I've just been informed at my workplace that we have an application that is used in production that has stopped working. I'm searching as best I can to find where the source for the application is in our source control but without much luck. I'm really hoping that this isn't an application that was developed on a local machine and never checked into source control.
It seems that this application is very old and the original developer is long gone. In an attempt to find out more about this application I've used the .NET Reflector to have a look inside...and I've found that it references mscorlib, System, System.Data, System.Drawing, and System.Windows.Forms but all of them state that they are version 1.0.5000.0.
How is this possible? Could it be that this is an application that was developed against the .NET 1.0 framework and has lived in production ever since? Is it possible that if .NET 1.0 were installed on the machine that it might run or is .NET 3.5 backwards compatible.
Finding .NET v1.0.5000.0 will be a minor thing if I can find the source code for the app...but if not, I may need to figure out how to get this app running in our current environment...
Sounds like .NET 1.0 is indeed on your production box... pretty sure you can run as many versions of .NET as you want installed in parallel.
Samuel has already pointed out the download location for .NET 1.0, but one other thing that may help, if you can't find the source, is the File Disassembler plugin for .NET Reflector. Then you can disassemble the whole thing in one hit & get what should be working source code (albeit with ugly private variable names).
Good luck...
This is the download for 1.0a. The production server will have 1.0 installed otherwise the application wouldn't run. And if it is an ASP application, IIS is configured to have it run in its own 1.0 app pool.
Can you extract out the source code from reflector and see if that can be made compilable? Disclaimer: I expect this suggestion is fully as kooky as it sounds.
I have Visutal Studio 2012, MVC 4 & Razor. I am having trouble getting a website up and running with this technology.
The Web Server is a Windows Server 2008 server. I tried deploying using the Web Deploy method but am consistently getting something like 'set ACL" error.
I tried deploying using the File System. All files got deployed, but when I try and run the website, it fails because of missing ASP.NET MVC infrastruccture files.
Two things:
•If I use Web-Deploy, how do I solve the ACL error, because I assume with this method, everything needed will get deployed.
Note that the Web Deploy 3.0 service is on the server and started.
•If I use File System, where can I find the downloads needed to deploy on the server where MVC WILL work.
◦Note that I downloaded the 4.5 Framework and was successfully installed.
You need to be a bit more precise with what you need help with.
What's the exact error.
Often times you need to give the IIS users group access to at least read from the directory where you've deployed. Did you do this already?
Do you have .NET 4.5 and MVC4 installed on the server? If not, are you expecting those DLLs to be "packaged" with your deployment? They generally are not since they are "standard" assemblies. But if you want them to be included in your deployment you can do that by selecting the references in VS and saying "copy." This is not recommended because when you install patches to .NET and MVC on the server, those updates will not carry through to your app, since it'll use the local (old) copies of your assemblies.
This may be more of an IIS issue, but not sure based on the details in your question.
Check that the application pool that the site is running under is using .net 4.0.
Just a thought I would check.
What do I need to do to my Windows 2008 / IIS 7.5 server to allow me to host my new MVC3 applications. It already has .NET 4.0 Framework installed...
I dont want to use the /Bin deployment that I read of on the Internet.
Thanks Paul
You just need to run the MVC3 installer!
All of the DLLs required by your app that are not part of the framework itself SHOULD be deployed into your applications ~/bin folder. Putting DLLs in the GAC is evil.
Benefits of ~/bin deployment:
Your application is guaranteed to have the correct (which is not always the same as the latest) version of each assembly that it requires
Redploying your application keeps those dependencies in sync with your app's requirements.
If you remove the app from the server, you don't leave shrapnel from the installation laying around that is no longer required.
~/bin installation is much, much cleaner than any alternative. I'd like to hear your reasons for avoiding it.
Requirements for MVC3:
Download and install MVC3.
Update your web application project to reference the MVC3 assemblies. (You might create a new, empty MVC3 app and compare the assembly references it includes)
Rebuild and run your unit tests. (You do have a test project, don't you?)
Have a serious look at Razor - it rocks.
It's refers to MVC2 but should work all the same
If you have access to RDP into your server perhaps the Web Platform installer is the "easiest"
The project is developed using ASP.NET MVC framework and heavily relies on .NET 3.5.
What would be the best solution to allow a web designer, who is using OSX, to develop the site's UI? Basically he would just need to edit the aspx, css and js files, but also run the web application locally.
I've thought of some possibilites:
Install parallels/vmware/bootcamp and set up everything as you would for windows. Bad: it would be slow, OSX user doesn't like working in windows
Set up Mono and run the webapp on that. Use whatever tool you want for editing the front end files. Bad: does mono support MVC framework, .NET 3.5 and database connections? Unfamiliar platform, so possibly a lot of work setting it up, if it even will work.
Run the site on a separate server, and edit the front end files via network drive. Bad: our development server is so slow that seeing the changes takes too long...
Do you have other ideas or comments for these options?
You could try using a virtual machine. VirtualBox is a free one and is quite simple to setup. The only downside is that you need your own copy of Windows...
