How to inherit if the child class is TForm? - delphi

I admit this is the first time I use inheritance,so I might even have choosen the wrong way,that's why I'm here asking you.
I wrote a Message Handler in my delphi application to catch the messages from WSAAsyncSelect()
procedure FormMain.MessageHandler(var Msg:Tmessage);
case WSAGetSelectEvent(MSG.LParam) of
FD_READ: //OnSocketRead(MSG.WParam);
FD_CLOSE: //OnSocketClose(MSG.WParam);
The problem is that OnSockerRead and OnSocketClose are functions in another class.
I want to make a good relationship between the classes so the class with those two functions can access it's parent ,but in the same time the things to be private to other classes.
Please show me an example how should I do it,because I don't know if it's better to be abstract or inherited since I have never used both of them.I want to make my code more OO.
Thank you!

One thing you can do is to use interfaces to gain access to main form functionality. For example, lets say that you want to call either SocketRead or SocketClose which are on the main form from your child form. you COULD just use mainform in the implementation of the unit, but I try to avoid these types of circular references. The other option is to create a new unit to contain a shared interface and use it by both the main form and the child unit. For example:
unit MainFormShared;
IMainFormShared = interface
procedure SocketRead(var Handle : Integer);
procedure SocketClose(Var Handle : Integer);
your main form would implement this interface (ok to keep the implementation private):
tMainForm = class(TForm,IMainFormShared)
procedure SocketRead(var Handle : Integer);
procedure SocketClose(Var Handle : Integer);
From the parent object in your inheritance chain you can implement your message handler like so:
procedure TParentForm.MessageHandler(var Msg:Tmessage);
fMainFormShared : IMainFormShared;
case WSAGetSelectEvent(MSG.LParam) of
if Supports(Application.MainForm, IMainFormShared,fMainFormShared) then
FD_CLOSE: //OnSocketClose(MSG.WParam);
if Supports(Application.MainForm, IMainFormShared,fMainFormShared) then

I don't think inheritance is the answer here, unless that OtherClass can be derived from MainForm, but that looks doubtful.
One way to open up access is to put both classes in the same Unit. That gives them instant access to each others implementation details.
But maybe you are trying to hard here, if OtherClass in it's own (small) unit that nobody else is USES then it won't be that bad to make those functions public.


