Conditionally disable Html.DropDownList -

How can I change this DropDownList declaration so that the disabled attribute is enable/disabled conditionally?
<%= Html.DropDownList("Quantity", new SelectList(...), new{#disabled="disabled"} %>
non-working example:
<%= Html.DropDownList("Quantity", new SelectList(...), new{#disabled=Model.CanEdit?"false":"disabled"} %>
p.s. adding an if condition around the entire statement is not a desired approach :)
EDIT: based on this extension method from another question I came up with the following extension:
public static IDictionary<string, object> Disabled (this object obj, bool disabled)
return disabled ? obj.AddProperty ("disabled", "disabled") : obj.ToDictionary ();
which can then be used as
<%= Html.DropDownList("Quantity", new SelectList(...), new{id="quantity"}.Disabled(Model.CanEdit) %>

There is no need to add helper methods, you can just use
<%= Html.DropDownList("Quantity", new SelectList(...), IsEditable == true ? new { #disabled = "disabled" } as object : new {} as object %>
If you were to remove the as object entries this wouldn't work because by default new {} is a dynamic object compiled at runtime, therefore the two possible objects must have the same properties. But the Html attributes parameter is actually just an object, so these dynamics can be cast as objects to get around this.
This solution even allows you to use multiple HTML attributes where one is optional and another is not, i.e class='whatever' is not optional but disabled is so you put class='whatever' in both the objects, but the optional one only in the first. Dimitrov's answer does not support any custom attributes other than disabled.

Please don't write spaghetti code. Html helpers are there for this purpose:
public static MvcHtmlString DropDownList(this HtmlHelper html, string name, SelectList values, bool canEdit)
if (canEdit)
return html.DropDownList(name, values);
return html.DropDownList(name, values, new { disabled = "disabled" });
And then:
<%= Html.DropDownList("Quantity", new SelectList(...), Model.CanEdit) %>
Or maybe you could come up with something even better (if the model contains the options):
<%= Html.DropDownList("Quantity", Model) %>
You will also get the bonus of having more unit testable code.

One option is creating a custom version of Html.DropDownList that takes an extra parameter and does what you want... but then you would have to make a new one for every type of helper - TextBoxFor, TextAreaFor, CheckBoxFor, etc... and you still have to figure out how to make the guts of it work.
I opted, instead, to create an Html Helper to replace the normal anonymous HtmlAttributes object since then it would be compatible with all of the Helpers that use HtmlAttributes without any special work. This solution also lets you pass through additional Attributes like Class, Name, or whatever you want. It doesn't lock you down to only disabled.
I created the following Helper - it takes a boolean and an anonymous object. If disabled is true, it adds the disabled attribute to the anonymous object (which is actually a Dictionary) with the value "disabled", otherwise it doesn't add the property at all.
public static RouteValueDictionary ConditionalDisable(
bool disabled,
object htmlAttributes = null)
var dictionary = HtmlHelper.AnonymousObjectToHtmlAttributes(htmlAttributes);
if (disabled)
dictionary.Add("disabled", "disabled");
return dictionary;
An example of it in action:
#Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.SomeProperty,
HtmlHelpers.ConditionalDisable(true, new { #class = "someClass"))
One huge advantage to this approach for me was that it works with virtually all of the MVC HtmlHelpers since they all have Overloads that accept a RouteValueDictionary instead of an anonymous object.
HtmlHelper.AnonymousObjectToHtmlAttributes() uses some fancy code ninja work to get things done. I'm not entirely sure how performant it is... but it's been sufficient for what I use it for. Your mileage may vary.
I don't especially like the name of it - but I couldn't come up with anything better. Renaming is easy.
I also don't love the usage syntax - but again I couldn't come up with anything better. It shouldn't be difficult to change. An extension method on object is one idea... you'd end up with new { #class = "someClass" }.ConditionalDisable(true) but then if you only want the disable attribute and don't have anything additional to add you end up with something gross like new {}.ConditionalDisable(true); and you also end up with an extension method that shows up for all objects... which is probably not desirable.

