VMS EDT - How to select the complete content of the file? - editor

I have been using VMS EDT for a while. I would be editing/ replacing large number of lines in the text files and saving it as a different version.
As for as I am aware, the only way to delete the characters in the text file is pressing delete key. This process is quite slow, as on one press, only one character is deleted.
Hence I wanted to know, Is there a way to quickly select multiple lines in vms edit?

Do you mean EDT? If so, it's been a long time since I worked on VMS much, and I don't have a system running it on which to confirm the following. However, I found an old manual and Google turned up what look like a number of useful web sites, including this one. If you are using EDT, here's one method that should work:
Start EDT on the file you want to clean out.
If you are started in line mode, go into keypad mode by typing c and
Make sure you're at the top of the file (or the point at which you want to start deleting).
Mark the start of the text you want to delete by hitting the keypad "." key.
Move to the end of the text you want to delete. If you want to go to the end of the file, hit the GOLD key (probably the keypad "7" if you're logged in remotely) and then the keypad "4".
Press the keypad "6" to cut the file's contents. Note that this puts the selected text into the cut/paste buffer. You can paste it at the cursor point with GOLD then the keypad "6".
You can also delete text from EDT's line mode using the D command. The syntax is
where n1 is the first line to delete and n2 is the last line to delete. I don't remember what happens if you do
and couldn't find that documented, but it may be worth a try if you want to delete the entire file's contents and don't know the last line number.
Good luck!

IMO - you'd be much better off using the TPU version of the VMS editor. It is the 'modern' ;) version of EDT so it has much the same keystrokes/keypad.
Command: 'edit/tpu'
Look at 'help edit' then select '/tpu'.
It has many more features and in your case selecting multiple lines is easy. Press 'select' key, move cursor, then either delete or copy. Not too special.
Ransom Fitch


Replace user created blanks with 0's

I made a binary calculator with bitwise functions (bitand, bitor, bitxor, ect.) in google sheets (yes I am aware that there are built in functions to do this, this seemed more fun). It is an 8 bit calculator, and I currently have addition and subtraction implemented. Multiplication is planned, but seems way too hard at the moment
One of the things I came across is once a calculation is done, the user has to manually 0 out the addends/minuend and subtrahend one digit at a time. I would like to optimize this process.
I can easily create a script that will input 0 into all the cells and hook that up to a button. I have a feeling that's the route I'm going to have to go. But I want to challenge myself in making cool stuff, so I want the coolest solution.
My question is: is there a way I can do this without a script attached? I've been experimenting with ARRAYFORMULA and VLOOKUP, but I don't have a clear answer yet.
Expected behavior:
User inputs their calculation. User records the answer. User selects both 8 bit binary numbers (currently residing in A1:H2) and presses backspace. Google Sheet automatically translates those blank cells to 0's.
take a look into custom internal formatting. any text can be converted to "0"
then see shifted arrays:
={"", "x"}
formula from G9 will print "0" into H9. also, you can anytime enter value in H9 to "overwrite" the zero and after you don't need the entered value you just clear it with backspace or delete key and it will be filled with "0" again.
also, note that after you enter value in H9, G9 will error out and such error cant be suppressed so see hidden cells:
not sure if it's cool enough but it works (with compromises)

VIFM: Remapping control right/left in command-line mode

I'm not a big fan of the command line readline keyboard shortcuts so I'm hoping to remap C-Right/C-Left to navigate one word back/forward and C-BS and C-Del to delete one word back/forward. However, after reading the documentation and forumns, I'm not able to figure out how to do this.
Currently, when C-left/C-right are typed in the command line, the cursor doesn't move and instead keycodes are inserted (C-left = [1;5D, C-right = [1;5C). I've tried many remappings but the mappings that I would think would work best for this are:
cmap <C-right> <A-f>
cmap <C-left> <A-b>
I was able to figure out how to delete one word back using the following mappings (on further review there is documentation in the VIFM manual regarding mapping BS):
cnoremap <BS> <C-w>
cnoremap <C-h> <C-w>
However, I'm still uncertain on how to map delete one word forward using C-Del. When I use the following remapping for C-Del, the result is that one character to the left of the cursor is deleted. Note, when I use other C-* combinations for delete word forward the remappings actually works making me think that it may not be possible to remap C-Del:
cmap <C-Del> <A-d>
I'm using VIFM version 0.12 on Arch Linux. Any suggestions?
List of keys that are supported by angle-bracket notation is available in the documentation. And combinations of Ctrl with arrow keys are not there.
See this GitHub issue for a discussion of why and an example of how to work around it:
" ctrl-right
cnoremap <esc>[1;5C <a-f>
" ctrl-left
cnoremap <esc>[1;5D <a-b>
" ctrl-del
cnoremap <esc>[3;5~ <a-d>
At this point I'm still not sure that these sequences are common enough among different terminal types to be hard-coded and not cause trouble.

How to indicate a point at which Emmet code is supposed to start?