Delphi: declare variable avoiding circular reference

I've got a Delphi unit which needs to keep the pointer of various forms of the application, to do operations on them later.
In order to do those operations, I need to cast the pointer to a form type, ex.
ptrFrmMain: Pointer;
CurrentFrmMain: TfrmMain;
CurrentFrmMain := ptrFrmMain;
The problem is that this unit is contained in the uses of all the other Delphi units of the application. So while I can declare a simple Pointer type in the interface section, I cannot declare a type declared in the other units (such as TfrmMain of the unit frmMain.pas).
I could solve this by placing a use in the implementation section, such as:
type TMyThread = class(TThread)
uses frmMain
CurrentFrmMain: TfrmMain;
but there is still a problem: I need the variable to be specific to my class instance, for multithread purposes, and not a generic global variable.
But I cannot place it inside my TmyThread class, since TfrmMain is not declared there and I cannot place it in the uses of the interface section.
A solution would be to place CurrentFrmMain as a local variable in all the procedures which use it and then do the CurrentFrmMain := ptrFrmMain conversion each time, but do you know a better solution?
Thank you very much in advance.
I wouldn't put a Form pointer in the thread at all. I would have the thread hold callback functions instead, or even an interface:
TCloseProc: procedure of object;
TMyThread = class(TThread)
CloseProc: TCloseProc;
if Assigned(CloseProc) then CloseProc();
IMyIntf = interface(IInterface)
procedure DoClose;
TMyThread = class(TThread)
Intf: IMyIntf;
if Assigned(Intf) then Intf.DoClose();
TfrmMain = class(TForm, IMyIntf)
procedure doClose;
procedure TfrmMain.doClose;
When the thread is created, assign the Form methods to those callbacks, or pass the Form's interface implementation to the thread:
Thread := TMyThread.Create(True);
Thread.CloseProc := frmMain.Close;
Thread := TMyThread.Create(True);
Thread.Intf := frmMain as IMyIntf;
Either way, the thread doesn't need to know about the actual Forms at all while still catering to Form-specific functionality.
Depends upon what do you mean by "keep the pointer of various forms of the application, to do operations on them later." - what kind (or kinds) of work that is? This is a question about generic software design, about decomposition, not just circular reference or any other language-specific issue.
If all you want to do is making same work over any form - then you should derive your forms from the same BASE-FORM-CLASS and keep references to that base class, not to the specific form classes. For example if you just need to .Release them you can just keep them all as TForm type reference which they all are derived from. This is just a typical case of extracting common abstract interface.
TMyFormWithActions = class ( TForm ) .... end;
TMyForm1234 = class ( TMyFormWithActions ) .... end;
TMyFormABCD = class ( TMyFormWithActions ) .... end;
You can also extract the common functionality not into intermediate class, but into the MS COM interface like Remy shown in his answer. This however is bordering with quite different memory model (ARC one) MS COM was based upon. While I do not expect TForm have auto-destroy reference counting, I also am not totally sure it can't happen, especially in inherited and complex application. So while I do like that approach, I omitted it because sometimes in practice it might cause unexpected and premature death of objects. If you can ensure that would not happen though it might be the most clean solution.
And if you need to do DIFFERENT actions, then you can indeed not merely store references to forms themselves, but also to actions, to software snippets. Then your thread-declaring class would build a general framework to keep forms-and-procedures data cells. And then you would have extra units implementing those specific actions to be passed.
( thread-and-action interface unit ) == uses ==> ( actions for TMyFormABCD unit ) <== uses == ( TMyFormABCD form declaration unit )
As a simplified option, you can declare those actions in the same units as forms themselves. Then you would have all form-units depend upon thread-unit, but thread-unit (remade to be generic and specific forms-agnostic) would no more depend upon any of forms-unit. Probably it might be called "Inversion of control".
See this series:
And one more scheme to design this, which can be seen as implementing BOTH of those approaches - would be using Windows Messages.
Your "common interface", your "actions" would be represented by custom WM_xxx messages (integer consts) you would make. Then your thread would use PostMessage API to signal those actions to the forms. And those forms - by implementing methods to deal with those messages ( or by non-implementing = ignoring those messages ) would provide those action-implementations.
PostMessage can be used from external thread but can not (easily) return values. SendMessage can only be used from the main Delphi thread. Also you have to check if MyTargetForm.HandleAllocated() before posting messages.

