How to get Facebook news feed (fan page) for iOS? [closed] - ios

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Just read Fb documentarians and didn't found much on how to get news feed post to display on my iOS app (news feed from public fb Fan page).
Wondering if it's possible to retrieve data from Facebook? or it's better to parse data of it..
Has anyone done this in iOS? Thanks in advance~

Yes, you can use the facebook API to get the feeds from a public page-


Getting Twitter Timeline Fees to Show in IOS App [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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is their any way to show twitter feeds/timeline from my account to ios app ? I want to use twiiter framework to display tweets. I have tried rest api 1.1 but it seems not working.
You can use the Twitter API to get your Timeline into JSON format.
More information about it :
Then, you can parse the response using NSDictionnary methods.
I hope this can help you, for me is the best and simple way ;)

Issue with Google Data API Client for Objective-C Sent and get valid video url [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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There are several sample code are available with library Google Data API Client for Objective-C i.e how to upload Youtube video but my problem here is that here i get youtube link from other server and my question is how to sent that youtube url to the above library and get valid url so that i pass that url to MPMovieController player.
Thank a lot in advance

Post Text on LinkedIn with Authentication in IOS [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I search a lot for post text via Linked In API, but not able to find any good solution.
How can I authenticate user & post my Text on his page?
Any answer will be greatly appreciated!!
Help me to Solve this
Thank you,
The answer to this kind of question is always the same: the official documentation is your best friend. Also there are some ready to use third-party open source library for implementing linkedin authentication. One example is this.

using iMessage as a server? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Is it possible to use iMessage as a webservice? and have it communicate with an app?
Most online info talks about sms and how an app can send an sms message, but not use it or consume it.
you wont be able to get any documented API to send and receive data via iMessage in your application.

Parsing Tweets in ColdFusion [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have an RSS feed that I am working on in ColdFusion 8. What I would like to do is parse the entire RSS feed and pull out trending words.
I would like my output to display how many times each word is used. Much like a word cloud.
Check out this article. Ray Camden walks through a Twitter Report. He uses everyting you should need to search, parse and output from Twitter.
Sounds like you need to go to and download a ColdFusion Twitter API package and invest some time solving your challenge.
