What is "shva" in Gmail's URL? - url

What is the following portion of a Gmail URL for?
If you change it, nothing happens!!
I know Gmail is not an Open-Source program so we can't trace the code. But every website try to make the URL shorter so they ideally shouldn't add redundant data to the URL. At the same time they don't make any difference nor error if they change.
Edit: I know it's a parameter for a scripting language since I'm a PHP developer but as a developer I don't EVER add a useless parameter and I think it's obvious/primitive sense!

The acronym stands for "Should have valid authentication" as noted here:
As others have noted, 1 is the default value.

If I'm remembering correctly, back when they were working on the current version of the interface, you could preview it by setting shva=2 instead of the default. That version is now the default and you can't get the old version, so shva does nothing now.
It may be used again in the future, who knows?
But every website try to make the URL shorter so they ideally shouldn't add redundant data to the URL...
This is self-evidently not true. Look at StackOverflow URLs for a perfect example. This post:
could just as easily be (it works):
I don't think anyone worries these days about the extra couple bytes of data involved with an extra query string parameter.

Some of them saying it is" should have valid Authentication". We shall consider it OK.
But the real expansion of shva is "security host verification and authentication".
It always comes when you open Gmail.

We won't know what it 'exactly' means unless someone inside Google answers your question. But my guess would be that it has to do with security and encryption. Nothing happens when you change it because it is part of the cookie as well. So when you change it they must also compare it with what is set in the cookie.

"shva" is an acronym for "should have valid authentication". Apparently, the parameter is only included after a successful authentication.
The 1 is the default value applied to the parameter check. It's also a shorthand way for programmers to say true, like when you have successfully logged in.
The other part, #inbox, tells Gmail to load up your inbox as the first screen. You can change that to one of the other folders (or even labels you've created) to load them up.
E.g., https://mail.google.com/mail/?shva=1#sent will show your Sent folder items.
https://mail.google.com/mail/?shva=1#label/narwhals will load up your "narwhals" label.
Gmail, like many web services, serves a standard interface that will change to show only your information and data when you've logged in.
The particulars are referenced on their end through the use of an ID from the cookies or sessions generated after the login screen.


Azure - App Insights - how to track the logged-in Username in Auth Id?

What is the best-supported approach for tracking logged-in Usernames/Ids in App Insights telemetry?
A User with Username "JonTester1" said some Pages he visited 4 hours ago were really slow. How can I see everything JonTester1 did in App Insights to trouble shoot/know which pages he's referring to?
Seems like User Id in App Insights is some Azure-generated anonymized thing like u7gbh that Azure ties to its own idea of the same user (thru cookie?). It doesn't know about our app's usernames at all.
I've also seen a separate field in App Insights called Auth Id (or user_AuthenticatedId in some spots), which looks to sometimes have the actual username e.g. "JonTester1" filled in - but not always... And while I don't see any mention of this field in the docs, it seems promising. How is our app's code/config supposed to be setting that Auth Id to make sure every App Insights log/telemetry has it set?
Relevant MS docs:
This looks to just copy one library Telemetry object's User Id into another... no mention of our custom, helpful Username/Id anyway... and most in-the-wild examples I see don't actually look like this, including MS docs own examples in the 3rd link below; they instead hardcode get a new TelemetryClient()
https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-monitor/app/website-monitoring No mention of consistently tracking a custom Username/Id
https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-monitor/app/api-custom-events-metrics#authenticated-users Shows some different helpful pieces, but still no full example. E.g. it says with only the setAuth... JS function call (still no full example of working client-side JS that tracks User) on the page, you don't need any server-side code for it to track custom User Id across both client-side and server-side telemetry sent to Azure... yet then it also shows explicit code to new up a TelemetryClient() server-side to track User Id (in the Global.asax.cs or where?)... so you do need both?
Similar SO questions, but don't connect the dots/show a full solution:
Azure Insights telemetry not showing Auth ID on all transactions
Application Insights - Tracking user and session across schemas
How is Application insight tracking the User_Id?
Display user ID in the metrics of application Insight
I'm hoping this question and answers can get this more ironed out; hopefully do a better job of documentation than the relevant MS docs...
The first link in your question lists the answer. What it does show you is how to write a custom telemetry initializer. Such an initializer lets you add or overwrite properties that will be send along any telemetry that is being send to App Insights.
Once you add it to the configuration, either in code or the config file (see the docs mentioned earlier in the answer) it will do its work without you needing to create special instances of TelemetryClient. That is why this text of you does not make sense to me:
[…] and most in-the-wild examples I see don't actually look like this, including MS docs own examples in the 3rd link below; they instead hardcode get a new TelemetryClient()
You can either overwrite the value of UserId or overwrite AuthenticatedUserId in your initializer. You can modify the code given in the docs like this:
if (requestTelemetry != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(requestTelemetry.Context.User.Id) &&
(string.IsNullOrEmpty(telemetry.Context.User.Id) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(telemetry.Context.Session.Id)))
// Set the user id on the Application Insights telemetry item.
telemetry.Context.User.AuthenticatedUserId = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;
You can then see the Auth Id and User Id by going to your AI resource -> Search and click an item. Make sure to press "Show All" first, otherwise the field is not displayed.
Auth Id in the screenshot below is set to the user id from the database in our example:
We access the server from azure functions as well so we set the user id server side as well since there is no client involved in such scenarios.
There is no harm in settting it in both places, javascript and server side via an initializer. That way you cover all scenario's.
You can also manually add user id to app insights by
See App Insights Authenticated users

