Debugging Django Admin Template Resolution - django-admin

Can someone point me to the code or a way that I can say print to screen which admin template is being used?
It happens many a time when I am replacing a admin template for an model that I add the template and hit the page and bham... still the same template.
Usually its a case issue or something like that... but it takes me a while if I get stumped to realise what my issue is.
Can anyone suggest an approach, be it put print statements in django code to show which template is getting resolved?

Use the django-debug-toolbar, it has a tab that shows all the template_s_ (plural) that are used.

If you run Django's development server from the command line, you can definitely just use print statements to find out which template is being used. You can also use the FireBug plugin for Firefox to figure out what the server is sending back to you.


Compiling code of several different languages (go,java,python) and getting a value back

I would like to build a IDE in the browser. Basically a WebApp where you choose which language you want to write code in, then you submit it to an endpoint, and get back the output.
I could not find any docker images that existed and I tried to use Judge but it seems like it is going to cause issues and there is no customer support.
Has anyone built something like this before?

How do I enable page exception output in nopcommerce MVC?

Currently, if there is ANY KIND OF ERROR in a view or route in nopcommerce MVC, I get alien unicode text, meaning it looks like you are viewing binary output via text. I had to rewrite this question because it was said to not be specific enough although this is just another way to say the exact same thing so not sure what to do.
This issue is fixed in version 2.30. Or simply apply changeset d21c5993c77f and dd416ab78db1. Let me know if it helped

How do I add the Debug link on the side of a Fitnesse fixture page?

I'm trying to make debugging our Fitnesse tests easier. We're using runnerw.exe for debugging, it works fine. The UserGuide implies there can be a Debug action with the Test, Edit, etc links on the side of the fixture page.
However, there's no Debug action on our fixture pages. Can anyone tell me how to add it?
Well, changing the buttons on the left hand side involves actually modifying code in FitNesse. So that is a bit bigger of a deal to do.
However, I can give you a couple of options.
First, you could give everyone a bookmarket that they can use that will run the current page (and set the debug flag). The following does it :
javascript:cur_loc=location.href;location.href=cur_loc + "?test&remote_debug=true";
Second, is that you might be able to add the same thing to the PageHeader or PageFooter page, so that it appears everywhere. But then there will be the issue of the option being there even though you are not on a test page.
!-Run Page in Debug Mode-!

Web Part Deployment in SharePoint

I've built a web part and after several deployments to a specific site, SharePoint suddenly won't give the option to deploy to a specifi site, a message is immediatelly displayed that the solution is deplyed globally.
I don't know what I did to cause this. I've been useing stsadmn -o addsolution method, except once when when I tried to just run the Setup.exe file.
Anyone has any idea why is it happenning and how to correct this.
First make sure to retract the solution (with stsadm), if it doesn't work, use -force/-override, and then delete with the same.
Than try to do it again, and it should work.

Why does my CSS go screwy "sometimes"

A website of mine is behaving weirdly. The layout sometimes is fine, and sometimes it is screwy. An example page that I see the problem on is this one: link
Disclaimer: I have yet to start my investigation into cause in earnest. I am turning to Stackoverflow because I am lazy and I hope someone will say "That happened to me once, it is probably this...". So please, no one get stuck into this working out this issue if it is something you have never seen before, as it wouldn't be fair as I have not done it myself.
Ok, some background:
The problem usually (maybe always) occurs when first viewing the page
The problem does not show up always, only sometimes
When the page shows up munged, if you refresh it usually reloads looking as it should
The site is a rails app
The css is passed through the neat Smurf Gem, which automatically minifies the CSS and Javascript on the page.
The layout problems happen in firefox (both linux and winXP)
The CSS is served up in the production environment using the ":cache => true" option which concatenates all the css files into one file
Anyway, I am hoping that this has happened to someone before and it will be really simple to fix. If not, I'll go and investigate and return with the solution (or a request for more help).
Thanks in advance!
[edit]I added the first two bullet points, inspired by the comments and first answer[/edit]
We have had something similar when using HAML and SASS that resulted in the CSS being completely unavailable. It only happened on deploys. We determined it was a combination of the Rails stylesheet merging and the generation of the CSS from SASS. Sass was not done generating the CSS, which it did so on the first request to the application, when Rails attempted to merge it all together. The result, a corrupt useless CSS file. Then we stumbled upon this article which has a solution for preventing this issue.
Based on all this, my best guess is that the Smurf gem is attempting to generate your file on the first request, but Rails is serving it out before its done. The generation completes then each following request is fine. If this is the problem then the only solution i know of is to get the file generated before the first request. Of course, this does assume that it is related to deployments or application restarts in some way.
I had such a problem. The problem was only at the first time the page was loaded. Just reload it and it was fine.
The problem in my case was that the images where not there in the cache for the first time so the browser didnt know it's dimensions when preparing the page which caused the problem
If an image doesn't have a height/width assigned to it, a place is created on the page and it's put there. If the image doesn't quite fit, the browser may not know this until it's refreshed. Then it already knows the size and can properly fit it onto the page.
