how-to enable Client-Side validation fora textbox -

how-to enable Client-Side validation for a ordinary textbox in ASP.NET MVC.

Scott Guthrie just published a good article on validating models -- and you should think about it as model validation, not textbox validation -- in ASP.NET MVC 2.0. You might want to check out how they do validation in the NerdDinner example at

There are various options. If you are using MVC 1 you might want to read this article If you are using MVC 2, using DataAnnotations, which has the option of validating on client side.


Problem with DataAnnotationsModelBinder in ASP.NET MVC 2

Everybody tried out a tutorial on DataAnnotations from mvc official website? It didn't work for me.
When I'm trying to submit edited product, I have this error message:
Method not found: 'System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary`2 System.Web.Mvc.ModelBindingContext.get_ValueProvider()'.
I'm using ASP.NET MVC 2 preview 2. Any ideas why this happening? I registered model binder which they required.
May be someone came across a post or article that had a guide how to get this to work?
The DataAnnotations model binder is the default model binder in ASP.NET MVC 2, you shouldn't have to register the model binder as it does in the tutorial. So remove the line where you register the model binder.
Also, while you're at it, you should probably update to the ASP.NET MVC 2 Beta.

Form input validation options in ASP.NET MVC 1.0+

A number of questions have been asked on this topic before, but since ASP.NET MVC is moving quite fast I wanted to re-ask the question:
What would you recommend for providing form input validation in ASP.NET MVC?
Server-side checking
Client-side (JavaScript) checking
Should cover the basics such as mandatory fields, numeric range validation, regex validation
(So basically all (or most) of the stuff that the ASP.NET WebForms validation controls do)
Current options seem to be:
Validator Toolkit on CodePlex
Jumping to ASP.NET MVC 2 Preview 1 (Our application is for internal use and go-live is in 6 months, so we might be comfortable using the preview)
xVal should be good choice in your case.
I would use DataAnnotations, is going to be a part of MVC but can be compiled and used in 1.0.
FluentValidation also has an MVC component, however it doesn't do the client side of things. Ideally this could be integrated with xVal.

Why ASP.NET MVC 2 will have its own client-side validation?

I am interested what are possible reasons that ASP.NET MVC 2 will have its own client-side validation instead of merging with xVal validation framework? Has someone from ASP.NET MVC team blogged about it?
They are providing a way to plug in some other library for client-side validation.
Haacked blog:
Client-Side Validation – ASP.NET MVC 2 includes the jQuery validation library to provide client-side validation based on the model’s validation metadata. It is possible to hook in alternative client-side validation libraries by writing an adapter which adapts the client library to the JSON metadata in a manner similar to the xVal validation framework.

What are validation options for ASP.NET MVC

What are my validation options with .net mvc?
Do any of them have a nice validation summary like webforms did?
You can use a MVC html validation summary,see this blog
xVal is the best one. We implemented in three web applications and we will use it in many more in the future(until we find a better one than this). Check the details of xVal here

How do you go about validating check boxes in ASP.NET MVC?

I am wondering what methods people are using for validating check boxes in ASP.NET MVC (both client and server side).
I am using JQuery currently for client side validation but I am curious what methods people are using, ideally with the least amount of fuss (I am looking for a new solution).
I should mention that I am currently using MVC Preview 4, and while I could upgrade to MVC Preview 5 if there is no elegant solution in MVC Preview 4, I would prefer not to at this stage just for compatibility purposes with other developers and existing solutions.
Note, I have seen these related posts:
Validating posted form data in the
ASP.NET MVC framework
What’s the best way to implement field validation using ASP.NET MVC? JQuery Validation
If you go on to the validation website and download the whole package that included the demo files, you can find the one with example of validating check boxes and radio buttons.
The link is here:
I assume you simply check whether or not the name of the checkbox was posted to the server or not. Not being an ASP coder myself, I can't help, though this is how it would be done in PHP (of course, depending on how you map validations).
<?php echo isset($_POST['checkbox_name']) ? 'checked' : 'not checked'; ?>
