Is it possible to use a pixel shader inside a sprite? - directx

Is it possible to use a pixel shader inside a sprite?
I have create a simple pixel shader, that just writes red color, for
I have surrounded my Sprite.DrawImage(tex,...) call by the
effect.Begin(...), BeginPass(0), and EndPass(), End(),
but my shader seems not to be used : My texture is drawn just

I am not sure what language you are using. I will assume this is an XNA question.
Is it possible to use a pixel shader
inside a sprite?
Yes, you can load a shader file (HLSL, up to and including shader model 3 in XNA) and call spritebatch with using it.
If you post sample code it would be easier for us to see if anything isn't setup properly. However, It looks like you have things in the right order. I would check the shader code.
Your application code should look something like this:
Effect effect;
effect = Content.Load<Effect> ("customeffect"); //load "customeffect.fx"
effect.CurrentTechnique = effect.Techniques["customtechnique"];
foreach (EffectPass pass in effect.CurrentTechnique.Passes)
spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteBlendMode.AlphaBlend, SpriteSortMode.Immediate, SaveStateMode.None);
spriteBatch.Draw(texture, Vector2.Zero, null, Color.White, 0, new Vector2(20, 20), 1, SpriteEffects.None, 0);


GLKit Doesn't draw GL_POINTS or GL_LINES

I am working hard on a new iOS game that is drawn only with procedurally generated lines. All is working well, except for a few strange hiccups with drawing some primitives.
I am at a point where I need to implement text, and the characters are set up to be a series of points in an array. When I go to draw the points (which are CGPoints) some of the drawing modes are working funny.
effect.transform.modelviewMatrix = matrix;
[effect prepareToDraw];
glVertexAttribPointer(GLKVertexAttribPosition, 2, GL_FLOAT, 0, 0, &points);
glDrawArrays(GL_POINTS, 0, ccc);
I am using this code to draw from the array, and when the mode is set to GL_LINE_LOOP or GL_LINE_STRIP all works well. But if I set it to GL_POINTS, I get a gpus_ReturnGuiltyForHardwareRestert error. And if I try GL_LINES it just doesn't draw anything.
What could possibly be going on?
When you draw with GL_POINTS in ES2 or ES3, you need to specify gl_PointSize in the vertex shader or you'll get undefined behavior (ugly rendering on device at best, the crash you're seeing at worst). The vertex shader GLKBaseEffect uses doesn't do gl_PointSize, so you can't use it with GL_POINTS. You'll need to implement your own shaders. (For a starting point, try the ones in the "OpenGL Game" template you get when creating a new Xcode project, or using the Xcode Frame Debugger to look at the GLSL that GLKBaseEffect generates.)
GL_LINES should work fine as long as you're setting an appropriate width with glLineWidth() in client code.

