What is bootstrapping? - bootstrapping

I keep seeing "bootstrapping" mentioned in discussions of application development. It seems both widespread and important, but I've yet to come across even a poor explanation of what bootstrapping actually is; rather, it seems as though everyone is just supposed to know what it means. I don't, though. Near as I can figure, it has something to do with initialization tasks required of an application upon launch, but I could be completely wrong about that. Can anyone help me to understand this idea?

"Bootstrapping" comes from the term "pulling yourself up by your own bootstraps." That much you can get from Wikipedia.
In computing, a bootstrap loader is the first piece of code that runs when a machine starts, and is responsible for loading the rest of the operating system. In modern computers it's stored in ROM, but I recall the bootstrap process on the PDP-11, where you would poke bits via the front-panel switches to load a particular disk segment into memory, and then run it. Needless to say, the bootstrap loader is normally pretty small.
"Bootstrapping" is also used as a term for building a system using itself -- or more correctly, a predecessor version. For example, ANTLR version 3 is written using a parser developed in ANTLR version 2.

An example of bootstrapping is in some web frameworks. You call index.php (the bootstrapper), and then it loads the frameworks helpers, models, configuration, and then loads the controller and passes off control to it.
As you can see, it's a simple file that starts a large process.

The term "bootstrapping" usually applies to a situation where a system depends on itself to start, sort of a chicken and egg problem.
For instance:
How do you compile a C compiler written in C?
How do you start an OS initialization process if you don't have the OS running yet?
How do you start a distributed (peer-to-peer) system where the clients depend on their currently known peers to find out about new peers in the system?
In that case, bootstrapping refers to a way of breaking the circular dependency, usually with the help of an external entity, e.g.
You can use another C compiler to compile (bootstrap) your own compiler, and then you can use it to recompile itself
You use a separate piece of code that sets up the initial process without depending on any functions provided by the OS
You use a hard-coded list of initial peers or a hard-coded tracker URL that supplies the peer list

See on the Wikipedia article on bootstrapping.
There is a section and links explaining what it means in Computing. It has four different uses in the field.
Here are some quotes, but for a more in depth explanation, and alternative meanings, consult the links above.
"...is a technique by which a simple computer program activates a more complicated system of programs."
"A different use of the term bootstrapping is to use a compiler to compile itself, by first writing a small part of a compiler of a new programming language in an existing language to compile more programs of the new compiler written in the new language."

In the context of application development, "bootstrapping" usually comes up when talking about modular and/or auto-updatable software.
Rather than the user downloading the entire app, including features he does not need, and re-downloading and manually updating it whenever there is an update, the user only downloads and starts a small "bootstrap" executable, which in turn downloads and installs those parts of the application that the user needs. Additionally, the bootstrap component is able to look for updates and install them each time it is started.

Alex, it's pretty much what your computer does when it boots up. ('Booting' a computer actually comes from the word bootstrapping)
Initially, the small program in your BIOS runs. That contains enough machine code to load and run a larger, more complex program.
That second program is probably something like NTLDR (in Windows) or LILO (in Linux), which then executes and is able to load, then run, the rest of the operating system.

For completeness, it is also a rather important (and relatively new) method in statistics that uses resampling / simulation to infer population properties from a sample. It has its own lengthy Wikipedia article on bootstrapping (statistics).

Boot strapping the dictionary meaning is to start up with minimum resources. In the Context of an OS the OS should be able to swiftly load once the Power On Self Test (POST) determines that its safe to wake up the CPU. The boot strap code will be run from the BIOS. BIOS is a small sized ROM. Generally it is a jump instruction to the set of instructions which will load the Operating system to the RAM. The destination of the Jump is the Boot sector in the Hard Disk. Once the bios program checks it is a valid Boot sector which contains the starting address of the stored OS, ie whether it is a valid MBR (Master Boot Record) or not. If its a valid MBR the OS will be copied to the memory (RAM)from there on the OS takes care of Memory and Process management.

As the question is answered. For web develoment.
I came so far and found a good explanation about bootsrapping in Laravel doc. Here is the link
In general, we mean registering things, including registering service
container bindings, event listeners, middleware, and even routes.
hope it will help someone who learning web application development.

