Parsing Tweets in ColdFusion [closed] - parsing

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have an RSS feed that I am working on in ColdFusion 8. What I would like to do is parse the entire RSS feed and pull out trending words.
I would like my output to display how many times each word is used. Much like a word cloud.

Check out this article. Ray Camden walks through a Twitter Report. He uses everyting you should need to search, parse and output from Twitter.

Sounds like you need to go to and download a ColdFusion Twitter API package and invest some time solving your challenge.


Getting Twitter Timeline Fees to Show in IOS App [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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is their any way to show twitter feeds/timeline from my account to ios app ? I want to use twiiter framework to display tweets. I have tried rest api 1.1 but it seems not working.
You can use the Twitter API to get your Timeline into JSON format.
More information about it :
Then, you can parse the response using NSDictionnary methods.
I hope this can help you, for me is the best and simple way ;)

Export text from App to Numbers/Excel [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Is it possible to program without using a database to export text directly to a Numbers or Excel document?
I mean if you have like "name", "phonenr", "date" etc. and you want to send and save it to an excel/numbers document. Is it possible to do it by code ?
I know how to send the text as an email with code, just don't know if its possible to save it to excel/numbers document.
Tried to search for a solution to this but only thing I found was going through a db. I was thinking of avoiding it as far as I can to simplify my application. (Haven't started yet, so I don't have any example how it will look like). Hope this explanation of was enough, ask if you don't understand it :)
yeahm you can do that by using excel lib for the language you are using,
for ios:

Fetch (get) my YouTube channel into my iOS app [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I would like to get my YouTube channel videos into my app.
How can this be done? Does the Youtube iOS API support this ?? I couldn't find it, all guides talks about videos but not to a specific channel .
I saw an application that is doing that, but I couldn't know how to do it !!
You have to get OAuth2 done.
Do a channels->list request with mine=true.
Get relatedPlayists->uploads playlist
Call playListItems->list with playlist Id to get videoId.
Have you checked this page? There is a sample app available for osx which works pretty much similar as it would do in iOS but you'll have to figure it out.
To download search for downloading source from svn command. Similar to git.

Trying to create a search and display app [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm trying to create an app in which i have information set up with-in the app and when the user searches for the information it displays it on the screen. So for example say you search for "Hamburger" in the app; the app looks into it's information and displays it.
Can anyone explain to me how to go about doing this or at least point me to a source that can.
The built in framework for doing this would be UISearchBar and UISearchDisplayController. There are many tutorials our there to get you started for using these controllers (here, here and here).
Of course there are many custom ways to accomplish the same tasks, but this would be a good place to start if you are just getting started.

How to get Facebook news feed (fan page) for iOS? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Just read Fb documentarians and didn't found much on how to get news feed post to display on my iOS app (news feed from public fb Fan page).
Wondering if it's possible to retrieve data from Facebook? or it's better to parse data of it..
Has anyone done this in iOS? Thanks in advance~
Yes, you can use the facebook API to get the feeds from a public page-
