How do I create a 'Most Recently Popular' bar for content in Ruby on Rails? - ruby-on-rails

I'm a noob so please forgive if this is an easy question but I'm trying to create a 'Most Recently Popular' output for specific content on a rails project.
Right now the object I am pulling from has an attribute revision.background_title. I want to calculate popularity by finding the number of specific background_title's added over the past seven days then put them in order. For example if there are 4 background_title's named 'awesomecontent' then that would be above one that has 1 background_title named 'less awesome content'
This pulls all of them:
#revisions = Revision.find(:all, :order => "created_at desc")

You can use the basic ActiveRecord find method to do this. The code would end up looking something like this:
#revisions = Revision.all(
:select => "background_title, count(*) count", # Return title and count
:group => 'background_title', # Group by the title
:order => '2 desc' # Order by the count descending
To see the output, you could then do something like this:
#revisions.each do |revision|
puts "Revision #{revision.background_title} appears #{revision.count} times"
Revision z appears 10 times
Revision a appears 3 times
Revision b appears 2 times
Another option would be to take a look at ActiveRecord::Calculations:
Calculations supports a count method that also supports the group option. However, going this route will give you back a hash containing the background_title as the key and the count as the value. Personally, find the first method more useful.


Getting query results with Legato gem

Trying to get query results from Google Analytics using Legato gem (following a previous recommendation I go there + some research). Seems to be simple to define my query, however I fail to understand how to actually get the results. Reading the readme shows how to build some "building blocks", but I fail to get an object where I can read the results from.
Maybe I missed something, and the query results should be written directly to the model (DB), which is not what I want (I wanted to go over them first). Maybe that's the reason I'm not seeing anything.
So can someone please share an example how to read the results? For example, just print the pageviews to the screen.
So here's the way I've found to use it:
You create a class that defines the "model" of your query (and like Active-Model returning relations, you can also concatenate here). In this example:
The model/query check for pageviews & unique-pageviews within the ga:pagePathLevel1 dimension.
There is an optional filter you can use, looking for 'index' within the pagePathLevel1 (and as you can see, you can chose to use it or not, add more filters, concatenate them, etc.
Also note that the filter & result just return a "query" (just like ActiveModel::Relation), where the execution is done by invoking something on it, like 'each' or 'to_a', etc.
class Pageviews
extend Legato::Model
metrics :pageviews, :uniquePageviews
dimensions :pagePathLevel1
filter(:by_index_in_path_level_1) {|page_path_level1| contains(:pagePathLevel1, 'index')}
def self.query(profile, start_date, end_date)
:start_date => start_date,
:end_date => end_date
# Just for reference, sorting descending by pageviews is done by: :sort => '-pageviews'
def self.query_index(profile, start_date, end_date)
:start_date => start_date,
:end_date => end_date
Once this is ready, you can do something like:
Pageviews.query(profile, start_date, end_date).each do |result|
# Just print the pageviews & unique-pageviews, for example
puts result.try(:pageviews)
puts result.try(:uniquePageviews)
Lastly, I recommand that you first explore with Google Analytics Query Explorer.
I hope you can find this example helpful

Rails :order by date in Postgres returning incorrect order

I have a model called Story that I'm trying to order by the created_at date. Since I've hosted my app on Heroku, which uses Postgresql, I have the following in my controller:
#stories = Story.find( :all, :order => "DATE(created_at) DESC" , :limit => 11)
I would expect this to give the first 11 of my stories, ordered by the creation date, with the newest story first.
Unfortunately, this doesn't work. Most of the stories return ordered correctly, but the first two are flipped. That is, the latest story appears second in the list.
Why would this be? I have a sneaky suspicion that my results aren't ordered at all or are being ordered on the wrong column (maybe id?) and that until now it just happened to be ordered like I expected when displayed on my index page. How can I get it to order as I expect it to?
In case anyone cares, the index view is simply displaying the stories, in order. That is (HAML):
- #stories.each do |story|
= render :partial => "event", :locals => { :event => story }
I am suspicious that the created_at is a datetime column and the DATE(...) function disregards the time portion. So it returns the elements created on the same date in a random order. Since the first two stories were created on the same day, but several hours apart, which would explain why they seem to be 'reversed'. If this is the case, what would be the correct syntax to order by both date and time?
I believe you want:
#stories = Story.find(:all, :order => "created_at DESC" , :limit => 11)
Update for Rails 3+:
#stories = Story.order(created_at: :desc).limit(11)
If you are using Rails 3, I would also encourage you to use the cool new query syntax which would be:
#stories = Story.order('created_at DESC').limit(11)
See Active Record Query Interface for more information.