Good tutorial on using Quads for custom Text in OpenGL ES 2.0 on iOS

I'm currently new to OpenGL ES and am self teaching myself how to program iOS games. I'm currently playing with a project that I would like to put a HUD over with some custom text. I don't want to do this using a UILabel and currently have no idea how to use Quads to cut up a png or such full of text and attach them to normal text to be used for display. I would like the end result to be providing a simple string to a command/method and the output to be displayed using the textures/bitmap for the quad. Say glPrint("Hello World");. Would anyone be able to guide me in the proper direction? There doesn't seem to be a single good tutorial on how to do this for OpenGL ES 2.0 (just OpenGL). I also want to try to avoid using 3rd party APIs. I really need/want to understand how to tackle this.
When I was getting started with OpenGL ES for my current 2D project I used Ray's tutorial, which helped me get a handle on rendering textured 2D quads. In conjunction with his 3D OpenGL ES tutorial, you might be able to piece together what you want to do. Note that you probably wouldn't render every single quad separately like in the tutorial, as that is very inefficient. Instead, you would gather all of the vertices of the characters into two big arrays/vertex buffers and batch render the characters. The basic flow for rendering each frame would probably look like this: pass a normal perspective projection matrix for 3D rendering, get your vertex information for your 3D scene to your shaders somehow, render the 3D scene. This part you've already done. For the text, immediately after, pass an orthogonal projection matrix in, bind your font texture (generally generated earlier with the GLKTextureLoader class) to the active texture unit, generate two big arrays of texture and geometric vertices for the characters/update VBOs if the text has changed, pass that in, and then batch render all of the letters at once using either glDrawArrays or glDrawElements (which requires indices).
Also, as I'm also new at using OpenGL, some of this may be wrong/inefficient. I've yet to use OpenGL ES to render anything 3D, so I'm not sure what other state changes (enabling, disabling, etc) besides a different projection matrix might be needed between rendering your 3D scene and the 2D scene (text).
It seems that drawing text using only OpenGL is a relatively difficult and tedious task, so if you just want to render a HUD overlay displaying frame rates and other things you are much better off using UILabels and saving yourself the trouble, especially if your project is not very complex. This also prevents you from having to deal with wrapping, kerning, font sizes, colors, different languages and a load of other stuff that greatly complicates text rendering if you need anything more complex.
Rather than tracking the location of each letter, why not use Core Graphics to draw your entire string into a bitmap, then upload that as a texture? You'd just need to get the dimensions from your bitmap to know what size quad to draw for that text string.
Within my open source GPUImage framework, I have an input class called a GPUImageUIElement that does something similar. The relevant code from that input is as follows:
CGSize layerPixelSize = [self layerSizeInPixels];
GLubyte *imageData = (GLubyte *) calloc(1, (int)layerPixelSize.width * (int)layerPixelSize.height * 4);
CGColorSpaceRef genericRGBColorspace = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB();
CGContextRef imageContext = CGBitmapContextCreate(imageData, (int)layerPixelSize.width, (int)layerPixelSize.height, 8, (int)layerPixelSize.width * 4, genericRGBColorspace, kCGBitmapByteOrder32Little | kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedFirst);
CGContextTranslateCTM(imageContext, 0.0f, layerPixelSize.height);
CGContextScaleCTM(imageContext, layer.contentsScale, -layer.contentsScale);
[layer renderInContext:imageContext];
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, outputTexture);
glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, (int)layerPixelSize.width, (int)layerPixelSize.height, 0, GL_BGRA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, imageData);
This code takes a CALayer (either directly or from the backing layer of a UIView) and renders its contents to a texture. I've already initialized the texture before this, so the code sets up a bitmap context, renders the layer into that context using -renderInContext:, and then uploads that bitmap to the texture for use in OpenGL ES.
The helper method -layerSizeInPixels just accounts for the current Retina scale factor as follows:
- (CGSize)layerSizeInPixels;
CGSize pointSize = layer.bounds.size;
return CGSizeMake(layer.contentsScale * pointSize.width, layer.contentsScale * pointSize.height);
If you used a UILabel for your view and had it autosize to fit its text, you could set the text on it, use the above to render and upload your texture, and then take the pixel size of the element to determine your quad size. However, it would probably be more efficient to just draw the text yourself using -drawAtPoint:withFont:fontForSize: or the like with an NSString.
Using Core Graphics to render your text makes it easy to manipulate the text as an NSString and use all of Core Graphics' typesetting capabilities instead of rolling your own.

