Foreign keys not working in link table in Linq2Sql -

I have 3 tables Subcontract, Company, and a link table CompanyToSubcontract. The link table contains the Subcontract_id and the Company_id. The foreign keys were set-up in SQL and when I drug them into my dbml the one-to-many relationship arrows showed up and everything looked fine. However, when coding, it's as if the relationship isn't there.
When I write a Select statement I have to use the join for it to work. When I refer to CompanyToSubcontract in code, I don't have the correct members available. I have CompanyToSubcontract.company_id and CompanyToSubcontract.subcontract_id, but not or CompanyToSubcontract.subcontract.
I have another table Group which has a one-to-many relationship with Subcontracts. I set up the foreign key the same way and that's working great. I can access Subcontract.group_id as well as
Everything seems to be set up properly for the link table, but I cannot get it to work. Is there some kind of trick for multiple foreign keys? What am I missing?
EDIT: My CompanyToSubcontract doesn't have a primary key. Could that be causing the problem? Trying it right now.

That was it. I needed a primary key on the link table.


Creating Model in Entity Framework

I am creating models in Entity Framework. I am trying to insert records in tblOffStrategy. In tblOffStrategy, OffId is Foreign Key and OffId and BonusStrategy are composite keys. DBA's creates table for us so I am creating model based on tables.
When I add-migration from Package Manager Console, I am getting "Unable to determine composite primary key ordering, Use the ColumnAttribute". Also I am not sure if my Foreign Key relationship is working.
Would anyone take a look at it and point me to right direction? Any help will be appreciated

Remove entries from a table that maintains a many to many relationship mvc entity framework

I am writing an application based on an existing database. I have two tables, a server table and a support table (people who support the specified server). These tables can have a many to many relationship, and as such I cannot maintain a foreign key within one of the tables pointing to another.
The solution that the person who designed the schema came up with was to add a third table, a server support junction, that has just two columns - ServerID and SupportID, both foreign keys pointing to their respective table.
When I import this database schema into Entity Framework, it gives me the following warning:
Warning 2 Error 6002: The
table/view 'dbo.Server_Support_Junction' does
not have a primary key defined. The key has been inferred and the definition
was created as a read-only table/view.
As such, the table does not appear in the edmx model and it does not create a class for the table.
As part of the application, I would like the DBA to be able to delete a server or a support (they leave the company/no longer support a certain server/etc). Is entity framework smart enough to see that this table is purely relational and will remove any connections when a support or server is deleted? Or must this be done explicitly?
If it must be done explicitly, what is a workaround for this? I tried adding a primary key called RelationID to the table, but it yelled at me saying that the primary key was not mapped or something.
Gert Arnold helped to find the solution. First, a primary key was added to the table consisting of both the Foreign keys, the SQL was:
ALTER TABLE dbo.Server_Support_Junction
ADD CONSTRAINT pk_ServerSupportJunc PRIMARY KEY (ServerID, SupportID)
I then updated the model by opening the edmx, right clicking on the blank space -> update model from database -> refresh -> finish.
To delete the relationship in the controller, the code was as follows:
Support support = db.Support.Find(id);
Obviously you should do some error checking to make sure the entity was actually found, but that's the gist of it!
Special thanks to Gert Arnold!

code first foreign key to asp membership table

I have a table (say, 'MyTable') created using CF. Also, there's asp's Membership table in my DB, which was auto generated along with Users, UserInRoles and Roles tables. These table exist only in the DB, and not as a model (class) in the project.
Now, I need to set a foreign key in 'MyTable' to Membership table. The problem is, of course, that there is no 'Membership' class in my project so I can't set that FK with code first.
I'd like to keep my users management in the trustful hands of, so I don't want to create my own tables for this.
How can I set that FK using code first?

Entity Framework and LLBLGen

I have a database, which has two tables.
The Order table, and the Item table. The relationship is m:1.
I am using LLBLGen as the mapping tool to generate the source file.
I can see that the ItemID from the Item table is displayed in the Order entity from the designer of LLBLGen, which is correct.
However, when I try to call this generated source codes, the ItemID is not listed as a property of my Order class. Actually all my foreign key is gone.
Could anyone teach me how to generate the foreign key as a property?
Thanks a lot
It's a setting. Go to:
Project properties -> Output Setting values Tab -> EmitForeignKeyFields, check the checkbox. Ok -> regenerate code.
It's false by default.
Ps: if you post your question on our own support forums, you might get answers more quickly ;)

How to get the foreign key in Entity Framework?

I am developing StudentApp in .NET 3.5 SP1 MVC Application.
I have two tables
CourseID, course_Name
studentID, student_Name, courseID(fk)
Now I made StudentApp.dbml which is having both table as entities.
As Foreign key will not be present in student entity,
I can not display courseID in student model, more over i can not generate add, edit, list views.
So tell me how to display courseID(fk) in student & i also want course name instead.
And also dropdownbox showing course name & storing courseID in edit view .
I'm pretty sure you have to load the foreign reference for each entity. Since I have no idea how you've constructed your API, I'll have to give you a pseudocode'ish example, but I think this is what you need to do.
List<Students> studList = [your_db_facade].SelectStudents() // Or however you retrieve your students
foreach (Students singleStudent in studList)
singleStudent.Context.CourseReference.Load() //CourseReference.Load() should be in the framework
Then you get the CourseID and name from the single student entity like
It could look slightly different for you, but I think the key to solving your problem is CourseReference.Load().
If your using LINQ-to-SQL and created a DBML file in Visual Studio then the foreign keys can be listed through the Course property in the Student object (automatically generated so since it is a one-to-many relationship from Student). Sort of like this:
var studentCourseIds =
from s in context.Students
select s.Course.CourseID;
Since your goal is to find the coursename then it is already accessible with Student.Course.course_Name.
Can you post your DBML? Also, DBML is used in LINQ to SQL (L2S) - EDMX is the mapping used in the ADO Entity Framework. Are you using LINQ to SQL or the Entity Framework (EF)?
No matter which one you are using - they both support Foreign Keys and you would get a property representing either side of the relationship - you don't need to do anything special (the Foreign Key must exist in the database, of course).
In EF, the foreign keys are called "navigtion properties" and they work a little differently to Foreign Keys in L2S. Nothing major, but updating them and "eager loading" are somewhat different.
Just drop the tables onto the map in the designer in Visual Studio (or generate using command line equivalents if you prefer).
Regarding Foreign Keys and Drop Down Lists (and other UI goodness) - I wrote a couple of blog entries on some approaches which might suit you. One part is located here and part two is located here.
if you create the correct relationship in your SQL server database, then when you add the tables to your DBML designer, the relationships will be copied across also and your code will link up automatically.
