TFS without any branch - tfs

Do you really need a Branch to CheckIn / CheckOut Code in TFS i.e, just add files to a folder ?
What would be advantage to Branch in that case ?

You do not need a branch to check in and check out.
Branches however provide you with the ability to make changes to more thank one version of your code at once. Lets say that you have one folder at $/ProjectA/MyAwesomeApplication/Master. You can happily work away, checking in and releasing. At some point you find a bug in production that needs fixed immediately. However MASTER is well beyond what was last released and you don't want to deploy those changes yet.
You know which build is deployed and thus which changeset. You can branch MASTER at that changeset (the past) and create $/ProjectA/MyApplication/QuickFix. There you can fix that bug and ship, then merge back into MASTER and delete that branch.
Now obviously this is expensive and time consuming. A better way would to move forward and just ship what is in MASTER. If you have feature flags and good testing them you should be able to do that. There are however always those exceptions to that rule, and that's where branching comes in.
If you are using Git in TFS rather than TFVC the story is different.


Branching strategy in DevOps

I am setting up DevOps process with TFS and wondering about branching strategy. If I have the following sample branching (image from Guidance: A Branching strategy for Scrum Teams).
I have DevOps process set up (continuous integration and continuous delivery) with continuous integration from MAIN branch (with Jenkins).
How would I handle hotfixes? If developers merge frequently into MAIN branch to verify builds, how do I get the last released code for applying a hot fix? If I were to use Release branches, I would eventually have to integrate hot fix into MAIN branch in order to kick off CI process. However, MAIN branch could contain changes beyond the release.
Please advise on this issue.
Generally a hot fix should gets out from the relevant version on the main branch.
Then need to create a dedicated branch for the hot fix, merge it with the last stable branch.
If it passes the entire QA, unit tests, system tests, etc then merge it back to main branch as the next released version.
you can have a look in the following example when using git the reference is here: git best practice. The source control is not the issue but the main idea. Read carefully the article i believe you'll be able to find what you are looking for.
There are some organization that still working with patches...
I'm not a big fun of this solution, but if this is your case than let me know, because in patches there is a little bit different solution.
It's suggested making all your branches synchronized all the time. When you want to handle hotfixes, you can create a new branch "HotFix" from main. When the hotfixes are completed, you need to merge it from HotFix to Main, and merge from Main to Release.
If you have made any changes in the Release you will need to merge back up to Main in order to finalise the changes.
A hotfix is a patch to released software. If you've got a release branch, creating a hotfix branch off of that is appropriate. After that hotfix is promoted up to Prod, you can then reverse integrate back up the chain to Main. Hotfix -> Release -> Main, and even forward integrate that up to the next sprint, if needed.
Obviously, the answer that you choose depends on your particular requirements; however, typically, you should cut a release from main, and a hot fix from the release branch. Personally, I would say that that code should not go back into the release branch, but be double fixed in a development branch.
The main reason for this is that, once you've released code, that code branch should be locked as it was at release. If you follow this, then you can always go back to a previous state of affairs. As has already been suggested, you may be halfway through changes to a hotfix when the requirement or priorities change; or when the customer reports a bug in the live code. If you maintain a separate branch, you can always access that code.
How to handle this really depends on the release and maintenance strategy or customer agreements you have.
If your release branch happens also to be a maintenance codeline (it seems like it from your description) then create feature branch from it, implement a hot-fix, test, merge back and release a "patch". Ideally you should have CI set also for the "maintenance" branch.
After this you can integrate your hot-fix with main codeline or put the issue on backlog to implement it differently for the future new release.
BTW: Some nice articles here:
If you are using Agile, then feature branches can be a good option. The only thing is it has to be combined with a ticketing tool like JIRA or AGM. For handling hotfixes in such scenarios, you can have a user story in AGM or JIRA, which upon completion will be merged onto the mainline trunk.

ALM Basic Branch Plan - Purpose of Release Branch?

The Microsoft ALM Team describe the Basic Branch Plan as needing a MAIN, DEV, and RELEASE branch.
I am working on introducing branching/merging to a new team who currently uses source control with no branches whatsoever.
I was wondering how the RELEASE branch is actually used.
Can changes be made in the DEV branch then be merged up to the MAIN branch without needing a RELEASE branch? MAIN would still be read-only. It would basically be the RELEASE branch in essence. The reason I say this is because we don't have that many changes but I want to isolate the stable code from new changes. Our concept of a "release" per say is not yet well defined. I am still working on that.
I just don't know if my team needs a RELEASE branch (considering our needs specifically).
I would appreciate some comment about the strategy of just having a MAIN and DEV branch.
Typically the release branch(es) are used for "safekeeping". Basically the same as a label.
Releases to production are usually a pretty important event, and you want to know exactly what source you released (in case you ever need to go back to it). Way back when people used to create Labels to track this, but creating Release branches is better for a couple reasons:
Labels are mutable in TFS, meaning somebody could change a label and there would be no audit trail
Branches are also mutable of course (changes can be checked in), but this can be locked down via branch specific permissions
Also if a change is made to a Release branch (which it never should be), at least you have an audit trail through history
Even though a branch looks like a heavy-weight operation creating a copy of your entire code base, in reality TFS just creates a new pointer to the same files, so the storage cost is trivial
I went the other way when I implemented TFS at a client (replaced SVN). What I did was introduce a MAIN branch and a RELEASE branch and not a DEV branch initially as that seemed very confusing to the team. It is also hard to convey the purpose of a DEV branch to an SVN familiar team initially.
The main purpose of our RELEASE branch was to preserve a historical placeholder as said in another answer. Currently we are using Git and we have a CI server that does the release process and branches to release/$version_number. I think that concept might be easier to understand and convey to your team. i.e. automatically create release branches when you actually release.

