Installing rails plugins as git submodules - ruby-on-rails

(Why there is no|Is there a) way to run
./script/plugin install -SOME_HIDDEN_OPTION git://
So that the plugin is installed as git submodule. The reason for submodules is to keep unrelated code off project's repository.
Perhaps there is a reason not keep plugins as submodules?

./script/plugin install git://
Should work without a submodule...
If you want to update the plugin, just navigate into that plugin's folder and do a git pull.
The only advantage of the submodule is that you can see all your submodules from anywhere in the git repository. Otherwise, git just find the nearest git repository and works on that... in te above case, navigating to the plugin's directory will make it the repository you are working on.

Submodules are a bit warty. Also if you clone your repo and one of your submodule remotes is down you're stuck.
I end up tweaking the local code on occasion as well, which necessitates it being in my repo.
Braid makes managing this situation simple.


Understanding GitHub work flow; what to do after cloning from github?

I am working with RoR, and have recently cloned a project via GitHub. I have a specific RVM gemset for this project, but nothing inside of it. I am not sure if I should create a new branch and then run bundle install, or vice versa. My concern is I do not want to work on the master branch, but I know I need to set up everything first run bundle install.
What is the right method to get started on this project, with out breaking the master?
GitHub is just a hosting for git repositories. Well, writing just is not giving it proper justice.
However you should learn how truly git works. I heartily recommend reading free Git Book.
In short:
git is distributed
you're working only on local working copy
if you don't tell git specifically you want a file to be tracked - it won't (surprise, surprise!).
So running bundle install will not modify what is tracked by git and - specifically - won't affect remote master. It won't modify your master until you modify some files being already tracked. I think bundle install does not. And even then to modify remote master you need to commit and push changes.
You can work on your master. It's safe.
If its someone else's project, or an open-source project, you should Fork the project on Github. Then clone the fork. This will allow you to work on the project, commit your changes locally and push them back to the forked repository.
If it is your own project, and you do indeed want to work in a branch, then clone the repo and make a branch git checkout -b my_branchname. You will then work in the branch, check your code into the branch. Eventually you will want to merge this branch into the master branch. To do this you can merge locally:
git checkout master
git merge my_branchname
Or, you can create a pull request on Github and then merge the branch into master through the Github web UI.
The bundle command, used in conjunction with RVM will just install gems locally, most likely in your home directory (~/.rvm). Gems are not packaged with the rest of the code, so you don't need to fear messing up the master repo.

Git: working with submodules

How to configure Jenkins to use git repository with submodules?
I want to build even when change is pushed only to submodule.
There's no direct configuration for this.
Related question here - git plugin and hudson
tl;dr - whenever your submodule has a change (which is of course committed), make sure you make a commit on your main git repository as well to register the git submodule's changes; the build will then kick in accordingly.

Git not recognizing rails plugin

I installed the table_builder plugin from, followed the directions at the bottom titled For a pre rails 3.0 table_builder: which works great.
The problem is since I checked out a branch of it, when I try to commit this to MY GIT repo, it doesnt think there are files even there.. git status diplays nothing, git add wont add the files..
Any suggestions as to how I can get this committed?
Maybe you cloned the plugin directly into your own repository and you now have the plugin repository within your repository?
A git repository will by default ignore any other repositories and their working directories that are located within it.
If so, you have (at least) two options:
Clone the plugin elsewhere, and then
copy the necessary files into your
Clone the plugin into your repository
and then delete the plugin's .git
There are other ways to manage this with git-submodule but I'm not an expert on that so I defer to someone with more knowledge.
Check the .gitignore file in your project root folder. If git status doesn't see the files and git add won't add them, it's most likely because they're being specifically ignored.

Git + GitHub + Heroku

I am new to the world of Git, GitHub and Heroku. So far, I am enjoying this paradigm but coming from a background with SVN, things seems a bit complicated to me in the world of Git. I am facing a problem for which I am looking for a solution.
1. I have setup a new private project on GitHub. I forked the private project and now I have the following structure in my branch:
I can commit the code in my Fork on GitHub from my machine in any of the folders I want. Later on, these would be pulled into the master repository by the admin of the project.
2. For every individual application in the apps folder, I have setup an app on Heroku which is a Git Repo in itself where I push my changes when I am done with the user stories from my local machine. In short, every app in the apps folder is a Rails App hosted on Heroku.
What I want is that when I push my changes into Heroku, they can be committed into my project fork on GitHub as well, so, it also has the latest code all the time.
The issue I see is that the code on Heroku is a Git Repo while the folders which I have on GitHub are part of a Repo.
So far, what I have researched is that there is something known as Submodule in the Git World which can come to the rescue, however, I have not been able to find some newbie instructions.
Can someone in the community be kind enough to share thoughts and help me to identify the solution of this problem?
The idea behind submodules is that they're all separate git repositories that you can include into a master one and rather instead of including all the files it includes a link to that submodule instead.
How to use submodules
To use a submodule, first you must extract out the directory and create it as its own git repository by using git init. Then you can upload this separately to Github or [place of your choosing] and to use it as a submodule use the command: git submodule add [place/to/put/it] git://
Separation is best
I would think it better to leave these separated out as their own git repositories and push to heroku from each one. The reason? It's more likely (I feel) that you're going to be working on one at a time and doing a git commit and git push heroku master for that one only.
If you wished however to deploy all applications at the same time you could recurse down the directory tree using this Ruby script placed in the top-level directory:
Dir["**/*"].select { |dir| }.each do |f|
Dir.chdir(dir) do
`git push origin master`
`git push heroku master`
Of course this would only work if you have staged all your changes. I can't think of a way to automate that as Ruby <= 1.9 doesn't have the module to read your thoughts.

How to update rails plugins installed through git but in a svn repo?

My rails app is in a svn repository, but several of the plugins are installed through git and later added to the svn repo. How can I update these plugins? I can't seem to get script/plugin update to do anything. I'd really like to update activemerchant to get rid of the Inflector warnings.
If you haven't made any local changes to the plugin and you don't need to track what changes to it the update will bring, you can just run script/plugin install again, passing in --force if you need to. For example:
script/plugin install --force git://
If you already have a static copy of a plugin checked into Subversion, it can be a pain to update it via script/plugin, so here's what I end up doing in order to switch it from a static install to a Git checkout all within one Subversion commit:
git clone git:// ~/foobar
mv ~/foobar/.git rails_app/vendor/plugins/foobar/.git
rm -rf ~/foobar
cd rails_app/vendor/plugins
git reset --hard
Then make sure to add .git and everything else that has changed to the Subversion project and you will be all up-to-date. You can use other git commands to pull down updates, move to a different branch, etc. Then just check things in again once they are at the state that you want.
One thing I do in this case, I remove the plugin directory then I commit to SVN, this will remove the old plugin in the repo. (I usually moved it in a tmp directory, just in case and delate it later once the new one is working fine)
I then reinstall the new version of the plugin, and commit again.
You should just be able to navigate to the plugin's directory and hit:
git pull
. I'm pretty sure that script/install plugin just checks the code out from the git repo.
In order for Git to be able to recognise the repository as a Git repository, you will need to add the .git subdirectory and everything under it to Subversion as well. Otherwise, the plugin will just look like another pile of source code and Git will say it's "Not a Git repository".
Ran into the same situation and used this solution: had paperclip installed as a plugin sitting in an svn repo as part of my app. Now I wanted to use the latest version instead and didnt change a bit of the paperclip plugin so I could easyly remove it from the app/svn and install it as a gem instead. done.
