How to hide jQuery UI Slider on blur? - jquery-ui

I have an image that opens the jQuery UI Slider div on click and allows users to set a value by dragging the handle. What I'm trying to do now is hide that handle when the user clicks anywhere else on the page, but the regular .blur event doesn't seem to work.
$("#slider-vertical").blur(function () {

Probably you will have a better luck on defining global onclick handler and there you need to check if source of event is not your slider. If not - do your magic.
Basically - if you spinner doesn't include element such as text field or link it will not support focus/blur

Ok, this is what I have put together to make this work.
Thanx for your help.
$(document).bind("click", function(e){
if( != "openPriceToSliderGif")
return false;


Enable/Disable sortable on specify column in kendo ui grid

I have a kendo ui grid on my page.
And I have a button too. I want when I click button, sortable property on a specify column disable, and when click the button again, sortable property enable.
How to I do this?
Runtime enabling/disabling the sorting feature of the Grid is not supported.
But you can find some approaches to achieve it here:
Hope this link will help you.
There is no method for this - this is option which is set only upon initialziation. So you will need to re-initialize the whole Grid. Covered here.
The column.sortable option should be set to true/false depending on the button that was clicked.
You need to write an click event for a table header on javascript.This event will prevent click on table header.
$(".k-grid-header .k-link").click(function (e) {
if ($(this).text() === Header Name) {
e.PreventDefault helps to avoid window jump to top when clicking #-links.
Give your headername into the if condition to which you want to disable sorting

How to target the close button in a dialog window frame?

I am using a jQuery dialog and I would like to add some functionality to the close button in the upper right and corner of the dialog frame. Can I accomplish this by simply adding a close function to the dialog without it affecting the cancel button contained within the dialog? Meaning the cancel button obviously closes the dialog and performs its own function but the close button in the dialog frame needs to do something else. Hopefully I have explained that clearly enough.
If you are using the buttons options within the dialog, and one of them is Cancel, then yes. You can obviously create your own function for the Cancel button and then a seperate one with the close event. Just to be safe, you'll probably want to include preventDefault() in the function for your Cancel button.
buttons: {
"Ok" : function() {
//perform whatever
"Cancel" : function(e) {
//perform whatever
close: function() {
// perform special CLOSE function
Actually I used this method below to accomplish this. It seems to work just fine so I don't know if there are any drawbacks with going this way. Here is the code:
...dialog code goes here...
}).bind('dialogclose', function(event, ui) {
... dialog close code goes here...
I suppose the answer above is better as it is clearer and cleaner implementation.

Jquery Mobile 1.3 slider conflicts with panel

I am trying to set up a JQuery Mobile 1.3 site that uses a panel and a slider.
Problem is, that using the slider triggers the panel, which opens on a "swiperight" event, as I am moving the slider to the right. The slider will be for pagination, the panel for a menu.
Code here:
Move the slider to the right and the panel will open.
I have tried using the .not() selector for the panel to not react on the slider:
$(document).not("#slider").on("swiperight", function(event, ui) {
But it won't work, the panel opens when i move the slider to the right. Tried a bunch of variants too, but I'm lost...
Any ideas?
A bit late to the party, but you can disable swipe-to-close by setting the data-swipe-close attribute to "false" on the panel div.
In my case I used this simple code, without data-swipe-close = "false" in panel.
Keeping panel close with swipe right, outside of the slider.
.on('slidestop',function(e,ui) {
var value =;
//...operations with slider value...
.parent().on('swiperight',function(e,ui) {
e.stopPropagation(); //block panel close
From the 1.3.0b1 Docs for Swipe:
"Triggers when a horizontal drag of 30px or more (and less than 75px
vertically) occurs within 1 second duration"
This applies to and can be configured for swiperight too. You can make the slider small in length and this would ensure that both the slider event stop and the swipe are not triggered at the same time, yet that may not be practical for all scenarios.
What might be better is to bind the swipe right to a DIV or section of the page. By this, I mean if you have a 75 px div box on the left hand side of the display, and when a swipe event occurred within that div, it could trigger the menu.
I feel the logic here might be better controlled by a button, much like used in the Facebook App to display there slide out menu. In the Dolphin browser on Android, this type of event also triggers a bookmark menu, so if a page has a swiperight event and trigger it, I sometimes get both the event and the bookmark menu from the App. Annoying!
I did fork your jsfiddle and will play with it more ( FYI, they have JQM 1.3.0b1 in their available frameworks so you don't have to link it in your HTML. If I find some more info, I will comment here.
The following solution is more a workaround. It should be relatively reliable though.
$(document).ready( function () {
var menu_available = true;
$(document).on("swiperight", function(event, ui) {
if (menu_available) $("#myPanel").panel("open");
$("#slider").on("slidestop", function( event, ui ) {
menu_available = false;
window.setTimeout(function() {menu_available= true;},250);
The variable menu_available is false for a 250 milliseconds right after the slide stops. The window.setTimeout block will reset the variable so that the menu is available again.
This is a stupid workaround, but jQuerys function event.stopEventPropagation(), which IMHO would be the correct way to go, didn't work.

