Error when testing on iOS simulator: Couldn't register with the bootstrap server - ios

I was testing my app on the simulator when it crashed on clicking a button of a UIAlertView. I stopped debugging there, made some changes to the code and built the app again. Now when I run the application, I get this error in the console
Couldn't register com.myApp.debug with the bootstrap server. Error: unknown error code.
This generally means that another instance of this process was already running or is hung in the debugger.Program received signal: “SIGABRT”.
I tried removing the app from the simulator, doing a clean build but I still get this error when I try to run the app.
What should I do to be able to run the app on my simulator again?

status: this has been seen as recently as Mac OS 10.8 and Xcode 4.4.
tl;dr: This can occur in two contexts: when running on the device and when running on the simulator. When running on the device, disconnecting and reconnecting the device seems to fix things.
Mike Ash suggested
launchctl list|grep UIKitApplication|awk '{print $3}'|xargs launchctl remove
This doesn't work all the time. In fact, it's never worked for me but it clearly works in some cases. Just don't know which cases. So it's worth trying.
Otherwise, the only known way to fix this is to restart the user launchd. Rebooting will do that but there is a less drastic/faster way. You'll need to create another admin user, but you only have to do that once. When things wedge, log out as yourself, log in as that user, and kill the launchd that belongs to your main user, e.g.,
sudo kill -9 `ps aux | egrep 'user_id .*[0-9] /sbin/launchd' | awk '{print $2}'`
substituting your main user name for user_id. Logging in again as your normal user gets you back to a sane state. Kinda painful, but less so than a full reboot.
This has started happening more often with Lion/Xcode 4.2. (Personally, I never saw it before that combination.)
The bug seems to be in launchd, which inherits the app process as a child when the debugger stops debugging it without killing it. This is usually signaled by the app becoming a zombie, having a process status of Z in ps.
The core issue appears to be in the bootstrap name server which is implemented in launchd. This (to the extent I understand it) maps app ids to mach ports. When the bug is triggered, the app dies but doesn't get cleaned out of the bootstrap server's name server map and as result, the bootstrap server refuses to allow another instance of the app to be registered under the same name.
It was hoped (see the comments) that forcing launchd to wait() for the zombie would fix things but it doesn't. It's not the zombie status that's the core problem (which is why some zombies are benign) but the bootstrap name server and there's no known way to clear this short of killing launchd.
It looks like the bug is triggered by something bad between Xcode, gdb, and the user launchd. I just repeated the wedge by running an app in the iphone simulator, having it stopped within gdb, and then doing a build and run to the ipad simulator. It seems to be sensitive to switching simulators (iOS 4.3/iOS 5, iPad/iPhone). It doesn't happen all the time but fairly frequently when I'm switching simulators a lot.
Killing launchd while you're logged in will screw up your session. Logging out and logging back in doesn't kill the user launchd; OS X keeps the existing process around. A reboot will fix things, but that's painful. The instructions above are faster.
I've submitted a bug to Apple, FWIW. rdar://10330930

Try quitting and restarting the simulator? If "worse comes to worst" you can always try restarting: in my experience this should fix it.

I find I have started having this issue with Lion + Xcode 4.2. I have also experienced the issue in Xcode 4.3.
I have tried all the suggestions but none of them have worked other than a full reboot.
Here is how you determine if you require a reboot quickly.
List out all your Zombie processes:
ps -el | grep 'Z'
If you see your app listed as a Zombie process you will need to reboot your machine. The error message states "This generally means that another instance of this process was already running or is hung in the debugger". Well, Xcode is detecting this Zombie process which you can't kill. The only way you can then fix it is with a system reboot. :(
EDIT, 20120823: I have some better knowledge of Zombie processes so I wanted to update this answer. A Zombie process is created when a parent process does not call wait() (wait for process to change state) on a terminating child process. You can't run 'kill' directly on a Zombie process but if you kill the parent process, the zombie child process will be 'reaped' and removed from the process table.
I haven't seen this issue in a long while so haven't inspected to see what the parent process is in this scenario. The alternative to killing the parent process is to reboot your system. :)

I just had this happen to me: I was getting the error only on my device and the simulator was working fine. I ended up having to reset my device and the error went away.