Method pointer and regular procedure incompatible

I have an app, which has multiple forms. All these forms have a PopupMenu. I build the menu items programatically, all under a common root menu item. I want ALL the menu items to call the same procedure, and the menu item itself is basically acting as an argument....
I had this working when I just had one form doing this functionality. I now have multiple forms needing to do this. I am moving all my code to a common unit.
Form A has PopupMenu 1. When clicked, call code in Unit CommonUnit.
Form B has PopupMenu 2. When clicked, call code in unit CommonUnit.
When I need to call my popup from each form, I call my top level procedure (which is in unit CommonUnit), passing the name of the top menu item from each form to the top level procedure in the common unit.
I am adding items to my PopupMenu with with code.
M1 := TMenuItem.Create(TopMenuItem);
M1.Caption := FieldByName('NAME').AsString;
M1.Tag := FieldByName('ID').AsInteger;
M1.OnClick := BrowseCategories1Click;
I am getting an error message when I compile. Specifically, the OnClick line is complaining about
Incompatible types: 'method pointer and regular procedure'.
I have defined BrowseCategories1Click exactly like it was before when I was doing this on a single form. The only difference is that it is now defined in a common unit, rather than as part of a form.
It is defined as
procedure BrowseCategories1Click(Sender: TObject);
What is the easiest way to get around this?
A little background...
Delphi has 3 procedural types:
Standalone or unit-scoped function/procedure pointers declared like so:
var Func: function(arg1:string):string;
var Proc: procedure(arg1:string);
Method pointers declared like so:
var Func: function(arg1:string):string of object;
var Proc: procedure(arg1:string) of object;
And, since Delphi 2009, anonymous(see below) function/method pointers declared like so:
var Func: reference to function(arg1:string):string;
var Proc: reference to procedure(arg1:string);
Standalone pointers and method pointers are not interchangeable. The reason for this is the implicit Self parameter that is accessible in methods. Delphi's event model relies on method pointers, which is why you can't assign a standalone function to an object's event property.
So your event handlers will have to be defined as part of some class definition, any class definition to appease the compiler.
As TOndrej suggested you can hack around the compiler but if these event handlers are in the same unit then they should already be related anyway so you may as well go ahead and wrap them into a class.
One additional suggestion I have not seen yet is to backtrack a little. Let each form implement its own event handler but have that handler delegate responsibility to a function declared in your new unit.
unit CommonUnit
procedure BrowseCategories;
This has the added benefit of separating the response to the user's action from the control that triggered the action. You could easily have the event handlers for a toolbar button and a popup menu item delegate to the same function.
Which direction you choose is ultimately up to you but I'd caution you to focus on which option will make maintainability easier in the future rather than which is the most expedient in the present.
Anonymous methods
Anonymous methods are a different beast all together. An anonymous method pointer can point to a standalone function, a method or a unnamed function declared inline. This last function type is where they get the name anonymous from. Anonymous functions/methods have the unique ability to capture variables declared outside of their scope
function DoFunc(Func:TFunc<string>):string
Result := Func('Foo');
// elsewhere
procedure CallDoFunc;
MyString: string;
MyString := 'Bar';
Result := Arg1 + MyString;
This makes them the most flexible of the procedural pointer types but they also have potentially more overhead. Variable capture consumes additional resources as does inline declarations. The compiler uses a hidden reference counted interface for inline declarations which adds some minor overhead.
You can wrap your procedures into a class. This class might look like this in a separate unit:
unit CommonUnit;
TMenuActions = class
class procedure BrowseCategoriesClick(Sender: TObject);
{ TMenuActions }
class procedure TMenuActions.BrowseCategoriesClick(Sender: TObject);
And to assign the action to a menu item in a different unit is enough to use this:
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
PopupMenuItem1.OnClick := TMenuActions.BrowseCategoriesClick;
Updated to use class procedures (instead of object methods) by David's suggestion. For those who want to use the object methods with the need of object instance, follow this version of the post.
This is the difference between a "procedure" and a "procedure of object"
The OnClick is defined as a TNotifyEvent:
type TNotifyEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject) of object;
You cannot assign a procedure to the OnClick as it is the wrong type. It needs to be a procedure of object.
You could choose one of these:
Derive your forms from a common ancestor and declare the method in it so it's available to descendants
Use a global instance of a class (e.g. data module) shared by all forms
Use a procedure as a fake method like this:
procedure MyClick(Self, Sender: TObject);
M: TMethod;
M.Data := nil;
M.Code := #MyClick;
MyMenuItem.OnClick := TNotifyEvent(M);
One solution is to place the OnClick method into a TDatamodule.

How to Start Creating My Own Classes with Delphi?

