I am getting error trying to run my asp code for executing stored proc.
my code is:
Set conn = server.createobject("ADODB.connection")
Set rs = server.createobject("ADODB.recordset")
strSQL = "exec spActiveEmployee"
rs.open strSQL, conn, 3, 3
I am getting an error that says:
- "Either BOF or EOF is True or the current record has been deleted"
Anyone know how to solve this?
Check this out: Why do I get 'BOF or EOF' errors?
You need to specify a connection string.
conn.ConnectionString = "MyDatabase"
I've been getting the following error when trying to write data from my HMI to a MSSQL db using ADODB.recordset with the AddNew/Update Methods. I'm using SQL Server Native Client 11.0 for the connection and Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 6.0 Library.
Generic VBA Error -2147467259[Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]FNGCO,ABCDEFGHI,1000003,2017-04-14,17:00:36:187,FOAML1,A1,,1
If it works this code should write each value to each column in the MSSQL database. I've got very similar code working in another part of the application, but I can't seem to get this working.
What I Have Tried So Far:
Checked against code running in another HMI, everything between the two appears to be identical.
Tried the same connection string with another ADODB.recordset and added data to the db with AddNew/Update.
Checked the database table to make sure all of the data I'm trying to enter fits the column (its not null, max characters not exceeded, etc...)
Here is my code:
On debug, the code halts at sqlrs1.Update.
Option Explicit
Const strSQLNCLI11_1 = "Driver={SQL Server Native Client 11.0};Server=TESTDEMO\SQLEXPRESS;Database=RABPI;Uid=sa;Pwd=testdemo;QueryTimeout=0"'
Private Sub Button1_Released()
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
Dim sqlcn2 As ADODB.Connection
Dim sqlrs1 As ADODB.Recordset
Set sqlcn2 = New ADODB.Connection
Set sqlrs1 = New ADODB.Recordset
sqlcn2.Open strSQLNCLI11_1
sqlrs1.Open "Select * from AT_BW_PRDN ;", _
sqlcn2, adOpenDynamic, adLockPessimistic
sqlrs1("AT_BW_BUS_UNIT") = "FNGCO"
sqlrs1("AT_BW_PID") = "ABCDEFGHI"
sqlrs1("AT_BW_PRDN_AREA") = "FOAML1"
sqlrs1("AT_BW_SHIFT") = "A1"
sqlrs1("AT_BW_ITEM_ID") = "1000007"
sqlrs1("AT_BW_REL") = 0
Exit Sub
LogDiagnosticsMessage "Generic VBA Error" & Err.Number & " " & Err.Description, ftDiagSeverityError, ftDiagAudienceOperator
Set sqlcn2 = Nothing
Set sqlrs1 = Nothing
Exit Sub
End Sub
I made a test database and re-created the tables I'm trying to write to without any constraints or triggers and the code functioned properly.
[EDIT - This issue is resolved. The problem had to do with uninitialized out parameters on the stored procedure.]
Why would I need to turn connection pooling off to get this to work correctly???
[EDIT - connection pooling released a shared connection memory area on the AS400]
In my MVC web app I call a DB2 Stored Procedure (SP).
This SP has multiple in and out parameters similar to this pseudo code:
CreatePO(#REQNO[in], #PO[out], #Approver[out], #ErrorMsg[out])
My app writes data to tables used by this SP during its processing so when all the data is in place I call the SP and it tries to create a PO.
If the PO creation fails there will be an error message in the #ErrorMsg out parameter. In these cases the #PO and #Approver parameters should be blank.
Here's what happens in sequence:
1) I try to create my first PO but there is a problem...
CreatePO(100, blank, blank, blank)
which results in...
CreatePO(100, blank, blank, 'unable to determine approver')
2) I successfully create the 2nd PO...
CreatePO(101, blank, blank, blank)
CreatePO(101, 'P1234', 'JJONES', blank)
3) I try to re-create a PO for #REQNO 100
CreatePO(100, blank, blank, blank)
CreatePO(100, 'P1234', 'JJONES', 'unable to determine approver')
Step 3 has conflicting out parameters. The app pool is returning the PO and Approver from Step 2 along with the appropriate an error message.
