using authlogic to auto create users bypassing explicit user registeration - ruby-on-rails

I'm wondering how to go about using Authlogic to auto register a user who chooses to use open id. Right now they have to register first before being able to login in, even if they choose open id, but I'd prefer if they could just login directly provided I get all the necessary details from the open id provider. But I'm not sure how to go about doing this?
Would I do it inside my user session controller or is there some fancy way to extend authlogic inside the model?
If someone could point me in the right the direction, i'd be grateful.
Here's an example of what I have now with the two pages:

Gaizka's version seems to work beautifully for me.
Thanks, here's the example of it working:

You have to use auto_register method in your UserSession model. Although i did try to solve the very same question. I succeeded with first time login/registration only.
Second time when user tries to login, the system tries to register it again.


Can I always require confirmation with Devise on Rails?

I've been asked to implement 2FA with email codes, like you get from Steam (and many banks), after you haven't logged in for awhile. I initially thought this would have been a flag I could turn on in the Devise config, but I can't find ANY place on the internet that talks about something like this. The desired process would be to generate and email a one-time pad to enter into a confirmation screen. Every reference I've found to 2FA with Devise refers to using things like SMS or an authenticator app.
Working within the framework of Devise, it seems like this might possibly boil down to unconfirming the user every so often, maybe like every other day. That way, the next time they log in, they get another email with a new link to "re-"confirm the login. The best I can find is Warden::Manager.after_authentication to set user.confirmed_at = nil, but this doesn't seem to be doing what I want.
Thanks to a friendly person on Github, I was directed to the Devise plugin,, which does exactly what I wanted. I knew someone had to have already written it!

Rails/Devise - forcing password reset

I've implemented the ability to auto generate user passwords using Devise. Now when the user logs in to the system, I would like to force the user to reset the password. It seems like there is no such functionality built into Devise (please correct me if I am wrong). I can think of several ways to achieve this, but I'm sure there is a standard way of doing this.
Any tips would be appreciated.
Devise handles a password controller with associated views to change a user password. In application controller you can override some devise methods like after_sign_up_path , after_sign_in_path, after_confirmation_path etc with new_password_route which I remember is the router helper to change de password, not sure though. I will think that you are sending a mail with the generated password and a confirmation link. If not, what you are doing is kind of pointless. Generating a password so then the user has to change it is not right regarding UX. Just prompt the user with the desire pass at the beginning.
Good luck

Ruby on Rails Sessions for new users

We have some sharing elements of our application where we embed logging IDs into the URL's that we share out. When a user clicks that URL, we add a record to our database so we can hopefully follow them throughout the registration process. We've found that if you reset your browser and go to the link the first time, there is no session info from the controller. However, all subsequent requests then have the session. It's almost like it's getting created after the first request.
We attempted to log it via ajax on the view, but this is cumbersome in all the places we want.
Anyone know what sessions wouldn't be available in the controller on first access for a new uesr?
I think you might have code in the wrong order. You must have the session creation before any logic can my applied to it.
Hope this helps.

Lazy registration with RESTful routing in Rails

I'm stuck figuring out the best practice...
I want to create a "following" system in a way that a user can follow a car (getting email updates when car price changes, etc). The part of implementation that's giving me headaches is when I want to introduce lazy registration by only using email.
Everything needs to work as AJAX requests.
In the interface, there will be a button to trigger the follow action, which will check if the user is registered or not. If a user is logged in, create a new CarSubscription item, otherwise display a form where he could type his email address. Once submitted, the form should create a user with no password (if email exists, ask for the password and log in) and then it should create the relationship item.
The challenge here is to use redirection after submission of the form to the CREATE action of the CarSubscriptionController. Since I can't redirect using POST I can't simulate the CREATE or DESTROY action.
The non-RESTful solution would be to create 2 actions under cars_controller: follow and unfollow and let them do the logic of creating entries and deleting them. That would enable me to just store the request path and use it after the user enters their email and logs in.
How can I achieve what I want using RESTful resources?
After trying to describe my problem here, it seems it's way too complicated and I am indeed very stuck... There are 3 different controllers and possibly 4 requests in this scenario.
Any help would be tremendously appreciated!
Please see my flow chart below:
Not an expert here, I don't know if it's the best solution, but what I have done in similar situation is :
In your controller, respond with javascript instead of redirecting the user
In your javascript file, use $.post(...) to issue a POST to your controller action
Et voilĂ !
You can also use ActiveResource to achieve this, but I actually never tried that solution : => 'Ryan').post(:register)
Hope this helps
I had a very similar need and had trouble pulling the various bits of info on how to do this with Devise and Rails together into a working example. Here's a fully working example based on Rails 4, Ruby 2, and Devise 3.0:

How do I implement gradual engagement using Devise and Rails 3?

I'm trying to implement a delayed-signup (aka delayed authentication aka gradual engagement) website flow using Devise + Rails.
By gradual engagement, I mean
"Don't make the user sign in until she
absolutely has to, but let her play
around and be remembered on the site"
I'm looking for a simple way to do this using devise. I feel like this is something many others have had to do, but I haven't found documentation on it.
The following approach sounds ok in my head, so I'm going to start with it:
Create users that are only "rememberable"
When certain pages are accessed, require that these users have more
data on them, like a username and
password, via something like
"before_filter :authenticate_user!" in
the appropriate controllers.
Does this approach make sense? Is there a better one? Do you have an implementation of a gradual engagement approach to signup/registration forms using Devise + Rails that you're willing to share?
I think the point of the article you gave us is to say:
only ask for sign up if necessary.
What does this mean?
Let's take an example. You're an e-commerce web site.
When does the customer has to sign up "at last"? During checkout. Never before. So you don't have to store, or remember anything about the user. Devise is never, never used here.
How do you manage the shopping cart of an unsigned in/up user? I'd say database, with session Id as primary key. Or You could store all the items ids in cookie, for later use.
In your code, if you have an action called checkout, just set in your controller a before_filter authenticate_user!, :only => [:checkout]
But maybe you have some constraints, like being able to keep your user's nickname without signing him up for example?
One alternate option is to do email-only signup, then send an email with a special link to finish registration later / bring them back to their account. There's an actively maintained tutorial on devise email-only signup at:
I've used this tutorial for a site I did a while back where we only asked for their email address to sign up, then later sent emails for them to complete registration / add a password.
You can keep all unsigned user's data in cookies, and transfer them to database once the user logs in, if you need to.