#bool IsEditable=true;
#if (IsEditable)
Html.DropDownListFor(m => m, selectList);
Html.DropDownListFor(m => m, selectList, new { disabled = "disabled" })

Strongly typed verison:
public static MvcHtmlString DropDownListFor<TModel, TProperty>(this HtmlHelper<TModel> html,
Expression<Func<TModel, TProperty>> expression,
IEnumerable<SelectListItem> selectList,
string optionText, bool canEdit)
if (canEdit)
return html.DropDownListFor(expression, selectList, optionText);
return html.DropDownListFor(expression, selectList, optionText, new { disabled = "disabled" });

For completeness here is one that preservers all parameters and it would post select value to the server:
public static MvcHtmlString DropDownListFor<TModel, TProperty>(this HtmlHelper<TModel> html, Expression<Func<TModel, TProperty>> expression, IEnumerable<SelectListItem> selectList, object htmlAttributes, bool enabled)
if (enabled)
return SelectExtensions.DropDownListFor<TModel, TProperty>(html, expression, selectList, htmlAttributes);
var htmlAttributesAsDict = HtmlHelper.AnonymousObjectToHtmlAttributes(htmlAttributes);
htmlAttributesAsDict.Add("disabled", "disabled");
string selectClientId = html.ViewContext.ViewData.TemplateInfo.GetFullHtmlFieldId(ExpressionHelper.GetExpressionText(expression));
htmlAttributesAsDict.Add("id", selectClientId + "_disabled");
var hiddenFieldMarkup = html.HiddenFor<TModel, TProperty>(expression);
var selectMarkup = SelectExtensions.DropDownListFor<TModel, TProperty>(html, expression, selectList, htmlAttributesAsDict);
return MvcHtmlString.Create(selectMarkup.ToString() + Environment.NewLine + hiddenFieldMarkup.ToString());
Usage example, disable drop down if there is only one item in list, that one value is still posted to server with correct client id:
#Html.DropDownListFor(m => m.SomeValue, Model.SomeList, new { #class = "some-class" }, Model.SomeList > 1)

You can do:
var dropDownEditDisable = new { disabled = "disabled" };
var dropDownEditEnable = new { };
object enableOrDisable = Model.CanEdit ?
(object)dropDownEditEnable : (object)dropDownEditDisable;
#Html.DropDownList("Quantity", new SelectList(...), enableOrDisable)
Html.DropDownListFor() can be long, so doing that, there is no need to repeat it.

I don't know if ASP.NET offers a more succinct special-case approach, but presumably you could do:
<%= Html.DropDownList("Quantity", new SelectList(...), Model.CanEdit? new{#class="quantity"} : new{#class="quantity", #disabled:"disabled"}) %>


HtmlHelper extension method to disable controls and allow for multiple html attributes to be specified

I want to write an extension method that will allow me to disable a control based on a security setting. The code below works and accomplishes what I want. However - because it creates an object that represents all html attributes - I cannot specifiy additional attributes other than the disabled attribute that this code generates.
public static class SecurityHtmlHelper
public static object EnableForPermission(this HtmlHelper html, Permission permission)
if (Security.HasPermission(permission))
return new object();
return new { disabled = "disabled" };
Example of how the above is used:
#Html.ActionLink("permission test", "/", null, #Html.EnableForPermission(Permission.PM_PROCEDURE_ALT_SCEN_READ))
Desired usage example (does not build):
#Html.ActionLink("permission test", "/", null, new { #style ="xyz", #Html.EnableForPermission(Permission.PM_PROCEDURE_ALT_SCEN_READ)})
No I dont want to use javascript and yes I realize disabling a link does not prevent the user from navigating to a page there are other controls in place for that.
For reference on disabled attribute:
Correct value for disabled attribute
A disabled attribute wont work on an <a> tag (and its invalid html), but from your comments, you want to use the helper to apply it to controls anyway.
I'm not sure what Security.HasPermission(permission) does, but if its calling a service, then it does not belong in a helper. In any case I suggest you pass a boolean value to the view indicating if the permission applies, using a view model or ViewBag property, for example in the controller
ViewBag.HasPermission = Security.HasPermission(Permission.PM_PROCEDURE_ALT_SCEN_READ);
The helper needs to merge the html attributes you pass to it with the disabled attribute if applicable
public static IDictionary<string, object> EnableForPermission(object htmlAttributes, bool hasPermission)
IDictionary<string, object> attributes = HtmlHelper.AnonymousObjectToHtmlAttributes(htmlAttributes);
if (!hasPermission)
attributes.Add("disabled", "disabled");
return attributes;
and then in the view
#Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.someProperty, EnableForPermission(new { #class = "someClass" }, ViewBag.HasPermission))