I posted a question a few days ago, and the answers told me to create my own classes.
I'm an old-school programmer from the pre-OOP days my programming is well structured, efficient and organized, but lacks in any custom OOPing other than using Delphi and 3rd party objects.
I had looked at how Delphi's object oriented classes worked back when I started using Delphi 2, but they seemed foreign to my programming background. I understand how they were and are excellent for developers designing components and for visual controls on the user interface. But I never found the need to use them in the coding of my program itself.
So now I look again, 15 years later, at Delphi's classes and OOPing. If I take, for example, a structure that I have such as:
TPeopleIncluded = record
IndiPtr: pointer;
Relationship: string;
PeopleIncluded: TList<TPeopleIncluded>;
Then an OOP advocator will probably tell me to make this a class. Logically, I would think this would be a class inherited from the generic TList. I would guess this would be done like this:
TPeopleIncluded<T: class> = class(TList<T>)
But that's where I get stuck, and don't have good instructions on how ot do the rest.
When I look at some class that Delphi has as an example in the Generics.Collections unit, I see:
TObjectList<T: class> = class(TList<T>)
FOwnsObjects: Boolean;
procedure Notify(const Value: T; Action: TCollectionNotification); override;
constructor Create(AOwnsObjects: Boolean = True); overload;
constructor Create(const AComparer: IComparer<T>; AOwnsObjects: Boolean = True); overload;
constructor Create(Collection: TEnumerable<T>; AOwnsObjects: Boolean = True); overload;
property OwnsObjects: Boolean read FOwnsObjects write FOwnsObjects;
and then their definitions of the constructors and procedures are:
{ TObjectList<T> }
constructor TObjectList<T>.Create(AOwnsObjects: Boolean);
FOwnsObjects := AOwnsObjects;
constructor TObjectList<T>.Create(const AComparer: IComparer<T>; AOwnsObjects: Boolean);
inherited Create(AComparer);
FOwnsObjects := AOwnsObjects;
constructor TObjectList<T>.Create(Collection: TEnumerable<T>; AOwnsObjects: Boolean);
inherited Create(Collection);
FOwnsObjects := AOwnsObjects;
procedure TObjectList<T>.Notify(const Value: T; Action: TCollectionNotification);
if OwnsObjects and (Action = cnRemoved) then
Let me tell you that this "simple" class definition may be obvious to those of you who have used OOP in Delphi for years, but to me it only provides me with hundreds of unanswered questions on what do I use and how do I use it.
To me, this does not appear to be a science. It appears to be an art of how to best structure your information into objects.
So this question, and I hope it doesn't get closed because I really need help with this, is where or how do I get the best instruction on using Delphi to create classes - and how to do it the proper Delphi way.
To me, this does not appear to be a science. It appears to be an art
of how to best structure your information into objects.
Well... Yeah. There really aren't a lot of formal requirements. It's really just a set of tools to help you organize your ideas, and eliminate a lot of duplication along the way.
Then an OOP advocator will probably tell me to make this a class. Logically, I would think this would be a class inherited from the generic TList.
Actually, the whole point of generic containers is that you don't have to make a new container class for each type of object. Instead, you'd make a new content class and then create a TList<TWhatever>.
Think of a class instance as a pointers to a record.
Now: why use a class when you could use a pointer to a record? A couple reasons:
encapsulation: You can hide some aspects of the implementation with the private keyword so that other developers (including your future self) know not to depend on implementation details that may change or that just aren't important to understanding the concept.
polymorphism: You can avoid a lot of special dispatch logic by giving each of your records a set of pointers to functions. Then, rather than having a large case statement where you do different things for each type of object, you loop through your list and send each object the same message, then it follows the function pointer to decide what to do.
inheritance: As you start making records with pointers to functions and procedures, you find that you often have cases where you need a new function-dispatch record that's very much like one you already have, except you need to change one or two of the procedures. Subclassing is just a handy way to make that happen.
So in your other post, you indicated that your overall program looks like this:
procedure PrintIndiEntry(JumpID: string);
var PeopleIncluded : TList<...>;
PeopleIncluded := result_of_some_loop;
It's not clear to me what Indi or JumpID mean, so I'm going to pretend that your company does skydiving weddings, and that Indi means "individual" and JumpID is a primary key in a database, indicating a flight where all those individuals are in the wedding party and scheduled to jump out of the same plane... And it's vitally important to know their Relationship to the happy couple so that you can give them the right color parachute.
Obviously, that isn't going to match your domain exactly, but since you're asking a general question here, the details don't really matter.
What the people in the other post were trying to tell you (my guess anyway) wasn't to replace your list with a class, but to replace the JumpID with one.
In other words, rather than passing JumpID to a procedure and using that to fetch the list of people from a database, you create a Jump class.
And if your JumpID actually indicates a jump as in goto, then you'd probably actually a bunch of classes that all subclass the same thing, and override the same method in different ways.
In fact, let's assume that you do some parties that aren't weddings, and in that case, you don't need the Relationships, but only a simple list of people:
type TPassenger = record