Bootstrapping has yet another meaning in the context of reinforcement learning that may be useful to know for developers, in addition to its use in software development (most answers here, e.g. by kdgregory) and its use in statistics as discussed by Dirk Eddelbuettel.
From Sutton and Barto:
Widrow, Gupta, and Maitra (1973) modified the Least-Mean-Square (LMS)
algorithm of Widrow and Hoff (1960) to produce a reinforcement
learning rule that could learn from success and failure signals
instead of from training examples. They called this form of learning
“selective bootstrap adaptation” and described it as “learning with a
critic” instead of “learning with a teacher.” They analyzed this rule
and showed how it could learn to play blackjack. This was an isolated
foray into reinforcement learning by Widrow, whose contributions to
supervised learning were much more influential.
The book describes various reinforcement algorithms where the target value is based on a previous approximation as bootstrap methods:
Finally, we note
one last special property of DP [Dynamic Programming] methods. All of them update estimates
of the values of states based on estimates of the values of successor
states. That is, they update estimates on the basis of other
estimates. We call this general idea bootstrapping. Many reinforcement
learning methods perform bootstrapping, even those that do not
require, as DP requires, a complete and accurate model of the
Note that this differs from bootstrap aggregating and intelligence explosion that is mentioned on the wikipedia page on bootstrapping.

I belong to the generation who flipped switches to enter a boot program. In the early 1980s, I worked on a microcomputer called Micro-78, developed by Electronics Corporation of India Ltd (ECIL). It was a sort of clone of Altair 8800. I distinctly remember what happens when a small boot program was entered using the toggle switches and executed by pressing a button. The program reads a second boot program contained in the 1st track of the floppy disk and overwrites it on itself in such a way that the second boot program starts executing to load a disk operating system. I think the term "bootstrap" refers to this process of the first boot program reading and overwriting the second boot program on itself, in a way "pulling itself up" with the additional functionality of the second boot program. That may be the origin of the original meaning of "the bootstrap program".

IMHO there is not a better explanation than the fact about How was the first compiler written?
These days the Operating System loading is the most common process referred as Bootstrapping

In terms of it in regards to using the popular Twitter Bootstrap I feel like this type of bootstrapping is the action of integrating a modular component into a Web application without the Web application having to even acknowledge the modular component exists until it needs it or references it.
The developer can seamlessly integrate a default copy of the CSS Twitter Bootstrap theme by simply loading (referencing) it into the Web application. Vuola! Then you may need to override some of these changes, but you can do so in such a way that the resource/component is untouched and completely reusable.
This same concept is how Web Devs implement jQuery APIs and so on, but it's not really expressed by Devs as bootstrapping per se. What it does is it improves flexibility and reusability while allowing the isolation of different components/resources of an app to reside freely either on the same server/s or possibly on a CDN.
NOTE: In computing bootstrapping deals with the MBR and in UNIX it requires a special bootloader or manager which is a small program in ROM that loads the OS into RAM. If you think about it the same concept takes places in the action of the bootstrap loader checking the MBR and loading the OS based on this table which occurs without the OS having any idea that this takes place.

Bootstrap file is responsible for loading contents of main file. It is a wrapper around main file. This way we can catch errors if loading of file was unsuccessful for some reason.

As a humble beginner in the world of programming, and flicking through all the answers here after seeing this word used a lot in apparently slightly different ways in different places, I found reading the Wikipedia page on Bootstrapping (duh! I didn't think of it either at first) is very informative to understand differences in use of this word. Could it be......on extremely rare occasions......Wikipedia might even have better explanations of certain terms than....(redacted)? Will they bring in rep points on Wikipedia though?
To me, it seems all the meanings something to do with: start with something as simple as possible Thing1, make something slightly more complex with that Thing2, and now you can use Thing2 to do some kind of tasks more efficiently and quickly than you could originally with Thing1. Then repeat from Thing2 to Thing 3 ad infinitum...
I see it as closely connected to both biological evolution and 'Layers of Abstraction' (newbies like me see, ahem, Wikipedia, cough) - the evolution from 1940's computers with switches, machine code, Assembly, C, Python, AIs you can give all kinds of complex instructions to like "make the %4^% dinner to my default &^$% requirements and clean the floor you %$£"#:~" in drunken slang English or Amazon tribal dialect without them 'raising an exception' (for newbies again...you guessed it) - missed out lot of links there due to simple ignorance.
Then in certain specific software meanings:
Meaning1: Thing1 is used to load latest version of Thing2 (because of course Thing2 will be bigger than Thing1, just as Thing3 will be be bigger than Thing2).
Meaning2: Thing1 is a lower level language (closer to 1001011100....011001 than print("Hello, ", user.name)) used to write a little bit of the higher language of Thing2, then this little bit of Thing2 is used to expand Thing2 itself from baby vocabulary level towards adult vocabulary level (Thing2 starts to be processed, or to use correct technical term 'compiled', by the baby version of itself (it's a clever baby!), whereas the baby version of Thing2 itself could of course only be compiled by Thing1, cause it can't exist before it exists, right duh!), then child version of Thing2 compiles Surly Teenager version of Thing2, at which point programming community decides whether Surly Teenager's 'issues' (software term and metaphor term!) are worth spending enough time resolving to be accepted long term, or to abandon them to (not sure where to take the analogy here).
If yes, then Thing2 has 'Bootstrapped' itself (possibly a few times) from babyhood to adulthood: "the child is the father of the man" (Wordsworth, suggest don't try looking up the quote or the author on Stack Overflow).