rails 3 group by and sum

I have the following model:
activity_types: id, name
activities: id, id_activity_type, occurrences, date (other fields)
The activities table store how many times an activity occurs by day. But now I want to show to the user how many activities from each type occurred by month.
I got the following solution based on this post which seems ok:
Activity.all(:joins => :activity_types,
:select => ",, SUM(activities.occurrences) as occurrences",
:group => ",",
:order => "")
but this seems a lot of code for the rails standards and rails API says it's deprecated.
I found the following solution which is a lot simple:
Which returns an hash with activity_type_id => occurrences.
What shall I do to get the following hash: => occurrences ?
If the original query worked, then just try rewriting it with Rails 3 syntax:
.select(",, SUM(activities.occurrences) as occurrences")
SELECT SUM(activities.occurrences) AS sum_occurrences, AS activity_types_name FROM activity_types INNER JOIN activity_types ON = activities.activity_types_id GROUP BY
in case you needed an ordered hash based on and assuming activity_types_id is not needed as a part of hash key.
incase [activity_type_id,] needed as a part of key
Activity.joins(:activity_types).group(:activity_types_id, '').order(:activity_types_id).sum(:occurrences)

Rails paginate array items one-by-one instead of page-by-page

I have a group of assets, let's call them "practitioners".
I'm displaying these practitioners in the header of a calendar interface.
There are 7 columns to the calendar. 7 columns = 7 practitioners per view/page.
Right now:
if the first page shows you practitioners 1-7, when you go the next page you will see practitioners 8-15, next page 16-23, etc. etc.
i am wondering how to page the practitioners so that if the first page shows you practitioners 1-7, the next page will show you practitioners 2-8, then 3-9, etc. etc.
i would greatly appreciate any help you can offer.
here is the rails code i am working with.
best regards,
harris novick
# get the default sort order
# if we've been given asset ids, start our list with them
unless params[:asset_ids].blank?
params[:asset_ids] = params[:asset_ids].values unless params[:asset_ids].is_a?(Array)
sort_order = "#{params[:asset_ids].collect{|id| " = #{id} DESC"}.join(",")}, #{sort_order}"
#asset_set = #provider.active_resources(:include => {:active_services => :latest_approved_version}).paginate(
:page => params[:page],
:order => sort_order
Good question! I guess this is one thing WillPaginate doesn't really account for. I'm going by looking at WillPaginate's code here, but I didn't actually test this solution. If you intend to try it, let me know if it worked for you.
The logic is well separated, in WillPaginate::Collection. You need to change the behavior of the offset and total_entries= methods. You can do this with subclassing, but that means you can no longer use the special paginate finder, unfortunately. (It has WillPaginate::Collection hardcoded.)
You could have something like the following, perhaps in your lib/:
class SlidingWindowCollection < WillPaginate::Collection
def offset
current_page - 1
def total_entries=(number)
#total_entries = number.to_i
#total_pages = [#total_entries - per_page, 1].max
And then, your example code would look like:
#asset_set_scope = #provider.active_resources(:include => {:active_services => :latest_approved_version})
#asset_set = SlidingWindowCollection.create(params[:page], RESOURCES_IN_DAY_VIEW, #asset_set_scope.count) do |pager|
pager.replace(#asset_set_scope.all(:offset => pager.offset, :limit => pager.per_page, :order => sort_order))
Usage is a bit more complicated, I suppose. All the extra stuff is normally taken care of by the special finder paginate, such as figuring out the total number of entries and selecting the right entries. I suppose you could create a helper if it's something you intend to do often.
I think LIMIT will work for you. I don't know using pagination but you can try following
LIMIT params[:page], 7
Where params[:page] is number of the page,
So for page 1 it will show 7 rows from 1 i.e. 1-7
for page 2 it will show 7 rows from 2 i.e. 2-8

Filtering Sphinx search results by date range

I have Widget.title, Widget.publish_ at, and Widget.unpublish_ at. It's a rails app with thinking_sphinx running, indexing once a night. I want to find all Widgets that have 'foo' in the title, and are published (publish _at <, unpublish _at >
To get pagination to work properly, I really want to do this in a sphinx query. I have
'has :publish_at, :unpublish_at' to get the attributes, but what's the syntax for '"foo #publish_ at > #{}",:match _mode=>:extended'? Is this even possible?
Yep, easily possible, just make sure you're covering the times in your indexes:
class Widget < ActiveRecord::Base
define_index do
indexes title
has publish_at
has unpublish_at
To pull it based purely off the dates, a small amount of trickery is required due to sphinx requiring a bounded range (x..y as opposed to x>=y). The use of min/max value is very inelegant, but I'm not aware of a good way around it at the moment.
min_time = => -10)
max_time = => 10)
title = "foo" title, :with => {:publish_at =>, :unpublish_at =>}
I haven't used sphinx with rails yet.
But this is possible by the Sphinx API.
What you need to do is to set a datetime attribute at your sphinx.conf.
And don't forget to use UNIX_TIMESTAMP(publish_at), UNIX_TIMESTAMP(unpublish_at) at your index select.
