How can I get the Delphi IDE's Main Form? - delphi

I'm writing a property editor for Delphi and I would like it to show up on the correct screen for multi-monitor support. In order to position it, I would like a reference to the "main" form for the Delphi IDE.
I've tried using the Application's MainForm property, and the Application object itself, but neither seems to work. I believe this is because the MainForm is actually the hidden TApplication instance referenced in this article by Nathanial Woolls (search for "application form"):
Does anyone know how to get a handle to the visible main form for the IDE. I'm trying to avoid something cheesy like iterating all forms and searching for "CodeGear RAD Studio" in the caption.

The IDE's main form is Application.MainForm. My quick test design package:
procedure DoStuff(Form: TCustomForm);
S: string;
S := Form.Caption;
Form.Caption := S + ' - this one';
ShowMessage(Format('%s [%s] on monitor %d', [Form.Name, Form.ClassName, Form.Monitor.MonitorNum]));
Form.Caption := S;
This in my case displays "AppBuilder [TAppBuilder] on monitor 0" and I can see the " - this one" suffix in the main form's caption.
What doesn't seem to work in your case?

IIRC the main form is called TAppBuilder, so something like FindWindow('TAppBuilder',nil) might be a starting point for you.


CHM file not displaying correctly when Delphi VCL style active

My Delphi application includes a help file that the user can call from anywhere in the application (well... that is, for all the parts I've written so far...)
It also includes the ability for the user to switch from the regular style to another VCL style from a list.
When no style is applied, the help file displays normally like this :
But as soon as a VCL style is active, the Help file does not display correctly anymore, like this :
Is this due to the way I declare the HelpFile on main Form creation like this (path being a global variable pointing to the main exe folder):
Application.HelpFile := path+'Help\D.R.A.M.A. 2.0 Help.chm';
or is this a known problem that can not be solved ?
SIDE NOTE : the help is called on helpContext should that be important to mention and the HtmlHelpViewer is added to the uses clause.
This answer was taken from and I've confirmed works very well.
Drop a TApplicationEvents component onto the applications main form.
Implement the OnHelp event of that component as this:
function TfmMain.ApplicationEvents1Help(Command: Word; Data: NativeInt; var CallHelp: Boolean): Boolean;
Result := ShellExecute(0,'open','hh.exe',
PWideChar('-mapid '+IntToStr(Data)
+' ms-its:'+Application.HelpFile),
nil,SW_SHOW) = 32;
CallHelp := false;
On the main form, implement the CloseHelpWnd method as this:
procedure TfmMain.CloseHelpWnd;
HlpWind: HWND;
HelpTitle = 'Your help file title';
HlpWind := FindWindow('HH Parent',HelpTitle);
if HlpWind <> 0 then PostMessage(HlpWind,WM_Close,0,0);
You would replace 'Your help file title' with the title of your help file. This is the window caption title when you open the help file directly.
In the FormDestroy event for the main form, include a call to
So far we've not seen any issues with the above method, and because we are running the help file in a separate process, it is not affected by the VCL Styles problems evident in Delphi 10.2 Tokyo.
NOTE: It does not have to be the applications main form, but it must be a form that is created before the help system is needed and remains instantiated while the application is running. In our case, we did it on a common resources form and then all programs we rebuilt with the new form had the help problem resolved.
NOTE: You still need to set the Application.HelpFile property as normal, but you don't need to include the HtmlHelpViewer unit in the Uses clause.

calling C++ builder XE Form from delphi code

I'm using great TExceptionDialog from JEDI JCL package to show unhandled exceptions inside a C++ builder XE project, everything running ok so far. I've decided to enhance it a little bit by writing my own custom form to upload crash report to a server via FTP.
Problem is that I can't open my custom form from delphi PAS unit, tried to define as an external (no delphi programmer here, sorry :( ) but don't know how to properly code that. I've read lots of tutorials but couldn't find anything useful besides writing a DLL or an OLE container for my custom form, realy overkill for this project.
Question is, how can I properly execute this task? how to do ShowModal() of a form defined in a C++ unit, from a PAS delphi unit?
I've found an easy and practical way of doing it, kinda ugly but works!
Trick is to get form by iterating thru all forms with Screen.Forms object. I've set TAG property for my form to a predefined number just to get an easy id of it.
In short, inside C++ unit of my form, I'll do this:
MyForm->Tag=9999; // easy way of Iding my form
Then, inside my delphi unit of TExceptionDialog, in SEND button click method:
procedure TExceptionDialog.SendBtnClick(Sender: TObject);
i: integer;
form: TForm;
for i := 0 to Screen.FormCount-1 do // all forms
form := Screen.Forms[i]; // get a form
if(form.Tag = 9999) then // check if its my form
form.ShowModal; // if its mine, call showmodal
ModalResult := mrOk; // return to my app