I'm having this problem very often recently. What would prevent this from occurring? Logging out and in fixes the problem but.. it's annoying to do so every so often.
I just found the cause. I had a bug in ApplicationWillTerminate method. So when i click stop button on Xcode window, app couldn't properly terminate and started to hang.
check Activity Monitor to see if your app is on the list. force quit if possible.

If you find your problem is due to zombie processes: ps -el | grep 'Z'
(as in the earlier comment and just want to fix the problem immediately, you can do so without rebooting or killing anything. Just rename your project target executable:
Click on the project on the left-hand pane
Select Build Settings in the middle pane
Under 'Packaging' change 'Product Name' from $(TARGET_NAME) to $(TARGET_NAME).1

Well, no answers but at least one more test to make. Open Terminal and run this command: "ps-Ael | grep Z". If you get two entries, one "(clang)" and the other your app or company name, you're hosed - reboot.
If you are a developer, enter a short bug and tell Apple how absolutely annoying having to reboot is, and mention they can dup this bug to "rdar://10401934" which I just entered.

Resetting the iOS Simulator fixed the error for me. Although this will remove all of the Apps you have in Simulator, it fixes the problem without having to restart the machine.
You can reset your iOS Simulator by doing the following:
1) Go to the "iOS Simulator" menu, next to the Apple () logo on the far left of your main screen.
2) Select "Reset Content and Settings...".
3) Read the pop message and if you agree click "Reset" otherwise, click "Don't Reset".

Close simulator
Stop the app from running in xCode.
Open Activity Monitor and search for a process running with your App NAME.
Kill this process in Activity Monitor
Rebuild your project and you should be all set

I had a recursive setter that blew through the stack and killed my app in such a way that I had to power boot my iPad. It was provable with a fix in the code.

I had the problem #jyap mentions with zombie processes. The only way to clear them was to reboot. However, I noticed that my friends working on the same project would get the same issue but could kill the simulator without creating a zombie process. I completely uninstalled Xcode and re-installed it, and while I still get the error, it doesn't create zombie processes, so I don't have to reboot.
Before I did that, I was using this really ugly workaround: change your app ID and run again. You end up with junk copies of the app in the simulator, but you can put off rebooting for a while.

This error happens a lot to me, almost every time I test the app in the Simulator, forcing me to restart.
Here's a workaround if you want to get some work done:
Click your project in the Project navigator
Go Target -> Info
Add a key for Application does not run in background and set to YES.
This will mean that when you press the home button in the simulator or quit the simulator, the app doesn't hang.
Don't forget to change this setting back before distribution! Put it on your release checklist :)

If this happens when testing on the iPhone. Just restart the phone. From what I have been told the phone or simulator still believes there is an instance of the app running, so when it was last run it had not terminated correctly do to either an error in your code or the phone/simulator just wanted to have a moan.

I got this error while debugging my app on an iPhone 4. Hard rebooting the iPhone solved my problem. (Powering off the iPhone hung...)
I did not have any zombie process on my mac and rebooting the mac did not solve the problem.
Maybe this bug can manifest itself on both the simulator and actual devices???

Restarted the Device, Worked! :D
Thanks Everyone for the great suggestions.

I just had this error. I tried restarting the simulator and Xcode but my project would only work again after a clean and build. No idea what caused it.

I had same problem and solved it by doing the following
Deleting the app from the device,
Disconnecting the device from Mac,
Turning the device off and back on,
Quitting and relaunching Xcode,
Quitting Instruments,
Finally, Clean and Build again.
I also did one more thing, because Xcode is configured to use iOS 5.0 and my project uses iOS 4.3
Remove all frameworks and add them again.