FirstName, LastName: string;
type TJump = class
JumpID : string;
manifest : TList< TPassenger >;
constructor Init( JumpID: string );
function GetManifest( ) : TList< TPassenger >;
procedure PrintManifest( ); virtual;
So now PrintManifest() does the job of your PrintIndyEntry(), but instead of calculating the list inline, it calls Self.GetManifest().
Now maybe your database doesn't change much, and your TJump instance is always short lived, so you decide to just populate Self.manifest in the constructor. In that case, GetManifest() just returns that list.
Or maybe your database changes frequently, or the TJump sticks around long enough that the database may change underneath it. In that case, GetManifest() rebuilds the list each time it's called... Or perhaps you add another private value indicating the last time you queried, and only update after the information expires.
The point is that PrintManifest doesn't have to care how GetManifest works, because you've hidden that information away.
Of course, in Delphi, you could have done the same thing with a unit, hiding a list of cached passenger lists in your implementation section.
But clasess bring a little more to the table, when it comes time to implement the wedding-party-specific features:
type TWeddingGuest = record
passenger : TPassenger;
Relationship : string;
type TWeddingJump = class ( TJump )
procedure GetWeddingManifest( ) : TList< TWeddingGuest >;
procedure PrintManifest( ); override;
So here, the TWeddingJump inherits the Init and GetManifest from the TJump, but it also adds a GetWeddingManifest( );, and it's going to override the behavior of PrintManifest() with some custom implementation. (You know it's doing this because of the override marker here, which corresponds to the virtual marker in TJump.
But now, suppose that PrintManifest is actually a rather complicated procedure, and you don't want to duplicate all that code when all you want to do is add one column in the header, and another column in the body listing the relationship field. You can do that like so:
type TJump = class
// ... same as earlier, but add:
procedure PrintManfestHeader(); virtual;
procedure PrintManfiestRow(passenger:TPassenger); virtual;
type TWeddingJump = class (TJump)
// ... same as earlier, but:
// * remove the PrintManifest override
// * add:
procedure PrintManfestHeader(); override;
procedure PrintManfiestRow(passenger:TPassenger); override;
Now, you want to do this:
procedure TJump.PrintManifest( )
var passenger: TPassenger;
// ...
for guest in Self.GetManifest() do begin
// ...
But you can't, yet, because GetManifest() returns TList< TPassenger >; and for TWeddingJump, you need it to return TList< TWeddingGuest >.
Well, how can you handle that?
In your original code, you have this:
IndiPtr: pointer
Pointer to what? My guess is that, just like this example, you have different types of individual, and you need them to do different things, so you just use a generic pointer, and let it point to different kinds of records, and hope you cast it to the right thing later. But classes give you several better ways to solve this problem:
You could make TPassenger a class and add a GetRelationship() method. This would eliminate the need for TWeddingGuest, but it means that GetRelationship method is always around, even when you're not talking about weddings.
You could add a GetRelationship(guest:TPassenger) in the TWeddingGuest class, and just call that inside TWeddingGuest.PrintManifestRow().
But suppose you have to query a database to populate that information. With the two methods above, you're issuing a new query for each passenger, and that might bog down your database. You really want to fetch everything in one pass, in GetManifest().
So, instead, you apply inheritance again:
type TPassenger = class
firstname, lastname: string;
type TWeddingGuest = class (TPassenger)
relationship: string;
Because GetManifest() returns a list of passengers, and all wedding guests are passengers, you can now do this:
type TWeddingJump = class (TJump)
// ... same as before, but:
// replace: procedure GetWeddingManfiest...
// with:
procedure GetManifest( ) : TList<TPassenger>; override;
// (remember to add the corresponding 'virtual' in TJump)
And now, you fill in the details for TWeddingJump.PrintManifestRow, and the same version of PrintManifest works for both TJump and TWeddingJump.
There's still one problem: we declared PrintManifestRow(passenger:TPassenger) but we're actually passing in a TWeddingGuest. This is legal, because TWeddingGuest is a subclass of TPassenger... But we need to get at the .relationship field, and TPassenger doesn't have that field.
How can the compiler trust that inside a TWeddingJump, you're always going to pass in a TWeddingGuest rather than just an ordinary TPassenger? You have to assure it that the relationship field is actually there.
You can't just declare it as TWeddingJupmp.(passenger:TWeddingGuest) because by subclassing, you're basically promising to do all the things the parent class can do, and the parent class can handle any TPassenger.
So you could go back to checking the type by hand and casting it, just like an untyped pointer, but again, there are better ways to handle this:
Polymorphism approach: move the PrintManifestRow() method to the TPassenger class (removing the passenger:TPassenger parameter, as this is now the implicit parameter Self), override that method in TWeddingGuest, and then just have TJump.PrintManifest call passenger.PrintManifestRow().
Generic class approach: make TJump itself a generic class (type TJump<T:TPassenger> = class), and instead of having GetManifest() return a TList<TPassenger>, you have it return TList<T>. Likewise, PrintManifestRow(passenger:TPassenger) becomes PrintManifestRow(passenger:T);. Now you can say: TWeddingJump = class(TJump<TWeddingGuest>) and now you're free to declare the overridden version as PrintManifestRow(passenger:TWeddingGuest).
Anyway, that's way more than I expected to write about all this. I hope it helped. :)

