Bypassing validation with machinist - ruby-on-rails

I am writing my specs on my model Thing which has a date field which should be after the date of creation, thus I use the validate_timeliness plugin like that
validate_date :date, :after
I want to be able to add some Things with an anterior date but validation fails. I want to bypass the validation when creating some Things with the machinist factory.
Any clue ?

Shouldn't your validation ensure that the date is after the created_at attribute?? Rather than
You shouldn't be trying to use invalid data in your tests, what you probably should do instead is fudge the created at time.
#thing = Thing.make(:created_at =>
The only reason to try and put a time in the past in your spec surely should be to test that the validation is indeed working ..
#thing = Thing.make_unsaved(:date =>
#thing.should have(1).error_on(:date)
Is there a reason why you want to do this? What are you trying to test??

If you call with a Boolean parameter =true like this:!(true), than all validations would be skipped. This is probably the undocumented ActiveRecord feature that is widely used in my company :)

Hmm, there's no straightforward way to do with Machinist itself. But you can try to trick it ... in spec/spec_helper, redefine the Thing model before the Machinist blueprints are loaded.
class Thing
def before_validation = 1.hour.from_now

You can catch the exception thrown by the validation. If you require the following code in your spec_helper after requiring machinist. To use it you can add a false as the first argument to #make.
module Machinist
module ActiveRecordExtensions
module ClassMethods
def make_with_skip_validation(*args, &block)
validate = !(!args.pop if ( (args.first == true) || (args.first == false) ))
make_without_skip_validation(*args, &block)
rescue ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid => invalid
if validate
raise invalid
alias_method_chain :make, :skip_validation


Pass validation to the controller rails

How can I check if the validation is true and use it in a condition in the controller?
validate :no_reservation_overlap
scope :overlapping, ->(period_start, period_end) do
where "((date_start <= ?) and (date_end >= ?))", period_end, period_start
def no_reservation_overlap
if (Reservation.overlapping(date_start, date_end).any?)
errors.add(:date_end, 'it overlaps another reservation')
Link for more information: Date range overlap per user rails
I want to be able to check if validation is true and pass it to the controller
if validation == true
#do something
I tried using on: create to prevent it from executing a create action.
Just call valid? on an ActiveRecord object. For example:
#reservation =
if #reservation.valid?
# Do something if any validation fails
if #reservation.errors[:date_end].include? 'it overlaps another reservation'
# Do something if the overlapping validation fails
You can read more about validations in the Ruby on Rails Guide
If you want to check for a specific validation error, you can look at this Stack Overflow question.
if #user.valid?
do something

Rspec test passing only when there's a PUTS in the model

The puts statement must be having some kind of weird effect that I'm not seeing here...
I have an Order model. There's a callback on the model where the callback requires the model to be fully committed; i.e., I need to use an after_commit. However, the determinant of if the callback should run or not requires ActiveRecord::Dirty and therefore requires a before_save (or after_save, but I use before_save based on some other non-essential info).
I have combined the two thusly:
class Order
# not stored in DB, used solely to help the before_save to after_commit transition
attr_accessor :calendar_alert_type, :twilio_alerter
if self.calendar_alert_type.nil?
if self.new_record?
self.calendar_alert_type = "create, both"
elsif self.email_changed?
self.calendar_alert_type = "update, both"
elsif self.delivery_start_changed? || self.delivery_end_changed? || (type_logistics_attributes_modified.include? "delivery")
self.calendar_alert_type = "update, start"
elsif self.pickup_start_changed? || self.pickup_end_changed? || (type_logistics_attributes_modified.include? "pickup")
self.calendar_alert_type = "update, end"
puts "whatever"
after_commit do
if self.calendar_alert_type.present?
def calendar_alert(alert_info)
puts "whatever"
alert_type = alert_info.split(",")[0].strip
start_or_end = alert_info.split(",")[1].strip
if start_or_end == "both"
["start","end"].each do |which_end|
Calendar.send(alert_type, which_end,
Calendar.send(alert_type, start_or_end,
All of the private methods and the ActiveRecord::Dirty statements are working appropriately. This is an example of a spec:
it "email is updated" do
Calendar.should_receive(:send).with("update", "start",
Calendar.should_receive(:send).with("update", "end",
it "phone is updated" do
... #same format as above
Literally all the specs like the above pass ONLY when EITHER puts statements is present. I feel like I'm missing something very basic here, just can't put my finger on it. It's super weird because the puts statement is spitting out random text...
*Note, I'm totally aware that should_receive should be expect_to_receive and that I shouldn't use sleep and that expectation mocks on feature tests aren't good. Working on updating the specs separately from bad code days, but these shouldn't be causing this issue... (feel free to correct me)
This behavior depends on your Rails version. Before Rails 5 you can return anything except false value to keep on running. A false will abort the before_* callback chain. puts 'whatever' returns a nil. So every thing works. Your if block seems to return a false (custom implemation for calendar_alert_type?). In this case the chain is holded.
With Rails 5 you have to throw(:abort) to stop callback handling.