Set disable attribute based on a condition for Html.TextBoxFor

I want to set disable attribute based on a condition for Html.TextBoxFor in MVC like below
#Html.TextBoxFor(model => model.ExpireDate, new { style = "width: 70px;", maxlength = "10", id = "expire-date" disabled = (Model.ExpireDate == null ? "disable" : "") })
This helper has two output disabled="disabled " or disabled="". both of theme make the textbox disable.
I want to disable the textbox if Model.ExpireDate == null else I want to enable it
The valid way is:
Browsers also might accept disabled="" but I would recommend you the first approach.
Now this being said I would recommend you writing a custom HTML helper in order to encapsulate this disabling functionality into a reusable piece of code:
using System;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Mvc;
using System.Web.Mvc.Html;
using System.Web.Routing;
public static class HtmlExtensions
public static IHtmlString MyTextBoxFor<TModel, TProperty>(
this HtmlHelper<TModel> htmlHelper,
Expression<Func<TModel, TProperty>> expression,
object htmlAttributes,
bool disabled
var attributes = new RouteValueDictionary(htmlAttributes);
if (disabled)
attributes["disabled"] = "disabled";
return htmlHelper.TextBoxFor(expression, attributes);
which you could use like this:
model => model.ExpireDate,
new {
style = "width: 70px;",
maxlength = "10",
id = "expire-date"
Model.ExpireDate == null
and you could bring even more intelligence into this helper:
public static class HtmlExtensions
public static IHtmlString MyTextBoxFor<TModel, TProperty>(
this HtmlHelper<TModel> htmlHelper,
Expression<Func<TModel, TProperty>> expression,
object htmlAttributes
var attributes = new RouteValueDictionary(htmlAttributes);
var metaData = ModelMetadata.FromLambdaExpression(expression, htmlHelper.ViewData);
if (metaData.Model == null)
attributes["disabled"] = "disabled";
return htmlHelper.TextBoxFor(expression, attributes);
so that now you no longer need to specify the disabled condition:
model => model.ExpireDate,
new {
style = "width: 70px;",
maxlength = "10",
id = "expire-date"
Actually, the internal behavior is translating the anonymous object to a dictionary.
So what I do in these scenarios is go for a dictionary:
var htmlAttributes = new Dictionary<string, object>
{ "class" , "form-control"},
{ "placeholder", "Why?" }
if (Model.IsDisabled)
htmlAttributes.Add("disabled", "disabled");
#Html.EditorFor(m => m.Description, new { htmlAttributes = htmlAttributes })
Or, as Stephen commented here:
#Html.EditorFor(m => m.Description,
Model.IsDisabled ? (object)new { disabled = "disabled" } : (object)new { })
I like Darin method. But quick way to solve this,
Html.TextBox("Expiry", null, new { style = "width: 70px;", maxlength = "10", id = "expire-date", disabled = "disabled" }).ToString().Replace("disabled=\"disabled\"", (1 == 2 ? "" : "disabled=\"disabled\""))
One simple approach I have used is conditional rendering:
#(Model.ExpireDate == null ?
#Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.ExpireDate, new { #disabled = "disabled" }) :
#Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.ExpireDate)
If you don't use html helpers you may use simple ternary expression like this:
<input name="Field"
value="#Model.Field" tabindex="0"
#(Model.IsDisabledField ? "disabled=\"disabled\"" : "")>
I achieved it using some extension methods
private const string endFieldPattern = "^(.*?)>";
public static MvcHtmlString IsDisabled(this MvcHtmlString htmlString, bool disabled)
string rawString = htmlString.ToString();
if (disabled)
rawString = Regex.Replace(rawString, endFieldPattern, "$1 disabled=\"disabled\">");
return new MvcHtmlString(rawString);
public static MvcHtmlString IsReadonly(this MvcHtmlString htmlString, bool #readonly)
string rawString = htmlString.ToString();
if (#readonly)
rawString = Regex.Replace(rawString, endFieldPattern, "$1 readonly=\"readonly\">");
return new MvcHtmlString(rawString);
and then....
#Html.TextBoxFor(model => model.Name, new { #class= "someclass"}).IsDisabled(Model.ExpireDate == null)