Delphi Dependency Injection: Framework vs Delegating Constructor

Why would you use a Dependency Injection Framework when you can simple use the following pattern?
unit uSomeServiceIntf;
ISomeService = interface
procedure SomeMethod;
CreateSomeService: function: ISomeService;
unit uSomeServiceImpl;
TSomeService = class(TInterfacedObject, ISomeService)
procedure DoSomething;
function CreateSomeService: ISomeService;
function CreateSomeService: ISomeService;
Result := TSomeService.Create;
procedure TSomeService.DoSomeThing;
unit uInitializeSystem;
procedure Initialze;
procedure Initialze;
uSomeServiceIntf.CreateSomeService := uSomeServiceImpl.CreateSomeService;
I am trying to grasp the benefits of using a framework instead of doing this but so far I only see the benefits of this simple approach:
1) Parameterized constructors are easier to implement. E.g.:
CreateSomeOtherService: function(aValue: string);
2) Faster (no lookups necessary in a container)
3) Simplier
This is how I would use it:
unit uBusiness;
procedure TMyBusinessClass.DoSomething;
someService: ISomeService;
someService := CreateSomeService;
What would be your reasoning to use a DI framework instead of this approach?
How this would look like using a DI framework?
As far as I know if you would use a DI framework than you would register the concrete class against the interface and then consumers of the system would ask an implementation for the given framework.
So there would be a registering call:
DIFramework.Register(ISomeInterface, TSomeInterface)
and when you need an ISomeInterface implementation you can ask the DI framework for it:
someInterface: ISomeInterface;
someInteface := DIFrameWork.Get(ISomeInterface) as ISomeInterface;
Now obviously if you do need to pass parameters to create an ISomeInterface the whole thing gets more complicated with the DIFramework (but simple with the approach described above).
In your case you have to know the name of the factory function ptr (var CreateSomeService) in advance, at design-time. Sure, the interface and the function ptr are coupled together in the same Delphi unit file, but that's just a Delphi relic, global var is not thread safe and not access-protected.
And what if you got an interface at runtime, as a result of some function or a read from a config file - you don't know what factory function to call to get the actual instance of an implementor.
DIFrameWork.Get(ISomeInterface) as ISomeInterface hides the factory function from you so you only need the interface, not both the interface and the factory function. If you would try to hide the factory function then you'd also have to hide the parameters. (and would end up with something much like that DI framework).
the DI factory helps when you need an interface that someone else made and instructed the IoC container to create, sometimes an external library will hide the implementation from you. If you are the one creating the interfaces as well as using the interfaces you should look at the factory pattern creating the object for you based on the scope of the item, with the consideration of it being scoped as a singleton or the same for all in a "transaction".
You could generate a static class for singletons like "settings" what about the database session involved with a transaction that is touching the state of several objects... not so funny then. You should consider the right solution for the "right problem".