Keep pixel aspect with different resolution in xna game

I'm currently developping an old-school game with XNA 4.
My graphics assets are based on 568x320 resolution (16/9 ration), I want to change my window resolution (1136x640 for example) and my graphics are scaled without stretching, that they keep pixel aspect.
How can I reach this ?
You could use a RenderTargetto achieve your goal. It sounds like you don't want to have to render accordingly to every possible screen size, so if your graphics aren't dependant on other graphical features like a mouse, then I would use a RenderTarget and draw all the pixel data to that and afterwards draw it to the actual screen allowing the screen to stretch it.
This technique can be used in other ways too. I use it to draw objects in my game, so I can easily change the rotation and location without having to calculate every sprite for the object.
void PreDraw()
// You need your graphics device to render to
GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice = Settings.GlobalGraphicsDevice;
// You need a spritebatch to begin/end a draw call
SpriteBatch spriteBatch = Settings.GlobalSpriteBatch;
// Tell the graphics device where to draw too
// Clear the buffer with transparent so the image is transparent
spriteBatch.Draw(gunTextureToDraw, new Vector2(100, 0), Color.White);
if (!base.CurrentPowerUpLevel.Equals(PowerUpLevels.None)) {
spriteBatch.Draw(shipSpriteSheet, new Rectangle(105,0, (int)Size.X, (int)Size.Y), shipRectangleToDraw, Color.White);
// Let the graphics device know you are done and return to drawing according to its dimensions
// utilize your render target
finishedShip = renderTarget;
Remember, in your case, you would initialize your RenderTarget with dimensions of 568x320 and draw according to that and not worry about any other possible sizes. Once you give the RenderTarget to the spritebatch to draw to the screen, it will "stretch" the image for you!
Sorry, I skimmed through the question and missed that you don't want to "stretch" your result. This could be achieved by drawing the final RenderTarget to your specified dimensions according to the graphics device.
Oh Gosh !!!! I've got it ! Just give SamplerState.PointClamp at your spriteBatch.Begin methods to keep that cool pixel visuel effet <3