How to add new attribute to ActiveRecord

After getting all values from model, I want to add another custom attribute to the ActiveRecord class (this attribute is not a column in db) so that I could use it in view, but rails does not allow me to add one. What should I add in its model class?
#test.each do |elm|
elm[:newatt] = 'added string'
can't write unknown attribute `newatt'
try this
class Test < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessor :newattr
you can access it like
#test =
#test.newattr = "value"
As you may notice this a property, not a hash. so it uses . syntax. however, if you need it to behave like an hash you can do this without defining a new attribute
#test.each do |elm|
new_elm = {}
new_elm[:newatt] = 'added string'
Lastly, I am not exactly sure what you are trying to do. if this doesn't make sense to you, kindly rephrase your question so we can understand the problem better.
Define virtual attributes as instance variables:
attr_accessor :newattr
If you want this only for your views and do not have any other purpose then you need not to add attr_accessor'tests.*, "added string" as newattr')
here you are adding newattr attribute for query output of ActiveRecord with a value 'added string'
I think you mean to assign #test to the ActiveRecord query, correct? Try:
#test ="*, NULL as newatt")
#test.each {|t| t[:newatt] = some_value}
Another related solution is to make it a singleton class method, though you'd have to jump though more hoops to make it writeable and I intuitively feel like this probably incurs more overhead
#test = MyARClass.all
#test.each do t
def t.newatt
Using the second method, of course you'd access it via #test.first.newatt, rather than #test.first[:newatt]. You could try redefining t.[] and t.[]=, but this is starting to get really messy.
If it's really just temporary it doesn't have to be in the object:
#test_temp = []
#test.each do |elm|
#test_temp << {:elm => elm, :newatt => 'added string'}
Otherwise, there are also good answers here.
If it temporary, you can try this:{ |t| t.attributes.merge({ newatt: "added string" }) }
#test.each do |elm|
write_attribute(:newatt, "added string")
I met the same issue. and successfully bypass using instance_eval
#test.each do |elm|
elm.instance_eval { #newatt = 'added string' }
normally it doesn't run into issue, when use attr_accessor. it appears when other DSL override "newattr=" which cause the issue. In my case, it's money-rails "monetize :newatt"
Explicitly use write_attribute doesn't work as it is the reason to raise exception in rails 4.x

Rails Custom Validators: Testing options

I'm trying to write up a rails gem that involves (amongst other things) some custom model validators...and I'm wondering how to test validation options.
To give an example, I'd like to write an rspec test for which a blank field returns valid if the allow_nil option is true, and invalid otherwise. The code works fine, but I can't think of an elegant way to test it. The code itself:
Module ActiveModel
module Validations
module ThirstyVals
class ValidatePrime < EachValidator
# Validate prime numbers
def validate_each(record, attr_name, value)
return if options[:allow_nil] && value.strip.length == 0
# Other validation code here
# ...
I'm currently testing through a dummy project, which is fine, but the only way I can think of to test the :allow_nil option is to write up a new attribute with :allow_nil set, and verify its functionality...which seems both excessive and pretty inelegant. There must be a more graceful way - any ideas appreciated. (Other tests below for posterity)
# ...
before(:each) do
#entry =
describe "it should accept valid prime numbers" do
['7', '13', '29'].each do |n|
#entry.ticket = n
#entry.valid?('ticket').should be_true
describe "it should reject non-prime numbers" do
['4', '16', '33'].each do |n|
#entry.ticket = n
#entry.valid?('ticket').should be_false
have you considered testing the validator in isolation like so:
in validate_prime_spec.rb
require path_to_validator_file
describe ActiveModel::Validations::ThirstyVals::ValidatePrime do
context :validate_each do
it 'should do some stuff' do
subject.validate_each(record, attr_name, value).should #some expectation
then may I suggest that you need not test the allow_nil functionality of Rails validations due to the fact that it is already tested in Rails? (see: activemodel/test/cases/validations/inclusion_validation_test.rb line 44)

Add http(s) to URL if it's not there?

