how to test blackberry application on windows - Any free emulators? - blackberry

I have a blackberry app that I need to test on windows NOT on blackberry. Are there any free emulators that I can use?

Research in Motion delivers several Device Simulators here
Blackberry Simulator Downloads
Trackwheel / Trackball Devices are using usually up to OS Version 4.5 and Touch Devices 4.7+

Have you looked at ?


Is there an alternative emulator for IOS and Xcode

I am having some trouble getting sound to play remotely through the IOS simulators. I have contacted the hosting company for the mac and they say it is a problem with IOS emulator and rdp. This is only a problem in the emulator not on the remote mac itself. I am wondering whether there are alternative emulators like genymotion for Android which maybe do not have this problem.
There are many iOS features that just don't work on the simulator. The only way to test those features is on an actual device. This might be one of those situations.
There are many iOS emulators tha can play iOS apps like iPadian OS 10.
But if you want to run iOS apps on android then apportable(google it) is your thing(if you are a developer) but if you are not a developer the there are several apps like iEMU and Cyder emulator and if you don't know how to install here is the guide.
Features of iOS emulator.
1) Play iOS apps and games on android/PC
2) It needs android version 2.3 or higher
3) The size of this iOS emulator is 62 MB
4) Your primary device(on which you are planning to install this) should have above 512 MB RAM

I am trying use IOS Simulator/Emulator or iOS SDK in windows PC a.Is it possible to install IOS Simulator/Emulator or iOS SDK in windows PC

I am trying use IOS Simulator/Emulator or iOS SDK in windows PC for Mobile application Test.Is it possible to install IOS Simulator/Emulator or iOS SDK in windows PC
No you cannot do this legally but you can test your app on any platform by uploading your app on and just run it anywhere.
NO, You need Apple Device (iMac, Macbook, Mac Mini) to develop iOS Applications and iPhone/iPad for Testing on devices. Apple provides Xcode it's Integrated Development Environment Tool only for the MAC. Please use Apple Devices, register for Developer program and use their resources. click on for all the info.
Have you heard about the virtual box..?, It may fulfill your need. It will run the windows macintosh (hackintosh) on it. You can develop apps there and see your apps on simulator too. The main task is to download a working macintosh set up in a virtual box. You can get many tutorials for it on google. If you need any help, please revert to me, Thanks :)

How to execute Blackberry OS 6 app in Blackberry 10 OS

I developed one application in Blackberry OS 6.I deployed that app in to Blackberry world successfully.But it is not working in Blackberry OS 10.I am getting following error:
Unsupported for this device
Please help me how to run application in OS 10.
Thanks in Advance.
OS10 is a completely different system. It no longer supports the BB6/7 Java environment. You will need to port your app to one of the new supported platforms:
Cascades (c++ & qml)
Adobe Air
With WebWorks it is possible to run your application in both BlackBerry 6 and BlackBerry 10, you may need to make some changes to your code, but it is certainly possible and there are plenty of resources available.
You can start from here.
Specifically BlackBerry states:
Your BlackBerry WebWorks app can be targeted to run on a variety of
BlackBerry device models or ported to a different OS, such as iOS or
Developing your app with BlackBerry WebWorks gives you the flexibility
to target users of the latest BlackBerry devices and those who are
using older models. Depending on the OS you want to target, versions
of the BlackBerry WebWorks SDK available for:
BlackBerry 10
BlackBerry PlayBook
BlackBerry 7 and earlier
See here for a tutorial on creating an application which is able to work on old and new BB devices (Simple Hello World application).
A good article to look at can be found here, which explains some of the fundamentals and differences with webworks.

Which blackberry for testing?

I have a t-mobile pre-paid sim and wifi. I'm working on a website that would like to target BB 6 and newer. One of the unique things about the BB is that many of the devices have a keyboard and touchpad.
Is there a device with a keyboard I can get that would work with my sim and wifi that would let me test websites? (without a data plan)
I looked at the BB Bold 9900. This seems to be the right type of device but that particular model is a bit pricey. Would be nice to go back a generation.
Just to be clear, my requirements are:
Work without a data plan (therefore wifi)
Keyboard / touchpad (touch screen optional but nice)
Compatible with t-mobile prepaid sim.
BlackBerry OS 6
I'd love to hear your suggestions, thanks!
BB 9700 - while launched with OS5, can meanwhile run OS6 too. No touch screen though
I'd just get the cheapest one. Not sure you need your SIM to work in it if you're just using WiFi.
FYI, you can download blackberry simulators from RIM. They're not quite the same as using the actual device (namely in terms of keyboard simulation) but they work in a pinch.
Why don't trying the 9930 Blackberry device running OS 7.0
It will meet all your requirements

Simulator for BlackBerry 9300

Which simulator should be used to test the application that support's BlackBerry 93* OS and
Which simulator can I use for Iphone.
There is no BlackBerry 9300 model as far as I know, anyhow you can use 9350 that is 4.7.x series simulators
If there was I would be very surprised. BlackBerry and Iphone are completely different OS's and such would need different emulators.
Btw even if there was some mixed hack of an emulator that claims to do both I wouldn't trust it.
For Blackberry you can download it on their website and the the same goes for Iphone.
