More efficient way to plot x-axis points? - ruby-on-rails

I have been working on a project that requires a bar graph to be populated with price results. The chart displays the number of items within a given price range. For instance, if on amazon there are 9 items within the price range of $0-$10 the x-axis would display $0-$10 and the y-axis would be populated with a value of 9.
My bar graph has 8 bars, all with similar price ranges. $0-$10, $10-$20, $20-$30... etc.
My question is this: What is the best way to define those individual points? There is no common price range between these items, so the x-axis cannot be static numbers. They must be dynamically calculated within the range of results.
As such, currently I am creating the x-axis points as follows:
I take the lowest result:
#numbers[0] = results[0];
And I take the highest result:
#numbers[8] = results[-1];
Then I find the median of the two:
#numbers[4] = (#numbers[0]+#numbers[8])/2;
I then repeat the process 6 more times
#numbers[2] = (#numbers[0]+#numbers[4])/2; #numbers[6] = (#numbers[4]+#numbers[8])/2; #numbers[1] = (#numbers[0]+#numbers[2])/2; #numbers[3] = (#numbers[2]+#numbers[4])/2; #numbers[5] = (#numbers[4]+#numbers[6])/2; #numbers[7] = (#numbers[6]+#numbers[8])/2;
This gives me the results I need, but it seems awfully repetitive and I would imagine there is a better way.
I tried creating a loop, but I could not write it in a less verbose manner.
Is there a quicker way to do this, or perhaps something more along the lines of DRY?

Are your bins always of equal size? In your example, all share range=10. If so, then you could do:
binspacing = overall range / (numberofbins-1);
and the position of bin n would be the x-axis position of numbers[0] plus n times the binspacing.


iOS Charts library and LineChart xAxis

I'm trying to create a LineChartView with values representing expenses for the current quarter. I need to print months and days with a custom number of labels for the xAxis. Unfortunately the LineChart is generating a set of entries that doesn't suit my needs and I cannot change them. I need the grid lines at my custom positions that are the first day of the month and a set of days for the month and I want them at specific positions not where the LineChart wants. I've checked the code and seen that the entry values for the xAxis are calculate in XAxisRenderer.computeAxisValues and it looks like I have no way to specify their number and positions. The number of labels that I set it is not taken into account ... and I do not have time to customise it.
There are 2 ways might achieve what you needed:
Set the number of labels for x-axis, for example,
let xAxis = chartView.xAxis
xAxis.labelCount = 7
//xAxis.drawLabelsEnabled = true
Through this, exactly 7 grid lines as will be drawn, if you set
drawLabelsEnabled as false, the min and max lines will be added in
additional to those 7
Use limit lines
You can disable the drawing of grid lines, and use limit lines
instead. In this way, you can draw line for whatever values you
need, for example,
let limitLine = ChartLimitLine(limit: xValue, label:
limitLine.lineWidth = 0.5
limitLine.lineColor = .black
limitLine.valueTextColor = .black

Changing the viewport to only show certain intevals of ios-charts linechart

I'm using the ios-charts library and I have a LineChart View that has x values that are dates from every weekday of this year. On the y-axis I have values between 0 and 25.
I would like to zoom in on different intervals on the LineChart View.
For example only show Data for week X one time and later change to show data for three months, etc etc.
I did not find anything in the documentation on how to do this. I used the "zoom" function with out any success.
(Example : Zoom and show the last 20 days on the x axis or zoom and show the last three months)
Has someone does this before?
It's a tough question and very advanced control. I guess you need to read carefully about the code, focusing on moveViewToX, and the logic and functions in ChartTransformer. Combining some tricks and calculations, you may find a way to fine-grainedly controll what you want to display.
Also, there is a property:
/// the maximum number of entried to which values will be drawn
internal var _maxVisibleValueCount = 100
may also help you.

Highcharts: is there a way to offset lines slightly so same coordinates do not overlap?