Erlang Hot Code Loading not widely used?

I just saw this 2012 video from LinuxConf.au about Erlang in production.
There's a part on the video where Bernard says no big Erlang projects use Hot Code Loading apart from Ericsson, because it's really hard to guarantee things will work. It's around minute 29.
Is that still true? Are there tools to help test a hot code load or or make it easier nowadays?
This is not true. Every Erlang user uses hot code loading to his advantage in one way or another -- whether it is for development, testing, troubleshooting, one-off fixes, or full scale deployments. This is one of the major Erlang advantages. Rather unique too.
For example, WhatsApp, one of the biggest Erlang users, relies on hot code loading for almost all code pushes.
I have personally worked with hot code loading in scenarios where each change was well understood and often performed by the same person who made the change. It works extremely well and good engineers don't have any problems doing this. Speaking of tools, loading modules one by one from Erlang shell using l(...). or all at once using l(). (see here) works just fine. Some prefer release-based tools like relx.
Others, like Ericsson, use enterprise-style deployments with hot code loading after rigorous testing of clear-cut releases and patches. The goal here is to upgrade without using spare capacity and special procedures for draining and shifting load. Operationally this may be simpler and more efficient than restarts, but testing can be more expensive.
It is difficult to know whether it is a feature widely or scarcely used. Nowadays there are plenty of Erlang systems out there. I can however think of reasons why and why not to use it, since I have been working with bot options for quite some time.
In favour of using it:
It is obviously quite useful during development to ensure a fast feedback cycle. I always develop with an open shell, and with functions to load code automatically as son as compile.
In the rare case you need to implement a monolithic application with high availability requirements, it is basically the only option
The main reason not to use it, as the presentation states: it is hard. Even if you manage to understand exactly how it works (which is not the hardest part).
It is not, in my opinion just a problem of tooling, but rather that you are getting a lot of intrinsic complications just by the fact that now your code is part of the mutable running state of the system. You basically end up having a long running system that changes behaviour, so you add those to the problems you already had:
You are no longer sure that restarting the system will not change behaviour on any fundamental way. So you will probably need to put extra care on making sure that whatever code you load, it is also written to disk.
Changing the way your modules work (i.e. loading new code) is very tricky unless a) you never break compatibility, b) you somehow figure out the order in which the modules should change or c) you assume the worst that can happen is a few crashes due to undefined functions, function or case clauses, etc, and hope for the best (the actual worst is when the new and old modules interact in unexpected ways while you haven't finished loading all of the new ones and the actually run some impossible logic).
You will almost certainly will end up killing some process running old code when loading new code at some point. Maybe your supervisors will help you, maybe not. In any case that could be very confusing and difficult to debug.
As the presentation also states, is very hard to test (if not impossible).
Adding to all those, you are running a long living server with long living state, which is far from ideal.
So my advise is always that, if you could get away with a distributed application and rolling upgrades, you should do it. That option is much easier to handle, and in my experience, performs better overall.

llvm based code mutation for genetic programming?

