How to handle empty URL in ASP.NET MVC -

How do you set up the routing to handle
Where foo can be any value. I want it to go to /Home/Action/Id where foo is the id.
These are the mappings I have tried:
routes.MapRoute("Catchall", "{*catchall}",
new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id=""});
routes.MapRoute("ByKey", "{id}",
new { controller = "Home", action = "Index" id=""});
They both generated a 404.
Thanks for any help.

Try this (note you had a missing comma in your original post):
routes.MapRoute("ByKey", "{id}",
new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id=""});
I would, however, make it a bit more explanatory to prevent clashes later, even if it means a bit longer URIs:
routes.MapRoute("ByKey", "ByKey/{id}",
new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id=""});
And place this as the first MapRoute command. Order does matter there, and the first route you add is the first route for a URL to be tested with.

Your second route is correct. It should work. Maybe you have another routes above? Debug your routes with Phil Haack's ASP.NET Routing Debugger

Steps to solve
Right click on the project
Go to web tab of the page.
My Start URL was found to be empty
I copied what in Project url of Servers section
Pasted at Start Url
It worked.


Routing not working after update to Mvc 3

I just updated my Asp.Net Mvc 2 project to Mvc 3 and suddenly my links stopped working. When I open a page, all links on the page redirect back to itself.
Also, some redirects to actions that used to work in the previous version don't working anymore. It keeps saying 'No route in the route table matches the supplied values.'. I used RouteDebug to see what was going on, but couldn't find any problems.
Here's one of the routes i'm using:
// ** Standard route. **
"group_default", // Route name
// URL with parameters
area = "research",
language = "en-US",
organisation = "",
controller = "Home",
action = "Index",
organisationId = UrlParameter.Optional,
parameter = UrlParameter.Optional
}, // Parameter defaults
new[] { "Project.Web.Areas.Research.Controllers" }
As you can see in my answer below, the problem was caused by two UrlParameter.Optional after each other. This is a bug in Mvc 3
Wow, after about 4 hours of debugging I found the problem: It's a bug in Mvc 3. Because of the bug, it's not possible to use two UrlParameter.Optional after each other. Phil Haack has a nice blog-post about it:
Hope this will help others (and save them some time)

MVC default document under folders

So in IIS you can set the default document for all site folders to be say "index.aspx".
In MVC how do I do this across a) all directories or failing that b) one directory at a time.
I have a page in [Views]/[Search]/[index.aspx]
This url works - www.[mysite]/search/index
but I can't get it to work under - www.[mysite]/search
I have tried adding this into global.asax > RegisterRoutes
new { controller = "Search", action = "Index" }
MVC doesn't use a default document, but a default route.
Your route above shows us that the default page when someone visits your website ( will be the Index view contained within the search directory.
The default route that gets generated with a new MVC project looks like this
routes.MapRoute( _
"Default", _
"{controller}/{action}/{id}", _
New With {.controller = "Home", .action = "Index", .id = UrlParameter.Optional} _
What this means is that your routing structure would look like (showing the "index" view within the "home" folder) (showing the "index" view within the "about" folder) (showing the "contact" view within the "about" folder)
Normally you don't need this route. The default route should work fine as it specifies a default controller and action which you could modify to match your requirements. Thus if the user requests / this default controller and action should be executed. This would work out of the box on IIS7 but on II6 it won't work because you cannot have extensionless urls by default. You might take a look at the following blog post if you are running on IIS6.

Running ASP.NET MVC in a subdomain makes Html.ActionLink render broken links

I am running MVC in a subdomain which points to the /Test directory on my webhost4life account.
Html.ActionLink("About", "About", "Home")
it renders a link to -- which gives a 404
the link should be ..
is there a way to override ActionLink to omit the /Test on render?
Thank you
Experiment 1
I added a route to the table like this...
"Test", // Route name
"Test/{controller}/{action}/{id}", // URL with parameters
new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = "" } // Parameter defaults
and now action link renders links like this..
when this is clicked it does not give a 404 but gives the Home controler About action.
No more broken links but the site renders ugly urls.
For a site using lots of subdomains I use a nifty MVC extension from ITCloud called UrlRouteAttribute. It allows you to assign a route to every action as an attribute setting the path and name. I have extended this to allow fully qualified paths - so to include the domain/subdomain the controller should attach to. If this is something you'd be interested in I'll upload a copy somewhere.

Routing *Path wildcard will not accept Path when only one slash

I have a problem with the wildcard route that I wonder if anyone can help on, I have a route as below
new { controller = "Home", action = "Index"})
.RouteHandler = new ReportPathRouteHandler();
where the routehandler splits the path into its correct parts to get the correct report and this works great, if I put in a route then I'll get what I'm looking for however my problem is if I have a link like, the *path is only folder1/report and the routing really doesn't like this, in fact it doesn't even hit my route handler, just goes straight to 'resource can't be found' server error page. I tried to get around this by adding a new route before the wildcard as below
new { controller = "Home", action = "Index" });
where the Controller takes Path and Name as two string parameters but still no joy, has anyone got any ideas or pointers as to what can fix this issue? Thanks for your help.
The first example should be fine (except that odd .RouteHandler = new ReportPathRouteHandler(); at the end). What does your controller action look like? Does it take a "string path" as a parameter?

MVC Catch All route not working

My first route:
// Should work for /Admin, /Admin/Index, /Admin/listArticles
"Admin", // Route name
"Admin/{action}", // URL with parameters
new { controller = "Admin", action = "Index" } // Parameter defaults
is not resolving the route(I use Phil Haack's Route Debugger) and even the last route, "Catch All" route does not work:
//Maps any completely invalid routes to ErrorController.NotFound
routes.MapRoute("Catch All", "{*path}",
new { controller = "Error", action = "NotFound" }
If I go to /Admin/listArticles it works but /Admin gives me Error 403.15 "The Web server is configured to not list the contents of this directory." That points me to the idea that no routing is used as it looks for a physical file in a directory?
This is a simple low-level route problem but I cannot get it to work and everybody gives me links to read (yes I know MSDN is out there) but no real answers. I have researched routes and have tried but I am posting this because I cannot get it to work, any help, answers?
The answer to my question was that I had a route called /Admin and I wrote my error log to a directory /Admin/Error It seems that there is no overload to specify if the route should be resolved or if it is part of a physical directory.
The problem might be that you have added this route below the default route, all custom routes should be added above default route.
Are you using IIS 6.0? If so it'll need to look like...
// Should work for /Admin, /Admin/Index, /Admin/listArticles
"Admin", // Route name
"Admin.mvc/{action}", // URL with parameters
new { controller = "Admin", action = "Index" } // Parameter defaults
Where you need to set mvc as an application extension