Is solved this using RouteValueDictionary (works fine as htmlAttributes as it's based on IDictionary) and an extension method:
public static RouteValueDictionary AddIf(this RouteValueDictionary dict, bool condition, string name, object value)
if (condition) dict.Add(name, value);
return dict;
#Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.GovId, new RouteValueDictionary(new { #class = "form-control" })
.AddIf(Model.IsEntityFieldsLocked, "disabled", "disabled"))
Credit goes to
This is late, but may be helpful to some people.
I have extended #DarinDimitrov's answer to allow for passing a second object that takes any number of boolean html attributes like disabled="disabled" checked="checked", selected="selected" etc.
It will render the attribute only if the property value is true, anything else and the attribute will not be rendered at all.
The custom reuseble HtmlHelper:
public static class HtmlExtensions
public static IHtmlString MyTextBoxFor<TModel, TProperty>(this HtmlHelper<TModel> htmlHelper,
Expression<Func<TModel, TProperty>> expression,
object htmlAttributes,
object booleanHtmlAttributes)
var attributes = new RouteValueDictionary(htmlAttributes);
//Reflect over the properties of the newly added booleanHtmlAttributes object
foreach (var prop in booleanHtmlAttributes.GetType().GetProperties())
//Find only the properties that are true and inject into the main attributes.
//and discard the rest.
if (ValueIsTrue(prop.GetValue(booleanHtmlAttributes, null)))
attributes[prop.Name] = prop.Name;
return htmlHelper.TextBoxFor(expression, attributes);
private static bool ValueIsTrue(object obj)
bool res = false;
res = Convert.ToBoolean(obj);
catch (FormatException)
res = false;
res = false;
return res;
Which you can use like so:
#Html.MyTextBoxFor(m => Model.Employee.Name
, new { #class = "x-large" , placeholder = "Type something…" }
, new { disabled = true})
if you dont want to use Html Helpers
take look it my solution
disabled="#(your Expression that returns true or false")"
that it
bool isManager = (Session["User"] as User).IsManager;
<textarea rows="4" name="LetterManagerNotes" disabled="#(!isManager)"></textarea>
and I think the better way to do it is to do that check in the controller and save it within a variable that is accessible inside the view(Razor engine) in order to make the view free from business logic
Yet another solution would be to create a Dictionary<string, object> before calling TextBoxFor and pass that dictionary. In the dictionary, add "disabled" key only if the textbox is to be diabled. Not the neatest solution but simple and straightforward.
Another approach is to disable the text box on the client side.
In your case you have only one textbox that you need to disable but consider the case where you have multiple input, select, and textarea fields that yout need to disable.
It is much easier to do it via jquery + (since we can not rely on data coming from the client) add some logic to the controller to prevent these fields from being saved.
Here is an example:
<input id="document_Status" name="document.Status" type="hidden" value="2" />
$(document).ready(function () {
function disableAll() {
var status = $('#document_Status').val();
if (status != 0) {
$("input").attr('disabled', true);
$("textarea").attr('disabled', true);
$("select").attr('disabled', true);
I like the extension method approach so you don't have to pass through all possible parameters.
However using Regular expressions can be quite tricky (and somewhat slower) so I used XDocument instead:
public static MvcHtmlString SetDisabled(this MvcHtmlString html, bool isDisabled)
var xDocument = XDocument.Parse(html.ToHtmlString());
if (!(xDocument.FirstNode is XElement element))
return html;
element.SetAttributeValue("disabled", isDisabled ? "disabled" : null);
return MvcHtmlString.Create(element.ToString());
Use the extension method like this:
#Html.EditorFor(m => m.MyProperty).SetDisabled(Model.ExpireDate == null)

