MVC2 .NET - Paging -

Ok I know there is some code out there for pagination in MVC but it seems to be for version 1, Scott mentioned that he was goint to implement to code into the release of version 2.
Was this code included? If so whats the best way to achieve pagination in MVC2?

You can lool at mvc contrib. It contains grid control and pager.

I've decided to do this the old fashioned way and it works.
Yikes this is an old question and a poor answer by me. This was asked around the time of MVC beta. There is plenty of stuff on the web that will now advise on Pagination;


Is Grid.MVC compatible with ASP.NET MVC 5?

Before I start messing around with something that doesn't work:
Does Grid.MVC work with ASP.NET MVC 5?
On they just write MVC3/4, but I wonder if anybody tried it with MVC5? You tried it, but it didn't work?
Try this one:
it is more up-to-date.
MVC 5:
Install-Package NonFactors.Grid.Mvc5
MVC 6:
Install-Package NonFactors.Grid.Mvc6
Yes it works in MVC5. The website does not indicate 3+ but that's what it is.
I have implimented Grid.Mvc in multiple MVC5 projects using EF6.
I love it, it's really easy to stand up and allow my users to query the data tables. I would suggest trying it out, but the documentation isn't great. Luckily the documentation they do have is enough to get started.

How do I upgrade to MVC 3 from MVC 2 and leave my code unchanged?

We are planning on upgrading our VS 2010 solution from MVC2 to MVC4 (without changing code because it's backwards-compatible).
I understand that we have to upgrade to MVC3 first. How can I upgrade our solution to MVC3 without changing our codebase?
The reason is that we want to start using MVC4 for new code and at the same time, we want the current code unmodified.
If anyone can help, I greatly appreciate it. All of the solutions that I've seen have some sort of tool to convert it automatically, but I'm scared that our current code-base would be modified and potentially break.
Any help is greatly appreciated in advance.
Our solution here is an extremely customized MVC2 solution. Our solution is the most customized MVC2 solution that I have encountered. Still, this link guides you through it and it works!
This worked for me:
ASP.NET MVC3 to MVC4 (directly from the ASP.NET whitepaper)
Do this manually:


Can anybody recommend a combobox/drop down list control that also has checkboxes on each row? It would also need to support multi select.
You can use the RadComboBox along with a little tweaking as provided for by this telerik community project, found here.
Should all work fine in MVC.
there one from with code for both Razor and aspx but I doubt you'll be able to find a free one.

How do you get the area of the current request when using MVC 2 RC?

I was using MVC 1.0 RTM, and the Haack solution for Areas
I just recently moved to MVC2 RC and I'm using single project areas with my controllers in separate assemblies. My problem is that in the MVC 1 solution I ALWAYS had "area" in my RouteData.Values collection, in MVC2 RC it doesn't exist. Do you know how to get this in MVC2 RC?
Thanks in advance!
This is kept in a DataToken for the route. Namely, route.DataTokens["area"]. Look at AreaHelpers.cs in the MVC source for details.
By the way, when you ask a question like this, you should show the code you're using which is not working. It makes it much easier to supply an answer. Right now, I don't know if you've already tried the method above, but are making an error with it, or if you haven't discovered this yet.

Has anyone got NVelocity working with ASP.NET MVC Preview 5?

I'm guessing I need to implement an NVelocityViewEngine and NVelocityView - but before I do I wanted to check to see if anyone has already done this.
I can't see anything in the trunk for MVCContrib.
I've already seen the post below - I'm looking specifically for something which works with Preview 5:
Testing ScottGu: Alternate View Engines with ASP.NET MVC (NVelocity)
Otherwise I'll start writing one :)
There's an NVelocity implementation in MvcContrib. You need to reference the MvcContrib.Castle dll.
Personally I don't have a clue about NVelocity, but here is a link that might help you.
