Serving multiple Rails applications through one ruby interpreter instance - ruby-on-rails

Given that each Ruby-On-Rails application needs at least about 40MBs of memory, I was wondering if there is a way of running multiple rails-application instances (different ones) over one interpreter of Ruby so that all shared libraries (rmagick etc) are shared between different application instances, saving space.
If that would be possible, then, I could be running 5-6 rails applications in a single 256RAM virtual server.
Is that possible?

I don't think this is possible without substantially changing the current code base.
But all is not lost.
If these websites are fairly low traffic and you have a fast vps you should take in mind that mod passenger drops the instances from memory if they're inactive for a while. So in theory you could run an unlimited amount of applications as long as you only have a few active at the same time. The price is a slower response on the first request that loads the instance.

Another option would be to load all the shared libraries, then fork off as many child processes as you have apps (use Process.fork) and run a different app in each child.
Pages of memory which are only read and not written will be shared between the parent and child processes.


Why are multiple Ruby processes on an EC2 server causing 100% CPU utilisation?

I have a Rails application which has 100% CPU utilization most of the time.
I am not able to figure out why there is so much load on the server. I am using the Puma web server with a default configuration, and am running multiple background jobs using the sucker-punch gem. There are 7 files which are using sucker punch jobs with 5 workers:
include SuckerPunch::Job
workers 5
I ran the top -i query and found the following processes running on the server. I can see multiple Ruby commands on the server. Can someone tell me whether this is normal behavior on a server, or if something is wrong?
Some Ways to Reduce Resource Contention
Your user space load is high (~48%), so you'll probably want to reduce the number of workers in your web application, increase the number of CPUs available on your instance, move to a version of Ruby that has better concurrency and real multi-core support (e.g. Rubinius or JRuby), or some combination of these options. Depending on what your code is actually doing, you may also need to re-architect your application to offload expensive I/O from the application server.
In addition, your steal time is quite high (~41%), so your EC2 instance is probably overloaded. Simply moving your application to a less-loaded instance may free up sufficient resources to reduce application wait times.

How to scale your 1 server Rails application

I have a rails application running on a single VPS that uses passenger, apache and MySQL. I am moving this to Amazon AWS with the following simple setup:
ELB > Web Server > MySQL
Lets say I am expecting a huge spike in daily users and want to start to scale this out on Amazon AWS using multiple instances. Where does a newbie start on this journey? Do I simply create an AMI from my production configured web server and get the ASG to launch these when required?
I understand that AWS increases the number of instances using auto scale groups as the load demands it, but do I need to architect anything differently in my Rails application for it to run at scale across multiple interfaces?
The problem with scaling horizontally is that it really depends on the application. There's no "just-add-water" ways to do it.
But there are some generic recipes you can follow in the beginning:
Extract MySQL server into a separate instance, which is capable of holding a higher load. Then create as many worker (i.e. app) instances that connect to the MySQL database as you need. You can keep doing so before your MySQL server gets saturated with requests, and can no longer keep up with the load.
When you're done with step 1, you can add MySQL replicas and setup a master-slave replication. This will leave you with a MySQL cluster, where one server can accept writes and all the others are read-only. After your set it up, change your application to send SELECT's to read-only replicas and INSERT/DELETE/UPDATE's to the writeable master server. This approach is based on the fact that most of the applications do reads way more often than writes. It can be not the case for you, but if it is, it'll keep your afloat pretty long. Right before you saturate MySQL master server write performance.
Once you've squeezed everything from step 2, you can go ahead and shard the data. This is now becoming more and more dependent on your application. But I will provide a blind example in order to convey the idea. Say, you have a user-centric application (e.g. a private photo-album, with no sharing capabilities), and each user has a name. In this case you can make two completely independent clusters, where the first one will serve users with names starting A-M, and the second one will serve ones with N-Z. It essentially makes the load twice as less, but complicates the whole architecture.
Though generic, these recipes can help you build a pretty solid application capable of serving millions of users daily before you're forced to bring up more exotic ways of scaling.
Hope this helps!

Is docker a possible solution to ruby GIL limitation in rails?