If I recycle my IIS app pool then the results are back to what happened in Step #1.
I am able to get expected results I add "pooling=false" to the connection string. But why would output parameters be affected in this manner by connection pooling? This seems more like a bug than some sort of desirable caching method.
If I don't paste my code someone will get bent out of shape so here it is...
(Look at the end of the top two lines)
'Dim cs As String = "DataSource=mydb;UserID=myuser;Password=mypassword;Naming=System;ConnectionTimeout=180; DefaultIsolationLevel=ReadUncommitted;AllowUnsupportedChar=True;CharBitDataAsString=True; TransactionCompletionTimeout=0;pooling=false"
Dim cs As String = "DataSource=mydb;UserID=myuser;Password=mypassword;Naming=System;ConnectionTimeout=180; DefaultIsolationLevel=ReadUncommitted;AllowUnsupportedChar=True;CharBitDataAsString=True; TransactionCompletionTimeout=0;"
Using conn As New iDB2Connection(cs)
Dim cmd As iDB2Command = New iDB2Command()
cmd.Connection = conn
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
cmd.CommandText = "BF6360CL"
' Input parameters
cmd.Parameters.Add(New iDB2Parameter With {.ParameterName = "#REQNO", .DbType = SqlDbType.Char, .Size = 7, .Value = model.RO})
' Output parameters
Dim opo = New iDB2Parameter With {.ParameterName = "#POORDER", .DbType = SqlDbType.Char, .Size = 7, .Direction = ParameterDirection.Output}
Dim oApprover = New iDB2Parameter With {.ParameterName = "#APPROVER", .DbType = SqlDbType.Char, .Size = 10, .Direction = ParameterDirection.Output}
Dim oStatus = New iDB2Parameter With {.ParameterName = "#STATUS", .DbType = SqlDbType.Char, .Size = 3, .Direction = ParameterDirection.Output}
Dim oErr = New iDB2Parameter With {.ParameterName = "#ERROR", .DbType = SqlDbType.Char, .Size = 1, .Direction = ParameterDirection.Output}
' return value
Dim oRetval = New iDB2Parameter With {.ParameterName = "#RETURN_VALUE", .DbType = SqlDbType.Char, .Size = 10, .Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue}
model.PO = opo.Value
model.Approver = oApprover.Value
model.Status = oStatus.Value
model.Err = oErr.Value
End Using
return model
So the big question is this:
Why on earth would connection pooling be responsible for out parameter values???
Could this be a bug in the IBM iSeries iDB2Connection implementation?
The IIS application pool is caching stored procedure output parameters by name and returning a cached value when nulls are detected. This happens with ODBC or iSeries connections. When I recycled the application pool this cached value went away. I added to the connection string “pooling=false;” and these cached values would no longer appear.
My boss asked me to try calling the stored procedure using iSeries Navigator just to see what the out parameters contain. Boy was I surprised.
It turned out that the Stored Procedure (SP) was at fault after all. I sat with the AS400 RPG developer this morning and watched them debug the SP. The problem had to do with uninitialized memory.
Here's the definition of the SP:
BF6360CL(#REQNO, #USER, #ENVIRONMENT, #PO[out], #Approver[out], #Status[out], #Error[out])
I then reset my connection to the AS400 in iSeries Navigator and the output parameters reset back to
4 = S2.RETU
5 = RN_VAR0000
The AS400 developer is making changes now to initialize the variables. When they're done I expect to be able to change my program back to use connection pooling.
When I reset the IIS App Pool it reset my connection to the database. This seemed to release allocated memory on the AS400.
If anyone has more specifics about Connections and AS400 output parameter memory please share.
Here is the classic ASP code
Set objCommandSec = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
With objCommandSec
Set .ActiveConnection = MyConn
.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
.CommandText = "ReportsPDFInsert"
.CreateParameter "#StatsID", adInteger, adParamInput
.Parameters("#StatsID") = xStats_ID
.CreateParameter "#MemberID", adInteger, adParamInput
.Parameters("#MemberID") = xMemberID
.CreateParameter "#LanguageID", adInteger, adParamInput
.Parameters("#LanguageID") = 1 '1=EN
.CreateParameter "#PDFFilename", adVarWChar , adParamInput
.Parameters("#PDFFilename") = PDFFilename
End With
Here is the stored procedure code
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[ReportsPDFInsert]
-- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here
#StatsID INT
,#MemberID INT
,#LanguageID INT
,#PDFFilename NVARCHAR(50)
-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
-- interfering with SELECT statements.
