I have several before_filters defined in my application controller to handle requests I don't like. One representative example is:
before_filter :reject_www
def reject_www
if request.subdomains.include? 'www'
redirect_to 'http://example.com' + request.path, :status => 301
(Returning false skips any following before_filters and simply returns the redirection immediately)
So, two questions:
One, how should I test this functionality? The only testing framework I've used so far is Cucumber + Webrat, which isn't really set up to handle this kind of thing. Is there another framework I should also use to fake requests like this?
Two, is there any way I can try out this functionality myself in my development environment? Since I'm simply browsing the site at localhost:3000, I can't ensure that the above code works in my browser - I'd have to push it to production, hope it works and hope it doesn't mess up anything for anyone in the meantime, which makes me nervous. Is there an alternative?
In a functional test, you can explicitly set the request host. I'm not sure what testing framework you prefer, so here is an example in good ole' Test::Unit.
def test_should_redirect_to_non_www
#request.host = 'www.mydomain.com'
get :index
assert_redirected_to 'http://mydomain.com/'
To address #2
You can add entries in your hosts file so that www.mydomain.com points to your local host and then test the logic in your development environment .
You can try hosting it using passenger so that it works on apache .
Hope that helps .
Edit: I re-added the options method in a pull request to Rails which should now be live. The answer below should no longer be necessary. Call process(:options, path, **args) in order to preform the options request.
See commit 1f979184efc27e73f42c5d86c7f19437c6719612 for more information if required.
I've read around the other answers and none of them seemed to work in Rails 5. It's surprising that Rails doesn't just ship with an options method, but here we are. Of course if you can use xdomain, you probably should (edit: I no longer hold this view, there are advantages to CORS) because it's both faster (no preflight check doubling latency!), easier (no need for silly headers / HTTP methods!), and more supported (works basically everywhere!) but sometimes you just need to support CORS and something about the CORS gem makes it not work for you.
At the top of your config/routes.rb file place the following:
match "/example/",
controller: "example_controller",
action: "options_request",
via: [:options]
And in your controller write:
def options_request
# Your code goes here.
If you are interested in writing an integration test there is some misinformation around the process method, which is not actually a public method. In order to support OPTIONS requests from your integration tests create an initializer (mine is at: config/initializers/integration_test_overrides.rb because I override a number of things) and add the following code:
class ActionDispatch::Integration::Session
def http_options_request(path)
process(:options, path)
So that you can call http_options_request from your integration test.
In my app I've used SettingsLogic to handle the app's settings (such as facebook tokens etc.) which is a gem that basically parses the config/application.yml file and provides easy access to its content.
I've also used this configuration file to enable or disable i18n support for the entire app, as the app is more of a core app for many child apps.
And so in my routes.rb I do things like :
if Settings.i18n.enabled
match ':this', :to => 'that#place'
Or in models :
if Settings.i18n.enabled
scope :for_current_locale, lambda { where(:locale => I18n.locale) }
I'd like to test how the app responds to both states : when i18n is turned off and when it is turned on.
My problem is that the state is read from the configuration file when Rails initializes. So when I run my tests I could only run tests related to i18n.enabled being false, then change my configuration file and run tests related to i18n.enabled being true.
Is there some way I could reinitialize the app between 2 tests ? (I'm using Rspec)
Or should I automate some way of running 2 separate tests files for both i18n cases ?
Or maybe there is a better way ?
Thanks !
As for the routes issue I managed to make the specs pass by changing my settings and reloading the routes explicitly :
before(:all) do
Settings.i18n["enabled"] = true
But still I feel this is not ideal, and what about things defined in models ? Can I reload my models as well before running specs ? Won't that duplicate stuff like callbacks ?
I think you simple can reconfigure your Application like following, for example in a rspec before_all block in your specific test file:
YourAppName::Application.configure do
config.i18n.enabled = true # or false
And in an after_all block you can set the configuration back to your default one.
I think that could work.
I'm getting http://www.example.com whenever I use root_url in my tests.
It works fine in development, where I have this in config/environments/development.rb:
Rails.application.routes.default_url_options[:host]= 'localhost:3000'
Adding this doesn't work in config/environments/test.rb, though. What should I add to use localhost:3000 as the host in the test environment?
Testing code that depends on default_url_options causes all kinds of problems, see this thread and this issue for examples.
I've solved the problem by patching ActionDispatch::Routing::RouteSet in tests to force rails to include defaults for whatever options I want (in my case locale). See my answer in the github issue linked to above for details.
To override the host option using the same approach:
class ActionDispatch::Routing::RouteSet
def url_for_with_host_fix(options)
url_for_without_host_fix(options.merge(:host => 'localhost:3000'))
alias_method_chain :url_for, :host_fix
Put this in a file in support, should do the trick.
I have a Rails app that has a similar setup to Tumblr, that is, you can have either:
(1) Subdomain hosting (your-username.myapp.com)
(2) Domain hosting (your-username.com)
Both would forward to a personalized website for that user, created with my application.