Alternate workaround:
Give your app a new identifier. If it's called com.foobar.myapp, call it com.foobar.myapp01
You lose all data in the app as it's actually a new app running as far as the iPhone simulator is concerned. This may or may not be more annoying than rebooting - just wanted to add it to the list.

The Cause
Running your app in the Simulator before the previously running app has completely stopped.
The Fix
Wait until you see the Stop button become active again before running again.
(I'm using Xcode 4.2.1. This problem happened very frequently when I upgraded to OS X Lion).

Fixed by rebooting my phone after deleting the app, then rebuilding it clean and running again. Works fine now.

No rebuild or reinstall needed for my issue, and in my case the error appeared when trying to run the app on the iPhone. Simulator worked fine.
Solution: Delete app off phone, do a cold restart of phone and now all is well.

Happened a lot for me with Xcode 4.2.1 on Lion. Updated to 4.3.2 and it doesnt happen anymore. Glad they fixed it.

Mike Ash posted a solution (god bless him!) that doesn't require a reboot. Just run:
launchctl list|grep UIKitApplication|awk '{print $3}'|xargs launchctl remove
The above command lists out all launchd jobs, searches for one with
UIKitApplication in the name (which will be the job corresponding to
your app that's improperly sticking around), extracts the name, and
tells launchd to get rid of that job.

I think this is caused by force-quitting your app on the iPhone prior to pressing the stop button in Xcode. Sometimes when you press the stop button in Xcode, then it takes extra time to quit the app if it hung. But just be patient, it will eventually quit most of the time.

You may alloc variable in function or tab. It will dealloc if your function or tab is quit.
So you must declarate it member variable or global variable.

I was getting this error all the time until I stopped trusting the "Stop" button in the Run dialog box. Now that I always hit stop in the toolbar before trying to run, I have yet to encounter any zombie processes.

Oh my - I tried EVERYTHING listed above and in other posts. Re-installed Xcode, rebooted my machine, copied all the missing files into the right folders... Eventually I backed-up my iphone, wiped it and restored it, and it worked!
I think what may have been the cause from reading in and around this was disconnecting my iphone white it was running with performance tools catching leaks. Or some such thing.
Aaaah, big sigh of relief.

In most worst condition Reset content and setting of iOS Simulater, and most of the time in my case, quitting XCode along with simulator, always work works for me with XCode4.6 (that frequently get hanged)

I faced this kind of issue once in my case here's what i did
Delete the app from simulator.
Delete the derived data folder.
Perform a clean action in the project by selecting the product menu - clean
Reset the simulator.
Quit Xcode.
Try running the project now if its working fine else go to step 7
Repeat all steps from 1 to 5 and then restart your machine.
In most of the cases i got it running at step 6 extreme cases i had to restart my machine.

This error used to occur in older versions of the iOS Simulator because older instances of a job in another device that was shutting down could collide with the new instance.
iOS 6.0 and later should not experience issues like this because iOS 6.0 introduced the usage of bootstrap subsets, and iOS 7.0 introduced the usage of a dedicated bootstrap server (launchd_sim) which is completely isolated from the host's bootstrap server.


Xcode6 can't run any app in simulator ( Domain = NSPOSIXErrorDomain, Code = 3 )

