What to do with a branch after the merge with TFS - tfs

After merging a branch back to the "trunk" what do most people do with the branch. Just delete it? Move it to another area? Change it's permissions?
The concern we have is that developers who are away, and don't read their mail could come to work and continue working on the branch, after the merge has been done.

Once the branch is definitely dead then I like to delete them. You can always undelete something in TFS if necessary (Options, Source Control, Show Deleted Items). Dev's working in that area without realizing it may get some strange behaviour (i.e. files dissapearing when they do a Get Latest) however it get's them to figure out something has happened pretty quickly.
That said, sometimes it can take a while to ensure that the branch is definitely deceased in which case changing the permissions on the branch so that only a limited number of people can edit the files on that branch is a handy technique. You can have one person lock all the files in the branch with a check-out lock but I've not found that to work too well when freezing a branch - permissions seems to work better so that you do not have to have a bunch of pending changes (the locks) to manage for all the files in the branch and also you can have more than one person working on it while it is being frozen.

We delete branches, once we're sure the merge was successful.

We move them to an Archive folder. We should probbaly change permissions as well.


TFS without any branch

Do you really need a Branch to CheckIn / CheckOut Code in TFS i.e, just add files to a folder ?
What would be advantage to Branch in that case ?
You do not need a branch to check in and check out.
Branches however provide you with the ability to make changes to more thank one version of your code at once. Lets say that you have one folder at $/ProjectA/MyAwesomeApplication/Master. You can happily work away, checking in and releasing. At some point you find a bug in production that needs fixed immediately. However MASTER is well beyond what was last released and you don't want to deploy those changes yet.
You know which build is deployed and thus which changeset. You can branch MASTER at that changeset (the past) and create $/ProjectA/MyApplication/QuickFix. There you can fix that bug and ship, then merge back into MASTER and delete that branch.
Now obviously this is expensive and time consuming. A better way would to move forward and just ship what is in MASTER. If you have feature flags and good testing them you should be able to do that. There are however always those exceptions to that rule, and that's where branching comes in.
If you are using Git in TFS rather than TFVC the story is different.

Files listed as pending changes when doing merges that didn't change?

We've had this happen more than a few times were we consider it to be more than a fluke at this point. When we are merging back after we are complete with our branch there are way more changes then their should be. So most of the files showing as pending changes never changed (in most of the cases in neither the branch or the base). When i compare them (i use beyond compare) there are no differences. I haven't went through all the files that didn't change but in most cases it seems like they are marked as [merge] and the files that actually changed are marked as [merge,edit].
In one case we probably changed around a 100 files it pending changes showed more than 22,000 changes. We tried checking them in at one point thinking tfs would be smart enough to know what files changed and which didn't. But it checked in all files. Does anyone know whats going on and how to fix it?
We are running TFS 2012 w\ Update1
Everyone is using Visual Studio 2012 w\ Update 1.
For anyone having the same issue a work around is to undo your pending changes. When you get the confirmation dialog choose "No to all". Only your pending changes should be left.
Regarding the problem where you had changed 100 files and TFS wanted to merge several thousand. This is usually caused by renaming (or deleting and then un-deleting, or moving) a branch. This has bitten me a couple of times and I feel your pain.
The best advise I can give is, once you've created a branch, leave it alone. Don't move it, don't rename it. If the location or name of the branch are wrong, live with it until it's time to delete the branch and create a new one.
Because of the way TFS 201x work behind the scenes, changing the root folder of a branch effectively turns it in to a different object. When you try to merge the branch again, TFS will perform a baseless merge which effectively means that it appears that all files in the branch have changed (even though they haven't) This is new behaviour, older versions of TFS (2005 / 2008) don't suffer from this problem.
e.g. you have a Team Project that looks like this
You then create a branch from "Main" called "Dev"
You can merge as much as you like and there shouldn't be any problems. Then you decide that the folder structure might get a bit messy when you have several dev branches so you create a folder called "Development" at the root of the team project and move the dev branch in to this folder
OK now behind the scenes the move is a rename and a delete, the old dev branch still exists under $/TeamProject/Dev (you can see this by going to "tools", "options", "Source Control", "Team Foundation Server" and then check the setting that says "show deleted items in Source Control"
The folder called $/TeamProject/Development/Dev is actually a brand new thing! Therefore it doesn't have a merge relationship with "Main". Confusingly though the IDE will show a relationship, but really it doesn't exist. The first time you merge from $/TeamProject/Development/Devto $/TeamProject/Main TFS will perform a sneaky baseless merge to establish the branching relationship.
The same thing happens if you rename a branch (the old branch will be deleted and a new branch will be created under the covers)
This Blog goes in to some more detail
The comment above with the "No to all" option in the undo confirmation dialog works okay, but as commented by Mark Hosang, this will not work right if you have new files. Mladen Mihajlovic is right that you can make sure to not select those new files. However with a large code base, wading through this is very tedious.
So my method: before getting to the confirmation dialog, you are presented with a window to select which files to undo. This window has sortable columns. You can sort by the Change column and select only the files with merge status (these are the unchanged files; merge, edit are edited files and merge, branch are new files). Just click Undo Changes with just those selected, and then enjoy the beauty of an uncluttered merge changeset.
Try this:
select all pending files
on context menu click 'Undo...'
in the 'Undo Pending Changes' dialog sort files by 'Change' column
deselect all files except 'merge' using shift+click
click button 'Undo Changes'
From my experience this happens when TFS has no relationship between file A in branch A and file B in branch B.
When merging branches TFS always creates a relationship between the files when no relationship is present already. Hence it wants to check in as "merge" to remember these relationships.
I tend to undo these "merge" changes when i don't need the relationships (e.g. for reparenting).

