SDK: What is it exactly? How it could be useful? [closed] - sdk

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Closed 2 years ago.
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SDK: What is it exactly? How it could be useful?
Is it necessary for a developer?

The acronym SDK stands for Software Development Kit. The term software development kit is generally used to refer to a set of resources made available by a platform vendors to enable development on that particular platform.
The contents of an SDK are very much dependent on what is neccessary to give developers in order for them to successfully build software for that platform.
Typically an SDK will include:
API and / or achitecture dcumentation:This typically includes information such as class and method documentation and code samples to demonstrate the use of each method or class.
Library Files
Any binary or source file that is neccessary or helpful to developers using the platform. For example, the Windows SDK includes windows.h which is the main header file for Win32 development.
Develoopment Tools and UtilitiesApplications created by the platform vendor in order to assist developers in creating applications. These may include compilers or other tools such as emulators and debuggers to enable code to be writen and tested, as well as other applications which are non-essential but useful in software development.
Sample Applications
These are complete, usually small, applications written by the platform vendor in order to demonstrate some specific aspect of the platform. These applications often come with source code to help the developer better understand how the application is using the platform.

SDK stands for Software Development Kit. It is essential for a developer to have the SDK for the technology he/she is working on.
For example, Qt SDK contains Designer, Assistant (documentation) and Qt Creator (IDE); and also includes qmake and libraries for developing Qt software.

SDK = Software Development Kit
It's a set of tools aimed at developing software for a specific platform or a specific API.
Sometimes it's needed, when it's the only way to get access to the platform/API at all. Other times it's not strictly neccessary (for example when a compiler already comes with the operating system), but it usually makes developing easier.


Automation testing for iPhone [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I want to test iOS application using the automation tools. I just have some primary knowledge of automation which does not include iOS automation application testing. Please help me. Thanks in advance.
Appium Studio is an enhanced version of open-source Appium developed by Experitest to make Appium testing even better. It cuts the effort and cost of developing and running an Appium based mobile test automation program. Check out here for more information.
They also offer object spy and code export feature along with a set of cloud devices for testing.
There are different Mobile Automation tools available in the Market,
Appium - Highly used for Android and iPhones
Appium Studio from Experitest
Katlon Studio
XCUITEST - Only for iPhones
Robot Framework
Best tools for mobile testings is :
It is FREE and since Calabash harnesses Cucumber functionality, which means that tests can be written in plain English rather than labyrinthine chains of code.
Calabash is by far one of the leading open-source test framework for cross-platform (mobile) native test automation.
It offers:
Ability to write in plain English
Capacity to test both local and hybrid apps
Xamarin and Cucumber functionality
Xamarin provides a portal to over 1,000 different devices in the cloud, which have been put there so you can test your apps. Once you’ve written your test, just log into the Xamarin test cloud and away you go.
One of the most used Test Automation Tool nowadays is Appium.
I myself used it professionally and it worked really well. It helps you with actions such as finding elements and interacting with them, to name a few. It is open source, cross-platform - enables you to test on Android, iOS and more - and multi-language - meaning you can write your tests using many different programming languages such as Ruby, Java, Python, C# etc.
Check their page to see if it really fit your needs:

Windows/Linux iOS App Development (Compilation not needed) [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I was wondering if there is a way to develop iOS applications on Windows or Linux. While this may seem like a duplicate question, there is one more thing which I was unable to find in the already-existing questions: I do have access to a Mac. "Why don't you just develop it there," you may ask; there's a hitch: it's my girlfriend's Mac, so I can't monopolize it for the amount of time an app would take to develop.
So, basically, here is what I want to do: I would like to do the coding (and preferably some amount of pre-device testing) on Windows (or Linux) for the app, after which I can move it over to the Mac for compilation. Is there some free way of doing this (I've looked at Xamarin and Marmalade, but I cannot afford the licenses for those)? Thank you.
P.S. While I realize that nothing is stopping me from simply cracking open Notepad++ and going at it, I was hoping for something with slightly better testing capabilities.
Xamarin, KendoUI, PhoneGap, Cordova are all frameworks that utilize HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript to create apps that are portable to Android, Web, Windows Phone, BlackBerry and iOS. You need to find a framework like that. In order to compile for iOS/iPhone you need a Mac, but to develop you'll need one of those frameworks above. There is no native way of modifying in Windows, and compiling. Of course you could edit .m and .h files in a standard text editor, but you can't debug or compile unless you are in XCode on a Mac.
Unity3D/Unreal Engine 4 you can work in Windows, and it'll output the iOS XCode Project files, and source code. But you'll still need a Mac to compile it. One of the strict requirements by our friends at Apple.
Once the app is compiled you can submit to the App Store via Application Loader or directly in XCode. I've also heard people submit to the app store via Windows once it is compiled, but haven't done this myself.
The above frameworks work but are not native code. If you want native, Xamarin compiles to Objective-C but has steep license. What it comes down to needing a Mac and Xcode to create native iOS applications. You can attempt a hackintosh but that may not be the easiest solution.

