :prefix, :country_iso
belongs_to :parent
def new
#parent = Parent.find(params[:parent_id])
#clever_phone = #parent.build_clever_phone
def create
#parent = Parent.find(params[:parent_id]
#clever_phone = Parent.create_clever_phone(params[:clever_phone])
I really don't want to do a nested form from the parent here as I have some complicated code which generates information used in the creation through an api that sits, correctly I think, in the clever_phones_controller
#simple_form_for #clever_phone do |f|
= f.input :country_iso, as: :country, :iso_codes => true, priority: ["gb"]
= f.input :prefix
= f.submit
resources :parent do
resource :clever_phone
My issue is that the params for #parent don't seem to be being passed to the create method in the controller and thus I get a
'Can't find parent without ID'
If I try it as a nested form
I get
NoMethodError undefined method 'parent_clever_phones_path'
When in fact I've not used that, only parent_clever_phone_path (note the absence of plural).
I'm sure this should be really simple but I've stared at it for hours now and am at the end of my tether...
Any ideas?
Okay, there are several issues which you need to contend:
The reason why #parent params are not being passed is because you've not included them in your form. This is where nesting your forms would come in very handy - passing your parent params, and your clever_phone params in a single call
Since you don't want to do this, I would recommend at least populating a hidden field with the parent_id that the clever_phone is associated with:
= simple_form_for #clever_phone do |f|
= f.input :parent_id, as: :hidden, value: params[:parent_id]
= f.input :country_iso, as: :country, :iso_codes => true, priority: ["gb"]
= f.input :prefix
= f.submit
Alternatively, you have to make sure you're able to create the correct route for your form (as I think the #parent = Parent.find params[:parent_id] is not being called on your create method:
= simple_form_for [#parent, #clever_phone] do |f|
This will give you the ability to point your create action to the nested version of your route; hence providing the parent_id param for you
Having written, this I don't think it will address the core of your issue. If you need more information, please write a comment & I'll happily work to create a more appropriate answer!
Right: Worth putting in the solution that finally worked.
Thanks to Rich Peck for getting me halfway there...
has_one :clever_phone
belongs_to :parent
simple_form_for #clever_phone, url: parent_clever_phone_path(#parent) do |f|
f.input :parent_id, :value:
resources :parent do
resource :clever_phone
def new
#parent = Parent.find(params[:parent_id])
#clever_phone = #parent.build_clever_phone
def create
#parent = Parent.find(params[:parent_id]
#clever_phone =[:clever_phone]
Unless you do build_clever_phone the parent_id won't populate. I couldn't get #parent.create_clever_phone to work, but this seemed to do the trick...
Hope that saves somebody a days work...

Rails 3, change or fill submitted form values in controller

I have two independent "component" models, contacts and articles. Contacts come in many types (producers, exporters etc...).
In the new article form I have a dropdown selector with contacts (id and title) and want to store the selected value and text in the article table.
In the new article form view:
<%= :producer_id, options_for_select(producers, #article.producer_id) %>
That works and producer_id is stored in article table.
That's clear and logical to me, but in some cases I also need to store the selected contact's title in producer_title.
I have read many different options like "do it in model, before save", or "do it in controller", and I have done it inside controller.
Article controller (only part from update):
#cont_name is producer title from Contacts
def update
params[:article][:producer_title] = Contact.where(id: params[:article][:producer_id]).pluck(:cont_name).first
This works, but is it the best-practices approach to this problem?
Also, why I can't get it to work if I change the params[producer_id] part to use: id: params[:producer_id] ?
Best regards and thanks.
How about something like the following instead:
def edit
#article = Article.find(params[:id])
#producers = Contact.where(type: "producer") # or however you distinguish between producers and other contacts
Then in your form change it to: :producer_id, options_from_collection_for_select(#producers, "cont_name")
# you might need to do (#producers, "cont_name", "cont_name"), can't quite remember
Then your update action will be much simpler:
def update
#article = Article.find(params[:id])
if #article.update_attributes(params[:article])
The reason :id => params[:producer_id] doesn't work is that params is a nested hash, so something like:
params = { :article => { :producer_id => 34, :title => "Cool Article" }, :another_key => { :key => :value } }
So to access the producer_id you first have to retrieve the article hash, otherwise it will only look through the first set of keys which include article and another_key in the example above, but don't include producer_id.