How does merging work in TFS 2010?

When I merge files from one branch to another and then go to check in files into the target branch, there are MANY files checked out, just the ones that changed. For example, Main and Critical branches were the same and we made changes to only 2 or 3 files on the Critical Fix branch. I then merged Critical ==> Main, and when I went to check in changes to the Main branch I noticed that there were numerous files checked out, not just the 2 or 3 that were actually changed in the Critical Fix branch. Moreover, when I compare a file from the Main branch to one on the server, I am told that the files are identical. If the files are identical, why are they checked out? Any help would be appreciated, or even a link that explains how TFS 2010 does merges.
The default Source Control Merging tools in Visual Source Safe and then TFS have always been rather poor - they are often confused by the simplest changes, often detect identical files as being "changed", and the auto-merge facility frequenty fails (includes the wrong changes). I quickly learned distrust for these merge tools (in about 1995) and have not seen any evidence in any of the new releases since then that the core merge algorithms have been improved at all.
The good news is that you can replace the client-side merging tools with third party ones (I use one that works so well that I actually trust its auto-merge option. I once spent 2 days trying (and failing) to do a complex merge with the TFS tools and in the end bought this 3rd party tool and re-did the entire merge successfully in 15 minutes!)
The bad news is that the first step of branch merging just uses the TFS merge code, and so it gets confused a lot, resulting in the symptoms you've described. This is frustrating in such a key feature of such an expensive application as it wastes a lot of programmer time on every merge to fix imaginary "conflicts" - on the plus side, with the help of 3rd party tools it is usually very easy to reliably resolve these merge issues.
I have had the same problem. I created a branch of our DEV branch and made changes to a few files. I checked in my changes and merged the latest changes to DEV into my branch. After the merge all 30,000+ files in my branch were marked as changed. Just like cju, I found that a comparison of most of the files showed that no changes had been made.
I decided to undo all changes and try again. When I right-clicked on the solution and selected Undo, I got a message that one file had changes, was I sure I wanted to undo that file? I clicked "No to All" and when the undo operation was complete, only the files that had been changed during my merge from DEV were still checked out. This was exactly what I wanted so I checked those changes into my branch and continued working.
I hope others can correct their situation as easily as I was able to.
One thing I noticed is that when one file is changed in different branches resulting in exactly the same content, then merging marks it as a conflict since the file is changed in both places. Of course a difference view of the file notices that there are no changes and therefore an auto merge solves this automatically for you.

Merging from wrong changeset in some circumstances

I have a main branch and a dev branch in TFS. I merged changes from the main branch up into the dev branch fine. Now when I try merging up again it says there is nothing to merge.
However when I merge down from the dev branch to the main branch, it magically decides that a bunch of files have differences (which are only present in the main branch). Why does it decide this? Because TFS is comparing using the wrong changelist version from the dev branch! It is using the second to last changelist, not the latest one like I asked!
Sure I could resolve this by doing a force merge, but then every file in main would be marked as changed when it actually hasn't. What I want is for TFS to actually WORK in a logical way, does anybody know a work-around for this behaviour?
Even though this question has been asked a long time ago.
First things first, you are working on a dev branch and you have a main branch like the published one, so when you merge up to main you should get all changesets you checked in on dev branch.
If that is not the case, make sure you have nothing in pending changes to make sure you checked your changes in.
I work with a workspace for each branch not sure if you do this, make sure that you are on the workspace of the main branch and right click on dev branch and do the merge accordingly.
Hope this is what you were asking for.

Orphaned Branches in TFS

We have a trunk in TFS that everyone works off until we have a need to branch. Our last project was a large feature that required a branch. Now that the development has been completed and the changes have been merged back into the trunk. What should happen to the development branch?
Should I delete it? Mark it as read-only somehow? What about cloaking and locking?
You can make a branch read-only. You just need to remove the check-in/check-out permissions from the appropriate groups. Note that it doesn't look any different on first blush, but when you attempt to check out a file, you'll be prevented.
I always end up deleting the branch. It's "deleted" but there's nothing preventing you from undeleting it (which is different that destroying) or looking back at the code. It doesn't actually go anywhere unless you go through the effort of destroying it.
In addition, if you have a nice tool like Team Foundation Sidekicks, you can still see all of the branching history, even if it's been deleted.
You can, as #Ray says, just leave it, but if you do that over the course of a dozen or so branches, things become a bit unwieldy to manage. If the branch is dead, and you've merged the code into mainline, do you have any purpose for keeping it around aside from "just-in-case."
If so, just delete it and dig back through it only if you really have to.
Just leave it. :) You can delete the branch but it will still remain in the repository. It really is a decision that you and your team can make to follow your source control guidelines.
On a side note, there is no read-only option in TFS, you can only leave it, delete it or run the TFS destroy command to permanently remove the branch.
There is a Read access control permission. If you set Contributors to "Deny", it should override any "Not Set" or "Allow" permissions. You can set it in Source Control Explorer by right-clicking on the folder and going into Advanced | Security...
