Silverlight 3 won't install on Windows XP embedded 2002 - silverlight-3.0

Well, I tried HARD to install silverlight 3.0 on Windows XP embedded but keeps displaying that "Install Sivlerlight Logo" as if it never picks it up or installs at all ... Anyone had same problems? Any solutions?

Consider trying to install this by copying some files around. This probably is totally unsupported, but it may work for you:
Install on your development machine the Silverlight Runtime
Copy the %programfiles%\microsoft silverlight\ ... directory structure to the XP Embedded machine
On the XP machine, as an Administrator, run "regsvr32 npctrl.dll"
You might be able to then use Silverlight content. Hope this helps.


How do install wamp server 0

When I finish install then it show
C:\Windows\system32\MSVCR110.dll is either not designed to run on Windows or it contains an error.Try installing the program again using the original installation media or contact your system administrator or the software vendor for support.
But recently I download MSVCR110.dll and I send it C:\Windows\system32 and restart computer. But when I run Wamp server then it is also show this message.
I assume you are trying to install WAMPServer 2.5 on a Windows XP system.
I am afraid that will not work as Apache/PHP & MySQL in that version are all compiled with MSCV11 (VC2012), and unfortunately the MSCV11 runtime will not run on Windows XP. This is a Microsoft thing and not a WAMPServer problem.
Your best bet is to install WampServer 2.2e as Apache/PHP & MySQL were all compiled with an ealier version of the compiler and that runtime will work on XP.

Lightest way to run IIS on Mac?

I have an ASP.NET MVC 4 app that I would like to run on a Mac machine. I would hate to run a full blown Windows virtual machine when all I really need is IIS7 to run the MVC app. What is the lightest way to run this (VirtualBox, Parallels, IIS7 Express, etc)? Really my goal is to code the Javascript/client-side of the app on my Mac and I am trying really hard not to do my development on a Windows machine :)
BEWARE: The below answer is very old and I don't delete it just for historic purposes. These days I would recommend to install ASP.NET Core along with .NET6. After you have set that up, there are different ways to expose your web port in production, such as NGinx reverse proxy, or Kestrel or other things that I haven't researched much these days.
Follow this link (provided by #LexLi in a comment above) to know how to set up your MVC environment.
With regards to IIS, as far as I know it cannot be done. You should use the native web server of your operating system. IIS doesn't run on Mac, so I guess you should try Apache, and then install module "mod_mono".
Or if that gets too hairy, just use the standalone mono web server called XSP.
Or run FastCGI, or nginx.
It is all explained here:
I use Parallels, and although their software was poor a few years back, it's now lightyears ahead of VMWare in stability and performance. Parallels Desktop 7 for mac is awesome.
My only computer is a MBP, yet I develop software for IIS. I run Parallels in Coherence mode, and I essentially have VisualStudio as just another mac app. And since I'm only running one app in the VM, it's way more stable than a normal PC install. I actually haven't rebooted it in 2 months so far!
Only caveat - you want to dedicate 2-4GB of ram to the VM to prevent paging, so you should try to get more than 8GB if you're a polyglot developer. Having multiple IDEs on multiple OSes can be heavy, and when you add the memory-hogging yet blazingly fast Chrome to the mix, you'll hit that ram limit often...
xsp is a alternative for IIS in Mac, that can run basic capabilities.
I recently used VirtualBox with a copy of windows home (free with "I don't have key") and installed visual studio on it (community version). And IIS Express works just fine, TFS repos work too.

how to install Commerce Server 2007 Staging (grayed out on mine and my collegue's box)?

I need to use CS Staging API to do some tests with a remote server.
However, the Staging option is grayed out for me and my colleague, at least
when i try to install the MSDN version (both Enterprise and Developer).
Any idea how can I at least use the Staging API with the remote server?
(I do not care whether I've got a local server or not)
Thanks in advance
You are trying to install on an unsupported OS
You cannot officially install CSS on the following OS':
Windows XP
Windows 7
Windows Vista
Having said this, the Greg has got CSS working on Windows 7 by manually copying the binaries (see comments below). Obviously, this is not supported or endorsed by Microsoft.
You are missing CSS pre-requisite software
For example, classic ASP is one of the pre-requisites. Make sure you follow
the (long) instructions in the CS 2007 Install Guide, you should be OK. You can also review a list of components CSS depends upon.

How best to install MVC 3 on a server?

Now that MVC 3 Tools Update has been released, that's all I see on the Web Platform Installer -- I no longer see MVC 3? Is this because the Tools Update is essentially MVC 3 PLUS enhancements to the development environment? Presumably, none of these additions are needed on a server so I thought that MVC 3 would still be offered for server installs.
So can/should I install the MVC 3 "Tools Update" from the Web Platform installer on a server?
I know this doesn't help you Decker, but it may help others:
The easiest way to get MVC on the server is by using the "Add Deployable Dependancies..." menu:
Also useful for deploying SQL CE.
You can use the installer from WebPI on the server just fine. It will detect if you don't have Visual Studio installed and will only install the runtime.
You could also try unzipping the installer file and only copying the runtime MSIs but I think that's overkill.
You could also use Web Platform Installer from the command line:
webpicmd /install /Products:MVC3Runtime /log:webpi.log /accepteula /SuppressReboot
If your servers don't have internet access, you can use the offline flag from a machine which does have access to download a copy of the required install files.
So your flow would be as follows:
Prepare Cached Version of Installers
webpicmd /Offline /Products:MVC3Runtime /log:webpi.log /Path:"%~dp0wbpiCache"
Install from cache (copy folder structure to target machine)
webpicmd /install /Products:MVC3Runtime /log:webpi.log /accepteula /SuppressReboot /XML:"%~dp0wbpiCache"
You don't need to install MVC3 on a server.
Just copy the MVC DLLs along with your projects.

Tomcat 5.5 as service on Windows Server 2008 64bit

Has anybody managed to get Tomcat to run as a service on Win2008 64bit? I need it for a 3rd party component that my site relies on. It works fine otherwise, but I just can't get it to run as a service. I've tried all the googling I can, and experimented with various 64bit tomcat.exe / tomcatw.exe without success. Upgrading to Tomcat 6 didn't help either.
I'm running Java 1.5 64bit.
Download apache-tomcat-6.0.30-windows-x64 version.
Extract to c:\Tomcat6
open command prompt run as Adminstrator
and go to Tomcat6\bin directory and run from command prompt>service install
Tomcat6 will install as Windows Service.
again go to Tomcat6\bin and open tomcat6w.exe run as administrator and modify your changes.
it works cool.
Download the latest builds. Your issue was the 64 bit procrun.exe/tomcatw.exe wasn't provided. The newer installers for Tomcat 5.5 and Tomcat 6 include both 32 and 64 bit and deploy the appropriate one
Extracted from
While the Java components of Tomcat run happily under a 64 bit JVM, the installers that build the Windows service are 32 bit executables and won't work correctly under 64 bit Windows operating systems.
Fortunately, the Tomcat team has put together 64 bit versions of these executables, although they only include them in the source distribution for each version of Tomcat. If you've already installed a copy of Tomcat, here's how to update the executables:
1) Download and extract the source distribution for your version of Tomcat from OLEX
2) Find the directory tomcat-X.X.XX-src/connectors/procrun/bin/amd64/
3) Copy the executables from the above directory into the tomcat-X.X.XX/bin, overwriting the 32 bit versions
4) Run the command service.bat install. This will install the service under the displayed name Apache Tomcat (the service name will be Tomcat5)
It worked to me! And I was looking for this solution for a while...
