Visual Studio 2008: Synchronizing project structure with underlying file structure -

Is there a way of making the (ASP.NET MVC) project structure reflect the underlying physical directory in the same way as ASP.NET Website projects are treated? - so you don't have to explicitly add files that are already in place via the Solution Explorer too.

Solved the problem by using Chris Pietschmann's instructions to Convert an ASP.NET MVC application to a website project.
Though it looks like I'll lose some of the suppport features for ASP.NET MVC built into Visual Studio by doing this..


Adding Custom Refrence for ASP.Net MVC on Visual Studio Code

We are developing an ASP.Net MVC project and some of my co-workers are working on Mac OS. I have installed Visual Studio Code and ASP.Net Helper along with the C#. I have copied the whole project to Mac but the problem is it is not seeing my project refrence file, let's say MyProject.dll. When i add it on the Windows with generic VS, IntelliSense is completing automatically bringing the functions that i wrote.
All i need is adding a refrence and using IntelliSense for my functions on VisualStudio code. Is there anyway to achive that?
Visual Studio Code doesn't support ASP.NET MVC projects. You can load them and view files but you will not be able to use Intellisense, build or debug such projects. If you want your co-workers to use VS Code as the IDE under Mac consider migrating your project to ASP.NET Core.

Can I open dot Net MVC project in VS 2013?

We have a very old legacy system which was developed using MVC1 through Visual Studio. Since then , Visual Studio also evolved and so has MVC.
Now we want to make our MVC1 project compliant with MVC5. Is there any, ready made tool available for this?
Various forums suggest to gradually move the project from MVC1 to MVC2, then from MVC2 to MVC3 and so on.
But I was not able to find any way of converting from MVC1 to MVC2. Although the information regarding the same is still available, but the tool to convert MVC1 to MVC2 is not found.
Can any one please throw some light on this?
You can use the old version of ASP.NET Project upgrade tool as the limitation is
The tool does not support Visual Studio 2008 solutions, MVC 1 projects, or projects targeting .NET 3.5. If you have a MVC 1.0 project you can use the old version of this tool to convert it to MVC 2.
You can also manually upgrade to MVC 3
The white paper steps for upgrading MVC1.0 to MVC2.0 are
Fiddle with web.csproj
Replace Version= in web.config by Version=
Reference System.Web.Mvc (v2.0.0.0) in the project
chnange bindingRedirect in web.config
update css and js files

No ASP.NET MVC 5 Web Application Template on VS 2012?

I'm using Visual Studio 2012 and have just installed "Microsoft ASP.NET and Web Frameworks 2013.1 - Visual Studio".
As expected, it added the option to create an "ASP.NET MVC 5 Empty Project". The thing is, I see no way of jump-starting an already functional "base application" as I had when I was using MVC 4 (e.g. "Asp.NET MVC 4 Web Application"). I only see an empty template.
I've seen answers such as:
How can I add the MVC 5 project template to VS 2012?
Create and Run MVC 5 Project in VS 2012
Direct download link to ASP.NET MVC 5 for VS 2012
And found this article on the matter.
This is obviously not a show-stopper as I can always create the application from a scratch, but I still would like to know if it is possible to achieve that on VS 2012. Did I miss a step, or do I need VS 2013 for that? A fully functional Web application template (with authentication etc.) would be nice to dabble around MVC 5's new features or for prototyping.
After creating a new project using ASP.NET MVC 5 Empty Project, you can right click on the project, then click Add.. > New Scaffolded Item..., select MVC on the left, then MVC 5 Dependencies and choose Full dependencies from the prompt.
This will add a default layout (Views\Shared\_Layout.cshtml), Content folder, Scripts folder with bootstrap, jquery, modernizr, etc, and other things the Web Application template creates.
If you get the error "CS0103: The name 'Styles' does not exist in the current context" just add <add namespace="System.Web.Optimization"/> under <namespaces> in Views/web.config
The answer from Sean Lynch is nice but not really complete.
However there is this nice guy that took the time to prepare the template just like in Visual Studio 2013. You will get everything down to the bootstrap template and pre-configured database table for authentication.
All you need to do is change the DefaultConnection in Web.Config to you SQL Server and voila all the relevant authentication table will be created for you.
Archive of the original blog (by
The original blog is no longer online, but thankfully his template is still online. You can download the MVC5 Template for Visual Studio 2012 Here:
Direct link to MVC5 Template For Visual Studio 2012
And here is the excerpt from the original blog:
Installing the template is very simple, there are just two steps:
Copy it into the following folder of your computer (creating the directory structure if necessary):
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Visual Studio 2012\Templates\ProjectTemplates\Visual C#\Web
Once you’ve done this, simply restart Visual Studio and you will have this template available in the dialog box to create a new project under “Visual C# > Web”.
Now you can create applications with a little more shape than the mere empty structure provided by default and enjoy the benefits of adopting Bootstrap and its responsive design, a full membership system and user authentication, bundles, filters, some content pages, etc.
You have 2 option to fix it.
Install the latest 2013 version which have MVC5 support inbuilt (VS2013 missing MVC3 and ASPX file template (ASPX templates will be added in future))
stay with 2012 update 4. Read my old article to get it fixed
I'm not using 2012 now, but rather 2013, and I see the mvc 5 template there. However, I did this a while back before I had any mvc 5 templates showing up by installing mvc 5 first. You should be able to download from
Also make sure your target framework is set correctly.
Then I updated the web config like this:
You have to have the correct versions of the assemblies. I googled a lot to get this info, so it should still be available if you do some research.

DataSources folder in MVC?

Is it possible to access to the "DataSources" window in Visual studio in an MVC project? We are trying to use Report Viewer in our MVC project. Tutorials for setting it up use the DataSources window, but I think this is just a WebForms project feature. Can anyone confirm that that is the case?
DataSources are not supported (and do not work) in MVC.

Convert Visual Studio project to ASP.NET MVC

I have a visual studio project which is an ASP.NET MVC project, however it doesn't recognize it as such in Visual Studio so I don't get the nice dropdowns with Add View and such. Rather I just get a very plain add file dialog which doesn't include any MVC file templates. When I create a new MVC project however I get all the nice little VS tools. So, can someone tell me how I can instruct VS to recognize the project as an MVC project?
For ASP.Net MVC 3, you will have to change the ProjectTypeGuids property in the project file to:
Well, to answer my own question, you have to change the projecttypeguids in the project file. In the case of ASP.NET MVC RC1 they are:
Though of course these may vary depending on the version you're targeting.