Linking helpfile to an Delphi XE2 Application - everything works except main form

I'm working on getting the helpfile setup with our software. I have added HelpContext numbers for lots of specific forms/frame/controls and they all work fine. The problem is that the main form is not bringing up any help at all. For all of this I'm only using F1 to try to trigger the help.
I'm not at all an expert on Delphi or helpfiles, but I'll post what I've done and where I've looked.
Edit: Thanks to some help I now see the issue is due to the main form being a MDI parent. This still doesn't solve the problem.. it almost seems like a bug to me but I suppose it could be intentional for some reason. EndEdit
I'm including this unit: HtmlHelpViewer for the viewer. In the main forms Create constructor I've added the Application.Helpfile := 'asdf.chm'. For all the other forms I have just added context numbers and it's worked right away. I tried that on the main form and nothing happens. So I tried adding an Application.OnHelp event but this doesn't get called on the main form (and it does for all the other forms where help is working).
Last resort that I could think of was to trace deep down into the code and see what was happening. I got to TCustomForm.WMHelp in Vcl.Forms as the place where the split was happening. Said function has this loop:
if iContextType = HELPINFO_WINDOW then
Control := FindControl(hItemHandle);
while (Control <> nil) and ( not ControlHasHelp(Control)) do
Control := Control.Parent;
if Control = nil then Exit;
GetHelpInfo(Control, HType, ContextID, Keyword);
Pt := Control.ClientToScreen(Point(0, 0));
When the main form was calling the Help Control would be nil and then it would exit. Anything else would go on fine.
I obviously don't know why this is happening. The answer could be something very basic. Any ideas would be appreciated!
According to your comments, the WM_HELP message is being targetted at your MDI client window. And since that is not a VCL control it does not respond to the WM_HELP message. You can deal with the problem by intercepting the message and asking the main form to handle it:
TMainForm = class(TForm)
procedure WMHelp(var Message: TWMHelp); message WM_HELP;
procedure TMainForm.WMHelp(var Message: TWMHelp);
if (Message.HelpInfo.iContextType=HELPINFO_WINDOW)
and (Message.HelpInfo.hItemHandle=ClientHandle) then
Message.HelpInfo.hItemHandle := Handle;
If you want to be even more defensive you could write it like this:
if (Message.HelpInfo.iContextType=HELPINFO_WINDOW)
and (FindControl(Message.HelpInfo.hItemHandle)=nil) then
Message.HelpInfo.hItemHandle := Handle;
I've just had a look at my own MDI application and I can see that I have similar code to deal with this exact issue. If it hadn't been written over 10 years ago I might have remembered sooner!

Delphi - Form in DLL - Hints not showing

I have a Delphi form inside a DLL (I know that this restricts the use of the DLL to Delphi but this is not a problem in this case).
The DLL exports a function ShowForm that looks roughly like this:
procedure ShowForm (App : TApplication);
OldApp := Application;
Application := App;
MyForm := TMyForm.Create (nil);
FreeAndNil (MyForm);
Application := OldApp;
Now on the form I use a TAdvOfficeHint (from the TMS component pack). Unfortunately the hints do not show up.
Am I missing something here? How can I make the form behave exactly as it would if I showed it from the main application?
I don't know TAdvOfficeHint but I guess it hooks Application.OnShowHint to set its own THintWindowClass, and even if both the main executable and the DLL are linking in the TMS unit, they each have their own copy of the class which is where things go wrong.
Assigning Application is not enough: there are other global variables, like Screen, Mouse, etc. Others are even hidden in the implementation so I'd say your chances to make the form behave exactly as from the main application are slim.
Just found the reason why it does not work. As TOndrej states, TAdvOfficeHinthooks Application.OnShowHint and internally executes the following line of code:
FHintInfo.Assign (AHintInfo);
Assign internally uses a dynamic type check
if (Source is TAddvHintInfo) then ...
which fails due to the separate type registries of the DLL and the main application.
I have run into this problem a few times now and maybe I really have to switch to runtime packages to avoid all this stuff.
Anyway, if there's anything I can do to prevent this, please comment.
Wrong setting of Application.
Try this and see if it solves your problem:
procedure ShowForm (AppHandle : THandle);
OldAppHandle := Application.Handle;
Application.Handle := AppHandle;
Application.Handle := OldAppHandle;
I guess in Delphi 2006 and later versions you can call System.ShareMemoryManager method in the EXE code, so that its memory manager is shared with other modules loaded in the process memory space.