for a study on genetic programming, I would like to implement an evolutionary system on basis of llvm and apply code-mutations (possibly on IR level).
I found llvm-mutate which is quite useful executing point mutations.
As far as I have understood, the instructions get count/numbered, one can then e.g. delete a numbered instruction.
However, introduction of new instructions seems to be possible as one of the availeable statements in the code.
Real mutation however would allow to insert any of the allowed IR instructions, irrespective of it beeing used in the code to be mutated.
In addition, it should be possible to insert library function calls of linked libraries (not used in the current code, but possibly available, because the lib has been linked in clang).
Did I overlook this in the llvm-mutate or is it really not possible so far?
Are there any projects trying to /already have implement(ed) such mutations for llvm?
llvm has lots of code analysis tools which should allow the implementation of the afore mentioned approach. llvm is huge, so I'm a bit disoriented. Any hints which tools could be helpful (e.g. getting a list of available library functions etc.)?
Very interesting question. I have been intrigued by the possibility of doing binary-level genetic programming for a while. With respect to what you ask:
It is apparent from their documentation that LLVM-mutate can't do what you are asking. However, I think it is wise for it not to. My reasoning is that any machine-language genetic program would inevitably face the "Halting Problem", e.g. it would be impossible to know if a randomly generated instruction would completely crash the whole computer (for example, by assigning a value to a OS-reserved pointer), or it might run forever and take all of your CPU cycles. Turing's theorem tells us that it is impossible to know in advance if a given program would do that. Mind you, LLVM-mutate can cause for a perfectly harmless program to still crash or run forever, but I think their approach makes it less likely by only taking existing instructions.
However, such a thing as "impossibility" only deters scientists, not engineers :-)...
What I have been thinking is this: In nature, real mutations work a lot more like LLVM-mutate that like what we do in normal Genetic Programming. In other words, they simply swap letters out of a very limited set (A,T,C,G) and every possible variation comes out of this. We could have a program or set of programs with an initial set of instructions, plus a set of "possible functions" either linked or defined in the program. Most of these functions would not be actually used, but they will be there to provide "raw DNA" for mutations, just like in our DNA. This set of functions would have the complete (or semi-complete) set of possible functions for a problem space. Then, we simply use basic operations like the ones in LLVM-mutate.
Some possible problems though:
Given the amount of possible variability, the only way to have
acceptable execution times would be to have massive amounts of
computing power. Possibly achievable in the Cloud or with GPUs.
You would still have to contend with Mr. Turing's Halting Problem.
However I think this could be resolved by running the solutions in a
"Sandbox" that doesn't take you down if the solution blows up:
Something like a single-use virtual machine or a Docker-like
container, with a time limitation (to get out of infinite loops). A
solution that crashes or times out would get the worst possible
fitness, so that the programs would tend to diverge away from those
As to why do this at all, I can see a number of interesting applications: Self-healing programs, programs that self-optimize for an specific environment, program "vaccination" against vulnerabilities, mutating viruses, quality assurance, etc.
I think there's a potential open source project here. It would be insane, dangerous and a time-sucking vortex: Just my kind of project. Count me in if someone doing it.

How would one code an application in Forth (or Factor)?