What you really need to do is have your web designer mock up the pages in static HTML, CSS, and JavaScript first (in their environment of preference.) Once that's done, adapting the markup to the ASP.NET project should be easily doable by yourself or the designer on a Windows machine (or virtual machine, your preference).
The MVC framework is part of Mono. Ares Technica has an article about the MVC framework and running it on Mono.
While it seems that some people were able to hack the framework to work on Mono back in March and April of this year, Microsoft has since released the MVCframework as open source and it is now fully supported by Mono as of the 2.4.2 release.
Here is a link to the most recent Mono releases along with Virtual Machine images that already been pre-configured to give you the best development experience.
Good luck with your project and hope this helps some.
Is there something special you usually have to do? I have a DailyRazor .Net Starter account, but it won't run my MVC app. Any ideas?
I have contacted support but they said it should work, but it's not... Thought maybe someone here could help me faster.
I've been through this with Gearhost.
Your host needs to install the following on your IIS server:
They need to enable the following settings:
If it's running IIS 6 on Windows 2003:
Enable Wildcard Mappings: (1), (2)
If it's running IIS 7 on Windows 2008, then you don't need to do anything.
Regarding your Linq error; that means they probably don't have the correct version of the .NET Framework installed. I'd open a ticket and ask them. If they seem unwilling to help or to upgrade your server, there are plenty of hosts that will, and I can make recommendations if you'd like.
It sounds like the host does not have the latest version of the .net framework installed (3.5) , or if they do, your web application is perhaps set up to use an older version of asp.net.
Also, if they happen to be running on IIS6, there are a few extra steps they may have to do:
Try copying the MVC assemblies (System.Web. Abstractions, MVC, and Routing) to your Bin folder.
In reference to your error, you can try adding the System.Linq dll to your bin folder to see if that gets rid of that error. Does your host have .NET 3.5 installed?
You need to copy System.Core.dll to your Bin folder.
Alternatively, ask DailyRazor to install .Net 3.5. (They might not listen, though)
I'm using Mono 2.4 on the Ubiquity web hosting service.
I created a simple MVC tutioal applciation, linked here, and verified that it worked using all Microsoft tools.
Next, the application was updated to point to a MySQL server database running on my Ubiquity host. The application works great on a Microsoft based machine.
Now, I am trying to deploy the application to the mono server on Ubiquity.
I set System.Web.MVC so it will CopyLocal=true.
I deployed the application to the mono server.
I get this error:
Description: Error parsing a resource required to service this request. Review your source file and modify it to fix this error.
Parser Error Message: Assembly System.Data.Entity, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 not found
Version information: Mono Version: 2.0.50727.1433; ASP.NET Version: 2.0.50727.1433
I am guessing the problem could be...
A) The Entity framework is not supported in mono. I need to use something other than the Microsoft Data Entity Framework.
B) The public key token for the mono version of System.Data.Entity is not "b77a5c561934e089".
C) There is something else going on.
I tried setting CopyLocal=true for the System.Entity.Data dll. Thus, the Microsoft version of the DLL deployed to my mono server. I have doubts that this is legal. At any rate, that only produced the following error:
Got a SIGSEGV while executing native code. This usually indicates
a fatal error in the mono runtime or one of the native libraries
used by your application.
Can somebody confirm that it is possible to use the Microsoft Entity Framework on Mono? I am probably going to migrate away from the Microsoft Entity Framework, per this comment in the Microsoft MVC tutorial linked above..
"The ASP.NET MVC framework is not tied to the Microsoft Entity Framework. You can create >your database model classes by taking advantage of a variety of Object Relational Mapping >(OR/M) tools including LINQ to SQL, Subsonic, and NHibernate."
However, for the sake of consistency, I would like to use the Microsoft Entity Framework on mono if that is possible.
I can confirm that EntityFramework, Microsoft Chart Controls, and Microsoft Sync Framework do NOT work on mono on Linux, despite different claims from Microsoft and/or MS-employees.
That is because Sync Framwork uses pinvoke with a COM interop component, Microsoft Chart Controls has DirectorySeparator issues, and the EntityFramwork namespace is not ported to mono, yet.
So note that when Microsoft says "works with mono", they mean "with mono on Windows".
It is estimated that the EntityFramwork port will take 1 year at least, until it reaches alpha/beta stage, that is, if somebody would decide to do that.
But there are no official plans to port EntityFramework.
EntityFramwork might work/s on the windows version of mono, as long as you set localcopy to true.
I advise you to use nhibernate instead.
As of Mono 2.11.3, Microsoft has open sourced EntityFramework.
Hence, it is now a part of Mono's distribution.
This version comes with 349 commits, with around 514 file changes.
It includes 15553 insertions
and 3717 deletions.
Two down, one to go.
I guess this means:
You should set CopyLocal = true for the System.Data.Entity assembly as well. You noted that you copied System.Web.MVC local, but never mentioned that you copied System.Data.Entity locally. You might also need to copy local any of the assemblies that System.Data.Entity depends upon that are not part of Mono.
It looks like there is no support in Mono for EDF at the moment, but someone is working on it.