RazorEngine and parsing physical view files always causes exception

I have the following RazorEngine call:
public class RazorEngineRender
public static string RenderPartialViewToString(string templatePath, string viewName, object model)
string text = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(templatePath, viewName));
string renderedText = Razor.Parse(text, model);
return renderedText;
This is called from:
_emailService.Render(TemplatePath, "Email.cshtml", new { ActivationLink = activationLink });
I also have this view file (email.cshtml):
Link: #Model.ActivationLink
When the call to Razor.Parse() occurs, I always get a:
Unable to compile template. Check the Errors list for details.
The error list is:
error CS1061: 'object' does not contain a definition for 'ActivationLink' and no extension method 'ActivationLink' accepting a first argument of type 'object' could be found
I've tried everything under the sun, including trying a concrete type as opposed to anonymous type, declaring the #Model line at the top of the view file but no luck. I'm wondering if the library is at fault or definately me?
By the way, the razorengine I am referring to is available here at codeplex:
If you make the call like so:
new { ActivationLink = activationLink });
That should give you the correct output. But after I see your method posted above I'll be able to make a determination where the problem lies.
Change your method to the following:
public class RazorEngineRender {
public static string RenderPartialViewToString<T>(string templatePath, string viewName, T model) {
string text = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(templatePath, viewName));
string renderedText = Razor.Parse(text, model);
return renderedText;
and you can call it like you do above.
The reason it doesn't work is because you're telling the Parser that the model is of type object rather than passing in what type it really is. In this case an anonymous type.
The accepted answer was perfect in 2011 (I believe pre-v3 of RazorEngine) but this code is now marked as obsolete in latest version (in time of typing it is 3.7.3).
For newer version your method can be typed like this:
public static string RenderPartialViewToString<T>(string templatePath, string templateName, string viewName, T model)
string template = File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(templatePath, viewName));
string renderedText = Engine.Razor.RunCompile(template, templateName, typeof(T), model);
return renderedText;
and in order for it to work you need to add
using RazorEngine.Templating;
Here are a few hints you might try:
Make your razor view strongly typed to a model:
#model Foo
<a href="#Model.ActivationLink" style="color:#666" target="_blank">
When rendering it pass a Foo model:
new Foo { ActivationLink = activationLink }
If you are trying to send emails from your Views make sure you checkout Postal before reinventing something.

How do I access query string parameters in mvc?

I want to have different sorting and filtering applied on my view
I figured that I'll be passing sorting and filtering params through query string:
#Html.ActionLink("Name", "Index", new { SortBy= "Name"})
This simple construction allows me to sort. View comes back with this in query string:
Now I want to add filtering and i want my query string to end up with
How can I add another parameter to list of already existing ones in ActionLink? for Example:
user requests /Index/
view has
#Html.ActionLink("Name", "Index", new { SortBy= "Name"})
#Html.ActionLink("Name", "Index", new { FilterBy= "Name"})
Links: The first one looks like /Index/?SortBy=Name and The second is /Index/?FilterBy=Name
I want when user pressed sorting link after he applied some filtering - filtering is not lost, so i need a way to combine my params.
My guess is there should be a way to not parse query string, but get collection of parameters from some MVC object.
so far the best way I figured out is to create a copy of ViewContext.RouteData.Values
and inject QueryString values into it.
and then modify it before every ActionLink usage.
still trying to figure out how to use .Union() instead of modifying a dictionary all the time.
<% RouteValueDictionary tRVD = new RouteValueDictionary(ViewContext.RouteData.Values); %>
<% foreach (string key in Request.QueryString.Keys )
} %>
<%tRVD["SortBy"] = "Name"; %>
<%= Html.ActionLink("Name", "Index", tRVD)%>
My solution is similar to qwerty1000's. I created an extension method, ActionQueryLink, that takes in the same basic parameters as the standard ActionLink. It loops through Request.QueryString and adds any parameters found to the RouteValues dictionary that are not already present (so we can overwrite the original query string if needed).
To preserve the existing string but not add any keys the usage would be:
<%= Html.ActionQueryLink("Click Me!","SomeAction") %>
To preserve the existing string and add new keys the user would be:
<%= Html.ActionQueryLink("Click Me!","SomeAction", new{Param1="value1", Param2="value2"} %>
The code below is for the two usages, but it should be pretty easy to add other overloads to match the other ActionLink extensions as needed.
public static string ActionQueryLink(this HtmlHelper htmlHelper,
string linkText, string action)
return ActionQueryLink(htmlHelper, linkText, action, null);
public static string ActionQueryLink(this HtmlHelper htmlHelper,
string linkText, string action, object routeValues)
var queryString =
var newRoute = routeValues == null
? htmlHelper.ViewContext.RouteData.Values
: new RouteValueDictionary(routeValues);
foreach (string key in queryString.Keys)
if (!newRoute.ContainsKey(key))
newRoute.Add(key, queryString[key]);
return HtmlHelper.GenerateLink(htmlHelper.ViewContext.RequestContext,
htmlHelper.RouteCollection, linkText, null /* routeName */,
action, null, newRoute, null);
<%= Html.ActionLink("Name", "Index", new { SortBy= "Name", Filter="Something"}) %>
To preserve the querystring you can:
<%= Html.ActionLink("Name", "Index",
String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["SortBy"]) ?
new { Filter = "Something" } :
new { SortBy=Request.QueryString["SortBy"], Filter="Something"}) %>
Or if you have more parameters, you could build the link manually by using taking Request.QueryString into account.
Use ActionLinkCombined instead of ActionLink
public static string ActionLinkCombined(this HtmlHelper htmlHelper, string linkText, string actionName,
object routeValues)
var dictionary = new RouteValueDictionary();
foreach (var pair in htmlHelper.ViewContext.Controller.ValueProvider)
dictionary[pair.Key] = pair.Value.AttemptedValue;
if (routeValues != null)
foreach (PropertyDescriptor descriptor in TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(routeValues))
object o = descriptor.GetValue(routeValues);
dictionary[descriptor.Name] = o;
return htmlHelper.ActionLink(linkText, actionName, dictionary);
#Html.ActionLink("link text","action",new { #id = 5, #name = "textName", #abc = "abc" })
#Html.ActionLink("link text", "action", "controller", new { #id = 5, #name = "textName", #abc = "abc" }, new { #class = "cssClass" })
querystring would be like:
it would have class="cssClass"