I'm potentially interested in exploring a stack-based language like Forth (or Factor). What I'd like to see is how an application might be built from the ground up, step by step. The tutorials I've found are rudimentary and are not helping me to understand the bigger picture. It's confusing to think of how one might manage the stack when dealing with lots of parts.
I've always thought (maybe wrongly) that a good way to learn a language would be to use it to write a Roguelike game. I'm having trouble trying figure out how one would juggle a lot of things on a stack: a maze, dozens of creatures, treasures, character stats, etc.
In some sense, all languages are equivalent; you write a program by breaking a problem down into smaller pieces, then you code up those pieces and make them all work together. Forth has unusual syntax features, but it's still a programming language.
In fact, Forth places a great deal of power at your fingertips, much as Lisp does. In Lisp, using "macros", you can write your own control structures that are just as good as anything built-in; in Forth, you can do the same.
If you are interested in finding out more about Forth, I suggest you get the classic books Starting Forth and Thinking Forth by Leo Brodie.
Oh! Google just told me that both books are available free online now:
I'd point you to Factor rather than pure Forth; there are plenty of sample apps, GUIs, web apps, etc. If you're specifically interested in a web framework, look at Furnace.
Ultimately I don't understand the question; what does being stack-based have to do with getting anything done? Back in the old days it was the language of choice for embedded systems; I wrote everything from cereal boxing robots to calculators to... well, mostly everything.
I attempt to directly answer all of your questions at the bottom of this answer. But before that, here are 7 points or aspects of learning stack-based Forth, or generally about stack-based-languages, or ways to proceed with your goals:
1: Here is a key way to think about this: The stack is not the place where you keep your data -- just the way that you pass parameters from one function (or method) to another.
2: There is a "Basic Language" interpreter written in Forth. This would be one way to write an application in Forth -- write your own Basic interpreter (or type in one you find), then write the Roguelike game in the Basic language you just created.
3: If you go through the old "Forth Dimensions" magazine, several different object-oriented extensions to Forth were created and presented (including source code). Type one of those in, and use it to write your rogue-like game in one of those object-oriented ways. If you're still stuck, write it in your favorite C language -- C++, C#, or Java, and here's the key... write it as primitively as you can. Then take your own application apart -- each method, enum, constant, etc. constitutes part of a Domain Specific Language that you created in order to implement the game. Write down those parts, and figure out how to do it in Forth, ideally using only the idioms of Forth. You may have to work in Forth a while to get to that stage.
4: Learn how to program in assembly language, an assembly language for which a Forth exists that has an embedded assembler for the same microcontroller or CPU. This is where Forth really crushed the competition when computers were just becoming more widely available -- bringing a completely new microcontroller up, creating the BIOS and the OS. Once you've done this in pure assembly language, then go into the Forth that has the same assembly language and program the same application, but using the Forth assembler to build the building blocks (the DSL's) and then writing the BIOS and the OS in those DSL's. Forths happen to be both low-level and high-level at the same time, and the best-written applications are written in multiple DSL's, not in stack-based primitives. Once you've written in assembly language, when you try to learn Forth, you will find that it is easy -- the basic mechanisms are simple, but the combination of basic mechanisms is simple, powerful and elegant.
5: Look at either C# or Java, and realize that they are both based on Virtual Machines, which is a specific kind of DSL. But also realize that both Virtual Machines are stack machines, and the language that powers both of them are stack based languages. But if you program in Java, or if you program in C#, you really don't think at all about the stack foundation upon which you are running -- and that's a really good thing! You want to follow the same pattern. A. Realize what basic mechanisms / tools you need, B. Build the tools you need, C. Build your application with the tools you built. You may have to translate your own infix pseudocode to the postfix VM you've created. Do you need Object Orientation?--You can build it with Forth. Do you need multiprocessing?--You can build it. Do you need an Erlang kind of light multithreading?--You can build it. Do you need a Basic, a Pascal, a C#, a Java, a Lua?--You can build it. Build your Roguelike game in your favorite language, then perhaps a different language, then assembly language. Then build it in Forth.
