Is there an MVC way of doing ASCX? -

Are ASCXs still used in ASP.NET MVC or should we be using something else?

Yes, you can still use .ascx. They are often referred to as partial views.

You bet, I typically use an ascx to render a partial view for some type of ajax functionality. Although, as Jeffrey Palermo points out they don't add much value beyond the extension being a direct inclination that your are working with a partial view.

The great thing about them is that in your controller you can then use
return PartialView("MyPartialView", items);
This works great in a jQuery call when you are only interested in changing the contents of particular part of the page and not the whole page.


Creating a navigation for entire website

HI I am just learning mvc 3 and I am tryng to create a common menu for my entire application.I understand I can do that in _Layout.cshtml file witch is the default template for every page.
Now I have looked into sections for adding a template insite _Layout.cshtml but from what I can gather I need to define the section in every view.
I already have the logic for accesing the data defined in a separate class.All I need is to call the method witch will return a Dictionary<string , List<string>> , and then display the data by looping into it.
Aldo I could probably do this directly inside the Index.cshtml file by using the razor syntax I believe there must be a better way
So is there a way to create a template that can then bee added inside the _Layout.cshtml?
Creating a section for the menu on each view could work but I think another approach could be easier to mantain. On your layout itself use #Html.Partial to render your menu. Then on that partial view you could have all kinds of operations, such as database access, in one single spot.
Here is an article on how to do exactly this:
Was just looking into something similar. Hopefully partial views are your answer, this is a template you can re use and stick on any page. Information found here.

Custom controls with ASP.NET MVC Razor

How can I use custom controls with ASPNET.MVC Razor?
I want to use a custom control on a Razor view. for instance:
<mycontrols:something myattribute="#Model.MyVar" />
Please note that my goal is to use only few controls derived from MvcControl, only for trivial repetive ui stuffs.
I tried to find out a syntax similar to #Register to write on the top of the view, but without any success.
Then I went to the web.config, adding
<add tagPrefix="mycontrols" namespace="mynamespace" assembly="myassembly"/>
but it looks like custom controls are ignored in rendering.
Someone could help?
...Might be it is a little bit old fashion, but sometimes also custom control could be useful to make your code cleaner!
The Razor syntax does not support the notion of Controls at all. If you want to use controls you will have to use the ASPX (WebForms) syntax.
However, the recomended MVC pattern is to use html helper functions or partial views. In Razor you can also use the #helper syntax for quick helper functions.
In ASP.NET MVC custom server controls should be avoided. Most of them rely on ViewState and PostBack which are notions that no longer exist in MVC. You should prefer using templates, HTML helpers to implement some reusable functionality. Another problem with controls is most of them encapsulate some business logic which fetches data from somewhere and renders it which is an anti-MVC pattern. In MVC it is the controller responsibility to manipulate the model and fetch data and pass a view model to the view which simply should display it.
MVC uses partial views rather than custom controls, and they can be used in two ways that cover pretty much everything a custom control can do
RenderPartial which renders data already retrieved by the page controller
RenderAction which is similar but has its own controller action so can get data independently
The only scenario I can think of where it would be worth putting a custom control on an mvc view is if you are working on a partially migrated webforms project, and I doubt that would work with anything other than the WebFormsViewEngine.
You can do this, though I don't recommend it, though I'm not here to judge. I might add that I don't expect postback and view state to continue working either but you can at least render all of the html.
The only way to do this is a bit of a hack, because razor doesn't support webforms view engine controls. However, it does support partial views made in the webforms View engine. So a hacky solution is to include a partial view with your control in it as such:
For example, say you want to use the office web ui ribbon in your mvc3 project, you could do so by including
in your view. Where _Ribbon is of type .aspx
then in your partial view simply use your control and set runat="server" and put it inside of a form with runat="server"
<form id="form1" runat="server">
<XyzControls:Manager ID="Manager1" runat="server" UITheme="Silver" />
<XyzControls:OfficeRibbon ID="OfficeRibbon1" runat="server" ApplicationMenuColor="#267c29"
ApplicationMenuText="Item" ApplicationMenuType="Backstage">
//... rest of control code
Then you need to use ajax to implement events instead of using postback.
Then to cleanup, get rid of the generated code from webforms view engine for post back that you don't need.. You can try keeping it, I haven't so I'm not sure what will happen. I know there are ways to have a fake viewstate as well if you really want to get into messy hacky stuff, but to remove the extra code from webforms you can use the following jquery:
$(function ()
// we don't need any of the webforms stuff
I had the same demand. Wanted to use custom webcontrol from Razor/MVC page. One should not do that with controls, that is handling postback. You don't have the eventcycle to support that, but if your only demand is to use a 'rendering control', you could instantiate it in razor, and control where the rendering takes place:
var myControl = new mycontrols.something();
myControl.myattribute = Model.MyVar;
mycontrol.RenderControl(new HtmlTextWriter(this.Output));