-- Insert statements for procedure here
INSERT INTO [dbo].[ReportsPDF]
I get error as
Error number: -2147217904
Error description: Procedure 'ReportsPDFInsert' expects parameter '#StatsID', which was not supplied.
Source: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server
If I execute the stored procedure itself, then it is working fine. I have similar classic asp code in other page, and that works fine as well. yes, I made sure xStats_ID does have value. I printed just before the .Execute and I see the value.
Please somebody shed some light. Thanks
Try appending the parameters explicitly using something like this:
cmd.Parameters.Append cmd.CreateParameter("#StatsID",adInteger, adParamInput,xStats_ID)
instead of .Parameters("")
Here is another post that might help:
How to make a parametrized SQL Query on Classic ASP?
Only today I figured what was the problem.
I haven't included the adovbs.inc file for the constants to work.
And I don't know why it was throwing some other error message.
good reason to move away from Classic ASP [only if my boss listens]
Try dropping the "#" in your parameter names.
I'm fairly new to this. I'm trying to write a procedure in VBA that executes a stored procedure from excel and returns the record set. It currently returns the results of the stored procedure in spreadsheet 2 but I've had to hard code the parameter into the SQL code. Here is what I have pinched from other online forums.
Option Explicit
Public Sub OpenConnection()
'Set the variables
Dim conn As ADODB.Connection
Dim str As String
Dim cmd As ADODB.Command
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Dim fld
Dim i As Integer
'Error handler
On Error GoTo errlbl
'Open database connection
Set conn = New ADODB.Connection
'First, construct the connection string.
conn.ConnectionString = "DSN=PC_Tool_Coding"
conn.Open 'Here's where the connection is opened.
Debug.Print conn.ConnectionString 'This can be very handy to help debug!
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
str = "exec Select_account_info"
'recordset is opened here
rs.Open str, conn, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly
If Not IsEmptyRecordset(rs) Then
'Populate the first row of the sheet with recordset’s field names
i = 0
For Each fld In rs.Fields
Sheet2.Cells(1, i + 1).Value = rs.Fields.Item(i).Name
i = i + 1
Next fld
'Populate the sheet with the data from the recordset
Sheet2.Range("A2").CopyFromRecordset rs
MsgBox "Unable to open recordset, or unable to connect to database.", _
vbCritical, "Can't get requested records"
End If
Set rs = Nothing
Set conn = Nothing
Debug.Print "Error: " & Err.Number
If Err.Number = 0 Then
MsgBox "Done", vbOKOnly, "All Done."
End If
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Error #: " & Err.Number & ", Description: " & Err.Description, vbCritical, "Error in OpenConnection()"
Exit Sub
'Resume exitlbl
End Sub
I've looked around on how to get it to work with parameters and I just can't seem to get there. The parameter I'll be using is called #accgrpnum in SQL. Its a 12 letter string.
Many thanks to any help in advance.
Take a look at bonCodigo's link or
I've also been able to do this (with SQL Server 2008) by sending more than one statement, but separated in a SQL statement like
str = "SET #accgrpnum = 'my_account'; exec Select_account_info;"
I wrote a store procedure.
(#Num int)
IF #Num = 1
PRINT 'This is One';
PRINT 'This is Another';
I implement in .net
Dim SqlCmd as new sqlcommand
DIm SqlCon as new sqlconnection
sqlcon.connectionstring =""
sqlCmd.connection =con
sqlcmd.commandtext ="Test"
Sqlcmd.commandtype = commandtype.storeprocedure
I don't know how to get print message from store procedure
Please, help me.
You need to use a SELECT statement or a RETURN
PRINT is used to print messages on console for debugging purposes, you cannot get it as an SP result, rather you should use OUTPUT variable for this.