Rails nested form with accepts_nested_attributes_for with an unfortunate model name

I have a Parent model named "Controller" (Mature app, and not my decision)
belongs_to :controller
accepts_nested_attributes_for :controller
= f.fields_for :controller do |c|
= c.hidden_field :id, :value =>
= c.text_field :slw_type
which doesn't get displayed.
= f.fields_for :literally_anything_else do |c|
= c.hidden_field :id, :value =>
= c.text_field :slw_type
if change the variable name to anything else, the form builds. I have a hunch that it's a rails specific reserved name.
What's the problem? and how can I make this work?
The issue was that the parent model wasn't associated with the child model yet. My mistake for not providing all the information necessary.
This worked.
def new
#controller = Controller.find(params[:controller_id])
#inspection = => #controller)
Therefore my fields_for form builder also worked.
Pick some innocuous variable name. not_really_a_controller or whatever. Use that for your variable and your form. Then, in your actual controller (e.g. ActionController::Base descendent), rename the incoming param so the model doesn't know any different, like so:
before_filter :filter_params
def filter_params
if params[:not_really_a_controller]
params[:controller] = params.delete(:not_really_a_controller)
I've used this strategy for similar reasons in the past, though not specifically for controller. Worth a try though!

Passing IDs through a new Form

This question is about a different approach I'm trying to the one asked here:
Passing IDs through a new Form
I have a group#view page, that is accessed by a Person. In this page, the Person can see the members of the group via methods I developed. The problem is that I need to create the model Honors using the Id from the group, the id from the person accessing the page, and the id from a member of this group.
In my Honors controller I have:
def create
#person = Person.find(current_person)
#asked_groupmembership = #person.owned_group_memberships.find_all_by_status(true,:include => [:group, :member])
#asked_groupmembership.each do |agm|
#honor = Honor.create(:group => Group.find(params[:group_id]),
:person => Person.find(current_person), :honored => Person.find(
In my view I have a link that directs the person to the form in order to create a new honor:
<% #asked_groupmembership.each do |agm| %>
<%= link_to "Create Honor", new_honor_path(:group_id =>, :person =>,
:honored => %>
But in my forms I can't get the ids and stuff
<% form_for(:honor, :url => honors_path(:group_id, :person,
:honored)) do |f| %>
The error I get is that I can't find Group without an Id.
Any ideas? Thanks.
Changed my crontroller
def new
##person = Person.find(params[:person])
##honored = Person.find(params[:honored])
##group = Group.find(params[:group_id])
#honor =
def create
#person = Person.find(current_person)
#honor = Honor.create(:group => Group.find(params[:group_id]),
:person => Person.find(params[:person]),
:honored => Person.find(params[:honored]))
First, it seems like you are missing a controller method. Along with every form that creates a new object there are typically two controller methods
Gathers up any data that the form needs to render itself
Renders the form
Collects the data from the form
Creates the new object
It looks to me like you are missing the new method. In the new method you would gather up all the hidden data that the form needs (e.g. the information that the user is not going to type in directly, like the #person info). Then, I would put this information in your form using hidden form parameters (rather then trying to put it in the form URL).
Objective: From the group#view, loop through and create and "Add Honor" link for each member of the group, while keeping track of the specific member being honored, group in which said member is honored, and the person who is honoring.
The following accomplishes that objective.
match "honors/:group/:person/:honored" => "honors#create", :as=>"my_custom_new_honor"
Group view:
<% #asked_groupmembership.each do |agm| %>
<%= link_to "Create Honor", my_custom_new_honor_path(:group=>, :person =>,:honored => %>
Honor Controller, Create Method
#honor = Honor.create(:group => Group.find(params[:group_id]),
:person => Person.find(params[:person]),
:honored => Person.find(params[:honored]))
In this scenario you do not need the honor#new method, you're going directly to the create method. This assumes all the relationships are established correctly.