TFS 2010 Build Work Items in a Certain State

We have been using TFS 2010 to manage work items and sprints for a while now and have recently added on a dedicated QA person. What I need to be able to do is to either create a build definition that I can run on a scheduled basis (Tuesdays at 9pm for instance) that will only build and/or deploy the Work Items that are in a State of "ReadyToDeploy". Or a way to get a list of files to push based on the TFS API.
My end goal is to have a way to automate the release process so that only the items that have passed QA are sent to our staging environment weekly. Then the customer or QA can approve that the items work in staging which is a mirror of production, and another process or build definition will deploy those items which will be in a different state.
I have modified the work items and work flows to accomplish the different states, but I am having an issue getting either a build of just the fixes or a list of all the files to push based on the state of the work item.
I am open to any ideas or solutions for this, the alternative is that I have to manage the list of files and manually push files every week and I am trying to get away from that.
Edit: The way we have it setup now, is that each developer has their own branch and own website, our software is server based and has to be run on a particular server. Our Trunk is linked to the main dev website. This is where QA initially does their testing to move an item to the ready to deploy status. When a dev is ready for QA they check in their changes in their branch and merge into the trunk. The builds are created off of the trunk at the moment. On our deployment nights I open up the trunk website in VS and do a publish then take those files compared against a list the developers have given me and ftp the compiled files to our production server.
I could be wrong, but I am not aware of a way to tell a build to avoid certain changesets based on the state of an attached work item.
I think the only way you could achieve this would be to create a Release branch and perform a daily merge of changesets that are in the "ReadyToDeploy" state. When you merge, you are able to cherry pick changesets, but they must be contiguous. This means that you would have to perform multiple merges to get the Release branch into the appropriate condition.
We have operated something similar for many years and it works well for us. Many people will tell you that it's bad practice, and it probably is, but that is for you to decide.
As for automating this for a build, I don't think it would be a trivial job. The hardest part will be the merge. You might think that there will be no conflicts as it is a one-way merge, but having done this for a number of years, I can tell you that conflicts do arise.
Step By Step Explanation
Create a branch off the trunk called release
When you want to do a deploy, merge from the trunk into release, but only cherry pick the ReadyToDeploy changesets. This may take several merges as the changesets must be contiguous.
Fire off a build / deploy of the release branch.
Repeat steps 2 - 3 as your release schedule allows.
You could do something automatic, it would require an extensive bit of coding. It would also require a branching strategy so that, Dev, Staging, and Production all come from their own branches.
Set up a process that uses the TFS API to scan for items in that state
Use API to Traverse Items to get check ins attached
Use API to Get latest of source and target branch
Use API to Merge by change set (identified in #2) (this is non trivial, have to handle lots of cases, but merging should all be 1 way with no conflicts, so doable)
Use API to Check In
Kick off Compile Build
If Compile Build Successful kick off Publish Build
To the best of my knowledge there is a major issue with this approach. Say you have two changesets: # 1 and 2. Both of them containing modification for the same file. Now changeset #2 contains its own changes plus changes from #1.
If you decide to pull in changeset 2 and skip #1 guess what's gonna happen. You are going to suck in changes from #1. This is obviously a problem.

Merging from wrong changeset in some circumstances

I have a main branch and a dev branch in TFS. I merged changes from the main branch up into the dev branch fine. Now when I try merging up again it says there is nothing to merge.
However when I merge down from the dev branch to the main branch, it magically decides that a bunch of files have differences (which are only present in the main branch). Why does it decide this? Because TFS is comparing using the wrong changelist version from the dev branch! It is using the second to last changelist, not the latest one like I asked!
Sure I could resolve this by doing a force merge, but then every file in main would be marked as changed when it actually hasn't. What I want is for TFS to actually WORK in a logical way, does anybody know a work-around for this behaviour?
Even though this question has been asked a long time ago.
First things first, you are working on a dev branch and you have a main branch like the published one, so when you merge up to main you should get all changesets you checked in on dev branch.
If that is not the case, make sure you have nothing in pending changes to make sure you checked your changes in.
I work with a workspace for each branch not sure if you do this, make sure that you are on the workspace of the main branch and right click on dev branch and do the merge accordingly.
Hope this is what you were asking for.

What to do with a branch after the merge with TFS

After merging a branch back to the "trunk" what do most people do with the branch. Just delete it? Move it to another area? Change it's permissions?
The concern we have is that developers who are away, and don't read their mail could come to work and continue working on the branch, after the merge has been done.
Once the branch is definitely dead then I like to delete them. You can always undelete something in TFS if necessary (Options, Source Control, Show Deleted Items). Dev's working in that area without realizing it may get some strange behaviour (i.e. files dissapearing when they do a Get Latest) however it get's them to figure out something has happened pretty quickly.
That said, sometimes it can take a while to ensure that the branch is definitely deceased in which case changing the permissions on the branch so that only a limited number of people can edit the files on that branch is a handy technique. You can have one person lock all the files in the branch with a check-out lock but I've not found that to work too well when freezing a branch - permissions seems to work better so that you do not have to have a bunch of pending changes (the locks) to manage for all the files in the branch and also you can have more than one person working on it while it is being frozen.
We delete branches, once we're sure the merge was successful.
We move them to an Archive folder. We should probbaly change permissions as well.
