DataSources folder in MVC? -

Is it possible to access to the "DataSources" window in Visual studio in an MVC project? We are trying to use Report Viewer in our MVC project. Tutorials for setting it up use the DataSources window, but I think this is just a WebForms project feature. Can anyone confirm that that is the case?

DataSources are not supported (and do not work) in MVC.


Adding Custom Refrence for ASP.Net MVC on Visual Studio Code

We are developing an ASP.Net MVC project and some of my co-workers are working on Mac OS. I have installed Visual Studio Code and ASP.Net Helper along with the C#. I have copied the whole project to Mac but the problem is it is not seeing my project refrence file, let's say MyProject.dll. When i add it on the Windows with generic VS, IntelliSense is completing automatically bringing the functions that i wrote.
All i need is adding a refrence and using IntelliSense for my functions on VisualStudio code. Is there anyway to achive that?
Visual Studio Code doesn't support ASP.NET MVC projects. You can load them and view files but you will not be able to use Intellisense, build or debug such projects. If you want your co-workers to use VS Code as the IDE under Mac consider migrating your project to ASP.NET Core.

how to add mvc templates for monodevelop

I'm on archlinux using mono 4.0.4 and monodevelop 5.9.
By following the Getting started guide I noticed there are some scaffolding options missing, I see some nuget packages for scaffolding but installing them didn't do much.
SO has these two questions :
How to get the MVC 3 or 4 template in MonoDevelop?
Developing ASP.NET MVC using MonoDevelop on MAC
The latter is for Mac and both of them are outdated As I'm talking about mvc 5 here.
searching didn't reveal anything apart from the Nuget packages I added and I can't see any addins in the add-in manager for this(prefer not to use beta or alpha addins).
So what to do to get these ?
I know I can get them with yoeman but I like to use monodevelop, if yoeman can be integrated with monodevelop So I can see options like "model with view and controller" scaffolding(that is a CRUD ready application) then I'll do it.
I am assuming you are talking about the templates that are available in an ASP.NET MVC application when you select Add View or Add Controller. If this is not the case then please update your question with more information.
The templates listed when adding a new view or controller to an ASP.NET MVC project are taken from t4 template files (.tt) in the following folders:
You can add extra .tt files into this folder and they will be displayed in the Add View and Add Controller dialog.
Out of the box MonoDevelop/Xamarin Studio only has a few t4 templates available so you would need to either write your own or find some from elsewhere. SharpDevelop has more T4 templates or MVC which could probably be used but may require some modification.

Aren't there supposed to be MVC 3 controls in the VS 2010 toolbox?

I've installed ASP.NET MVC3 and the Tools Update, but don't see any MVC3 controls in the Toolbox.
If they are supposed to be there, how do I add them?
If not, why not?
MVC does not have any server controls that come with Visual Studio. It is a completely different paradigm from ASP.NET Forms type development where you use standard HTML controls and control behavior with JavaScript/JQuery. You can extend them with third party controls which are usually in the form of JavaScript libraries. A good one to start with is JQuery UI which is open source and included in the template project that is created for MVC 3.
No. MVC doesn't have server controls. A great place to start is ASP.NET MVC Overview.

Convert Visual Studio project to ASP.NET MVC

I have a visual studio project which is an ASP.NET MVC project, however it doesn't recognize it as such in Visual Studio so I don't get the nice dropdowns with Add View and such. Rather I just get a very plain add file dialog which doesn't include any MVC file templates. When I create a new MVC project however I get all the nice little VS tools. So, can someone tell me how I can instruct VS to recognize the project as an MVC project?
For ASP.Net MVC 3, you will have to change the ProjectTypeGuids property in the project file to:
Well, to answer my own question, you have to change the projecttypeguids in the project file. In the case of ASP.NET MVC RC1 they are:
Though of course these may vary depending on the version you're targeting.

Visual Studio 2008: Synchronizing project structure with underlying file structure

Is there a way of making the (ASP.NET MVC) project structure reflect the underlying physical directory in the same way as ASP.NET Website projects are treated? - so you don't have to explicitly add files that are already in place via the Solution Explorer too.
Solved the problem by using Chris Pietschmann's instructions to Convert an ASP.NET MVC application to a website project.
Though it looks like I'll lose some of the suppport features for ASP.NET MVC built into Visual Studio by doing this..