Typically an Emmet command starts at a line or after a space, like h1>{Header} or like text sup>{super}. However, I am writing something like x<sup>2</sup> or x<sub>2</sub> over and over again, and can't obviously use an Emmet command to do this with a small number of keystrokes. If I write xsup>{2} and tab, obviously that's not going to work. I can write x sup>{2} and tab, but then I have to go back and erase my space.
Now I know I could do something like this:
But the problem with THIS solution is that, in fact, I'm often writing much longer lines of mathematical expressions involving many instances of super- and sub-scripts. In fact, pretty often I write super-scripts that have their own sub-scripts. When I pursue this sort of solution, I really have to plan out my entire Emmet command before I start writing it, and then if I made a mistake it is not easy to go back and edit. It's much better if I can write these in small increments that can be fixed in equally small and local ways, as is usually the flow when writing in Emmet.
So what I was hoping for, if it exists, is some sort of "start" symbol for Emmet commands other than space. For instance, if $ were such a symbol, then x$sup>{2} would do the job. If such a symbol existed, it would mark the start of Emmet code and get auto-removed after tabbing.
Alternately if that doesn't exist, it would be great if there were some command you could give to delete the white space after tabbing. So for instance, it could be x sup>{2}$ where tabbing after the $ instructs Emmet to remove the white space which precedes the Emmet command.
Does any such solution exist in Emmet?
In Sublime Text, you can run Enter Abbreviation Mode command: it will capture anything you type as abbreviation, validate it and show interactive preview. Then simply Tab or Enter to expand it or Esc to reset.
See more at https://github.com/emmetio/sublime-text-plugin#disable-abbreviation-capturing

Auto page break in libHaru PDF

I'd like to add an automatic page break to a libHaru PDF in iOS.
I do have several text fields in the app which contain the user filled data. when i generate the pdf i first measure the expected size of the text-rect going to be created. if it exceeds the remaining space i trigger a hpdf_new_page event and put the text on an new page. i'd like to have this just in part automatically. so if the text exceeds the space on the current page it should split and continue on a new page without me checking or doing anything.
unfortunately i can't find anything like this in the documentation.
Line counting using fgets() may help. When your print program opens a file to print, each line can be copied to the pdf file and checked for a form feed character
if the line count has reached a limit.
Another possible solution is to use a character count limit with "while(getc(file) != EOF)".
This link uses libharu to print basic text files with PCL commands to change the font.
The form feed character '\f' (ascii 12) and 61 lines will trigger a new page. There are other conditions in the program to restrict a new page but the general idea is illustrated.
The results are the same as a printer using telnet raw 9100 protocol. The pcl commands are limited to just a couple of font changes so it is not too complicated.
Libharu is rather low-level library, and I could not even expect of appearing such automatic page splitting in newer versions due to number of reasons. Hereafter I state two of them:
There is no good, preferred strategy how to place remaining of non-fitting text on the next page. In some cases it could be even impossible at all.
There is no good, preferred strategy for text splitting.
Consider your font is extremely large, and just one letter (for instance, wide one as "W") does not fit into the page. Where we are supposed to place it? On the next page? Ok, we add new page... oops, it does not fit this page too - as soon as all our pages have the same size. Dead-end without any good, straightforward way out.
In other words, there should be a user-defined strategy for these cases. Almosy every naive implementation will have such a corner cases.
libharu does not know where it should split your text automatically. It does not know hyphenation rules of your language, it does not know whether it should respect spaces or not (wrap whole words only or not), and so on. It's up to you to specify these rules.
So, you should call HPDF_Font_MeasureText for some part of your text string, decide if it fits into your page (excluding margins, footers - which also out of libharu's internal knowledge) and render it. And note that there is no simple formula for text size depending on its length. String "wwww" is more than twice wider than "iiii", of course if your font is not mono-spaced.

Select additional occurrences of a word in TextMate 2

How can I select additional occurrences of a word in TextMate 2? I do this in Sublime Text 2/3 by pressing Ctrl+D (Windows, Linux) or Cmd+D (macOS).
Updated answer
As indicated below, ⌃W (Select Word) is the shortcut in the current build.
Previous answer
Taken from the release notes for r9302:
Add two new action methods:
These find the next/previous occurrence of what’s on the find clipboard and selects that, but preserves the existing selection. One could e.g. add this to Keybindings.dict:
"#d" = ( "copySelectionToFindPboard:", "findNextAndModifySelection:" );
This binding will likely be default in an upcoming build, but bound to ⌃W (Select Word) and scoped to dyn.selection (so only when a word is already selected).
You can learn more about key binding files at:
There are two macros here that do what you want.
They are hooked to ^-W and shift-^-W and have a dyn.selection context.
This lets ^-W select the current word as usual, but once a selection exists, it will extend the selection (using TM2's nifty ability to generate multiple selections).
I imagine allan will soon add something like this or better by default, but 'til then, this a a great feature!