I'm using this regex in my model to validate an URL submitted by the user. I don't want to force the user to type the http part, but would like to add it myself if it's not there.
validates :url, :format => { :with => /^((http|https):\/\/)?[a-z0-9]+([-.]{1}[a-z0-9]+).[a-z]{2,5}(:[0-9]{1,5})?(\/.)?$/ix, :message => " is not valid" }
Any idea how I could do that? I have very little experience with validation and regex..
Use a before filter to add it if it is not there:
before_validation :smart_add_url_protocol
def smart_add_url_protocol
unless url[/\Ahttp:\/\//] || url[/\Ahttps:\/\//]
self.url = "http://#{url}"
Leave the validation you have in, that way if they make a typo they can correct the protocol.
Don't do this with a regex, use URI.parse to pull it apart and then see if there is a scheme on the URL:
u = URI.parse('/pancakes')
# prepend http:// and try again
elsif(%w{http https}.include?(u.scheme))
# you're okay
# you've been give some other kind of
# URL and might want to complain about it
Using the URI library for this also makes it easy to clean up any stray nonsense (such as userinfo) that someone might try to put into a URL.
The accepted answer is quite okay.
But if the field (url) is optional, it may raise an error such as undefined method + for nil class.
The following should resolve that:
def smart_add_url_protocol
if self.url && !url_protocol_present?
self.url = "http://#{self.url}"
def url_protocol_present?
self.url[/\Ahttp:\/\//] || self.url[/\Ahttps:\/\//]
Preface, justification and how it should be done
I hate it when people change model in a before_validation hook. Then when someday it happens that for some reason models need to be persisted with save(validate: false), then some filter that was suppose to be always run on assigned fields does not get run. Sure, having invalid data is usually something you want to avoid, but there would be no need for such option if it wasn't used. Another problem with it is that every time you ask from a model is it valid these modifications also take place. The fact that simply asking if a model is valid may result in the model getting modified is just unexpected, perhaps even unwanted. There for if I'd have to choose a hook I'd go for before_save hook. However, that won't do it for me since we provide preview views for our models and that would break the URIs in the preview view since the hook would never get called. There for, I decided it's best to separate the concept in to a module or concern and provide a nice way for one to apply a "monkey patch" ensuring that changing the fields value always runs through a filter that adds a default protocol if it is missing.
The module
module Helpers::URIField
def ensure_valid_protocol_in_uri(field, default_protocol = "http", protocols_matcher="https?")
alias_method "original_#{field}=", "#{field}="
define_method "#{field}=" do |new_uri|
if "#{field}_changed?"
if new_uri.present? and not new_uri =~ /^#{protocols_matcher}:\/\//
new_uri = "#{default_protocol}://#{new_uri}"
self.send("original_#{field}=", new_uri)
In your model
extend Helpers::URIField
ensure_valid_protocol_in_uri :url
#Should you wish to default to https or support other protocols e.g. ftp, it is
#easy to extend this solution to cover those cases as well
#e.g. with something like this
#ensure_valid_protocol_in_uri :url, "https", "https?|ftp"
As a concern
If for some reason, you'd rather use the Rails Concern pattern it is easy to convert the above module to a concern module (it is used in an exactly similar way, except you use include Concerns::URIField:
module Concerns::URIField
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
included do
def self.ensure_valid_protocol_in_uri(field, default_protocol = "http", protocols_matcher="https?")
alias_method "original_#{field}=", "#{field}="
define_method "#{field}=" do |new_uri|
if "#{field}_changed?"
if new_uri.present? and not new_uri =~ /^#{protocols_matcher}:\/\//
new_uri = "#{default_protocol}://#{new_uri}"
self.send("original_#{field}=", new_uri)
P.S. The above approaches were tested with Rails 3 and Mongoid 2.
P.P.S If you find this method redefinition and aliasing too magical you could opt not to override the method, but rather use the virtual field pattern, much like password (virtual, mass assignable) and encrypted_password (gets persisted, non mass assignable) and use a sanitize_url (virtual, mass assignable) and url (gets persisted, non mass assignable).
Based on mu's answer, here's the code I'm using in my model. This runs when :link is saved without the need for model filters. Super is required to call the default save method.
def link=(_link)
if (!u.scheme)
link = "http://" + _link
link = _link
Using some of the aforementioned regexps, here is a handy method for overriding the default url on a model (If your ActiveRecord model has an 'url' column, for instance)
def url
_url = read_attribute(:url).try(:downcase)
unless _url[/\Ahttp:\/\//] || _url[/\Ahttps:\/\//]
_url = "http://#{_url}"
I had to do it for multiple columns on the same model.
before_validation :add_url_protocol
def add_url_protocol
:facebook_url, :instagram_url, :linkedin_url,
:tiktok_url, :youtube_url, :twitter_url, :twitch_url
].each do |url_method|
url = self.send(url_method)
if url.present? && !(%w{http https}.include?(URI.parse(url).scheme))
self.send("#{url_method.to_s}=", 'https://'.concat(url))
I wouldn't try to do that in the validation, since it's not really part of the validation.
Have the validation optionally check for it; if they screw it up it'll be a validation error, which is good.
Consider using a callback (after_create, after_validation, whatever) to prepend a protocol if there isn't one there already.
(I voted up the other answers; I think they're both better than mine. But here's another option :)