App navigation only throw links

In Rails, Is it possible to prevent HTTP requests that come from the Browser's address bar ? And only allow navigation through links made within the app ?
I really looking for preventing a user to simply type his destination in the browser and only uses the links provided.
I know It maybe sounds silly. But I'm kind of trying to give a different UX than any regular website.
Is this approach possible? And If yes, How?
And what is the possible disadvantages or deficits that may cause?
For completeness, Yes.
The previous responder is right, this sounds like a bad idea, but it is possible. I imagine it similar to how authentication work. Set a secret value in the session on the first page, ask for it it on the second page the user reaches, if they don't match user didn't use your navigation. Refresh as quickly as needed (every page, for example).
Drawbacks? It's weird, that's not how webpages work. A clicked link (or GET request) is not different than a URL typed in the browser. What do you mean by "different UX than any regular website", the more details we have the easier we can help.
You can make it harder for a user to guess the correct URL by using obfuscation or use sessions to make the application stateful. But technically a GET request sent by clicking a link or by typing the url in the browser are identical to the server. The former is a form of security by obscurity.
The whole basically violates the core tenants of what a RESTful application does. In REST a resource should be omnipotent - requesting the same resource should provide the same response no matter how the user got there.
If you find that an action should not be able to be performed by typing the address into the browser you are most likely using the HTTP verbs wrong (using GET where you should be using POST, PUT or DELETE) or have a poor authorization system.

ASP.NET MVC WIZARD : Passing the entry ID but keeping the app safe for all users

Guys i'have a question.
I'm currently buiding a wizard that has 5 step's until being completed.
The user starts by the first step where he generates the entry id.
From there on i start passing the id over the url like this:
This is how my url looks like after the step1,
------- currently at view step2 passing the id=120
This isn't safe because as you know, anyone can change the id and affect other users's entries. Ofc, it can be quickly solved by reading if the authenticated user is proprietary of the entry that he must be trying to access in each view.
Now, my question is... is there a better way to do this?
Any tips for future work?
Is what i'm doing enougth?
(begginer doubt praying for a expert awnser)
...It can be quickly solved by reading if the authenticated user is proprietary of the entry that he must be trying to access in each view.
Yes, that's true. You should start there.
Here are some other things that you could do:
You could make your entry ids Guids instead, so that a would-be hacker would never try to guess an entry id.
Because using GET for sensitive data is a bad idea, you could, as endyourif suggests, pass the entry ids with hidden fields instead.
If you are truly concerned about the user altering the ID in the URL, then you must spend the additional time adding an "isOwnedBy" like functionality.
As an additional security measure, you could pass it via a hidden variable in the form so it is at least not as easy to change as well.
Edit: I like #LeffeBrune's suggestion of encrypting the idea as well. However, I still suggest that the validation is performed on the function to ensure the user owns the object. It's just good practice.

Cookie less sessions in PHP

For one of my project's (weird) requirements, I want to use cookie less sessions. At the same time, "session.use_trans_sid" can not be turned on :(
Does anybody please let me know if is there any other way out ??
Make a custom session manager that identifies the user based on, for example, IP address and user agent and other identifying factors (as IP+UA might not and probably will not be unique). Another (ugly) solution is to just implement the use_trans_sid functionality yourself by adding a session identifier GET parameter to every link by hand (if it's a small site) or with a hidden form (that's non-standard).
If you really want sessions without cookies, you can always put the SID in all your URLs manually. People used to do this quite a bit. :-)
The only other option is to keep the session data on the client and pass it back and forth to and from the server with each request, although technically that would be a sessionless architecture.
That means that for GETs each link has to be rewritten to include all the session variables, and for POSTs they have to be included as hidden fields.

Are manual activation and password reset pages still necessary?

I'm currently coding all of the account management functionality for my site, and have already implemented the account activation and password reset systems by e-mail. The e-mails each contain a link to a servlet (with the appropriate parameters attached to the end), which does all the processing. Tests for the systems have gone well, however I have one question.
If the link's text is the same as its address, is there any reason to include traditional manual activation/password reset page (a page with a form where the request parameters in the activation or reset link would be entered in to the appropriate fields)? If the link doesn't work in the e-mail, the user can always copy and paste it. Is there any particular reason why sites still have seperate pages dedicated to these actions? And should I allow it?
You never know for certain the kind of transformations your email will undergo before being displayed to the person that will eventually use your reset facility. Combined with clueless users this may pose a problem.
An example: Since reset/activation links can be quite long they may be partially wrapped onto a new line after a transformation from HTML to plain text. Inevitably this will someday happen to a user that does not know how to deal with that situation.
Therefore it might prudent to provide the backup method of just entering the code in a text field which on submit performs the GET that was intended in the first place.
You are of course free to decide that your site does not need the business of said type of user and skip implementation of the manual method!