I have a line chart with a limited Y axis (1-5). There are six different lines represented on the chart (3 each from two different users: measuring feeling 1, feeling 2 and feeling 3 from 1-5).
When users enter the same value over time (for instance, ranking feelings 1 and 2 as 5 for several weeks), the two lines completely overlap and you can only see one.
Is there a way I can offset a particular line by say, a couple pixels up and to the right so if there are two different lines representing same values over time, I can see both at once?
Using pointPlacement it is possible to slightly offset each series, so points with the same values do not overlap each other. The tooltip will still work as if points would overlap, so setting shared to true should help.
Another option that will allow not shared tooltip would be to use scatter type series with lineWidth set to 2, to imitate line type series.
Example with scatter series:

spatial set operations in Apache Spark

Has anyone been able to do spatial operations with #ApacheSpark? e.g. intersection of two sets that contain line segments?
I would like to intersect two sets of lines.
Here is a 1-dimensional example:
The two sets are:
A = {(1,4), (5,9), (10,17),(18,20)}
B = {(2,5), (6,9), (10,15),(16,20)}
The result intersection would be:
intersection(A,B) = {(1,1), (2,4), (5,5), (6,9), (10,15), (16,17), (18,20)}
A few more details:
- sets have ~3 million items
- the lines in a set cover the entire range
One approach to parallelize this would be to create a grid of some size, and group line segments by the grids they belong to.
So for a grid with sizes n, you could flatMap pairs of coordinates (segments of line segments), to create (gridId, ( (x,y), (x,y) )) key-value pairs.
The segment (1,3), (5,9) would be mapped to ( (1,1), ((1,3),(5,9) ) for a grid size 10 - that line segment only exists in grid "slot" 1,1 (the grid from 0-10,0-10). If you chose a smaller grid size, the line segment would be flatmapped to multiple key-value pairs, one for each grid-slot it belongs to.
Having done that, you can groupByKey, and for each group, calculation intersections as normal.
It wouldn't exactly be the most efficient way of doing things, especially if you've got long line segments spanning multiple grid "slots", but it's a simple way of splitting the problem into subproblems that'll fit in memory.
You could solve this with a full cartesian join of the two RDDs, but this would become incredibly slow at large scale. If your problem is smallish, sure, this is an easy and cheap approach. Just emit the overlap, if any, between every pair in the join.
To do better, I imagine that you can solve this by sorting the sets by start point, and then walking through both at the same time, matching one's current interval versus another and emitting overlaps. Details left to the reader.
You can almost solve this by first mapping each tuple (x,y) in A to something like ((x,y),'A') or something, and the same for B, and then taking the union and sortBy the x values. Then you can mapPartitions to encounter a stream of labeled segments and implement your algorithm.
This doesn't quite work though since you would miss overlaps between values at the ends of partitions. I can't think of a good simple way to take care of that off the top of my head.

Highcharts doesn't display series with lots of data points

I have a chart that I would like to display based on a date range from the user. This particular chart has a data point for every 15 minutes. So there can be a lot of data points for each series if a users selects a large date range. Here is a couple of examples:
623 data points in a series
1470 data points in a series
In the first example the chart does display. In the second example the chart does not display. There is a Highstock demo (52,000 points with data grouping) that works with a lot of data points. I have tried to change the above charts to a highstock chart and still have the same results.
What can I do to fix this?
This is due to the turbo threshold option:
"When a series contains a data array that is longer than this, only one
dimensional arrays of numbers, or two dimensional arrays with x and y
values are allowed. Also, only the first point is tested, and the rest
are assumed to be the same format. This saves expensive data checking
and indexing in long series."
It is set to 1000 points by default. Your chart is not rendering because each point in your series is an object and their number is greater than the threshold.
Here's a jfFiddle demonstrating your plot working with the threshold set to 2000.
Here's the modified section of code:
plotOptions: {
spline: {
turboThreshold: 2000,
Another solution would be to encode your series data in a 2-d array instead of having each point represented by and object with x-y properties.
a workaround for turboThreshhold is something like this if you generation your response with PHP:
if(count($responseObj) > 1000){
$modolo = round(count($responseObj) / 1000);
for($i = count($responseObj)-1; $i >= 0 ; $i--){
if(($i % $modolo) != 0){
unset ($responseObj[$i]);
$responseObj = array_merge($responseObj);