Compile Objective-C On An Apple Mac Server [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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As ,AFAIK, there is no way to compile Objective-C on a Windows machine. Would it be reasonably easy to set up a Mac server that compiles everything for you.
I am writing a game making system and it generates Objective-C code for you and creates an XCode project file. I was just wondering if I could give users the ability to compile there projects through server.
Could I setup a server that compiles XCode reasonably easily or are there services already available which I can direct users to that already do this?
I am aware of DragonFireSDK but that is for DragonFireSDK and not for third-party software, ASFAIK. I would think that they would try to make you buy DragonFireSDK to use there server for compilation.
Please note that I do not expect to find any servers where they compile Objective-C for you but I am hoping there are paid services that do this for you.
Please not I have literally just about no knowledge or experience of servers and/or server programming.
Recently, I was looking to do the same thing. I develop for jailbroken devices. In our community, lots of people that can't afford Macs use Linux for building their projects. I see it quite a bit.
Clang/LLVM and Apple's ld64 are used to compile and link Objective-C projects. Luckily, all three are open source, meaning that you can use them on just about any UNIX-based OS. (I think Clang/LLVM supports Windows too, but I doubt ld64 does)
There are many toolchains people have put together to build iOS projects on non-Mac operating systems. You can Google them.
My personal favorite is the Darling project. It is similar to Wine in that it allows you to run Mac OS X binaries on Linux. When used in conjunction with Apple's toolchain that comes with Xcode, it works wonderfully, much better than any other toolchain. Also, since Apple has yet to commit arm64 support to Clang/LLVM (it's still closed source), this method still allows you to compile for arm64. It's also pretty reliable, in that you'll be able to update your toolchain the second Apple releases a new version, without having to wait for the source code.
I use Darling in my server for copy protection. When someone purchases my product, my server builds a copy specifically for them, embedding their device information in it. That way, if it is pirated, I can see "who dun it". It currently builds 5-6 copies a minute when sales are high, and so far, it has handled the strain just fine.
I've written a (somewhat long) tutorial for setting up Darling on Linux. It's targeted toward jailbroken development, but I'm sure you can adapt it to suit your needs.

Xamarin for a small development team with .Net experience? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Xamarin is great in theory but would it be a good fit for a small team with .Net experience that is looking to build a consumer facing (not LOB) app for Android, iOS & Windows Mobile. This is not a build and forget scenario. The app would be under continuous development, and deployment via the three app stores.
Xamarin seems better suited for a large enterprise with many resources and a pool of .Net developers. I am looking for feedback from those who have actually invested time and money going the Xamarin route.
Although I feel a small .Net team could be more productive in the short term with Xamarin, I have the following reservations that have not vanished through experimenting with Xamarin or through reading countless docs, articles and comments.
Hitting hard roadblocks after investing months on development and finding it very difficult to get the help needed to work through the issues. i.e small online community and expensive training and support options.
Xamarin being unable to do something that can be done natively.
Investing in Xamarin at the cost of not actually learning objective C (Java not a real concern).
This is similar to the many of opinionated questions about Xamarin vs full native. If you have no obj-c/java developers and only .net developers, then go xamarin. If you want a single code base and not have each app in a different language, go xamarin. They are pretty darn good at having support the day that iOS is released.
Search on here for all of the other questions about it to see peoples' pros and cons lists.
I have gone through Xamarin route and I do development on C# for many years. I do Java and learned Objective-C to develop on iOS. Right now I do it alone or at most with some friends , so it is like the small team scenario you described.
I would not go on any other route for some reasons:
Needing to deploy on more than one platform and do each one on a different language is something I dislike
Xamarin exposes all the native APIs on each platform, so I am at no loss
I can access third party native libraries on each platform with ease
The non-native issue is not a issue for me for the byte-codes are native on iOS and there is a small Runtime on Android, but on both cases the performance is not at loss
I have done some basic and intermediary stuff using Xamarin and there were no lack of support from the community, documentation or from Xamarin
I am not getting to be an expert on Objective-C, as I don't develop using it, but I am learning the native APIs and their use the same way. You will use all the same Objects, methods (protocols and delegates) you would with Objective-C but now you have a different syntax (one which I love by the way)

Using Lua for web development? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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What issues or gotchas will I run into if I develop web applications in Lua; is there anything I should be aware of before starting?
Any experience with developing Lua web applications?
The web application framework based on Lua that gets a lot of discussion in the Lua community is the Kepler project. The Kepler team provides integration with web servers (especially Apache), a web server of their own, useful modules, and a working MVC application framework called Orbit.
Several other projects work with or on top of Kepler's foundation. A prominent one that demonstrates that Kepler can be used for real work is Sputnik, a very flexible and extensible CMS that functions as a Wiki out of the box but which can be extended to do many other things.
Speaking from personal experience, I built a control interface for an embedded system using Kepler's Lua Pages to render and process the forms and reports without much hassle as only my second or third real Lua project. That system is still in use and I would do it again.
take a look at (nginx and lua/luajit, async)
Go ahead and give it a shot! Lua is a very nice language.
Another MVC framework based on Lua is also Luci.
Interesting concept. I think one of the things you need to consider is which webserver do you plan to use? I think the webserver support for Lua would be flaky at best, no offense to anyone involved but its just not a common web platform.
With that said, however, the Lua Libraries And Bindings lists quite a few components that you could seemingly leverage for your efforts. I looked the list over and all things common to the web are there: databases, regex, network, zip, crypto, xml, images, etc. There's even a couple of web frameworks, so perhaps this is less rare than I thought?