Broken texture in iOS

I'm using OpenTK in MonoTouch to render some textures in iOS, and some of the textures come up broken. This is a closeup of an iPad screenshot showing one correctly rendered texture (the top one) and two broken ones below:
I'm not doing anything weird. I'm loading the texture from a semitransparent PNG using CGImage->CGBitmapContext->GL.TexImage2D. I'm rendering each sprite with two triangles, and my fragment shader just reads the texel from the sampler with texture2D() and multiplies it by a uniform vec4 to color the texture.
The files themselves seem to be okay, and the Android port of the same application using Mono for Android, and the exact same binary resources renders them perfectly. As you can see, other transparent textures work fine.
If it helps, pretty much every texture is broken when I run the program in the simulator. Also this problem persists even if I rebuild the program.
Any ideas on how to figure out what is causing this problem?
Here's my vertex shader:
attribute vec4 spritePosition;
attribute vec2 textureCoords;
uniform mat4 projectionMatrix;
uniform vec4 color;
varying vec4 colorVarying;
varying vec2 textureVarying;
void main()
gl_Position = projectionMatrix * spritePosition;
textureVarying = textureCoords;
colorVarying = color;
Here's my fragment shader:
varying lowp vec4 colorVarying;
varying lowp vec2 textureVarying;
uniform sampler2D spriteTexture;
void main()
gl_FragColor = texture2D(spriteTexture, textureVarying) * colorVarying;
I'm loading the image like this:
using (var bitmap = UIImage.FromFile(resourcePath).CGImage)
IntPtr pixels = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(bitmap.Width * bitmap.Height * 4);
using (var context = new CGBitmapContext(pixels, bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height, 8, bitmap.Width * 4, bitmap.ColorSpace, CGImageAlphaInfo.PremultipliedLast))
context.DrawImage(new RectangleF(0, 0, bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height), bitmap);
int[] textureNames = new int[1];
GL.GenTextures(1, textureNames);
GL.BindTexture(TextureTarget.Texture2D, textureNames[0]);
GL.TexParameter(TextureTarget.Texture2D, TextureParameterName.TextureMagFilter, (int)All.Linear);
GL.TexParameter(TextureTarget.Texture2D, TextureParameterName.TextureMinFilter, (int)All.Linear);
GL.TexParameter(TextureTarget.Texture2D, TextureParameterName.TextureWrapS, (int)All.ClampToEdge);
GL.TexParameter(TextureTarget.Texture2D, TextureParameterName.TextureWrapT, (int)All.ClampToEdge);
GL.TexImage2D(TextureTarget.Texture2D, 0, PixelInternalFormat.Rgba, bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height, 0, PixelFormat.Rgba, PixelType.UnsignedByte, pixels);
CurrentResources.Add(resourceID, new ResourceData(resourcePath, resourceType, 0, new TextureEntry(textureNames[0], bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height)));
and in my onRenderFrame, I have this:
GL.ClearColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
GL.BlendFunc(BlendingFactorSrc.SrcAlpha, BlendingFactorDest.OneMinusSrcAlpha);
GL.VertexAttribPointer((int)ShaderAttributes.SpritePosition, 2, VertexAttribPointerType.Float, false, 0, squareVertices);
GL.VertexAttribPointer((int)ShaderAttributes.TextureCoords, 2, VertexAttribPointerType.Float, false, 0, squareTextureCoords);
GL.BindTexture(TextureTarget.Texture2D, textureEntry.TextureID);
GL.Uniform1(Uniforms[(int)ShaderUniforms.Texture], 0);
// ...
GL.DrawArrays(BeginMode.TriangleStrip, 0, 4);
That triangle strip is made out of two triangles that make up the texture, with the vertex and texture coordinates set to where I want to show my sprite. projectionMatrix is a simple ortographic projection matrix.
As you can see, I'm not trying to do anything fancy here. This is all pretty standard code, and it works for some textures, so I think that in general the code is okay. I'm also doing pretty much the same thing in Mono for Android, and it works pretty well without any texture corruption.
Corrupted colors like that smell like uninitialized variables somewhere, and seeing it happen only on the transparent part leads me to believe that I'm having uninitialized alpha values somewhere. However, GL.Clear(ClearBufferMask.ColorBufferBit) should clear my alpha values, and even so, the background texture has an alpha value of 1, and with the current BlendFunc, should set the alpha for those pixels to 1. Afterwards, the transparent textures have alpha values ranging from 0 to 1, so they should blend properly. I see no uninitialized variables anywhere.
...or... this is all the fault of CGBitmapContext. Maybe by doing DrawImage, I'm not blitting the source image, but drawing it with blending instead, and the garbage data comes from when I did AllocGlobal. This doesn't explain why it consistently happens with just these two textures though... (I'm tagging this as core-graphics so maybe one of the quartz people can help)
Let me know if you want to see some more code.
Okay, it is just as I had expected. The memory I get with Marshal.AllocHGlobal is not initialized to anything, and CGBitmapContext.DrawImage just renders the image on top of whatever is in the context, which is garbage.
So the way to fix this is simply to insert a context.ClearRect() call before I call context.DrawImage().
I don't know why it worked fine with other (larger) textures, but maybe it is because in those cases, I'm requesting a large block of memory, so the iOS (or mono) memory manager gets a new zeroed block, while for the smaller textures, I'm reusing memory previously freed, which has not been zeroed.
It would be nice if your memory was allocated to something like 0xBAADF00D when using the debug heap, like LocalAlloc does in the Windows API.
Two other somewhat related things to remember:
In the code I posted, I'm not releasing the memory requested with AllocHGlobal. This is a bug. GL.TexImage2D copies the texture to VRAM, so it is safe to free it right there.
context.DrawImage is drawing the image into a new context (instead of reading the raw pixels from the image), and Core Graphics only works with premultiplied alpha (which I find idiotic). So the loaded texture will always be loaded with premultiplied alpha if I do it in this way. This means that I must also change the alpha blending function to GL.BlendFunc(BlendingFactorSrc.One, BlendingFactorDest.OneMinusSrcAlpha), and make sure that all crossfading code works over the entire RGBA, and not just the alpha value.

How to scale a texture and save the result in another in XNA

I'm new to XNA. What I want is just to scale a texture (double its size for example) and save the bigger one in another texture object of type Texture2D..
Any Ideas?
I know how to view a texture in a different scale,, take this piece of code:
CountryTexturData = new Color[CountryTextur.Width * CountryTextur.Height];
I want to make a process on the pixels of the country, but not the original one (CountryTextur), I want the scaled one, to save its pixels data in an array, like CountryTextureData, then make a simple process..
SpriteBatch.Draw only can view it scaled,, hopefully I could explain the problem..
You can use RenderTargets to achieve what you want to do:
//Draw your scaled CountryTextur
//You can now use scaledCountryTextur as an enlarged Texture2D of CountryTextur
What this will do is it will 'draw' your ContryTexture in a RenderTarget, which can be used like a regular Texture2D.
Hope this helps!