Shorthand for creating a ViewDataDictionary with both a model and ViewData items?

Is there any way to create a ViewDataDictionary with a model and additional properties with a single line of code. I am trying to make a RenderPartial call to a strongly-typed view while assembling both the model and some extra display configuration properties without explicitly assembling the ViewDataDictionary across multiple lines. It seems like it would be possible given the RenderPartial overload taking both a model object and a ViewDataDictionary but it looks like it simply ignores the ViewDataDictionary whenever they are both populated.
// FAIL: This will result in ViewData being a ViewDataDictionary
// where Model = MyModelObject and there are no other parameters available.
this.Html.RenderPartial("SomePartialView", MyModelObject, new ViewDataDictionary(new { SomeDisplayParameter = true }));
I found someone else with the same problem, but their solution is the same multi-line concept I found: create a discrete ViewDataDictionary with the model, add the new parameter(s) and use it in the RenderPartial call.
var SomeViewData = new ViewDataDictionary(MyModelObject);
SomeViewData.Add("SomeDisplayParameter", true);
this.Html.RenderPartial("SomePartialView", SomeViewData);
I can always wrap that logic into a ChainedAdd method that returns a duplicate dictionary with the new element added but it just seems like I am missing some way of creating a ViewDataDictionary that would do this for me (and that is a bit more overhead than I was hoping for).
this.Html.RenderPartial("SomePartialView", new ViewDataDictionary(MyModelObject).ChainedAdd("SomeDisplayParameter", true));
public static ViewDataDictionaryExtensions {
public static ViewDataDictionary ChainedAdd(this ViewDataDictionary source, string key, object value) {
return source.ChainedAdd(new KeyValuePair<string,object>(key, value));
public static ViewDataDictionary ChainedAdd(this ViewDataDictionary source, KeyValuePair<string, object> keyAndValue) {
ViewDataDictionary NewDictionary = new ViewDataDictionary(source);
return NewDictionary;
As well, trying to assemble a ViewDataDictionary with an explicit Model and ModelState simply causes a compilation error because the ModelState is read-only.
// FAIL: Compilation error
this.Html.RenderPartial("SomePartialView", new ViewDataDictionary { Model = MyModelObject, ModelState = new ViewDataDictionary( new { SomeDisplayParameter = true }});
ANSWER(S): It looks like Craig and I ended up finding two separate syntaxes that will get the job done. I am definitely biased in this case, but I like the idea of setting the model first and "decorating" it afterwards.
new ViewDataDictionary(MyModelObject) { { "SomeDisplayParameter", true }, { "SomeOtherParameter", 3 }, { "SomeThirdParameter", "red" } };
new ViewDataDictionary(new ViewDataDictionary() { {"SomeDisplayParameter", true }})
{ Model = MyModelObject };
Of course, I would still be spinning my wheels without his [eventually spot-on] answer, so, circle gets the square.
Use an object initializer and collection initializers:
new ViewDataDictionary(new ViewDataDictionary() { {"SomeDisplayParameter", true }})
Model = MyModelObject
The inner ViewDataDictionary gets its collection initialized, then this populates the "real" ViewDataDictionary using the constructor overload which takes ViewDataDictionary instead of object. Finally, the object initializer sets the model.
Then just pass the whole thing without setting MyModelObject separately:
this.Html.RenderPartial("SomePartialView", null,
new ViewDataDictionary(new ViewDataDictionary() { {"SomeDisplayParameter", true }})
{ Model = MyModelObject });
Using Craig's answer as a starting point--I didn't even know you could combine both a constructor call and an object initializer--I stumbled on this snippet from Palermo that leads to a combination that works. He uses some sort of dictionary shorthand that somehow ends up populating the ModelState when consumed by the ViewDataDictionary object initializer.
new ViewDataDictionary(MyModelObject) { { "SomeDisplayParameter", true }, { "SomeOtherParameter", 3 }, { "SomeThirdParameter", "red" } };
// Of course, this also works with typed ViewDataDictionary objects (what I ended up using)
new ViewDataDictionary<SomeType>(MyModelObject) { { "SomeDisplayParameter", true }, { "SomeOtherParameter", 3 }, { "SomeThirdParameter", "red" } };
I still don't see how this ends up working given that you cannot set the ModelState explicitly in an initializer, but it does seem to maintain both the original model object and the "appended" parameters for the view. There are definitely a number of other permutations of this syntax that do not work--you cannot combine the model with the dictionary in a single object or use object-initializer syntax for the dictionary values--but the above version seems to work.
I created an extension method on HtmlHelper to copy the property names and values from an anonymous object to a ViewDataDictionary.
Html.RenderPartial("SomePartialView", MyModelObject, new { SomeDisplayParameter = true })
HtmlHelper Extension
public static void RenderPartial(this HtmlHelper htmlHelper, string partialViewName, object model, object viewData)
var vdd = new ViewDataDictionary(model);
foreach (var property in viewData.GetType().GetProperties()) {
vdd[property.Name] = property.GetValue(viewData);
htmlHelper.RenderPartial(partialViewName, vdd);
This is what worked for me in old style mvc aspx view:
<% Html.RenderPartial("ContactPartial", Model.ContactFactuur, new ViewDataDictionary(this.ViewData ) { TemplateInfo = new TemplateInfo { HtmlFieldPrefix = "Factuur" } }); %>
the thing here is that in the constructor I use the current viewdata "new ViewDataDictionary(this.ViewData)" which is a viewdatadictionary containing the modelstate that I need for the validationmessages.
I came here with the exact same question.
What I thought might work was this (pardon the VB Razor syntax)
#Code Html.RenderPartial("Address", Model.MailingAddress, New ViewDataDictionary(New With {.AddressType = "Mailing Address"}))End Code
But of course you get this error at run-time:
System.InvalidOperationException was unhandled by user code
Message=The model item passed into the dictionary is of type 'VB$AnonymousType_1`1[System.String]', but this dictionary requires a model item of type 'ViewModel.Address'.
But what I found, is that what I really wanted was to use was Editor Template anyway.
Instead of RenderPartial use:
#Html.EditorFor(Function(model) model.MailingAddress, "Address", New With {.AddressType = "Mailing Address"})
An editor template is just a partial view that lives
My template for Address is a strongly-typed partial view, but the EditorFor method gives the ability to add additional view data items easily with an anon object.
In the example above I didn't need to include the template name "Address", since MVC would would look for a template with the same name as the model type.
You can also override the display template in the same way.