How can I accomplish this in Rails? I have been able to get (1) working with subdomain-fu, but I'm not sure how to get (2) working. Any pointers (plugins, gems, tutorials), etc. would be greatly helpful, I can't seem to find any.
The principle for domains is the same as the subdomain - find the domain, map to an account.
The details will depend on how your hosting is going to handle the DNS.
I am currently using Heroku and its wildcard service.
In this case, the domain is mapped with a cname to the subdomain hosted by my Heroku app. From here I can work out the associated account and details.
EDIT: I've found a much easier way: http://www.arctickiwi.com/blog/7-host-and-domain-based-routing-in-ruby-on-rails
Not exactly an answer but this is the best I can give. Maybe this'll help you too.
Ideally, this blog post from transfs.com and subdomain-fu should do the trick. I've been trying to implement it, however, and they don't seem to play nicely together.
Basically, if I don't include the intiializer, the subdomain route works fine. If I include the initializer, the subdomain route breaks (everything gets caught by map.root). I have a feeling it's with the way it builds the condition string in the initializer. If you can figure out how it breaks, then you'll have a working app.
My initializer:
module ActionController
module Routing
class RouteSet
def extract_request_environment(request)
env = { :method => request.method }
env[:domain] = request.domain if request.domain
env[:host] = request.host if request.host
class Route
alias_method :old_recognition_conditions, :recognition_conditions
def recognition_conditions
result = old_recognition_conditions
[:host, :domain].each do |key|
if conditions[key]
operator = "==="
if conditions[key].is_a?(Regexp)
operator = "=~"
result << "conditions[:#{key.to_s}] #{operator} env[:#{key.to_s}]"
end# end class Route
My routes (just for development). You'll see my local development domain, stiltify.dev. Sorry, I tried to make it look good in here but I couldn't get the code block to look nice. I put it on pastie instead: http://pastie.org/940619.
The comments section in Ryan Bates' screencast was very helpful, and got me to figure out the subdomain => false and the other errors they were getting into. Still didn't fix the problem though!
I am trying to debug an ActiveResource call that is not working.
What's the best way to view the HTTP response to the request ActiveResource is making?
Monkey patch the connection to enable Net::HTTP debug mode. See https://gist.github.com/591601 - I wrote it to solve precisely this problem. Adding this gist to your rails app will give you Net::HTTP.enable_debug! and Net::HTTP.disable_debug! that you can use to print debug info.
Net::HTTP debug mode is insecure and shouldn't be used in production, but is extremely informative for debugging.
Add a new file to config/initializers/ called 'debug_connection.rb' with the following content:
class ActiveResource::Connection
# Creates new Net::HTTP instance for communication with
# remote service and resources.
def http
http = Net::HTTP.new(#site.host, #site.port)
http.use_ssl = #site.is_a?(URI::HTTPS)
http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE if http.use_ssl
http.read_timeout = #timeout if #timeout
# Here's the addition that allows you to see the output
http.set_debug_output $stderr
return http
This will print the whole network traffic to $stderr.
It's easy. Just look at the response that comes back. :)
Two options:
You have the source file on your computer. Edit it. Put a puts response.inspect at the appropriate place. Remember to remove it.
Ruby has open classes. Find the right method and redefine it to do exactly what you want, or use aliases and call chaining to do this. There's probably a method that returns the response -- grab it, print it, and then return it.
Here's a silly example of the latter option.
# Somewhere buried in ActiveResource:
class Network
def get
return get_request
def get_request
"I'm a request!"
# Somewhere in your source files:
class Network
def print_request
request = old_get_request
puts request
alias :old_get_request :get_request
alias :get_request :print_request
Imagine the first class definition is in the ActiveRecord source files. The second class definition is in your application somewhere.
$ irb -r openclasses.rb
>> Network.new.get
I'm a request!
=> "I'm a request!"
You can see that it prints it and then returns it. Neat, huh?
(And although my simple example doesn't use it since it isn't using Rails, check out alias_method_chain to combine your alias calls.)
I like Wireshark because you can start it listening on the web browser client end (usually your development machine) and then do a page request. Then you can find the HTTP packets, right click and "Follow Conversation" to see the HTTP with headers going back and forth.
This only works if you also control the server:
Follow the server log and fish out the URL that was called:
Completed in 0.26889 (3 reqs/sec) | Rendering: 0.00036 (0%) | DB: 0.02424 (9%) | 200 OK [http://localhost/notifications/summary.xml?person_id=25738]
and then open that in Firefox. If the server is truely RESTful (ie. stateless) you will get the same response as ARes did.
Or my method of getting into things when I don't know the exact internals is literally just to throw in a "debugger" statement, start up the server using "script/server --debugger" and then step through the code until I'm at the place I want, then start some inspecting right there in IRB.....that might help (hey Luke btw)
Maybe the best way is to use a traffic sniffer.
(Which would totally work...except in my case the traffic I want to see is encrypted. D'oh!)
I'd use TCPFlow here to watch the traffic going over the wire, rather than patching my app to output it.
the firefox plugin live http headers (http://livehttpheaders.mozdev.org/) is great for this. Or you can use a website tool like http://www.httpviewer.net/