TabControlRegionAdapter bindings in the tab header are broken under silverlight 3.0 - silverlight-3.0

This used to work fine under SL3 beta, but after I upgraded to SL3 RTM, the functionality stopped working.
In order to reproduce, just open and compile the ViewInjectionComposition solution in Quick starts. the tab header that used to display "Current Projects", now is empty.
has anyone else encountered the same problem?

I think the issue is this, taken from the Silverlight Toolkit 3 page:
Breaking Change: Moved from Silverlight 3 Beta SDK to Silverlight 3 Toolkit July 2009.
I am using references to compiled DLLs for my CAG libraries, so I will try recompiling those and let you know what happens.
Yeah - it's busted. Looking into the fix now... Not really helpful, I know - just wanted to confirm the issue.


Visual studio unable to evaluate anything in debug in any page of my blazor webassembly

I have a blazor webassembly app that is working fine and it is split in webassembly talking to a web api version all .Net Code
I use VS community Edition 2019 and suddenly after many modifications to my code I noticed that I am not able to debug and see any variable content(unable to Evaluate) at any break points anywhere in my web assembly app. I tried with an old version of my code which I know it was working then and same issue, so it is not the code.
I tried upgrading VS to ( from 16.6 something) without success and even uninstall & reinstall VS with no success.
The only new thing on my station was a windows update this week.
Is someone had something similar happening this week?
ps: What is weird is that I do not not have this problem in my web API solution portion just the webassembly solution.
I think I've been badluck to find many not working thread but finally it was simply to close VS . delete the .vs directory tehn relod the solution and it was OK. It is weird though that many old version of my code that never had this issue had the same problem. It was impossible to have all those .vs not working although I had not touched them in weeks. Anyway it is now working.

dotless MVC nuget package not working anymore

I have dotless nuget package installed on VS2012 and since 2 days or so it doesn't work anymore. Not even in older Projects that I didn't edit.
Whole .less file stays colorless with no live sample on the right, no intellisense and it's not compiled into the .css file anymore.
Already tried to reinstall it but that didn't help.
Anyone else experiencing problems? Solution?
Since noone seems to answer (dotless is also pretty unknown) I can give a part solution myself. I installed Mindscape that also has no highlighting in the left pane but it has a working right css pane. You can see that it doesn't work as it should do but it compiles and that's fine for now until I reinstall Visual Studio one day (I think VS is the problem).
Maybe that helps someone else too :-D

Problem with Silverlight 3 plugin on FireFox

I recently upgraded to SilverLight 3 (beta) and for some reason the SilverLight plug in will not view local SilverLight Projects, i.e. when I hit F5 (debug) I can see the page loading, but then nothing happens. Does anyone have any ideas?
I haven't tried the new beta yet, so I can't help you much, but it's possible that the old Silverlight plugin and the new beta plugin are conflicting. Try fully uninstalling both plugins and then reinstall.
It turns out it wasn't the FireFox plugin. For whatever reason the Silverlight 3 plugin is more strict than the Silverlight 2 plugin, and when debugging the project it will choke on displaying the app due to the as of now unfound error.
In my case it turned out to be an old version of the Toolkit dll, specifically the autocompletebox. It was compiling fine, but threw the runtime error every time it would try to load.


I've recently installed the MVC CTP5 and VS is now crashing on me when I try to open an aspx, I get the following error in event viewer:
.NET Runtime version 2.0.50727.3053 - Fatal Execution Engine Error (7A035E00) (80131506)
I was able to find This post on the forums relating to the same issue but nobody has had a working solution yet (at least not for me).
Just wondering if anyone else has run into this issue and what they have done to resolve it?
EDIT: Wanted to add that I have tried all the tips in the article and can open the markup with a code editor but was wondering an actual solution had been found to resolve this issue.. Thanks!
EDIT: I don't have this issue on my Vista box, seems to only occur on my XP VM.
I had a problem with Power Commands and Preview 5. If you have Power Commands installed, try updating or uninstalling it to fix the issue.
Here are a steps to work around from the post that work for me:
1.Open project based on CTP5
2.IN solution Explorer, enable "Show All files"
3.Open "bin" folder and delete "Microsoft.Web.Mvc.dll", "System.Web.Mvc.dll", "System.Web.Abstractions.dll", "System.Web.Routing.dll"
4.Open "References" folder, click ONCE "System.Web.Abstractions" and in Properties window change "Copy Local" to true. Repeat same with System.Web.Routing.
5.Build application (Ctrl+Shift+B)
6.Open site.master in designer. VS will not crash.
FYI - Microsoft has released a hotfix that fixes [at least some variations of] this problem:
A bit of a null answer but I’ve been having this too. Not that I restart VS often but cleaning out the bin folder before opening the web project is my workaround.
Have same problem, on vista x64 and vs2008 sp1. Have to do probably something with cleaning bin folder and system.web.routing/abstraction, because it crashes even on webforms project with (mvc) routing in it. When I delete all files from bin, and add references again, it works fine.
Really annoying bug in vs2008+ctp5!

Upgrading from MVC Preview 3 to Beta/RC

We have a web app that is using MVC Preview 3. I'm new to the project and relatively new to ASP.NET MVC itself - soon we will be looking to upgrade to either the Beta or RC version.
Are there any major difference between preview 3 and Beta version that would require extensive refactoring?
Any "gotchas"?
From my understanding the RC will be very close to the current Beta... does anyone have a view on this?
Any advice apprecited really.... thanks.
There were quite a few changes between preview 3 to the beta. IIRC the most pain came between preview 3 - preview 4.
One of the biggest gotchas is some of the functionality in the main dlls got placed into a separate dll because they were not going to be fully supported for the first release.
I suggest you brew a large pot of coffee and go and read everything Phil Haack and Scott Gu wrote around that time.
ASP NET MVC - Beta Release Notes has all the details regarding the changes. It is available at the mvc download page.