Modifying view location for partial views in ASP.NET MVC

I would like to have both these views:
I would like to setup my MVC website so that when I call return View(viewModel) from the CustomerController.Index() action method, that it looks up the aspx file, but if I call return PartialView(viewModel) that it looks up the ascx file.
I believe the magic involves subclassing ViewEngine and ControllerFactory (so that the ViewLocator.ViewLocationFormats can be modified), but want to check that I'm not over-engineering this solution.
Does anyone have any experience with this?
Based on the comments above and the suggestion, I think my answer to a different question may provide some help - Render Partial of same name as parent View - Crashes WebDev.WebServer40.exe
The issue is that the PartialViewLocationFormats are set to be the same as the ViewLocationFormats. It does not make sense to that a partial view would be an aspx page.
override WebFormsViewEngine and reimplement ViewLocationFormats and/or PartialViewLocationFormats

Where to apply logic for a sidebar control in ASP.NET MVC

Take the example of wanting to have a "Latest news items" sidebar on every page of your ASP.NET MVC web site. I have a NewsItemController which is fine for pages dedicating their attention to NewsItems. What about having a news sidebar appear on the HomeController for the home page though? Or any other controller for that matter?
My first instinct is to put the logic for selecting top 5 NewsItems in a user control which is then called in the Master Page. That way every page gets a news sidebar without having to contaminate any of the other controllers with NewsItem logic. This then means putting logic in what I understood to be the presentation layer which would normally go in a Controller.
I can think of about half a dozen different ways to approach it but none of them seem 'right' in terms of separation of concerns and other related buzz-words.
I think you should consider putting it in your master page. Your controller can gather data (asynchronously, of course), store it in a nice ViewModel property for your view (or in TempData) and then you can call RenderPartial() in your master page to render the data.
The keeps everything "separate"
This seems to address the question - even using the instance of a sidebar - but using a feature not included with MVC 1 by default.
This also indicates the answer lies in RenderAction.
For anyone else interested, here's how I ended up doing it. Note you'll need to the MVC Futures assembly for RenderAction.
Basically you'd have something like this in your controller:
public class PostController
public ActionResult SidebarBox()
// I use a repository pattern to get records
// Just replace it with whatever you use
return View(repoArticles.GetAllArticles().Take(5).ToList());
Then create a partial view for SidebarBox with the content you want displayed, and in your Master Page (or wherever you want to display it) you'd use:
<% Html.RenderAction<PostController>(c => c.SidebarBox()); %>
Not so hard after all.
You can create a user control (.ascx) and then call RenderPartial().
Design a method in your controller with JsonResult as return type. Use it along with jQuery.
Use RenderAction() as suggested by elsewhere.
News section with ASP.NET MVC

When would you not use a strongly-typed ASP.NET MVC view?

Assuming that an ASP.NET MVC View is going to show data, is there any scenario where you would not want to use a strongly-typed view?
Places where there is no model -- like Logon/Logoff.
I think that you should follow the practice of always using strongly typed views, unless no model isused at all like previously mentioned for pages like login.
I'm forced to put some data in layout. Cause I couldn't find any good way to make strongly typed layout, I'm passing necessary data through controller base class and picking it up at layout through indexer of viewData by key.
For partialviews i just nest form models, no problems there i guess.