No app can run in my simulator, although building is good.
Error messsage is below:
Unable to run app in Simulator
An error was encountered while running (Domain = NSPOSIXErrorDomain, Code = 3)
In my case, I tried to run the app on a iPhone 6 simulator when I got this error. Quitted the simulator only and re-ran the app on iPhone 5s (8.1) - it worked fine.
After a while I changed the target back to iPhone 6 (without quitting it), and ran the app against it - no error shown.
As mentioned in the Xcode 6.1 Release Notes and in my sticky post in the Apple Developer Forums for the iOS Simulator, this is a known bug in iOS.
Upon installation of an app, SpringBoard will SIGKILL that app's
process in order to force a relaunch of the app with the new
executable. The problem is that there is a race condition whereby
SpringBoard may accidentally SIGKILL a new process that we just
launched rather than the old process. Which of the various error
messages you get depends on exactly when in the launch process the
SIGKILL was delivered. Normally, this shouldn't happen, so the advise
is to just try again (sorry =/). If you find that this happes to you
all the time or more frequently than you can tollerate, we are
incredibly sorry. We are aware that systems with slower disk I/O will
see this happen more frequently than faster systems, so if you are
using an NFS home directory, you may want to create a local directory
for your simulator data and setup a simlink to it from
By Quitting the Simulator and Run the application worked for me.
For me , just Reset Content and setting in your simulator
Restart Mac can solve the problem for me.
This error is less severe than "Domain = DTiPhoneSimulatorErrorDomain, Code = 2" error that I had when I switched to Xcode 6.
For this one, I just reset and cleared contents on my Simulator...quit. Rebuilt and ran my app...and it works.
Every time this has happened to me (as of this writing, still happening on Xcode 6.1) I do not need to restart my mac to fix it. Instead I only had to restart the simulator. I exit the simulator by right-clicking on its icon in the tray and selecting the option to Quit. The I re-run my app and the simulator starts from scratch and runs my app with no error. Much quicker than re-starting the mac.
Well, I had the same error popping up, but since I force quitted the simulator then ran the project again I got it fixed and running fine. Hope that helps you :)
If this error occurs with ionic framework, make sure you have an app id given in your config.xml
This is a generic error which says that it is unable to launch the app. The real error is in the log file. Go to the Simulator menu, Debug / Open System Log. Then press Reveal button to open the folder with actual Simulator logs. In my case it was CoreSimulator.log.
Here you will find the real error. My error was Could not register service .
After a lot to struggle and trying all suggestions for half a day, I just went to simulator menu and chose File / GPU Selection / Use External GPU when available. That's it.
please download new xcode_6 beta 4. your project will work in simulator. As i have tested as well.
Sometimes the beta version of XCode is wrongly configured to use the command line tools from the previous xcode version.
This solution should fix the issue for you :

Xcode 4.6 hangs on "Attaching to..." when using LLDB debugger

As the title says, I'm having issues using LLDB. I've looked into this thread Xcode 4 hangs on attaching to (App name) when debugger is set to LLDB and followed the instructions given because I'm having exactly the same issue, and managed to debug by using GDB - it works flawlessly. Anyway, i'm working in a team and I'm the only one who's having this issue, so it's a bit annoying to switch back and forward from GDB to LLDB every time i commit changes so the workaround doesn't get synchronized in the remote repository.
I've checked the compiler, and it's set to LLVM 4.2. In fact, the app compiles perfectly and gets installed in the simulator (i can execute it once I kill and restart Xcode). I would try to reinstall Xcode, but it's a mess since it's a big-sized package and I have a limit on my internet usage, it would take a long while. Does anyone know what's happening here? Is it possible that LLGB is bundled outside XCode, even if I failed to locate it on the system?
Any insight would be appreciated. I can keep the workaround going, it's just that it's a bit annoying given my personal circumstances :-)
EDIT: More details about what I mean by 'hung'. I start with Xcode open, and simulator closed (it doesn't even appear on the Dock). I click 'Run', the simulator is launched successfully, and the application shows the Splash Screen. Then xcode shows the message: "Attaching to ". And now it's hung. You can close the simulator, and xcode is still attaching. Both the Run and Stop buttons stop working. You can try to exit the application by right-clicking on the dock, you get an alert message, and from this point you can't even type code: XCode is fully hung. The only choice here is to kill XCode by using Cmd+Alt+Esc.
This sounds like it could be the problem some folks were seeing in Why does the LLDB Debugger constantly fail to attach? where they'd modified their /etc/hosts file so when Xcode tried to connect to debugserver via "localhost", the connection was never set up.
When Xcode hangs, try switching to Simulator by clicking on its Dock icon. Don't use Cmd+Tab.
Upgrading to XCode 4.6.2 fixed this issue for me