How to programmatically invoke jQuery UI Draggable drag start?

I create a new jQuery element after the mouse is in a down position and before it is released. (After mousedown).
I would like to programmatically trigger dragging on the new element using jQuery UI, so that it will automatically begin dragging with my mouse movement. I don't want to have to release and then click the mouse again.
I have tried the following...
var element = $("<div />");
...however this does not work.
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to accomplish this?
UPDATE: After some searching the poster of this question has the identical problem. However the suggested solution, which boils down to...
$("body").on("mousedown", function(e) {
$("<div />").draggable().appendTo("body").trigger(e);
}); longer works in the latest versions jQuery and jQuery-UI, and instead generates a Maximum Call Stack Exceeded error.
The draggable plugin expects its mousedown events to use its namespace and to point to the draggable object as the target. Modifying these fields in the event works with jQuery 1.8.3 and jQuery UI 1.9.2.
$("body").on("mousedown", function(e) {
var div = $("<div />").draggable().appendTo("body");
e.type = "mousedown.draggable"; = div[0];
Demo here:
See fuzzyBSc's answer below. It's the proper way to do this.
This is totally a hack, but it seems to do the trick:
var myDraggable = $('#mydraggable').draggable();
// Yeah... we're going to hack the widget
var widget ='ui-draggable');
var clickEvent = null;{
clickEvent = event;
else {
clickEvent = null;
// We need to set this to our own clickEvent, otherwise
// it won't position correctly.
widget._mouseDownEvent = clickEvent;
Here's the plunker
My example uses an element that already exists instead of creating one, but it should work similarly.
Create your draggable function on mouseover
$('#futureDragableElement').mouseover(function() {
As the draggable initialization has already be done, your first mouse click will be taken into account
You have to bind the mousedown event to the element in question, then you can trigger the event.
Any event handlers attached with .bind() or one of its shortcut
methods are triggered when the corresponding event occurs. They can be
fired manually, however, with the .trigger() method. A call to
.trigger() executes the handlers in the same order they would be if
the event were triggered naturally by the user:
$('#foo').bind('click', function() {
Hacks are not needed if you are creating the element during the event and that element is not too complicated. You can simply set draggable to the element that mousedown occurs and use draggable helper property to create a helper that is going to be your new element. On dragStop clone the helper to the location in dom you want.
helper: function() {
return '<div>your newly created element being dragged</div>';
stop: function (e,ui) {
Of course you would need to set position for the helper, so mouse is on it. This is just a very basic example.

How do I prevent scrolling to the top of a page when popping up a jQuery UI Dialog?

I currently use jTemplates to create a rather large table on the client, each row has a button that will open a jQuery UI dialog. However, when I scroll down the page and click on one of those buttons, jQuery dialog will open, but the scroll position get lost and the page jumps back to the top (with the blocking and the actual dialog showing off the screen). Has anyone seen or know what might cause this problem?
Are you using an anchor tag to implement the "button" that pops the dialog? If so, you'll want the click handler that opens the dialog to return false so that the default action of the anchor tag isn't invoked. If you are using a button, you'd also need to make sure that it doesn't submit (by returning false from the handler) and completely refresh the page.
For example,
$('a.closeButton').click( function() {
return false;
<a class='closeButton'>Close</a>
If your buttons work with an html anchor tag with href="#" replace the href for example by href="javascript:;" or any other method that you use to disable the href. The reason why the scrolling happens is because of href="#" scrolls to the top of your page.
change your code like this
$('a.closeButton').click( function(e) {
You can try :
scrollTo(0, jQuery("body"));