Form is hidden behind other forms when ShowModal is called

My application is based on modal forms. Main form opens one form with ShowModal, this form opens another with ShowModal, so we have stacked modal forms. There is sometimes a problem that when we call ShowModal in new form, it hides behind previous forms, instead of showing on top. After pressing alt+tab, form comes back to the top, but this is not good solution. Did You meet this problem and how did you handle it?
I use Delphi 7.
You didn't mention which version of Delphi...
Newer Delphi versions have added two new properties to TCustomForm: PopupMode and PopupParent. Setting PopupParent of your modal dialog to the form that's creating that dialog makes sure that the child form stays on top of it's parent. It usually fixes the problem you're describing.
I think this pair of properties were added in Delphi 2006, but it may have been 2005. They're definitely there in Delphi 2007 and up.
EDIT: After seeing you're using Delphi 7, the only suggestion I have is that, in the code that displays your modal form, you disable the form creating it, and re-enable on return. That should prevent the creating window from receiving input, which may help keep the Z-order correct.
Something like this may work (untested, as I'm no longer using D7):
procedure TForm1.ShowForm2;
Self.Enabled := False;
with TForm2.Create(nil) do
if ShowModal = mrOk then
// Returned OK. Do something;
Self.Enabled := True;
If Form2 creates a modal window (as you've mentioned), just repeat the process - disable Form2, create Form3 and show it modally, and re-enable Form2 when it returns. Make sure to use try..finally as I've shown, so that if something goes wrong in the modal form the creating form is always re-enabled.
Sorry for adding a separate answer, but I have done a bit more research, and some of it indicates that my previous answer (DisableProcessWindowsGhosting) doesn't help. Since I can't always reproduce this issue, I cannot say for sure.
I found a solution that appears to appropriate. I referenced the code in Delphi 2007 for the CreateParams method and it matches pretty close (without having all of the other code that handles PopupMode).
I created the unit below which subclasses TForm.
unit uModalForms;
uses Forms, Controls, Windows;
TModalForm = class(TForm)
procedure CreateParams(var params: TCreateParams); override;
procedure TModalForm.CreateParams(var params: TCreateParams);
params.WndParent := Screen.ActiveForm.Handle;
if (params.WndParent <> 0) and (IsIconic(params.WndParent)
or not IsWindowVisible(params.WndParent)
or not IsWindowEnabled(params.WndParent)) then
params.WndParent := 0;
if params.WndParent = 0 then
params.WndParent := Application.Handle;
What I do then is include this unit in with a form unit, and then change the form's class (in the .pas code file) from class(TForm) to class(TModalForm)
It works for me, appears to be close to CodeGear's solution.
From this link it appears that the problem is with the "Ghosting window" that was introduced in 2000/XP. You can disable the ghosting feature by calling the following code at startup.
procedure DisableProcessWindowsGhosting;
DisableProcessWindowsGhostingProc: procedure;
DisableProcessWindowsGhostingProc := GetProcAddress(
if Assigned(DisableProcessWindowsGhostingProc) then
The only issue that I can see is that it will cause problems with the feature that allows for the user to minimize, move, or close the main window of an application that is not responding. But in this way you do not have to cover each call with the Self.Enabled := False code.
Just set the Visible property of the form, that you want to open modal, to False. Then you can open it with .ShowModal(); and it will work.
I have found that using the "Always On Top" flag on more than one form causes problems with the Z order. And you may also find the need for the BringWindowToTop function.
When launching a message box using the built-in WinAPI (MessageBox), I have found that passing the calling window's handle is necessary in order to make sure that the the prompt appears on top all the time.
try it
PostMessage(Self.Handle, WM_USER_SET_FOCUS_AT_START, 0, 0);