6: At this link, there is a way to make a microprocessor that natively runs CIL (Common Intermediate Language -- the stack based language of both .NET and Mono, which used to be MSIL Microsoft Intermediate Language, before Microsoft Open Sourced the specification). You buy the IP logic block and then program it into an FPGA. Here is the Abstract of a paper that describes the object-oriented stack-based language and implementation of CIL:
Embedded systems and their applications are becoming ubiquitous and
transparent. Nowadays, the designers need to implement both hardware
and software as fast as they can to face the competition. Hence tools
and IPs became an important factor of the equation. In this paper, we
present a synthesizable core similar to the microarchitecture of
Tanenbaum's (2006) JVM processor. The core is an implementation of a
subset of Microsoft's CIL (Common Intermediate Language). We seek to
accelerate the development of embedded software by providing a
platform onto which the whole .NET framework (C#, Visual Basic.NET...)
(along with its object-oriented approach) could execute. We used a
Xilinx Virtex II Pro as the prototyping platform.
7: Go to the current work-place of Charles Moore, the father of Forth, GreenArrays, Inc. and look under Features for "Implements the colorForth instruction set", -- and you will find that he, too, has taken his virtual machine, having optimized Forth his entire life, and reduced it to an insanely fast 144 core microchip with a claimed capability of 100 BIPS. Here, you should be able to look at the "colorForth instruction set" and the description of it -- he has removed any fluff and bloat, and reduced it to an extremely spartan instruction set. We should learn from this genius before it is too late (he is advanced in years, and Covid19 currently threatens many of our patriarchs).
Below, I try to more directly handle each aspect of your question:
How would one code an application in Forth (or Factor)?
Same way as you would with any other application, learn the building blocks, and build the simplest thing that could possibly work, then grow it from there.
I'm potentially interested in exploring a stack-based language like Forth (or Factor).
There are a multitude of stack-based languages around. They seem to be the foundation, not only of most processors, but also of most virtual machines, as in Java and the JVM, and C# and the CIL.
What I'd like to see is how an application might be built from the ground up, step by step.
That's a great idea for a Forth book... Anybody game? I know there are a lot of Forth people out there, and because of Covid19, a lot of you are at home, too. What kink of application would you like to see? Just looking at FPC teaches a lot.
The tutorials I've found are rudimentary and are not helping me to understand the bigger picture.
There are higher level tutorials out there. But widen your search -- include JVM, CIL, and even LUA (because I think it has a VM, too). Write an app in Lisp. Then take the primitives you built in Lisp, and implement them in Forth, or Factor, or CIL, or JVM instructions.
It's confusing to think of how one might manage the stack when dealing with lots of parts.
That's why I said that you should learn an assembly language -- because most stack-based languages are a micro-step up from that. You have to learn the basic levers, springs, latches, and other primitive mechanisms out of which all of our software is ultimately made. But you only think in terms of stacks to make the primitive mechanisms -- once you have those made, in general, don't even touch the stack stuff -- think only in terms of the basic mechanisms, then build progressively higher layers, even progressing to object orientation, as exemplified in the CIL and JVM. The better applications are layers of implicit DSL's, each DSL targeted at a step up from the previous one. The layers are: Assembly-Language, CIL or other VM, BIOS, Operating-System, Library, Business-Language, Application. Most people only think of the Business-Language layer as a DSL, but every single layer is its own DSL, and really, every class, method, object, config-file, and specialized language, like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc. -- they are ALL DSL's, either explicitly (formally specified) or implicitly (created by the programmer as things are built.) Understanding gained from book "Code Complete" second edition -- read over and over is my suggestion.
I've always thought (maybe wrongly) that a good way to learn
a language would be to use it to write a Roguelike game.
Sure... but pick anything you like, really. But perhaps try getting an Arm-based Arduino, programming it, disassembling that, then writing your own assembly language -- then get a Forth for that Arm chip, and program it in that. Then implement your Roguelike game in the Arm-Forth.
I'm having trouble trying figure out how one would juggle a lot of
things on a stack: a maze, dozens of creatures, treasures, character
stats, etc.
Build your "Rogue" Domain-Specific-Language, make that into a VM, then implement the VM instructions first in a high level stack language, like CIL, then try to figure out how to do it in one of the low-level stack-languages. There are many flavors of object-orientation implemented in Forth -- spelunk the old Forth Dimensions articles
and some of the old Forth conference presentations to find them. Google, and the "Internet Archive", or Way-Back Machine, are your friends for this.