This is just an idea, let me know if I'm missing anything or if it could be a good one.
It's common to have N rails processes running on a single server/VM, but they can't perform at best due GIL (Global Interpreter Lock).
Instead of running N processes inside a single server I could run N containers each one with a single rails process (each one running on a different port).
In this way I should be able to execute more rails processes in parallel, right?
I guess containers add overhead but probably it could make sense anyway.
Any opinions?
Thank you
This would be far less efficient than running N processes. The simple reason here is that most process managers for Ruby on Rails use the "pre-fork" model where a large amount of code is loaded in before the processes are split off.
A fork of two process uses very little additional memory, the second process inherits a near exact copy of the first. Any changes made to this will incur more memory overhead, but as things like the Rails library and other gems are not changed, that comes along for free, basically.
If you had multiple processes that are independent, each would need to load, parse, and initialize every Ruby class necessary to run Rails.
This isn't to say that the container-ized approach isn't without merit, but it may necessitate a hybrid approach: N containers with M processes each.
Remember, if you're really having trouble with the GIL, just use Jruby which doesn't have one.
This won't improve concurrency at all: the GIL applies to threads within a single process. Multiple processes can already execute concurrently - the pattern of having multiple rails processes arises because of the GIL.
As tadman says, you'll also potentially increase memory usage. You might be able to estimate it (assuming you deploy using passenger) as the passenger-memory-stats tool allows you to get RSS as well as private dirty RSS (i.e. memory that is resident, but not shared with the parent process). If the non shared memory is almost none then you wouldn't waste any by following a non fork model.
Containers are wonderful things, but what you've outlined isn't a reason to use them.

Multiple redmine instances best practices

I'm studying the best way to have multiple redmine instances in the same server (basically I need a database for each redmine group).
Until now I have 2 options:
Deploy a redmine instance for each group
Deploy one redmine instance with multiple database
I really don't know what is the best practice in this situation, I've seen some people doing this in both ways.
I've tested the deployment of multiple redmines (3 instances) with nginx and passenger. It worked well but I think with a lot of instances it may not be feasible. Each app needs around 100mb of RAM, and with the increasing of requests it tends to allocate more processes to the app. This scenario seems bad if we had a lot of instances.
The option 2 seems reasonable, I think I can implement that with rails environments. But I think that there are some security problems related with sessions (I think a user of site A is allowed to make actions on site B after an authentication in A).
There are any good practice for this situation? What's the best practice to take in this situation?
Other requirement related with this is: we must be able to create or shut down a redmine instance without interrupt the others (e.g. we should avoid server restarts..).
Thanks for any advice and sorry for my english!
My solution:
I used a redmine instance for each group. I used nginx+unicorn to manage each instance independently (because passenger didn't allow me to manage each instance independently).
The two options are not so different after all. The only difference is that in option 2, you only have one copy of the code on your disk.
In any case, you still need to run different worker processes for each instance, as Redmine (and generally most Rails apps) doesn't support database switching for each request and some data regarding a certain environment are cached in process.
Given that, there is not really much incentive to share even the codebase as it would require certain monkey patches and symlink-magic to allow the proper initialization for the intentional configuration differences (database and email configuration, paths to uploaded files, ...). The Debian package does that but it's (in my eyes) rather brittle and leads to a rather non-standard system.
But to stress again: even if you share the same code on the disk between instances, you can't share the running worker processes.
Running multiple instances from the same codebase is not officially supported by Redmine. However, Debian/Ubuntu packages seem to support such approach... See:
Multiple instances of redmine on Debian squeeze
So, generally:
If you use Debian/Ubuntu go with option #2
Otherwise go with #1
Rolling forward a couple of years, and you might now want to consider a third option of using docker containers for each of your redmine instances.
I've been using , and have been quite happy with it except that it doesn't yet support handling of incoming mail for creating and commenting on tickets.

How to improve performance of multiple rails applications with nginx running on a single core 378mb VPS?

I have a VPS which is hosting (currently) 5 different rails applications, all with different domains. To make them work I've added one server {} listener per app in my nginx config file. I've left everything else as default, for instance there's only one nginx worker process.
Concurrently, I also have 2 rails workers for one of the apps.
Now, this works as is, but performances are low, in particular speed. How could I make my apps quicker by adhering to my constraints?
Your problem is that you are deep into swap. The slowness you experiencing switching apps is the system loading the requested app from swap into physical memory.
To address this, you can observe who is hogging the memory (also using 'top'), and address that. It's possible you'll find some things to tune, but also quite possible you'll find that you are near the physical limits of what's possible without significant architectural changes.
If your time is worth much, your best course of action will be to upgrade to an instance with at least a 1GB of memory, because you are already using nearly that much.
The nginx "worker_processes" should be set to the number of cores that you have available to work with. You mentioned you had it set to 1. Do you have more cores than that?