Calling member functions dynamically

I'm pretty sure it's possible to call a class and its member function dynamically in Delphi, but I can't quite seem to make it work. What am I missing?
// Here's a list of classes (some code removed for clarity)
moClassList : TList;
moClassList.Add( TClassA );
moClassList.Add( TClassB );
// Here is where I want to call an object's member function if the
// object's class is in the list:
for i := 0 to moClassList.Count - 1 do
if oObject is TClass(moClassList[i]) then
with oObject as TClass(moClassList[i]) do
I get an undeclared identifier for Foo() at compile.
Clarification/Additional Information:
What I'm trying to accomplish is to create a Change Notification system between business classes. Class A registers to be notified of changes in Class B, and the system stores a mapping of Class A -> Class B. Then, when a Class B object changes, the system will call a A.Foo() to process the change. I'd like the notification system to not require any hard-coded classes if possible. There will always be a Foo() for any class that registers for notification.
Maybe this can't be done or there's a completely different and better approach to my problem.
By the way, this is not exactly an "Observer" design pattern because it's not dealing with objects in memory. Managing changes between related persistent data seems like a standard problem to be solved, but I've not found very much discussion about it.
Again, any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
First of all you're doing something very unusual with TList: TList is a list of UNTYPED POINTERS. You can add any pointer you want to that list, and when you're doing moClassList.Add( TClassA ) you're actually adding a reference to the class TClassA to the list. Technically that's not wrong, it's just very unusual: I'd expect to see TClassList if you actually want to add a class! Or TList<TClass> if you're using a Delphi version that support it.
Then you're looping over the content of the list, and you're checking if oObject is of the type in the list. So you do want classes in that list after all. The test will work properly and test rather the object is of that type, but then when you do with oObject as TClass(moClassList[i]) do you're actually casting the object to... TObject. Not what you wanted, I'm sure!
And here you have an other problem: Using Foo() in that context will probably not work. TObject doesn't contain a Foo() method, but an other Foo() method might be available in context: That's the problem with the with keyword!
And to finally answer the question in the title bar: Delphi is not an Dynamic language. The compiler can't call a method it doesn't know about at compile time. You'll need to find a OOP way of expressing what you want (using simple inheritance or interfaces), or you may call the function using RTTI.
Edited after question clarification.
All your business classes need to implement some kind of notification request management, so your design benefits allot from a base class. Declare a base class that implements all you need, then derive all your business classes from it:
TBusinessBase = class
procedure RegisterNotification(...);
procedure UnregisterNotification(...);
procedure Foo;virtual;abstract;
In your initial example you'd no longer need the list of supported classes. You'll simply do:
No need for type testing since Delphi is strongly typed. No need for casting since you can declare oObject": TBusinessBase.
Alternatively, if you for some reason you can't change the inheritance for all your objects, you can use interfaces.
TClass is defined:
TClass = class of TObject;
You then write oObject as TClass which is effectively a null operation since oObject already was a TObject.
What you need is something like this:
TFoo = class
procedure Foo();
TFooClass = class of TFoo;
TBar = class(TFoo)
procedure Bar();
if oObject is TFooClass(moClassList[i]) then
with oObject as TFooClass(moClassList[i]) do
This explains why your attempts to call Foo() does not compile, but I simply have no idea what you are trying to achieve. Even after your clarification I'm struggling to understand the problem.
Here's a really contrived example (using an array instead of a TList) that I think is what you're trying to do (error handling and try..finally intentionally omitted for clarity).
program Project1;
procedure Foo; virtual;
procedure Foo; override;
procedure Foo; override;
TClassArray= array of TBaseClass;
{ TClassB }
procedure TClassB.Foo;
Writeln('TClassB.Foo() called.');
{ TClassA }
procedure TClassA.Foo;
Writeln('TClassA.Foo() called.');
Base: TBaseClass;
ClassArr: TClassArray;
{ TBaseClass }
procedure TBaseClass.Foo;
Writeln('TBaseClass.Foo called!!!!!!!!');
ClassArr := TClassArray.Create(TClassA.Create, TClassB.Create);
for Base in ClassArr do
for Base in ClassArr do