Migrate an app from Delphi to Silverlight C#

I have a legacy desktop accounting application developed using Delphi 5 & Paradox, which I intend to migrate to a web based Silverlight (for the sake of UX) application with SQL Server.
Can anybody suggest a way to implement this quickly?
I know this is a very open-ended question and I am not looking for concrete answers. Instead opinion/experiences from SO users.
My main concern is about migration approach, possible architecture and design patterns (for SL I know of MVVM) implementation.
Quickly? That's what every manager wants, but I doubt it.
You have fundamentally different models of UIs, and different programming languages.
Unless these applications are small, it is unlikely that will be able to convert them by hand in any short period of time (or even by yourself as it appears the OP implies "I intend").
Gartner Group has analyzed manual migrations, and suggests if everything is "similar" the actual conversion rate is ~~ 150 lines/day, which is possible because you are translating more or less directly from a working, debugged application. (Just how big is the application in SLOC?) So, if you have 75,000 lines of code, you're looking at 500 man-days minimum. You might make the case that Delphi as programming langauges and C# are similar. You cannot reasonably make that case for the Delphi UI and Silverlight, so this estimate is a lower bound.
There are those that say, "just throw it away and recode it from scratch". Unless your productivity exceeds 150 debugged lines of code per day [classic software engineering texts will tell you it is much smaller than this] this will take you even longer. Usually it fails because you end up forgetting what features exist in the current program, and rediscover them late in development or worse after an attempted reployment. Usually what happens is the old application continues to evolve while the new one is being built (remember, you're 500 man-days away from the new one minimum!) and the new one has to play catchup with these changes. If the application has any serious scale (e.g., a million lines) this often prevents the new one from ever being servicable. Another way to think about this, "how long did it take to build the original application?", and "why should building a replacement be enormously easier?". YMMV, if you can work miracles.
My very biased opinion (I build langauge translation tools) is that one of the most practical ways to do this is automated translation. This has its costs, too; they aren't off-the-shelf items no matter what somebody tells you. You have set up the translator, and that also takes a lot of energy, but that energy is proportional to the size of the language and (UI) library features used, rather than the application size, so it is far more effective as the program gets large. This is still on the order of hundreds of man-days to code and test for just for the langauge translation part. The difference is that once set up, you can apply it to the existing application of whatever size in whatever state it happens to be in. There's more complications than this, but this approach overcomes the "can't catch up" problem of manual conversions, and the "can't get enough coders to manually translate it".
For more details, see my answer on how to translate between languages.
If your application is relatively small, there are IMHO no good answers. Hand translation or recoding are likely your only (ugly) choices.
My suggestion would be to create "value add" extras and updates to your application using Silverlight as and when the need for extra functionality comes up until you've got something resembling a full product.
To me developing Silverlight seems to take a very long time and the UX for a business application isn't massively improved over say ASP.NET Ajax (if the Ajax is done properly). I imagine if you were to sit down today and completely re-write a decent size application in Silverlight then Silverlight would be end of life before your development is completed (unless you threw a massive team at it of course)
If your business logic is well separated from the UI, you can start with "porting" your code to Delphi Prism rather than C#. This offers shorter migration path. If your business logic is tightly coupled with UI (as it happened frequently 10-15 years ago), then rewriting everything from scratch could be a better idea.
And once you have all the code in Pascal up and running, rewriting it in C# (if you need it at the end) is almost trivial with help of decompiler.

Real world usage of concatenative programming languages

What are some real-world projects done in concatenative languages like Forth, Factor, Joy, etc.?
factorcode.org, concatenative.org and tinyvid.tv are powered by Furnace, a Factor web server and framework.
PostScript is concatenative, and there's obviously a huge number of applications of PostScript. It's just not a general purpose programming language.
As Greg wrote, postscript is the mammoth example.
Concatenative languages pop up everywhere, quite naturally, because of the trivial nature of the language runtime. It's a favourite for many firmwares: I first encountered Forth "in the flesh" in the bootloader for a Sun Sparcstation. It powers the firmware for the OLPC.
Ocaml's parent, Caml was based on realising the semantics of functional programming as the Categorical Abstract Machine (the CAM in Caml).
Bibtex uses a concatenative language to compile style files.
There is the somewhat-obsolete but very cool Quartus Forth for Palm which allowed full compiled application development on the Palm device (Forth as a minimalist language works rather well in those circumstances). Their home page lists several Palm apps.
This FIG page has a list of mostly-embedded projects including a reference to the very cool use of Forth by NASA.
I met a guy at an Apple conference in Queensland back in about 1991 who had retailed a road planning application written in MacForth.
Christopher Diggins was talking about his Cat language being used inside Microsoft to help optimise compilers but I don't know if that went anywhere.
I suspect PowerMOPS (the successor to Neon) may elude the definition of concatenative because its big deal is adding object-orientation, which implies instances.
Take a look at FORTH Inc, They list several projects that they and their customers did, using their FORTH.
Eserv and nncron are written in SP-Forth.
Bitcoin protocol, and most of the other cryptocoins, uses pubkey scripts and signature scripts for validation of transactions:
Pubkey scripts and signature scripts combine secp256k1 pubkeys and signatures with conditional logic, creating a programable authorization mechanism.
These scripts are written in a concatenative language:
The script language is a Forth-like stack-based language deliberately designed to be stateless and not Turing complete. Statelessness ensures that once a transaction is added to the block chain, there is no condition which renders it permanently unspendable. Turing-incompleteness (specifically, a lack of loops or gotos) makes the script language less flexible and more predictable, greatly simplifying the security model.
Part of the firmware on Macs (at least in the older PowerPC models) was written in Forth.
See: Link