Unable to run app on iPhone simulator suddenly

My app has been running fine on iPhone simulator. I have hit an issue (discussed here: Intermittent error accessing core data model / contacts database) and now all of a sudden, it won't build and run on iPhone simulator. I have the following error:
Couldn't register com.yourcompany.XXX with the bootstrap server. Error: unknown error code.
This generally means that another instance of this process was already running or is hung in the debugger.(lldb)
Any thoughts? I have tried totally closing and resetting iPS as well as deleting the app and reinstalling but to no avail.
Very frustrating!!!
Reset your iphone simulator and clean up your xcode project.
in xcode.
It happens quite a lot for me, especially during frequent restarts of the simulated app. I tracked it down to (at least sometimes) a race condition or deadlock when the simulated app is shutting down and a new one is starting up.
Quitting the simulator usually work
If that does not help, restart Xcode
Sometimes processes may linger and restarting the Mac is ususally the quickest way to recover (although clever use of the killall command can salvage the situation if it is really inconvenient to restart).
Quit the iPhone simulator and run it again.
Quit the simulator and xcode.Also delete the app from your simulator.... and if it does not work goto target setting and change something like name of app in bundle identifier . and it should work
You are using Core Data. So its possible you changed the dataModel and NSManagedObject class is changed. So it will crash until you delete application from simulator and run your project again..

Why does my app work in the simulator but get stuck on the splash screen when I run it on my iPhone?

My app runs fine on the simulator. However, when I run it on my iPhone, it gets as far as displaying the splash screen and then just stays there. It's an iPhone 3GS and the software version is 5.0.1. That's what happens when Debugger = None. When Debugger = GDB, I get an error message, 'Thread 1: Program received signal: "SIGABRT"', which I have learned can mean almost anything. I'm running Xcode 4.2.1.
I'm coming off a long hard night of battling with this error message, which appeared seemingly out of nowhere in a stable mature app. I tried to roll back with time machine, I deleted the Derived data for my project in Organizer a few times and did some of the other stuff recommended in this thread.
XCode 4 hangs at "Attaching to (app name)"
It got ugly. For a while, I couldn't even reboot my machine. Eventually, I was able to relaunch finder and suddenly the Simulator was working again. Two more pieces of information, I used to have to click allow in two dialog boxes when running on my phone but now it's only one (the one about code signing, I forget what the other one was about). Second, I find all the build architecture target stuff confusing but I set all my Base SDKs to be latest iOS. Lastly, I tried Product --> Clean and then Build but that didn't fix it. As you may have gathered, I'm getting my butt kicked. Any help would be much appreciated.
Many times I have experienced Xcode going "crazy" with a physical device connected. At times I saw the behavior you describes; other the app simply refused to start;
In all of those cases, I could fixed it in either of two ways:
disconnect the iphone and connect it again;
reboot the device.
This is a very common problem that is easily fixable.
1) remove the app from the device
2) reboot the device
3) close Xcode and you must restart, logging out will not work

Xcode blocked at “Attaching to (app name)” when I launch my app in the simulator

I know there's a lot of posts with the same that problem. I just spent at least 2 hours to read them and I tried everything I saw in the responses but it still doesn't work. I don't know what to do anymore. Can someone help me?
I use Xcode 4.2.1
This problem occurs regularly for me, and the solution was always to kill the process named SimulatorBridge.
And to simplify the solution you can add a custom 'behavior' in Xcode to do the task by following these steps:
Make a shell script file with this command:
killall SimulatorBridge
Save it in ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/UserData/Behaviors/ as
Open Xcode > Preferences > Behaviors, and add a new behavior to run the shell script:
Now, you can run this behavior whenever Xcode hangs while trying to attach to your app, and you can even have a keyboard shortcut to run it.
Hope this helps someone.
It can also happen when a different user account has the simulator running on the same computer. In that case, close the simulator on the other user's account and try again.
Restart your computer.
The simulator sometimes gets stuck and this is the only way I know to reset it. The same thing can happen to the device as well and you just have to switch it off and on again.
If that doesn't work, you may have to reinstall the SDK.
