LaTeX: disable or turn off hyperlinking for table of contents? - latex

I want a table of contents, but I don't want each line to be a clickable hyperlink. How do I do this?
I am using the \anothertoc command from the shorttoc package to "import" the TOC from another document. Works fine, except that all the links for the imported TOC are broken (obviously)... so, I want to de-linkify them.
Not sure whether this is relevant, but the TOC that I'm importing is from a document that uses the hyperref package. I have a feeling that hyperref is making the TOCs hyperlinked, but I can't find any option for the hyperref package to disable hyperlinking for TOCs.

You can consider the linktoc parameter when importing the package with for instance
\usepackage[linktoc=none]{hyperref} or
You can refer to paragraph 5.13 of the manual at

How are you "importing" the toc?
I'd have a look at the hyperref manual at :
The simple solution would be to turn off hyperlinking in the document toc that you are importing, though I realize that might not be possible.

A solution using Normadize's answer based on \NoHyper working well with the shorttoc package:
\anothertoc{other-document}{Toc from other document}{1}


knitr/rmarkdown/Latex: How to cross-reference figures and tables in 2 different pdf files?

I'm trying to write a scientific article and the associated supplementary materials entirely in RStudio with rmarkdown.
It seems clear that book down is the way to go to cross-reference between files (, but I also would like to be able to reference figures produced in one pdf in the other pdf.
Although my latex has got quite rusty with time, I imagine it could be achieved as follows:
compile the article tex and SuppMat tex a first time using rmarkdown::render()
compile these tex files from the command line in order to keep the corresponding .aux file with their references (missing references won't be resolved at this time)
recompile the 2 tex files from the command line another time where all references should now be resolved
Is it a reasonable way to do it? am I overlooking something simpler?
In any case, it requires:
a different numbering of figures in each pdf file (covered by
to prevent rmarkdown from trashing the .aux files (it seems that pandoc doesn't allow this, hence the need to create the aux file using standalone latex)
to tell latex to use the additional .aux file if it is found (probably using header-includes: in the YAML header). how can I achieve that?
Thank you very much for your help!
It turns out that the xr package is one way to go:
so this works from R:
tinytex::pdflatex("myarticle_ms.tex", clean=FALSE)
tinytex::pdflatex("myarticle_SM.tex", clean=FALSE)
with the following in the YAML header of myarticle_ms.Rmd (and the corresponding one the SuppMat file header):
\usepackage{xr} \externaldocument{myarticle_SM}
Hope it makes life easier for a few others :)

Styling of biblography - change underline to italic (Latex)

I am struggeling with latex biblography styling.
Using the predefined
style i get a nice result:
When adding the following package:
\usepackage {ulem}
I get this result in the biblography:
How can i remove the underline of the journal and get it italic?
I tried:
and also following, to undefine \uline
But both create a lot of "Missing } inserted.\end{thebibliography}" in the bbl file. Is there a way to revert the \usepackage command or get back the old style?
One of the features of the ulem package is to redefine \emph so that it uses \uline, so (as is presumably already clear to you) that's why you're getting underline in the bibliography, where text was emphasised before.
The documentation for the ulem package notes that adding the [normalem] option when loading the ulem package means that \uline is defined but \emph isn't redefined. I don't know if that would be an acceptable solution for you – ie, do you in fact want \emph to be underlined throughout the rest of the document?
Alternatively, if you only want \emph to go back to its original definition for the bibliography, you could try (ulem docs again) giving the command \normalem before loading the bibliography. However, the way that the bibliography is loaded can sometimes make it unexpectedly difficult to fiddle with its formatting (as you've discovered, when trying to redefine \uline).
If these thoughts don't resolve things, try posting a ‘minimal working example’. You may also be better off looking at, or possibly posting to, the TeX stackexchange.
If anyone faced the issue of getting \hbuf errors in the Bibliography.
The Solution by NormanGrey helps in this case also:
The documentation for the ulem package notes that adding the [normalem] option when loading the ulem package...
Thus, just by making a small change in the settings.tex fixed this error:
It not only removed the underline, it fixed the overflow I had, as you can see here:
Thank you a lot.

LaTeX: Cite, but don't reference

I'm producing a set of documents in LaTeX, and I would like to provide a single, global bibliography page for the whole set. This is because each document is page-limited: I don't want to take up space with references at the bottom of each one.
This means in each case, I would like to cite in the text, but not produce a reference at the end. I am using bibtex/natbib to handle the referencing.
Simplest example:
In \citet*{MEF2010} I described the method.
How can I do this? Essentially I just want it to cite correctly:
In Bloggs, Blagg and Blog (2010) I described the method.
But not add a references section at the end. Any ideas?
Instead of using \bibliography{bibliography.bib} you can try \nobibliography{bibliography.bib}.
You still need to enter the path so it can make the cross-references.
It happens due to missing packages. If you want to resolve the problem then enable the automatic installation packet. After that,First, you run the BibTeX file and generate the Pdf file (instead of pdfLatex file) and then pdfLatex to Pdf

LaTeX help with href

I am trying to create a hyperlink using LaTeX. When I use the command pdflatex to compile the file, I get an error.
The relevant lines of the document are:
pdflatex created a file called missfont.log, which contains this:
mktextfm pzdr
What am I doing wrong?
Do you have the pzdr font installed? If you're on Debian or Ubuntu, try installing the texlive-fonts-recommended package.
Does the hyperref package purport to make hyperlinks to arbitrary web pages? I thought it was just for intra-document links (which it does automatically). I would do
to format a URL in your document.
ADDED: Thanks Will, I didn't know that about href. But if you're creating a document that's mainly targeting paper as the intended medium, I think the url package for formatting URLs is the way to go. But if you think the href package subsumes the url package, I'd love to be set straight on that.

Incorrect hyperlinking in LaTeX

So far the hyperref package in LaTeX has automatically linked all the items in my report correctly. But there is one that did not get linked properly, possibly because I manually added it to the table of contents like this:
How do I fix this?
You have to use the \phantomsection macro just before or after the \addtocontentsline. This instructs hyperref to add an anchor at that point. Also, take into account that you have to run LaTeX several times to make this anchor to be in the exact place.
If you're using a standard LaTeX document class, such as report, you can use the tocbibind package, and then you won't need the \addcontentsline command and the hyperlinks should work correctly. From the documentation:
The tocbibind package enables the titles of the Table of Contents, the List of Figure, the List of Tables, the Bibliography and the Index all to be added to the Table of Contents.
I'd also suggest looking at the memoir class, which also solves this problem. It's intended to be a replacement for the standard report and book classes, and provides lots of options and commands for customisation.
