RoR && "coming soon" page - ruby-on-rails

I am looking for a simple way to implement simple "coming soon" (pre-launch) page for my project on Ruby on Rails.
User should be able to leave an email in order to be notified when project is launched.
Is there such a plugin\gem? Or I should do it myself...

Launching Soon is a rails plugin. It also integrates with MailChimp or Campaign monitor.

I hope people don't interpret this as shameless self-promotion but I've just implemented exactly that functionality in a web service. It's called ComingSoonApp Besides capturing the email addresses, it also embeds your google analytics code so that you can see how traffic is building to your site.

Here is a Ruby on Rails tutorial showing how to create a “beta launching soon” application for a startup prelaunch site with a signup page. You can clone the rails-prelaunch-signup repository for the complete example application on github. It uses Devise gem for authentication and user management, and you will learn a lot from following the tutorial.

Similar to Coming Soon like the other answer, I use a product (I don't work for them) called Prefinery. It lets you put up a form on your site (you just include some javascript) and beta testers can sign up.


Adding Email to my Rails app

I currently Have an application that can sign up a subscriber. Everything is pretty basic at this point. The people I'm creating this app for would like the ability to send custom emails to everybody that is subscribed. I'm new to web development and I'm not sure what the capabilities of rails are and I'm not sure what the best way to handle this request is? My first thought is to try and integrate with the mailchimp api and when a user subscribes it automatically fills their email and name in the mailchimp list. So, now the owners of the app can send custom email through mailchimp. My question is - What is the best way to implement this feature in my rails app. What services are available and what tutorials will help me set it up? Any help would be great Thank You!
The pragmatic studio has a decent tutorial on how to set up ActionMailer. I would recommend watching it and then moving on to third-party tools for production.
How to Create, Preview, and Send email from your Rails app
Here is the gem I used to send emails from my rails app. . This gem has good documentation and I am sure you can handle your requirements using this.

Rails existing app adding user sign up

I have an existing rails app with Mongo DB.Currently the app can be accessed by anyone that is every method in Portfolio controller and customer controller. Now I want that Portfolio controller should only be accessed by sign in user. How can I do that. I tried using active_admin but was unsuccessful.
You're looking for User Authentication. Try any authentication plugin like Devise or Clearance to sign in and distinguish individual users (more options here) or, even better at first, try building your own authentication solution alongside some of these excellent RailsCasts on User authentication (the paid episodes are totally worth it!). You'll learn how the different moving parts fit together real quick.
You might also want to consider using the Sorcery ( gem as another option. It has links to the railscasts on the github repo there which helped a lot, and myself as a beginner found the wiki to be incredibly in-depth. Super easy to use.

Ruby On Rails Twitter Application

I am new to Ruby On Rails. I want to create a simple application which has a home page with a search box and a submit button. The search box is used for searching keywords on twitter dynamically. The application connects to twitter, takes all the feeds containing the keyword searched and displays back on the home page of my application. Can anyone please guide me how should i go about it ? I want to create an application from scratch. Please site any example for the same. Any suggestions would be helpful.
If you really want to start from scratch and not use any gems for it, you should go to the Twitter API reference, and start from there
I would recomend you use the twitter gem
RailsCasts has a nice episode on it, but the episode for Twitter Integration is not for free.
If you are looking into use Rails for a long time, a subscription is well worth it though.
Hope this helps
I recently wrote a small Twitter app from scratch (without the Twitter gem), maybe it is helpful:
There's an instance running on Heroku:
You should probably use the twitter gem:

sample Rails Application that includes email support page with captcha

What's the quickest / easiest starting point for a simple Rails application that has a main page, and an email "contact us" page, with captcha support? Is there a popular base Rails app that I could download that would already have this functionality as a starting point?
(e.g. for just a basic informational type web site, but with the abily for the user to send support requests back to support, but via a web page with captcha)
IMHO you shouldn't use Rails, nor any other Framework for a task like that. For a simple contact form you could put a standalone php page plus some static html pages on your server and you're done.
If you doesn't know Rails yet (or any other web framework written in any language) it would be a pain to setup a such structure only to display a contact form. Is like to take a gun to kill a fly.
BTW to come to your question, I don't know any project which do what you're asking for, maybe you want to try to do that by yourself, it's pretty simple, what you need is ActionMailer and a captcha plugin
Just my two cents.

Multi user/site rails app

I need to create a web app where people will sign up, call it, when they sign up my code will generate a, they will login and only be able to manage their mini site. My question is, is it correct to model this out by creating a table for site, a table for user, users belong to site and site has many users. Then I should create a content table that belongs to user AND site?
Is that right?
I am working on this for one of my apps at the moment using the Devise authentication plugin.
To get the central user environment, I was simply going to shard the database using Octopus, Connection_ninja. All are on Github
It's a starting point but not the full solution I'm afraid as I haven't got there myself yet. There are going to be issues to consider such as determining authorization of app specific resources based on which site the user has registered.
Alternatively, The latest edition of Ruby Weekly links to an interesting article on a Ruby implimentation of the Central Authentication Service protocol. It will be worth a read -
Hope this helps a bit...
